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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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Maybe I’m not quite up to speed here, but as far as I can tell, “antis” are against writing about pedophilia, incest, etc? Is this in all contexts, or just in ones where the narrative treats it as a good thing? If it’s the former, that’s unreasonable and stupid, and if it’s the latter, then that’s good. Writing about dark topics is important but what’s equally important is to not paint it as a good thing?
something that makes me especially uneasy about antis these days is how they hold up "normal" as some sort of ideal we should aspire to and call everyone they hate things like "freaks" and "degenerates." like idk my high school friends and I embraced words like "freak." we knew what we were and we weren't ashamed. what is happening with this younger crowd? have they lost that energy somehow?
Sigh, there goes Tumblr losing my posts again. At least it kept the ask this time. Reconstructing:
“Freak” has a long history as a slur against, primarily, disabled and gender-variant people. It’s not only ever a slur, there are other contextual uses for the word (and certainly people targeted by it are welcome to reclaim it) but when used as an insult, that’s the history it’s drawing on.
“Degenerate” is a straight-up piece of Nazi jargon.
Part of what we’re seeing right now is that, because there are fewer barriers to coming out as gay or trans, some number of people who have always had privilege are ending up in the community (and its fandom auxiliaries) and realizing they’re at risk of losing their privilege; that they’re surrounded by people they’ve been raised to hate. People who act differently from them, people who write about dark topics they’ve been taught not to speak of, people who talk about s*xu*lity in ways that disrupt the status quo.
So they want to draw a line between the “good ones” like themselves and the “freaks”, because if they’re on one side of that line, maybe they’ll be protected from marginalization themselves?
It doesn’t work that way, of course; it’s a bad bargain all around. Give kyriarchy an inch and it takes a mile.
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Thank you, tumblr user peazut, for your valuable input
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Alright man you do you
Y'all I have an idea!
Whole parts of town that are 18+! Not like a red light district, but just normal shit like, Walmart and fast food, just regular ass places, but 18+ a whole ass 18+ zone.
Not a child in sight, you can have a nice sit down meal at a restaurant and not have to hear a toddler throw a temper tantrum, or an infant shit themselves screaming.
Not only will it be child free, but it would drastically reduce the amount of obnoxious parents who think the world revolves around their pet cum.
Walk your dog without a brat coming up and "petting" hitting them, no entitled mommy scoffing at you for not giving two shits about her kid when you swear.
Just a beautiful place to be.
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Of course you wouldn’t act like that in public. And it’s fine to not like kids, it just still feels gross to call them shit like that and not see any problems with it? I’m not offended I’m just weirded out,,,
Y'all I have an idea!
Whole parts of town that are 18+! Not like a red light district, but just normal shit like, Walmart and fast food, just regular ass places, but 18+ a whole ass 18+ zone.
Not a child in sight, you can have a nice sit down meal at a restaurant and not have to hear a toddler throw a temper tantrum, or an infant shit themselves screaming.
Not only will it be child free, but it would drastically reduce the amount of obnoxious parents who think the world revolves around their pet cum.
Walk your dog without a brat coming up and "petting" hitting them, no entitled mommy scoffing at you for not giving two shits about her kid when you swear.
Just a beautiful place to be.
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Yeah this is one massive yikes. They’re kids, they don’t know shit, and it’s fucking bonkers to me that someone could harbor so much hatred for a child? Perhaps it’s time to Mature A Little because if a kid is shitty it’s their parents’ fault 99% of the time. Calling them “pet cum” is just gross. Child free zones would be nice for sure, but that message can be conveyed without a disturbing amount of anger towards *literal children*
Y'all I have an idea!
Whole parts of town that are 18+! Not like a red light district, but just normal shit like, Walmart and fast food, just regular ass places, but 18+ a whole ass 18+ zone.
Not a child in sight, you can have a nice sit down meal at a restaurant and not have to hear a toddler throw a temper tantrum, or an infant shit themselves screaming.
