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When your friend says that they hate a class but then you see them basically being best friends with the teacher of that class the very next day.
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The only other time we see Cas watching television (as far as I can recall) is when he was watching porn in Caged Heat, and judging by his fond smile here, I doubt that’s what he’s remembering. The fact that he even knew how to work the TV well enough to use it on his own that time is also telling.
I think this fills in a few of the missing scenes we don’t get to see, the little domestic things Team Free Will does in between the big showdowns. There must have been times Castiel stayed with the Winchesters to watch over them, “just in case.” Nights spent in cheap motel rooms with the boys, tense in the hours before battle, but with an air of camaraderie that is familiar to Cas from his days in the Garrison. Nights where there was nothing better to do than watch crap TV on a grainy screen. Maybe they would watch action flicks, or the occasional Doctor Sexy marathon - “it’s not like there’s anything better on,” Dean would insist - while trying to explain some of the more subtle nuances to Cas. Then Sam and Dean would crawl into bed and fall into an uneasy sleep. Hours would pass, the light of some late night infomercial illuminating their sleeping forms, and Cas would watch the steady rise and fall of their breathing before falling into a quiet meditation of his own.
Maybe it’s nights like these that Cas recalls when he watches these infomercials so fondly now. And I have to wonder if Cas’ idea of a perfect last memory wouldn’t be so far off from Bobby’s.
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Cas being 1000% over Uriel’s shit.
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I’m just really emo about the fact that my top two favourite bands have music videos with ballerinas in them
available on Redbubble!
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Someone: You're cute
Me: oh honey, believe me, I know.
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Hilly & Hannah losing it during Dan and Phil’s 7 Second Challenge. (x)
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Callout Post to the Steven Universe Fandom
* left negative reviews on the website of a REAL motel
* drove a young lesbian named zamii to near suicide
* sent hate mail to the Uncle Grandpa storyboard artists
* drove a young gay teenager named floredoodler to near suicide
* accused one of the writers of being a pedophile/lolicon
* drove one of the writers off of Tumblr because of a PIE
* openly harass fans for drawings they don’t like
congratulations, you win the award for “worst fandom in existence.”
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Oh, Boy, Here We Go Again
So, once again the SU fandom has made another artist suicidal
First wth Zami
Now with flowedoodler
Okay, one time was not surprising, sure it was awful, but I hoped that we could learn from it and become a better community.
For those of you who don’t know, Floredoodler is a 15 year old artist that drew SU fanart
His art is really good and tons of people like him….
But some people had a problem with him
The fact that he drew……PEWEY
So, like the stupid fucks they are, people started to send hate to him.
There were people who like his art, but once they learned he supported Pewey….
“Ew, gross”
“I’m not reblog going from him anymore.”
He doesn’t even support it anymore, he doesn’t care.
But, still, they had to send him hate…
Now he has made a couple post implying that he is trying to commit suicide…
I’ve heard from some people that he is currently alive, but, I would urge all of you to go send him your love and support.
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Hey guys! It would be very appreciated if you could help out @daikonconsole with this project for @floredoodler. It would mean a lot and could possibly save a life.
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We don't know
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I love her 💖✨
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Honestly, I’m really only interested in soulmate AUs with alternative plots.
I don’t really care about person A and person B who have each other’s names on their wrists and find each other and live happily ever after. I care about a culture where people don’t bother forming romantic relationships with anyone other than their soulmate, where they finally find their soulmate and realize they don’t know how to handle the ups and downs of a relationship.
I care about people who fall in love with someone who isn’t their soulmate and aren’t willing to leave.
I care about queer people who are outed by the names on their arms, about trans people who spend their whole lives worrying that their birth name will be on their soulmate’s arm, then sobbing in relief when it’s not.
I care about people in poly relationships and how that looks.
I care about asexual aromantic people who have a name anyway and wonder if they’re broken or if it’s the platonic soulmate they’ve always wanted.
I care about people who Google their soulmate and are disappointed by what they find. I care about the private detective agencies that rake in cash to help people find their soulmates. I care about the ways non-soulmate couples are discriminated against, from disapproving grandmas to insurance companies that won’t insure someone’s spouse unless they’re their soulmate. I care about teenagers who are devastated that their celebrity crush isn’t their soulmate and what happens when the media discovers a young, unknown person whose soulmate is hugely famous.
I care about the people who never meet their soulmates, whose soulmates died young, whose soulmates have another name on their arms.
I care about the ways that this is a broken system, how it fucks people up, how it doesn’t guarantee a happy ending and how people find their happy endings anyway.
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The signs that are always a slut for David/Dave Brown(aka BoyInABand)
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