the-dream-granter · 1 year
"Cassy! Happy mother's day!" says Thursday as she presents charm with a basket full of goodies - yummy-scented bath bombs, candles, snacks, and fun pens.
The witch gasps at the basket and giggles lightly "Why thank you love!" Charm looks like charms about to cry at the kind gesture from Thursday as charm takes the basket and places it on a nearby table and brings in Thursday for a warm hug. From behind the counter peeks a tiny little kid, there's the baby of the hour! The little fae waves at Thursday with a giggle.
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
Thursday carefully makes her way out to Cassy's cafe in the middle of the enchanted woods. She's not nervous like she was the first time she found herself out here - namely because now she's not lost, having been this way many times before. She recognizes all the landmarks and what creatures and plants to avoid, so there's no terrible danger to her, at least not as she sees it.
She has some very exciting news that she wants to share with her dear friend, an excitement which exudes out of her very being.
She knocks on the door out of habit before cracking it open, the little bell tinkling overhead to let the shop owner know that there's a customer.
"Helloooo!" she calls into the shop and makes her way over to the space of counter where Cassy usually shows up. "Customer demanding service up front! Well, not demanding, but asking politely!"
There's a couple of clutter sounds coming from the backroom, and eventually, Cassy appears. There's a small figure covered in a blanket resting in crys arms. Little pointy wing ears pop out from the blanket. Cassy is talking to it, is that a child? Does Cassy have a kid now?
"Oh sorry darling, I've been so busy lately I haven't had time to have any customers! Really the whole forest has been letting me take a break after this little dear showed up at my doorstep." Cassy softly says as crys lowers the blanket. In crys arms now rests a small child, wavy short black hair, and some gorgeous purple eyes that look up at the witch. A pair of gorgeous, yet fragile, fairy wings come from the back of the child, folded downward
"They were abandoned at my doorstep, a little fae. Juliet I called them." Juliet then turns to look at Thursday, making a grab motion at her with one of her hands. "Now dearie no need to bother our story friend." The toddler then returns to leaning on Cassy more, closing their eyes.
"Did you need something darling? I'm sure I can make some space for you if you need anything." Her voice is soothing, a lullaby spell in order to get the little one to stay calm more often
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
Send 'A car, my kingdom for a car' for a Modern AU.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
"I may be running on four hours of sleep, a caffeine drink that made my hands shake, and sheer willpower, but I am determined to get you this cake," says Thursday, who looks a little too wired for her own good with her manic grin and eyes that clearly show that she did not sleep well the night before because she was up all night putting a puzzle together. "I mean- in the oven- I will get this cake, in the oven."
The witch stuck charms head into the kitchen after hearing her words. Charm had asked Thursday to help out a bit with the simpler things like putting cakes in and out of the ovens while charm ran the counter, but charm's starting to think it wasn't the best of ideas. "Thursday... Did you stay up all night?" Charm asks, sounding like a disappointed mom
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
Heyo! I was wondering if you could do some cooking/baking prompts? I'd like a few in each category you have (action, scenario, dialogue) but if you can't/don't wanna do all, that's totally fine <3
Baking/Cooking Prompts
I was so inspired by this. I'm so sorry. And I'm on a roll lol.
WARNINGS: Mention of vomit/emetophobia. Diet. Disease mention. Food poisoning.
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FLOUR; One character throws flour at the other. 
TREAT; Baking for the sake of gifting. 
RECIPE; Struggling to follow a recipe. 
ASSISTANCE; One helping the other in the kitchen. 
APOLOGY; A character giving another one an apology treat. 
WORK; Two characters opening up a bakery. 
ORDER; One ordering a treat for the other. 
POISON; One character apologizing profusely for food poisoning the other. 
HELP; Cake baking and two characters trying to get along. 
EAT; A character swiping some of the ingredients. 
SMEAR; Smearing cake on the other’s face. 
KISS; Kissing the icing off the other’s cheek. 
CLEAN; Cleaning the kitchen after a cooking disaster. 
SURPRISE; Surprising the other with a cake on their birthday. 
FEED; One character shoving cake in the other’s mouth. 
WEDDING; Cutting the wedding cake. 
FIGHT; A food fight started by a slight disagreement leading to hours of work. 
SLIP; One character being caught by the other by slipping on stray butter. 
NOTE; Gifting chocolate with a love note. 
REVENGE; One character placing peppers in the other’s food after they keep stealing their lunch. 
1) After months of hard work, we finally opened up our bakery, aren’t you happy?