Not only will it be child free, but it would drastically reduce the amount of obnoxious parents who think the world revolves around their pet cum.
Walk your dog without a brat coming up and "petting" hitting them, no entitled mommy scoffing at you for not giving two shits about her kid when you swear.
Just a beautiful place to be.
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Congratulations! You’re sexist.
i love when someone talks about being mean & rude to men & someone is like “you call THIS feminism? FUCK!!” like no one said anything about feminism we just hate men ...
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That’s what they said. They put it with the other harmful stuff.
number 69, let people fucking enjoy things.
don’t go around shitting on oc cosplayers (or any stereotypically ‘cringy’ cosplay) for doing what they like. cosplay takes a lot of hard work.
this doesn’t end at cosplay either, stop ‘cancelling’ people because they like something that used to be cool. let people enjoy things.
the only stuff that should be deemed as ‘cringey’ are things that are harmful or genuinely gross (stuff like fetishizing korean people, mogai, daddy kink, etc. etc.) (okay cgl and age regression are fine, it’s just when it gets sexual-)
half the shit people think is cringey and weird is actually really cool.
ted talk over, have a great day/night.
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hi trans dad here
PLEASE DONT BIND FOR MORE THAN TWO HOURS WHEN YOU FIRST GET YOUR BINDER AND BUILD UP TO HAVING IT ON FOR LONGER AND PLEASE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP IN YOUR BINDER OR WEAR IT FOR OVER TEN HOURS PLEASE YOU W I L L DAMAGE YOUR RIBS AND BREASTS i am panic for my small baby boys and babby childs pls be careful listen to advice of older trans people and nonbinary ppl pls pls listen to your body
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Well. You have a point I gues.
list of transphobic and nb/enbyphobic youtubers to avoid
denies real trans rep, calls characters traps, denies interpretations of characters as trans by trans people and allies, general dumb anti-sjw shit
-blaire white
practically harassed trans/demigirl youtuber riley j dennis, constantly invalidates and denies nb identities, truscum/transmed
another truscum/transmed, made a whole video called “being nonbinary for a day” where she says nonbinary people are women in mens clothes and goes around random stores telling people shes “lesbiangender” and “earthgender”
-kalvin garrah
friends with misslondon, harassed (and i believe is still harassing) youtuber/makeup guru gothfruits for “not passing”, asked them questions about their dysphoria they felt were invasive in a rude way and called them a trender when they said no, says you cant be nonbinary and a lesbian, said that hair dysphoria is a trender thing, regularly makes videos attacking young nb folks with small channels. big big truscum/transmed
-casey frey
recently made a video where the character in the skit misgenders his transgender parent and calls her things like “herm” and “shim”
-arielle scarcella
denies nb identites, literally refers to herself as transphobic, pushes terf-y rhetoric, tells transwomen what they can and cant refer to their anatomy, also worth mentioning shes racist lol
-lost pause
calls anime characters (including preop transwomen) traps, has numerous videos playing “guess the gender” quiz where he says trap constantly, also worth mentioning he called people calling out vic mignogna for sexual harassment and homophobia “sjws” 
made a video speaking over an actual trans youtuber (contrapoints) on gender identities, denies nb identites 
feel free to add more
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I’m??? Non-binary too???
Did we watch the same video? I was on Rin’s side for the first part but honestly Kalvin was being more reasonable.
