the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
"men don't need to be afraid walking around at night"
Unless they're black
"men make more than women in jobs"
Black men make less than white women on average
"men don't get followed around by people who mean them harm"
Black men are heavily policed and regularly jumped and killed for just walking down the street
"no one tells a man what he can and cannot do with his own body"
Black men are repeatedly assaulted and have their hair forcibly shaved or cut for wearing their hair natural and in culturally important styles. Black men who choose body modifications like tattoos or piercings are branded as thugs. Black men who have children and black men who don't have children are both regarded as players, hounddogs, absent fathers, and baby daddies, as if the logical answer is that no one's first choice of partner and father of their children would ever be a black man.
"no one judges a man's worth based on his clothes"/"a man isn't ever in danger no matter what he wears"
Black men are required to look presentable and professional according to eurocentric standards, push themselves into clothes not made for their bodies, and be highly uncomfortable in their daily lives or else risk 'fitting the profile' or 'matching the description' and getting detained by police AT BEST for the crime of existing in public. Black men wearing comfortable clothes are seen as sloppy, thugs, gangsters, street rats, hood and ghetto.
"no man fears rape"
The rape and sexual assault of black men ties directly to black buck stereotypes and black fetishization to the point where liking a black person or having your dating pool be open to black people is treated like a sexuality much like being gay. People are both threatened by and aroused by our bodies and that leads them to perform extreme acts of violence on us, including rape, SA, coercion, trafficking, and more. Much like how "tranny" and "lesbian" is a porn category, so is Big Black Cock. Sometimes with us featured as the rapist. Sometimes with us featured as the victim. Almost never with us featured as intimate, passionate, loving, tender. Black men are either to be feared and reviled, or to be broken and forced to submit. Direct ties to slavery with white people still getting off to our suffering.
Just say you don't care as much about black people's suffering and go, jesus.
I have privilege because I sometimes pass as a man? Try walking in my shoes for a while. Turns out being a black man vs being a black woman isn't always so different.
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
love in any form is just like *points at something* β€œthat’s us” *points at something* β€œhaha u” *points at something* β€œit’s y
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
idkkk,, it just hurts when i run
u can have my knee cap for 5 quid if y want
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me rising from the grave,, to say hi motherfucker
helo morherfycker
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
i mean its going
my body’s decided to break today my tummy hurts and i couldn’t run bc of my knee
but its good
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me rising from the grave,, to say hi motherfucker
helo morherfycker
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
how r u
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me rising from the grave,, to say hi motherfucker
helo morherfycker
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
cpy and paste dude
bleep bloop the robots r taking over
how did u have time foe this
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
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Snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
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Make me choose: Anonymous​ asked Taylor Swift or Britney Spears?
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
girl in novel: hi my older brother who is 17 years old and popular, do you want breakfast ?
her brother: yes, remember when mom died when you were 4 and our dad is an alcoholic ?
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
Borrow books, share pdfs, email ebooks. Understand that academia is expensive. Make it more accessible, help someone gain knowledge. Dismantle the disparity with second-hand books and hand-me-downs. Share. Share. Share.
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
actually supervillains with kid hero nemeses are hysterical bc if i was a billionaire and i found out the kid who was also my nemesis was a preteen orphan i would simply adopt them. oh you’re going to stop my nefarious schemes? how when you’re grounded. go to your room
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
u at school
cant relate
u have covid
how disgusting
cant relate
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
ewwwwwww 😷😷😷
i have to protect myself from u
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
This is his year.
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the-demon-killer Β· 2 years
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