2) You come in for an order at my bakery, and I notice how good you look.
3) No, eating the ingredients is not baking. Stop! 
4) How can you look so attractive with flour in your hair? 
5) You baked me a cake for my birthday? Me? 
6) Don’t. Touch. My. Cake. Or I’ll make sure it’s in your face. Dammit. 
7) Sometimes, I think you just married me for my baking skills because that’s all you seem to want these days. Especially when you’re sick. Yes I’ll make you those cookies. 
8) You’re on a diet and I’m getting tired of fending you away from my cookies. Get. Out! 
9) IT SAID A CUP. A CUP. Are you trying to sabotage us? 
10) We’re competitive bakers, and I never realized how well we’d work together until we nearly made the same cake. 
11) You’re on my baking team, and we keep brushing our hands together. It’s as intoxicating as the sugar on this baking tray. 
12) You have a bit of icing on your lip, and I take it upon me to wipe it off. We’re really close now. 
13) You’re my favorite customer in the bakery, and I refuse to close even on the bad days, because your smile brightens my day. 
14) SPLATTERING OIL. SPLATTERING OIL. Please, be my meatshield? 
15) Am I baking, or am I educating toddlers on measurements? My God. You point to ⅓ cup and say a tablespoon and… nevermind. 
16) I may be running on four hours of sleep, a caffeine drink that made my hands shake, and sheer willpower, but I am determined to get you this cake. 
17) I’m going to make your favorite food for breakfast on your birthday. Even if you want to pretend that your day doesn’t exist. Not happening. 
18) Just, cut up the carrots without cutting up yourself. It’s not hard. Please. Okay, and you failed. Great. 
19) I fear the pan. You don’t fear the pan. You’re the cook. End of discussion. 
20) It’s only when I’m bent over the toilet that I realize I have food poisoning. Great. Thankfully, you’re here to make sure I’m hydrated and taken care of. 
21) “You poisoned me!” “I did not!” “You did!” 
22) “Am I sick? Am I dying? I think I see the light.” “You have food poisoning. Not a disease.” 
23) “I am NOT your meatshield.” “OIL.” 
24) “It’s not my birthday.” “It is your birthday, and I’m making you a cake.” 
25) “Did you hurt yourself?” 
26) “Hey, welcome back! What can I get for you?” 
27) “I am determined to not break my visiting streak, dammit. Let me in.” 
28) “One cookie?” “No.” 
29) “Are we cooking or are we crying?” “Both.” 
30) “How much did you put in this?” 
31) “You have flour in your hair.” “Do I look sexy?” “Only to a baker.” 
32) “I have cake in my eyes.” “Yeah, and I have cake down my shirt!” “Then just take off your shirt.”
33) “Do you even know how to use a knife?” 
34) “Are you going to order something?” “Uuh… you?” “Not on the menu, try again in a few weeks.” 
35) “Is it illegal to be married to cake?” “Well, no. But then you wouldn’t be married to me, and I make the cake.” 
36) “It’s three o’clock in the morning. What are you—” “Eeeugh, cupcakes.” 
37) “Nice cake!” “...” “NOT LIKE THAT!” 
38) “Hey, no touchy!” 
39) “Stop eating the mixture! Do you want salmonella?” 
40) “You taste sweet. Like sugar.” “Must be part of being a baker.” “Or just your personality.” “Hah.” 
41) “Sweetcheeks?” “No.” 
42) “We make a good team.” 
43) “I’m gonna—mmhm, this is good—tell all my friends. Marry a baker. It’ll turn out good in the end.” “Let me know if you’re still saying that when you don’t fit into your jeans.” 
44) “If I eat another piece of sugar, I am going to vomit.” “Away from the cake, please. I worked hard on that.” 
45) “Meh, these cakes aren’t as good as the ones you make.” 
46) “You made it just how Mom/Dad does.” 
47) “CAKE?” “Yes.” “WHOOOO!” 
48) “Why is there cake?” “It’s your birthday.” “...It is?” 
49) “Sugar crash incoming.” 
50) “I made you this to apologize. I hope it’s all right.” 
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
"We don't know and I'm not having your arm fall off because you decided to mess around and find out!" The witch bonks Thursday with charms wand, which glows a soft pink as it aids to light their way throughout darker places. Cassandra rolls her eyes quietly
This whole landscape is a place charm has been told a bit about, but not enough, and charm was curious! So charm decided to accompany Thursday into it, seeing as charm has more of a chance to protect them both with charms spells and the like.