I feel like you shouldn’t say that he’s transphobic when he’s trying his hardest to fight transphobia. He has a different opinion. I don’t agree with some of what he says, but I’m not gonna try and spread my personal dislike of him? I really don’t mind if people have other opinions on these issues. It’s important to see all sides of a debate I mean
list of transphobic and nb/enbyphobic youtubers to avoid
denies real trans rep, calls characters traps, denies interpretations of characters as trans by trans people and allies, general dumb anti-sjw shit
-blaire white
practically harassed trans/demigirl youtuber riley j dennis, constantly invalidates and denies nb identities, truscum/transmed
another truscum/transmed, made a whole video called “being nonbinary for a day” where she says nonbinary people are women in mens clothes and goes around random stores telling people shes “lesbiangender” and “earthgender”
-kalvin garrah
friends with misslondon, harassed (and i believe is still harassing) youtuber/makeup guru gothfruits for “not passing”, asked them questions about their dysphoria they felt were invasive in a rude way and called them a trender when they said no, says you cant be nonbinary and a lesbian, said that hair dysphoria is a trender thing, regularly makes videos attacking young nb folks with small channels. big big truscum/transmed
-casey frey
recently made a video where the character in the skit misgenders his transgender parent and calls her things like “herm” and “shim”
-arielle scarcella
denies nb identites, literally refers to herself as transphobic, pushes terf-y rhetoric, tells transwomen what they can and cant refer to their anatomy, also worth mentioning shes racist lol
-lost pause
calls anime characters (including preop transwomen) traps, has numerous videos playing “guess the gender” quiz where he says trap constantly, also worth mentioning he called people calling out vic mignogna for sexual harassment and homophobia “sjws” 
made a video speaking over an actual trans youtuber (contrapoints) on gender identities, denies nb identites 
feel free to add more
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Wait did you actually watch the video where Kalvin talked to gothfruits?
He was pretty civil and they were being kind of ridiculous. He politely asked them to explain their dysphoria because he wanted to understand people who present as the gender they were assigned at birth without. They said that asking about dysphoria was invasive, Kalvin tried to explain, and then they blocked him and posted out of context screenshots.
I don’t agree with everything Kalvin says but he’s honestly a well-intentioned person who’s just really fed up with people calling themselves trans without dysphoria. He’s open to discussion, he doesn’t ever say names unless they specifically tried to start shit with him, and he talks about what he understand and doesn’t understand about each person.
list of transphobic and nb/enbyphobic youtubers to avoid
denies real trans rep, calls characters traps, denies interpretations of characters as trans by trans people and allies, general dumb anti-sjw shit
-blaire white
practically harassed trans/demigirl youtuber riley j dennis, constantly invalidates and denies nb identities, truscum/transmed
another truscum/transmed, made a whole video called “being nonbinary for a day” where she says nonbinary people are women in mens clothes and goes around random stores telling people shes “lesbiangender” and “earthgender”
-kalvin garrah
friends with misslondon, harassed (and i believe is still harassing) youtuber/makeup guru gothfruits for “not passing”, asked them questions about their dysphoria they felt were invasive in a rude way and called them a trender when they said no, says you cant be nonbinary and a lesbian, said that hair dysphoria is a trender thing, regularly makes videos attacking young nb folks with small channels. big big truscum/transmed
-casey frey
recently made a video where the character in the skit misgenders his transgender parent and calls her things like “herm” and “shim”
-arielle scarcella
denies nb identites, literally refers to herself as transphobic, pushes terf-y rhetoric, tells transwomen what they can and cant refer to their anatomy, also worth mentioning shes racist lol
-lost pause
calls anime characters (including preop transwomen) traps, has numerous videos playing “guess the gender” quiz where he says trap constantly, also worth mentioning he called people calling out vic mignogna for sexual harassment and homophobia “sjws” 
made a video speaking over an actual trans youtuber (contrapoints) on gender identities, denies nb identites 
feel free to add more
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sometimes my genderfluidity be like
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How to Get a Binder as a Trans Boy + Binder Safety
Dark shirts. Black shirts really flatten the chest. Avoid white or grey shirts.
Wear a compression sports bra.
Avoid cup bras. Cups are designed to make the breasts appear more shapely, fuller, and bigger. I know a lot of closeted trans guys don’t wear cup bras, but some parents won’t buy new bras if they’re “in perfectly good condition”. If that’s the case, claim you grew out of your cup bras, then ask your parents to take you shopping and pick out some sports bras instead. 
