the-future-fattest · 2 months
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These are so gigantic that they don’t even look like legs anymore. I say that with the highest, most sincerely lustful praise.
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the-future-fattest · 2 months
Are you really sure, you want this, piggy? Remember, signing this contract won't be a temorary thing. It will have a permanent impact to your life. Let me sum it up for you one last time.
By signing you'll submit your body, soul and life completely to me, your feeder. I will own you then, just like a slave or a pet or an object, to which I can do whatever I want. Immediately after signing the contract, you'll be stripped naked and lead into the cage in the basement, your new home, where you'll spend the rest of your life. You'll never see the sunlight again as I prefer your skin and your fat, that you'll grow for me day by day, very pale, little piggy. There also won't be any social interactions. For the rest of your life, which won't be very long of course, it'll just be me, you and your fat. You'll dissapear completely from this world. Will they search for you? Maybe. Will they find you? Never! Maybe just see my basement already as your grave and the cage, in which you'll fatten up, as your coffin, piggy. Oh, I can tell you that you can't even imagine what gaining as my DeathFeedee will feel like. Listen carefully: there won't be any humanity left, no respect, no mercy. There is no chance for you to change your mind, escape or just leave. No, if you sign this contract, you will die within the next 3-5 years, promised. Because I want it to happen. Because I will push food inside your poor body like it was a bag to store blubber in. Because I'll pump your arteries full of sugar until your body gives up. Because I won't see you as a human being anymore. You'll just be a project, a job to be done. You aren't the first one and, of course, you won't be the last one I've fattened to death. So the only question is: will you becone the fattest one to die down there?
Here, piggy, take my pen. What are you going to do? Oh you sick little fatty, you definitely are the pig I've searched for.
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
Ruin your life for Gluttony
It's time to make a few things clear. I'm not just here to make you horny. I'm here to fuck you up so much that you'll very soon be wheezing 24/7 as you try carrying your deep hanging gut into the kitchen to get your fat fingers on more snacks. So you better pay attention to what I want you to do.
If you are delusional enough to still have a gym membership because "I'm just experimenting and will lose it again", cancel it now. I'm not kidding. Cancel your fucking gym membership! That money is better spent on snacks and when was the last time you went there anyways? Cancel it. You will be living a sedentary lifestyle from now on. Keep everything you need at arms length, make yourself as comfortable as possible, sleep in, masturbate a lot and stuff yourself all day long.
You'll be exclusively eating greasy, sugary food from now on, loaded with fat and carbs. You'll have absolutely no greens. The only way you'll have some vegetables will be the salad on your burger. Buy your snacks in bulk, look for jumbo boxes of snacks that will keep you occupied for a few days. Consume as much sugar as you possibly can. Really fuck up your appetite and insulin with all that sugar you'll be stuffing down that greedy throat of yours. And don't forget the heavy cream! I only want you to be eating and drinking stuff that is bad for you
Objectify yourself. You had your chance to be human, yet you chose to be a pig. Things such as human rights, respect, moral, privacy, etc. no longer apply to you. Show off your fat, growing body from every angle possible. Make a fat fucktoy and whore of yourself as you'll be depending on people to encourage and feed you even fatter. Fulfill every request sent to you, stuff yourself whenever someone tells you to. Do as you're told. You no longer have free will. Let yourself be used. Being used means that you're desirable and that's what you want, isn't it, piggy?
Wreck your brain. Play games, watch mind-numbing TV shows and do absolutely anything you can to keep your mind occupied. I want you to dumb down so much that your brain activity doesn't differ much from when you're asleep. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about anything but how fat you've gotten or how you want to eat more food, stop thinking. All that matters is food, worthless and endless content to consume, cumming over and over again and just letting your brain rot away.
Screw your limits. You don't wanna grow immobile? Sucks to be you. You'll keep getting fatter until I'm satisfied. You're my pig now and you better keep putting on those pounds or I'll have to force you. I don't care about all the issues that arise, your heart racing, your arteries clogging up from all the grease, you always being short on breath, another pair of jeans you're ripping right through before you've even worn them 3 times. I don't fucking care. All I care about is seeing that number on the scale go up. If you cannot do something as simple as stuffing your fat face, you're of no use to me.