"Anywho, Thursday, do you have any idea where we are? Because I think we've lost our way." Even though charm took precautions, it was inevitable that they'd get lost.
"put that down !  you’re like a child thursday!"
[ CASSANDRA / @the-dream-granter ]
Thursday hurriedly puts down the stick she picked up and brushes her hands off on her pants.
"Sorry! It was a really cool-looking stick!" she says, looking kind of guilty but also not really understanding why she is being rebuked and compared to a child. "Why, what was wrong with it?"
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the-dream-granter · 1 year
The witch simply laughs "Oh darling I just call it champagne so that I dont have to drink any actual champagne, the taste is just, not ot for me. You know I prefer sweets" Charm giggles before drinking from her own glass, its delicious, like a syrup but not thick, it feels like a soda with gas yet tastes like a sweet mix of things.
"I made it myself! It's made at the beginning of each year so that the taste can be just right by new years. A special mix I make, it's a hit back in the kingdoms" Charm chuckles before sighing "Unfortunately i've got to leave early, celebrations back home need my attention, however I'll leave you with a bottle of my hand made mix to remember me, remember darling if there's anything you need from me you know where to find me"
Charm chuckles before taking a gorgeous hand made glass bottle from charms pocket and putting it on a table, the pink ribbon shining gorgeously. The witch waves goodbye before hopping through a portal back to the kingdoms.
🍾 - Thursday
[ @the-dream-granter]
Thursday does not appreciate the taste of any alcohol, but that does not stop her from trying just about anything that is put in front of her. Ever since getting her body back from the mist parasite, she's been excited about trying anything and everything.
"Oooh, is this magical champagne, Cassy?" she asks, holding up the glass and looking at it with curiosity. "You know, I remember hearing somewhere that champagne is actually a special kind of wine that's only called champagne because it's grown somewhere in France. Is there somewhere like that in your world?"
"In any case," she says, shrugging, and clinks glasses with charm before taking a tentative sip of it. Unless it is very sweet, her face is going to scrunch up at the bitter taste. But that won't stop her from drinking it all.
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
Were it not for the fact there were others around them, Cassy would touch on the topic, but for the time being charm decides that perhaps trying to help him distract would be nicer. "I've never told Thursday about the area that she visits, while she only knows the forest and the cafe, this is all part of a wonderful place called the Seven Kingdoms."
"Every kingdom has a fairytale its based on, with my forest being based off the one which I emerged from, The Dream Granter, of a witch with the ability to grant dreams for a price" Cassandra calls over a map on a shelf onto the table, it's an expansive world, however it looks so interesting.
Charm points at the sea kingdom which is named Nitalis "This is the tale of the Lady of the Storm, a queen who braved the waves with a crew of pirates and nobles, who all grew to know each other as trustable. It is the greatest port city that connects us to other places, plus they are the hub for the dimensional travelers."
Then, charm points to the decayed and dead area, called Vitali "This is the tale of the Roses from Beyond the Veil, of how death became death and created this safe haven for those that had passed onto the other side." And then charm points to another one
A gorgeous grand kingdom, golden in colors and bright with hope, named Stratos "This is the story titled Sugar and Spice Makes Everything Nice, of how a pair of twins defeated an evil lord, and instead of banishing him, they showed him compassion despite everything he'd done, allowing him redemption and reforming his once kingdom of evil."
Charm's next spot was a beautiful coral built place south from Nitalis, named Cristalia "This one is The Siren's Laughter, of how a beautiful siren conquered the lagoons and re established connections between the kingdoms through the rivers and lakes, and how she taught the world to not fear them." And the next and last kingdom is well, not so much of a kingdom, like the forest, it's attached to it actually.
There is a line between The Forest of Fantasies and The Huntsmans Marksline "This one is the tale of how a huntsman was blessed by a phoenix with its feather, to be able to create arrows of flame and to bring the forest life and death, to allow life to continue growing and decaying, to show that it is natural."
There is one more place which charm is clearly avoiding, an area dark and deep with letters in white written over it that declare it The Silent Expanse. "I have the books for each of them, but if you want to see a biggg library, Stratos' library is magestic, Cristalia has so much sea history, and Vitali has general history too"
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[It’s safe here, @parables-for-days]
Cassandra chuckles, unphased by the mouth of the other, for charm is no ordinary human. “Well, between personal expirience with your kind and my encyclopedia of beings and beasts. I’ve gained knowledge of quite a few different beings” Charm speaks as charm readies a kettle on the stove behind the counter, the kitchen is partially visible.
