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Electric Spike ProjectionIncisive Limbs
Click on it twice. These are your two super powers.
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What Is Stimming?
Stimming is self-stimulatory behavior. Stimming is usually a repetitive sensory action and it's used to help level out the amount of sensory input you're getting, whether it's too much or too little input!
What Counts As Stimming?
There's so many ways to stim that it's impossible to list them all, but the most basic criteria is that it's a repetition of a sensory activity.
I don't have ADHD and I'm not autistic. Am I allowed to use this term?
Everyone stims! Stimming is not exclusive to just ADHD and autism, and even neurotypical people stim whether they realize it or not! I personally think that it's perfectly okay to use the word "stim" for your experiences regardless of if you're autistic/have ADHD or not.
What Are Some Examples Of Stimming?
Tactile (Touching things)
Running hands over a blanket, petting an animal, tracing your fingers along the seams of something, squishing something, picking at things, touching cold/warm things, patting something, pressing buttons, flipping switches.
Auditory (Listening to things)
Listening to the same song over and over, listening to ASMR/things popular in ASMR (like clay cracking, soap crunching, fingernail tapping, etc), listening to a rhythm, listening to a favorite voice, shaking an object around for the noise.
Verbal (Making noises with your mouth)
Singing, repeating words/phrases, speaking in accents repetitively, whistling, beatboxing, mimicking animals/sounds, toungue clicking, making random noises like beeps or pops.
Visual (Watching/Staring at things)
Watching paint mixing videos, watching repetitive color/shape patterns, staring at ceiling fans, blinking repetitively, watching things spin, watching bubbles/water, watching people mix glitter, watching lights.
Smell (Smelling things)
Smelling a candle, smelling a favorite item (like a blanket or toy), smelling pets, etc. Pretty much smelling anything repeatedly!
Taste/Oral (Tasting/Chewing things)
Chewing on things, eating specific foods for the texture, eating specific foods for the flavor, eating spicy/minty foods for the sensory effects, licking certain objects.
Body Stims (Moving body parts)
Hand flapping, cracking knuckles, rocking, leg swinging, pacing, tapping fingers, doing little stomps, general fidgeting, jumping/bouncing, moving certain body parts in specific ways, shifting around in your seat.
This does not encompass every single stim! These are just some examples to help provide a better idea of what they are, and there's still tons and tons of unique ways to stim that weren't listed here, like how I tap my fingertips together, or how I clear my throat repetitively!
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We had an "imaginary friend" named Elizabeth, who protected us from a terrifying guy who wore a suit. She was only around when he was. She also told us that she could never age. Going more in detail on the man with Dylan's memories, he scared us so bad we wouldn't even go through the house. We would scream and cry and beg to not go. Elizabeth told us once that he was here to "take us back and hurt us." (mind you we were 5/6.)
One night recently we woke up crying and unnerved, as if someone was watching us and said, " not again; not again." - Dylan and Lisa
i just had the weirdest moment, i was feeling my front teeth with my tongue because they’re the tiniest bit crooked, and then i had the thought “i’ll check if they’re also crooked in my other mouth” and then i realized to my shock and confusion that i have only one mouth, leading me to believe that in a past life i was a terrible monster with two mouths
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this is the only ship that matters
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My ancestors, watching me dump an entire stick of cinnamon, two cloves, an allspice berry, and a generous grating of nutmeg into my tea, sweetened with white sugar and loaded with cream, while I sit in my clean warm house surrounded by books, 25+ outfits for different occasions, and 6 pairs of shoes, in a building heated so well I have the windows open in mid-autumn:
Our daughter prospers. We are proud of her. She has never labored in a field but knows riches we could not have imagined.
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Actor!Mark throughout the years
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Reblog if you believe alters are people and not just “alternate personalities”
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So I found this cool website for learning ancient languages
go wild
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Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
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It’s mental health awareness month! How to support someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
If they disclose to you that they have DID:
• Accept them. Tell them that you still respect and care for them.
• Tell them that you are there if they need your help.
• Tell them to let you know if there are any triggers that are important for you to know. If they choose to tell you any, be patient and understanding. Listen attentively.
Helpful things to say or ask:
• “Is there anything you need me to do to make sure you feel safe in our relationship?
• “If you want to tell me more about it, I am here to listen.”
• “If there are any triggers you think I should be aware of, please let me know.”
• “I’m here if you need help with anything.”
• “I still love you and you are still my friend/family/partner.”
• Ask if they are dangerous or if they are going to harm you.
• Ask them what their trauma is.
• Call them crazy.
• Suggest that their mental illness is caused by supernatural or pseudoscientific means. (AKA, NEVER suggest that someone is possessed or haunted.)
• Bombard them with questions.
• Demand proof.
• Force then to switch as evidence.
• React in an unkind or rude way.
• Minimize or invalidate them.
• Tell them DID isn’t real.
• Deny their existence or refuse to call their alters by their names.
• Demand any answers from them.
Unhelpful things to say or ask:
• “I’ve known you for [span of time]. I would have noticed if you had it.”
• “It’s fine as long as you aren’t going to murder me.”
• “What’s your trauma? Did [traumatic event] happen to you?”
• “Isn’t that really rare? How could you have it?”
• “You had an easy childhood so there’s no way.”
• “You don’t know what ‘hard’ is.” “You were lucky to have the childhood you had.”
• “I just don’t get why you’re doing this to me.”
• “Can you imagine how hard this is for me?”
• “Tell me your triggers.”
If they’re switching or dissociating:
• Be patient with them.
• Tell them that it’s okay, and to take their time.
• Politely ask who’s fronting.
• Reintroduce yourself, as if a new person just walked into the room.
• Fill them in if they are unaware of what is going on.
• Snap or clap in their face.
• Express that you only want to interact with the previously fronting alter.
• Raise your voice, or try to force them to “snap out of” their dissociation.
• Ask if they are going to harm you, or if they are “evil”.
• Tell them “they should know what’s happening”, or refuse to fill them in on what is happening.
• Accuse or blame them for not being a good friend, not listening, or dissociating. 
DID is a highly stigmatized disorder. People fear disclosing this disorder to their loved ones, because their safety could be compromised. They trusted you enough to tell you. It is your job to create a space of love, acceptance, and respect for them.
🖤 Delphine
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Do u ever read a friend’s fic and it’s like holy shit how do you consider me qualified to talk to you?
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It's Dylan!
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another fuckin ’ Picrew tag thing
tagging : @lavenderlolipop​ , @ramdumdum, @frenchie-vanilla​ , @anyone else that want to join lol
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who has the worst url on tumblr.com
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One for the lads
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