Enjoy the last few years you've got. Soon you'll be fully immobile. You'll be one of the girls you've seen pictures or videos of, watching them struggle move their 800lbs body around, while their feeder still funnels them with heavy cream shakes. You'll be just like them and just like them your health will decline rapidly until you're fully immobile with an oxygen tube in your nose and a feeding tube in your mouth. But I won't be satisfied until I fuck your fat, buried pussy one last time until you flat-line during orgasm because your body just can't handle it anymore. That's when both you and I will finally experience true satisfaction.
And yes, while all this sounds so very extreme and surreal to think about, it strangely turns you on more than other, softer posts. The fantasy of actually becoming that fat is so frightening, yet so strangely appealing. Almost as if you deeply desire just that. Why don't you stuff yourself while imagining how you'd be a fat, 800lb immobile blob? I bet that orgasm would feel sooo good. Go ahead, do it. Grab some food, start masturbating and cum while you think about how fucking fat I'll be making you! Good girl ~
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
That genuine effort to navigate around your own sheer mass. That grunt, the extra effort, just for a ripple of fat and flesh, then your exhausted panting.
I live for that.
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
I want to fatten you like a prized pig.
Transform you from skinny to massive as quickly as possible.
It’ll start with what I feed you.
No more salads and healthy food. Only fast food and high calorie snacks for my piggy.
Our goal is to make you as round as possible remember?
I’ll also have to restrict how active you are. I’ll make sure you stay entertained and plopped on the couch all day long.
The last and most important thing required for growth is me transforming your mind.
Piggies don’t think, the just oink and eat. Any independent thoughts will be met with me stuffing you more. Constant stimulation will be required.
If you follow these steps you will turn into a prized piggy.
You’ll have a big round jiggly belly. Your ass will grow to a massive size, and will ripple whenever it’s touched. Your tits will explode in size. Face will be fattened beyond recognition.
The best part is I’ll make sure to show you off. That is, until you get too fat to leave the house.
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
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Ussbbw Echo being this buried and immobilised in her own fat is something else 🐷🥵
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
Here are some fattening recipes to try!! The oatmeal squares are 900cal a square, and the lemon “pound” cake is about 550 per slice!! 😋
Below are also some easy chocolate chip cookie and cake recipes to try. Also my personal favorite bread recipe that is literally set and forget!
If someone wants to figure out the macros for the calories in each that would be amazing! Hope you enjoy 😊🤍
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
The Pump
For the last few days I’ve been playing around with an idea.
What if I had access to a pumping machine? 
It consists of a long rubber tube, a tank, and a foot pump, not unlike a bicycle pump. 
The tank is full of solid lard, or melted butter, or perhaps even cake batter shake. 
I’m seated beneath the machine, with the pump next to my right food. I can easily operate it with a forceful stomp. I cannot stop imagining snaking the tube down my throat. It chokes me slightly, but I get used to it. My lips struggle to contain saliva that spills out as the tube rests inside me.
There is a rubbery taste and texture, not unlike a mouthguard or a bottle. It’s a bit squishy, but stout. 
I press the pump. It shoots solid lard quite suddenly down the tube and into my belly. The long hose stiffens for a second, I cough and stutter, maybe even a heave. Then it’s over. 
One pump makes me comfortably full, like I am satiated. A bit woozy perhaps and certainly distended, but not so full I cannot function. 
A second pump almost instantaneously fills me to my greatest desires. So full I cannot stand without immense difficulty. So full I cannot manage any breathing beyond short, labored panting. So full my gut is noticeably swollen. So full I am having trouble thinking straight. So full I am starting to feel sluggish, tired, lethargic. 
I taste nothing but plasticky rubber, my own drool, and maybe the occasional lardy burp. There is no mess, no leaking, no waiting, no swallowing. The whole operation is only 1-3 minutes. This gives me plenty of time to lug my prize somewhere where we won’t be disturbed. 
How many times a day would I use the pump? I can easily envision myself pulling out the long tube. Struggling to get up from the chair and stumbling to my bed. Pinned by my extensive filling. Passing out and digesting it all over a few hours. 
Would I walk right back over? A little heavier, a little dumber, a little hungrier? 
Would I use the pump enough to make it take 3 pumps? 4? When would I stop? 
What if someone else was there to manage the pump? What if they kept pumping? What if they too, wanted to sit in the chair with the tube? What if I just kept pumping?
What if I get really fat? 
I’m so terrified by my answers to these questions. Access to this pump would ruin my life. I need this pump. My gut needs this pump. 