“You would be right if you remember me from those places though, however I am still just a simple witch.” The scent of the magical tea being brewed spread through the cafe, a few beings entering through the windows. It’s a cold day, but not cold enough to stay inside, so creatures are going to the cafe.
A few look at Cyrus with interest before returning to going to seat or the like. There are Fairies, some small Wyrms, and other forest animals. However, when a werewolf dressed in black laced wedding attire enters and holds the door open for a beautiful lady dressed in whites is when the attention of Cassy is caught the most.
“Oh! Mr. Wolf and Mrs. Steine! It’s a pleasure to see you here! What brings you to my cafe today?” The wolf replies “Cassandra, our pleasure likewise, we’d like some of that darling cake of yours, it is our wedding anniversary after all” The witch gasps “Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! I’m so sorry I’ll get you something prepared! Please take a seat, I insist!”
The couple just chuckles “No need to rush dear, we didn’t want to make a big deal of it this time, just two slices of that vanilla velvet cake of yours would be nice” And it’s all in the way Cassy interacts with everyone, by the time charm had gone behind the counter into the kitchen to prepare the cake slices, Cyrus’ tea was floating to his table, the couple sitting on the one infront of him.
The forest is the Witch’s home, and that’s clear with how charm interacts with everyone else, everyone knows charms, and charm knows everyone that enters and leaves it, it’s, it’s lovely, it’s lovely to see the way the witch has made a community so safe for everyone in it.
A few minutes later the witch comes rushing back out with the cake, placing it on the table before going over to sit with Cyrus, the cafe feels lively, but calm, the winter does this. “Whoh, thank you for waiting for me darling, it’s simply a busy day today, I hope you don’t mind i’ve been all over the place”
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
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[It's safe here, @parables-for-days]
Cassandra chuckles, unphased by the mouth of the other, for charm is no ordinary human. "Well, between personal expirience with your kind and my encyclopedia of beings and beasts. I've gained knowledge of quite a few different beings" Charm speaks as charm readies a kettle on the stove behind the counter, the kitchen is partially visible.
"You would be right if you remember me from those places though, however I am still just a simple witch." The scent of the magical tea being brewed spread through the cafe, a few beings entering through the windows. It's a cold day, but not cold enough to stay inside, so creatures are going to the cafe.
A few look at Cyrus with interest before returning to going to seat or the like. There are Fairies, some small Wyrms, and other forest animals. However, when a werewolf dressed in black laced wedding attire enters and holds the door open for a beautiful lady dressed in whites is when the attention of Cassy is caught the most.
"Oh! Mr. Wolf and Mrs. Steine! It's a pleasure to see you here! What brings you to my cafe today?" The wolf replies "Cassandra, our pleasure likewise, we'd like some of that darling cake of yours, it is our wedding anniversary after all" The witch gasps "Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry I'll get you something prepared! Please take a seat, I insist!"
The couple just chuckles "No need to rush dear, we didn't want to make a big deal of it this time, just two slices of that vanilla velvet cake of yours would be nice" And it's all in the way Cassy interacts with everyone, by the time charm had gone behind the counter into the kitchen to prepare the cake slices, Cyrus' tea was floating to his table, the couple sitting on the one infront of him.
The forest is the Witch's home, and that's clear with how charm interacts with everyone else, everyone knows charms, and charm knows everyone that enters and leaves it, it's, it's lovely, it's lovely to see the way the witch has made a community so safe for everyone in it.
A few minutes later the witch comes rushing back out with the cake, placing it on the table before going over to sit with Cyrus, the cafe feels lively, but calm, the winter does this. "Whoh, thank you for waiting for me darling, it's simply a busy day today, I hope you don't mind i've been all over the place"
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
Cassy listens and then nods, it takes charms a moment and charm tries to connect the dots but fails. "My name is Cassandra, I am a witch. I have brought Thursday plenty o pastries and have taught her how to cook desserts as well. However I don't leave my cafe that often so I am not that regular of a visitor."
The witch gently gets up, adjusting charms bow just the slightest. A small fairy approaches charms, and charm whispers something to them, they twirl and go into the basket, leaving with a cupcake the size of them. "Please don't mind my forest friends, they are looking for me since I provide them food. The winter however is cruel, it is why I cannot allow you to be out here on your own little nightcrawler."