Layer two shirts on top of each other. One shirt a tighter shirt such as an undershirt, with a baggy shirt over it.
Get a compression sports bra and put it on. Then, put a tank top or undershirt over that. Then, over the tank top/undershirt, put on a black shirt, preferably one also baggy. Even better, a hoodie. Avoid light colored shirts or thinner materials if you’re aiming for a flat-chest look. Generally the darker and thicker the material, the better it flattens your chest. This is why black hoodies are popular with trans boys.
If you’re in theater, tell your parents you’re going to play as a male role, want to go all-in, and the binder would allow you to get into character better. 
Tell your parents you’re getting teased in school. I know a cis girl who was getting horribly teased by boys due to her large chest, and her mom bought her a binder. So if your parents question you before you’re ready to come out as trans, just tell them it’s common for cis girls to get binders when they get bullied for their chests. 
If you’re allowed to wear boy’s clothes, tell your parents a binder will allow you to fit into your clothes better. Button down shirts are a good example of this, most are difficult to fit without a binder.
You could also tell your parents they’re in style right now, and that everyone else has one. 
If you exercise, tell your parents your sports bras aren’t doing you justice and that your chest hurts when you exercise, and that you need something with more compression. (But of course, don’t actually exercise in your binder, just use this for an excuse)
Do a summer job such as delivering newspapers, washing cars, mowing lawns, dog walking, etc. Then take the money to the store and buy a gift card, such as one from Visa, then use it to order your binder. When it arrives and if your parents end up questioning you, tell them it’s a holiday/birthday gift for someone else, and that it’s a surprise. They’ll usually end up forgetting about it, especially if the birthday or holiday is months away. 
Join Swagbucks. Earn money doing surveys and use it to buy a Visa card online to order your binder. I can confirm this works.
Sign up for binder giveaways. You can find these on Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube. 
Sign up for a free binder at point5cc.com/chest-binder-donation or pointofpride.org/chest-binder-donations. This method takes longer than steps #1 and #2, the waiting list is long.
If you can’t ship your binder to your house if your parents open all your mail, try having it shipped to a friend’s house (with permission), if they don’t have nosy, invasive parents. Your friend could put your package in their backpack and give it to you at school, or you could drop by early in the morning to pick it up yourself.
Don’t wear it for longer than 8 hours.
Don’t use ace bandages. Only bind with compression bras and chest binders.
Don’t sleep in your binder.
Carry a sports bra with you in case you need to take it off.
Don’t exercise in your binder. Switch to a compression sports bra instead, which still flattens your chest, but there’s no risk of injury.
Don’t order a size smaller than you need, thinking it’ll create a flatter chest. This can cause tissue damage which will make you inelligible for top surgery in the future. 
Don’t wear more than one binder.
Don’t wear the binder if you’re sick, especially if it’s respiratory such as a cold or the flu.
If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, have trouble breathing, or are in any pain, take your binder off. Stretch your arms above your head, to your sides, and take several deep breaths in a row. Then cough several times to loosen any build up of fluid in your lungs. Then don’t put your binder back on.
Don’t wear binders if you’re going to be out in the heat. If you’re going to Pride Fest (or Disney World, or anywhere you’re out in the heat all day), for example, wear a sports bra instead. It’ll suck, but you don’t want to overheat and you want to be able to breathe easier since you’ll be walking all day.
If you have anxiety or are prone to sensory overload (especially from tight clothing items) map out bathrooms ahead of time in advance so that you can go in and change your binder if you start hyperventilating or, if you’re like me and have the urge to take sports bras/binders off as soon as you get overstimulated. 
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(Don’t actually use an ace bandage, that’s just how the artist drew the picture)
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Hey how did you figure out you’re trans? Sorry if this is overly personal, feel free to ignore.
There are very few things that actually make me uncomfortable to talk about! Maybe it’s just my personality or an autistic thing, but I’m very blunt. Anyway I hope you’re okay with a lengthy answer.