I’ve thought about this for days, almost a week. I’m embarrassed.
I’m desperate. 
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the-future-fattest · 3 months
Roll for a Feedism Challenge 
Feedee Edition!
Roll a d20 to get your challenge for the day
Original poster cute-feedism-things
1. Breakfast stuffing: get a dozen donuts and eat every last one (if it's Krispy Kreme make it 18). 
2. Worth the weight: hop on the scale and take a picture of the number. Do it again at the end of the day. Share the results (and impress whoever you share it with)
3. Moisturize Me: get comfy, get naked, and get in touch with your body as you slowly lotion every inch of yourself.
4.Consequences: for every 200 steps you take today you need to eat 1000 calories. Be mindful of how much you're moving your body.
5. Planks: set a timer for 3 minutes and get in plank position. Every time you have to pause the timer for a break is another 500 calories you need to eat today (make it 1000 if you're under 200 pounds). 
6. Pizza party: get a large pizza and finish the whole thing (make it 2 if you get thin crust)
7.Low Hanging Fruit: Get on all fours and take a picture. Show someone how low your belly is hanging these days.
8. Self care day: get comfy and surround yourself with your favorite snacks. Relax today and graze while doing all your favorite low effort activities.
9. Probable pounds: Roll 2d4. You need to weigh that much more (in pounds) before you stop eating tonight.
10. Empty calories: get at least 2500 calories from drinks today (you're probably going to want a milkshake or 2).
11. Extra large thighs… I mean fries: treat yourself to your favorite fast food and make sure it's over 5000 calories (it's okay if that means you need to treat yourself for 2 meals, you deserve it)
12. Find your max: count calories and stuff yourself until you physically can't anymore. That's your max. If you've already done this once, make sure to beat your last score.
13. Quiet contemplation: turn off all media and set a timer for 10 minutes. I want you to lay down, get comfy, close your eyes and just spend this time exploring your body. Has it gotten bigger? Softer? Where do you feel most sensitive?
14. Touch yourself while you stuff yourself: get in touch with your hedonistic side by masturbating while you eat. Don't cum until you've had at least 2000 calories.
15. The best shape you'll ever be in: do as many situps or pushups (your choice) as you can. Subtract that number from 20 and then multiply by 500. That's your calorie goal for today (if it's a negative, multiply by -1 and add 2000 calories)
16.Just Desserts: in addition to your normal meals today, you're going to eat at least 2500 calories of desserts. 
17. Cupcake game: find your favorite piece of feedist porn/fic/etc. Every time you start getting turned on, eat a cupcake. No touching yourself until you've finished all of them. (This works best with longer stories/videos)
18.This still fits: put on your tightest clothes that still “fit” (you can actually get them on your body) and take a picture from whatever angle makes you look fattest. Post it if you feel comfy or share with someone privately.
19. It's about the process: cook your favorite recipe and eat the whole thing for one meal. The dishes can be future-you’s problem. Just enjoy yourself for now.
20. Double trouble: Roll 2 more times and do both!
Let the games begin
Wanna play a game 😋
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
You can hear the heart monitor beeping with every artery clogged beat.
Your fat encased heart now three times the size of a normal sized heart.
Attached to your sea of a stomach are little microphones to amplify the sound of your poor abused stomach. It gurgles and groans from being constantly overworked. Pure slop lurching through your overstretched intestines.
You sigh heavily, tube down your throat emptying pure lard straight into you. No taste, no pleasure, just the feel of the smooth tubing and the view of your mountainous gut rising before your eyes.
"I know this is no fun but we have to speed things up a bit. Soon I will give you all the cake I can manage to put inside of you."
I wobble your water-bed-like belly and watch it waver back and forth. You grunt like a true meat hog.
Time to examine you.
Anchored to the bariatric sized bed by your own laziness you spread your hefty fat filled legs out of habit, ready to be groped and jiggled.
I run my fingers in the crease of your thigh and wiggle my fingers getting them buried deep inside between your legs. Your pubic mound is so bloated and packed with blubber that I have a hard time just getting my hand between your legs.
Oh, you're absolutely soaked.
Just how I imagined you would be.
You're too far gone from being a human now, your life is more the life of a pigs.
Every added pound gets you a treat. Very large amounts of treats in fact. Just to add to your mass of course. It's as simple as that.