Charms voice is soft, it feels almost motherly "Come on now, I promise it's warm and safe in my cafe. I'll treat you to anything you desire as well" Charm giggles as cha gets up again leading the way to the Cafe. It's a gently colored place, inside it looks cozy, a bit of candy shop vibes, but the smell of pastries is so delicious.
"What would you like dear? Feel free to sit wherever." Speaks the witch as charm goes behind the counter to fetch charms trusty cookie tray, which magically floats toward wherever Cyrus decides to go
Ghostday kicked Cyrus out of the control booth by tossing him through a portal and into Cassy's enchanted forest, so she could speak to Thursday in private. She could have just taken Thursday out of the control booth, but she got annoyed at him for berating her with the latest revelation of the whole plan.
At first he thought the enchanted forest was nice. It reminded him a lot of his home planet, where much of it was covered in similar greenery.
But now he's upset, sitting down at the base of a massive tree because he's tired, he's sick himself even though he's been given medications to alleviate his pain and discomfort, and, worst of all, his heart is broken.
He's so weak he can't even maintain his human disguise, so currently he is in his Nightcrawler form.
Crying for Nightcrawlers is a little bit different than humans. They have similar facial expressions, but there are no tears. They cannot shed actual tears. But they can sound like they are crying.
The witch had been wandering around the forest, foraging a few things here and there. And then charm sees a nightcrawler, where did a nightcrawler come from? They’re not meant to appear in these forests. However cha thought very little before approaching the crying nightcrawler, kneeling infront of him and extending out charms hand with a cookie in it.
“Excuse me darling, is everything alright? Would you like to accompany me to my cafe? It’s not safe out here in the wild.” Failing to recognize the being to be Cyrus, after all, charm has never even known of him being a nightcrawler. Charm gently holds out the thing, charms gentle gaze giving a feeling of safety to anyone.
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
Ghostday kicked Cyrus out of the control booth by tossing him through a portal and into Cassy's enchanted forest, so she could speak to Thursday in private. She could have just taken Thursday out of the control booth, but she got annoyed at him for berating her with the latest revelation of the whole plan.
At first he thought the enchanted forest was nice. It reminded him a lot of his home planet, where much of it was covered in similar greenery.
But now he's upset, sitting down at the base of a massive tree because he's tired, he's sick himself even though he's been given medications to alleviate his pain and discomfort, and, worst of all, his heart is broken.
He's so weak he can't even maintain his human disguise, so currently he is in his Nightcrawler form.
Crying for Nightcrawlers is a little bit different than humans. They have similar facial expressions, but there are no tears. They cannot shed actual tears. But they can sound like they are crying.
The witch had been wandering around the forest, foraging a few things here and there. And then charm sees a nightcrawler, where did a nightcrawler come from? They're not meant to appear in these forests. However cha thought very little before approaching the crying nightcrawler, kneeling infront of him and extending out charms hand with a cookie in it.
"Excuse me darling, is everything alright? Would you like to accompany me to my cafe? It's not safe out here in the wild." Failing to recognize the being to be Cyrus, after all, charm has never even known of him being a nightcrawler. Charm gently holds out the thing, charms gentle gaze giving a feeling of safety to anyone.
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
my muse finds your muse crying. send ‘💙’ to hear how my muse would comfort yours.
if you can’t see the symbol send ‘blue heart emoji’.
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
Reblog this if you're fine with OOC messages/asks on your rp blog!
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
Jonathan wasn't even aware he had stepped out of his office and into one of the ever changing random portals until the soft sound of a bell shook him from his reading trance. When he looked up he was standing inside a quaint café he had never seen before. It smelled amazing and that alone was enough to starve off his concern for the moment. The only thing he wanted to do was find out where that smell was coming from. "Hello?" He called out carefully. "Pardon my intrusion. Is anyone there?"
The witch stumbled through the kitchen door "Yes I'm here!" Waves the witch before properly entering "Hello there traveler, I assume you're not from around here are you?" Cha speaks while looking up at the man slightly, hoping he stays near the entrance because that is a lot of tall.
"What brings you to my cafe? We don't get many fancy men from outside the forests and kingdoms here often" Cha can't help but say with a giggle as cha fetches some cookies from the display shelf, taking out a paper roll but putting it aside from now. The cookies float toward the newly arrived man
"Please, help yourself to some! I need to bake more anyway"
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
With Ghostday's help, Thursday is able to find and get back to the world where Cassandra lives. She steps through the dimensional portal and into that familiar enchanted forest, feeling so happy to be alive and here right now.