I consciously started to question my gender around the time I was 19-20 but I didn’t KNOW I was trans until this past year. Even then I identified as nonbinary and wasn’t sure if I considered myself trans or not. I didn’t know I was dysphoric. But looking back, I’ve experienced definite dysphoria since 11-12 without realizing it. There were other little things even before and you can read a list of reasons I should’ve known I was trans here:
It just didn’t really occur to me to THINK about gender when I was little.
It started as little intrusive thoughts. I’d have the impulse to put on my husband’s clothing. I’d dress as a man because I wanted to see what I’d look like. I liked it. Same thing with cutting off my hair. I remember looking in the mirror one evening and thinking, “Holy shit that looks like ME! I look like MYSELF!”
That wasn’t a common feeling for me as I pretty much spent my entire life not recognizing who I was in the mirror. I always felt strangely disconnected from my own body and appearance. The next thing I started thinking was, “Holy shit what if I’m trans? Nah.”
For half a decade I repeated an endless cycle of thinking I was trans and quickly pushing it away. Nah, I can’t be. Not me. Aren’t trans people supposed to know from the time they’re a fetus? (Sarcasm). It was rough because my questioning became more intense and my doubt started to feel like outright denial. Instead of just brushing it off I started thinking, “I don’t want to be trans. It’s too hard. It’s too scary. I wouldn’t be able to tell people. I can’t go through that.”
I BURIED myself in the closet and decided that I’d try harder to be a woman. I went through phases of being hyper-feminine and creating an image for myself that felt totally alien but seemed socially acceptable.
I finally reached a point last year when I couldn’t push it away anymore. I had to let it out even if it was just a little bit. I thought I identified as nonbinary. I asked people to call me Jules instead of Julia because it felt less feminine.
I could allow myself to be masculine and not have to completely turn my life upside down. I could continue without medically transitioning and wouldn’t have to come out to everybody. It wouldn’t have to be obvious.
What I didn’t know was that:
A) Cracking that door open let a LOT of things through. I wasn’t in complete denial which meant I started to feel things I had been numb to before. It got harder to present feminine without being wildly uncomfortable. I became increasingly upset about being called “she” and my own name didn’t feel like my name even though I’d already modified it once to be more androgynous. My gender became something that was constantly nagging at me from the back of my mind.
B) While nonbinary is a completely valid identity, I am not NB. For me it was a stepping stone that allowed me to explore and begin accepting myself as FTM trans.
Over the months things became more emotional and intense and I once again reached a breaking point. I had clung to my nonbinary identity. I was afraid to admit to myself that I wanted to medically transition, change my name, and be addressed with only male pronouns. Because those things are scary! They require having difficult conversations and potentially losing people who won’t support you. I resisted my own trans-ness a hell of a lot especially RIGHT before coming out.
But when I did? It felt amazing. I was happier than I’d been for a very long time. I felt like I had just given myself permission to be happy and live a full life, the life I was always meant to. In a way I felt like I let an old part of myself die but it was an act of kindness. I couldn’t continue to grow if I was letting fear hold me back.
TLDR: little things added up to big and difficult emotions. I realized I wasn’t allowing myself to be MYSELF and I finally couldn’t live a lie anymore.
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i mean you kinda just proved the point here mate. it’s in general. about everyone who is not a binary gender. then it’s probably better and more inclusive to use nonbinary. you wanna refer to only people who ID as queer? go ahead. but when referring to ALL nb people, to make ALL nb people feel safe and good, “nonbinary” is a safer term. genderqueer is good. but some people don’t want it applied to them and that’s ok too. 
Telling us when we can and cannot use a term is not supporting our use of a term. When I say "queer", I am NOT referring to people who do not ID as queer. "Queer" only includes those of us who DO ID as queer, and I should be able to refer to us as a community without being told that "nonbinary/lgbt+ would be better". If I want to disclude myself and include them, I will when appropriate. But it's not better for me to use nonbinary/lgbt+ if that's not how I feel & I want to talk abt MY community
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