the-exodus-fleet · 1 month
This this this.
I'm so glad you made this post, I was inches away from making my own post about this and that would have been 10 times as rude as this one.
- Beast (it/its)
Forgive me for showing my fangs a little here instead of being as delicate in phrasing as I usually am, but. Periodic reminder:
sweeping "humans suck, humans are evil, the world would be better off if humans disappeared/had never evolved" statements may be cathartic but they're thoroughly inaccurate (ie, the vast majority of uniquely bad effects of humans on the planet are a) extremely recent, like within the last couple centuries, b) the fault of an extremely small minority not the entire fucking species, and c) fixable)
hating being human isn't the same as hating humans. I get species dysphoria is a thing. I get that it's often hard to fit in as a nonhuman in human social groups and that can make it easy to slip into hating everyone around you. Please fight that instinct
villainizing people for traits they didn't choose, such as the species they were born into, is neither cute nor fair. No species is inherently good or bad
misanthropy is cathartic in short term vents or whatever but genuinely embracing it wholesale as a philosophy is liable to lead to you hating humans, human society, and being in a human body more and more over time and thus make your life worse by constantly reinforcing a thought pattern that makes you angry and upset
you are not immune to being part of human society (translation: just because you're nonhuman doesn't mean you're not included in statements about the effects of the human population on the world, ie "humans are killing the planet")
related, you are not better than humans for being nonhuman. looking at my fellow dragons in particular on this one. I get it, draconic pride is a thing, dragon brain probably says you're the supreme being and all else is beneath you especially anyone who annoys you. Mine does too. Please recognize that is an instinct you are supposed to FIGHT, not something that's TRUE AND THAT YOU SHOULD EMBRACE. Good fucking gods.
some nonhumans are also human (it's me, I'm some nonhumans) and you are making sweeping "humans suck, why would I ever want to be human, all humans do is kill the planet" statements in the presence of people included in those statements, which is insanely rude (and no, you don't get to "but you're different because you're nonhuman" me! you do not get to decide to ignore half of who I am because you don't like it, you do not get to decide I'm not "really" human, and also see the previous bullet point). this goes doubly if you're in a space like a DIscord server where people have expressly stated they're not comfortable being tacitly included in statements like that
saying "but I don't REALLY mean all humans, I just mean the specific ones at fault!" after the fact does not actually change anything if every other thing you say is constantly "humans humans humans" and not the group you're actually referring to, or at the very least doesn't change how it reads to everyone around you
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the-exodus-fleet · 1 month
Greetings, stranger.
We are The Exodus Fleet, a non-disordered traumagenic system of currently 17 members. We consider ourselves to be monoconscious median for a completely of reasons, which we might adress in a seperate post one day. This blog will be used for collective experiences, general plural posts (and maybe syscourse), as well as by those who don't want their own blogs but still wish to make posts sometimes.
We are autistic and have ADHD, anxiety and BPD, the latter is in remission by now. We also have a history of severe depression. All of us physically identify as our inner forms and almost all of us are nonhuman. Some are otherkin, otherhearted or something else along these lines additionally to their inner forms. Our inner/physical forms will be in italics.
We have no set DNI but block freely and will also report you, if you promote any sort of abuse, hatespeech, etc.
We are...
Istasha: The host, core, original, that kinda stuff. She/it, werewolf holothere, otherkin, otherhearted and generally alterhuman. Personal blog is @talks-with-the-void
Ohan: An alien fictive, he/him or plural they/them. Personal blog is @starstruck-sianat
Sissix: Alien fictive from the same source as Ohan, but a different species. She/her and xe/xir.
Ghost: Undead/ghost dog, looks like a white doberman with very pale blue-lilac eyes. she/it
Frank: Hellhound, looks like a black doberman with red eyes. Otherhearted with demons, black shucks and church grims. he/him
Autumn Trees: Frisian horse, he/him, icelandic horse therian. Name can be shortened to Autumn. Personal blog is @thunder-hooves
Wave: Water dragon/aquatic dinosaur, they/he. The biggest, sweetest goofball ever.
Kali: The token human, pretty much looks and is like how we would be if trauma never happened. Can be surprisingly bitchy tho, but doesn't mean it. she/her
Kade: Forest elf, she/fae but is a dude (not a man, not a boy, just a dude). White dove therian. Anxious to the moon and back.
Kairo: Mystic Catfolk (DnD race), feline cladotherian, she/they. Eldritch Knight archetrope.
Sunny/Sundrop: Jester angel, he/it, frontend like twice and then never again. Seems to be chill tho.
Oppy: Opportunity Mars Rover, she/her, shy and anxious as hell. Practically never fronts.
Ember: Cyborg dragon, she/it, we don't know much about her.
Selkie: Shapeshifting spirit fox, she/her, very kind and caring.
NME-31: Sentient AI in an artificial dragon-like body, he/it/code, very dry humor, analytical and sarcastic. Name is pronounced "enemy".
Beast: Canine monster, it/its, reformed persecutor, now it is "just" very angry at everything. But we love it, it actually is very cool if you get to know it better.
Crowley: demon, he/him, very very AU fictive of Crowley from Supernatural.
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the-exodus-fleet · 1 month
I never agreed more with a post.
Misanthropi that stems from trauma is a valid reaction, a valid feeling - spreading hate and attacking others is not acceptable behaviour.
If you are misanthropic, okay, cool - that in itself does not make you a bad person. but if you're vocal about it and post violent fantasies in the tags without trigger warnings, then sincerely fuck you.
be a misanthrope all you want, be "edgy" and hate humans, but don't do it in my view and shut tf up about it.
- Beast (it/its), signed by all of us
you love humans. good for you. you don't have to be shitty to misanthropes because of it, prick.
look, i get it. youve been hurt by humans, and feel the need to react defensively to them. believe me, i know. ive been hurt by humans too, again and again and again. its just a part of living. but you (general you directed at misanthropes, not just anon) need to get your shit together. being hurt doesnt excuse bad behaviour.
i wont change my mind, not about this. hating an entire species for the actions of a few is loser behaviour. sure, some of them are terrible. but many, many of them are innocent. think of children. think of your family, of your friends. think of that stranger you passed by at the supermarket who let you have the last jar of mayonnaise. think of the teacher you had in school who gave you stickers and snacks to make learning a bit more fun. think of the girl who gave you fun facts about animals as you waited to be called to the doctor.
look, im not forcing you to change your mind. thats just impossible, and im not your therapist. but please reconsider your bias. or at least, stop leaving anon asks on someones inbox calling them a prick out of nowhere.
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