She is feeling a little tired, but the worst of it has worn off by now and so she is able to make her way to that little cafe in the woods, and when she does, she rings the doorbell and presents a cake to Cassy when cha answers.
The cake says, "Thank You!"
Thursday says, "Surprise! Thought I'd bake you something for once!"
The witch can't help but gasp at the cake looking at Thursday with a look of shock and appreciation as cha takes the cake and puts it on a nearby table, before bringing Thursday into a hug, its comforting, its warm and gentle, like a motherly embrace. "Oh thank you so much dear! You didn't need to!"
The cafe smells gentler than usual, like nobody's come by today, just the smell of warm pastries and of comfort. Well, today is a take it easy day for Cassy. "Would you like to stay for a little as you often did? We can share some of that cake you made, or we can bake another in here, or you could even have one of my sample cakes! Those are the best y'know"
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
"One baked by you, dear."
“In theory… if you had one day left to live, what kind of cake would you like to have? If you could have any cake in the world, and it was to be your last treat, what kind of cake would that be?”
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the-dream-granter · 2 years
The witch giggled at Stanley, quite the charming ghost if cha's ever seen one. Continuing through the doors, the witch made sure to follow the instructions to the letter, making the place a tad spookier with magical decorations, like "fake" spiders and little pairs of red eyes that watched from the shadows.
That's when it happened! A gasp from the witch as cha is faced with the great oh powerful flying spaghetti monster! With a huff, Cassandra loads the gun up with yellow magical energy that sparkles like gold, and fires! A "bullet" made of magical energy lands on the plate and engulfs it in pure light.
Once the light finally fades away and Cassy has put away the gun attaching it to charm belt, the beast appears! The one and only flying spaghetti monster! Except a lot smaller and companion sized. Cha walks over to it and pets it softly and it sneakily steals a cupcake from the "unknowing" witch.
Oh is this one of the stories Thursday does? Oh this is wonderful cha finally gets to play in them! The witch would follow along the story as told to until coming onto the two doors. Cassy couldn’t help but giggle at the sight, having seen actual worse ghosts and just normal ghosts. So instead of hugging him or seeing him as a threat, the witch takes a cupcake out from charm basket, and extends it to the ghost after walking up to him. “Here you go love! Enjoy!” If the ghost were to take it, cha would take out charm wand and blow a little wind on him to blow away the white sheet to actually see him.
If he didn’t take it cha would make a remark about how rude he is in a fake hurt tone before blowing away the blanket either way, and by wand i mean the gun, cha is casting spells with the gun. Cassy would giggle to charmself and await further indication of what to do.
“Cassy decided that the ghost must be eliminated, and, sadly, there was only one way to do that and that was to-… Give him a cupcake,” Thursday narrates, and then starts laughing. “Peaceful resolution for the win! Go ahead, Stanley. Enjoy your spoils.”
Stanley, of course, does not need to be told twice to accept a cupcake, especially if it is being offered to him by a lovely lady. He puts out his sheet-covered hands, looking quite eager to accept the small confection.
“Oh, he’s looking a little eager there. Are you sure you want to give one to him, Cassy? You never know what a ghost in his position might do!”
As soon as Cassy blows away the white sheet covering him, the ghost in question looks up at the ceiling, rolls his eyes, makes a yapping motion with his hand, and takes the cupcake. He gives a low bow to charm before scooting off to the side, granting charm passage through the set of two doors.
He then goes about seeing if he can actually eat the cupcake, and it turns out he sort of can. In a weird way. With the battery as a source of energy for him to feed off of, he is able to unwrap the cupcake and physically take a bite of it, although the food itself doesn’t go very far - it falls right through him and onto the floor. He looks at it. Shrugs. Takes another bite. Can’t really taste it, but he’s going to keep eating it anyway because it was given to him and it’s a cupcake and he remembers what they taste like so this is the next best thing.
“The ghost thanked the lovely, armed witch, and bid charm adieu as cha entered the door on charm left. Cha would need to pass through the meeting room to make it to the boss’ office upstairs next. However, cha didn’t make it very far before cha encountered…”
Up ahead, sitting on the floor directly in the middle of the hallway, as innocently and harmlessly as you please, is a big bowl of…
“…The flying spaghetti monster!!”
…spaghetti noodles.
 A fearsome creature to behold! Be careful not to insinuate that it might be nothing more than a plain bowl of plain spaghetti noodles. You wouldn’t want to anger it. Or hurt its feelings. Would you, Cassy? Ehehehe.”
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