the-drowned-poet · 10 months
19:45 — 15th June 2018
Snow like skin
Raven hair
If I did not know better
You would be a fairy tale
A gentle kiss
A peck on the cheek
Your arms over my shoulders
As we walked
It is complex, and simple
Though when around you
It all makes sense.
When around you
The stars align
The tides graze across each other
With a wave of the moon's hand.
They say fairy tales aren't real.
Though if they are not real, why can I feel them. Why can I see that wonder in your eyes, in your smile.
Why do I feel such compassion?
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
17:24 — 13th June 2018
I don't care about the lonely guitar in the corner, awaiting the time my sorrows form a gentle melody.
I do not care for the camera, waiting to capture my memories. Waiting to keep the good ones safe.
I do not care about the consoles, that wait to entertain. For hours on end they fulfil their purpose. Though now they go untouched.
I do not care about these things.
For things, is all they are.
You talk of respect, and yet you do not give it. You call me overdramatic. You say that I lie. Though when a mere few minutes have passed, you pretend I did not speak.
If I am the liar, if I hold no truth, then why do you pretend.
These things, they are taken when you pretend.
I wonder, am I one of these?
Am I just a thing you can throw about, and toy with endlessly. Am I nothing but what they are, meaningless objects made to entertain.
You make excuses.
You call me a liar.
You say I am wrong.
Your actions show me otherwise.
In your eyes, I am just a thing after all.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
17:12 — 13th June 2018
My thoughts are tainted.
Everything you've done,
I'm reminded of it all.
With a simple common phrase
Twisted to suite your needs,
I remember.
The pain still haunts me
Memories come in waves
Weaving through my body
Like a poisoned needle.
These webs you formed over time
They trap me.
In a hold I may never escape
It is the mask that I wear
You crafted it yourself
For you were the one that taught me.
With a single blow
And a few damned words
I am broken.
I am tainted like my thoughts.
I remember everything.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
18:04 — 8th June 2018
Those lips
The lips that drove my passion
That spoke when it was asked of them
They whispered words of summer days filled with ripe fruit and scenic views into my skin.
Slightly torn from an anxious mind
When focused they would fold
When your eyes caught my own
They would slip to the side,
Both your lips and your eyes.
Oh your eyes
I could gaze into those eyes until the sun scorched the earth
Though I avoid them
For fear of a creased brow
When my mind wanders.
Those lips
Those eyes
It is a passion I wish to control
Yet I have lost the power to try.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
17:28 — 6th June 2018
The Thorns that Grow
When I was but a babe, the ground would prick my skin with it’s green thorns. As would all children unaware of their surroundings, I screamed. They would then lose their grip on my frail structure, and henceforth I would be placed into the care of a familiar lap.
Even so, as I grew so did those thorns. Becoming soft as the wind ran through them, like my feet would carry me in the late spring. They were no longer the protruding spikes that I had once known them to be, but where I would learn to find my solace.
No, the uncomfortable prickling was nothing compared with the barrier I had unknowingly formed over time. The cage that when my inner chest were to rupture in the slightest, it would cause my heart to tear.
As I grew in stature and wisdom, the cage grew fond of my organ. The wires became closer and in doing so were constricting.
My heart had, of course, tried to wonder. It would reach out to it’s findings. This meant that the protruding spikes had seeped their way in.
The cage had begun to rip layer by layer off of the muscle she now held in her palm, and I became content with my own misery.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
17:22 — 6th June 2018
Bloody nightmare
They say that fresh blood is hot.
As hot as a thousand suns.
But when I felt it trickle down her body, the only heat detectable was a spec of warmth. It was but a simple spec, that dragged along her skin.
It took with it all our memories together, as it descended.
I heard a cry, a scream, ripple through the thick air around us.
A siren.
Muffled gunfire.
This wasn't how it was meant to end.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
17:09 — 6th June 2018
A pit
It is a pit, filled with the jagged rock that is my thoughts.
With each fall they carve their own holes.
Like a knife through flesh.
Some days I am on the edge, peering at the abyss.
Some days I am decorated by their holes.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
19:09 — 20th May 2018
Fixed luminous points
To lay in a field of grass
Feel it on my skin
Through my clothes
Your hand laying next to mine
Our fingers laced
Gazing at the night sky
I stare at the stars for a time
And am reminded of your eyes
The way you would gaze at me
I would tell you to count the stars
You would say that it would waste our time
I would laugh and agree
Left for a while, I would speak again
"Simply look at the stars, if you will not count them"
Turning your head you peak once more
I would whisper into your ear
"These stars hold the hope I have for us"
You would face me again and reply
"It is the same hope I see in your eyes when you look at me"
My view is replaced by you
Just you
For you are all that is just
In my thoughts, all I ask is that I find someone I can share the stars with.
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the-drowned-poet · 10 months
18:56 — 20th May 2018
Bladed Barrage
Physical damage starts as a bruise on your arm, but eventually it finds its way to your heart. However as it gets there you break it down, slowly, to get rid of the pain.
It's different with words. They pierce you straight through the chest. It's like being stabbed with a blade, and the harsher the words, the longer the blade is.
When you get stabbed you have to walk around with it, feel it twisting inside you. The longer you ignore it, the more it hurts.
You get to a point where you have to pull it out or else you will die. When that time comes, you feel the blade dragging through your insides.
It becomes so tiring, but you have to keep pulling.
Each time you pull, you bleed out. So sometimes you let the blade sink back in.
For some, they let themselves be stabbed. In the end it can become too painful. For others, they keep pulling.
My blades have been removed. Though now, new ones are taking form.
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