But when your gaining slows...I become impatient and break out the tubing and funnel.
"You will be on track in no time. I know your body is now resisting my efforts to turn you into an outright blob."
You whimper softly from my voice. Stern and cold. It truly does turn you on.
"No matter how much your body attempts to retaliate, I will win every time. You are mine. I own you."
Your legs clench together. I can tell you're getting more and more turned on.
"What's the matter? Don't you like being my pet?"
I slide my hands between your meaty thighs finding the crease of your pussy. Lightly I slide them around your lips massaging them.
My other hand lifts your hefty apron belly exposing your lardy mound of pubic fat.
"Good girl."
Again I hear a little stifled moan escape.
"You're wet. You're so easy to arouse."
"Easy to feed. Easy to persuade and manipulate."
Once again you wriggle in excitement, your body too bogged down with blubber to truly show me just how bad you want it.
"Ten more pounds and I'll let you cum."
You sigh, annoyed and frustrated.
My hand slides up to the fold of your tummy and grazes up toward your hip. I rub in between and listen to you whine again.
"You want it so bad. And I want you to cum."
I brush my palm up your nipple and glance at your reddened face.
"My my...what a lustful piggy, always wanting more."
You huff and groan, attempting to grind my other hand.
"Good girl. Greedy girl."
I jiggle the fat above your pussy and watch your apron belly wobble along with it.
"A pure lard ladened hog." I whisper.
You huff again arching your head back breathing heavily.
"Don't get too excited yet, can't have your piggy heart burst before I let you cum."
"10 more pounds...."
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
so, after reading your stuff for awhile, ive been sinking farther and farther into hedonism and the obese slob life, and now it’s truly over for me. i’m done for. i completely gave into it last night and gorged on pizza and boost, bought a few ounces of weed, and surrendered to my fate as a lifelong hog who can only blow up into a dumber and fatter pig. i’m already over 300 lbs so why bother stopping now? idgaf about hygeine or my brain cells anymore, i just NEED to swell and goon and toke myself into gainer oblivion, living in a cloud of my own gas and trapped under 1000 pounds of my own lard. because honestly, the only thing left for me is to become an immobile braindead blob, overcome by his own blubber and filth. thanks for the inspiration!!!
(here’s proof btw:) ibb.co/ YbfxN1r
Good job, pig! Finally embracing the true life you're meant to live.
Keep giving in. Keep giving up. You can't escape now. You're right, you're already fat. It's too hard to lose weight. Just keep smoking and stroking. You are clearly meant to keep blowing up. Brain cells? What's that? Hygiene? Never heard of it. Simple men are meant to lay around, gorge, grow, gain, and other dopamine chasing. Out with the old (being smart, being fit, being an active member of society...) and in with the new (being huge, being gross, being a hedonistic slob)!
Now you're inspiration for all these gainer gooners that are so scared and excited to be like you, but too afraid to take the plunge. You see, this pig here is living his BEST life. Look at him, covered in food stains, fat piled onto his soft lazy body, BEGGING for more.
I hope everyone can see their own futures as you embrace yours, pig.
Amazing ask. Thank you.
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
Ok consider this just an intrusive thought but gooner culture seems more appealing day by day,.,
And considering how well it pairs with feedism it can be so so hot..
Just mindless edging to more and more porn??
Corrupting someone else to be a good little brainless hog for me?
I’m usually more tame in my mix between hard and soft feedism but
I’m far too stressed recently and need that escape
It also might be part of that want to be a sub for an enby or female feeder to fatten me up or I’d much prefer mutual gaining-
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
I look at you and think one thing, you live for pleasure
barely mobile, dildos inside and vibrator making you feel good, high as a kite, little drunk too, in one hand your charry flawoured vape to calm your nicotine cravings, in other huge, greasy burger to calm your stomach
there's like 3 screens in front of you, some are playing tiktok, some mugbang some straight up porn
you're overflowing your brain with dopamine but you wouldn't want it any other way, you just live for pleasure
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
Ruin your life for Gluttony
It's time to make a few things clear. I'm not just here to make you horny. I'm here to fuck you up so much that you'll very soon be wheezing 24/7 as you try carrying your deep hanging gut into the kitchen to get your fat fingers on more snacks. So you better pay attention to what I want you to do.
If you are delusional enough to still have a gym membership because "I'm just experimenting and will lose it again", cancel it now. I'm not kidding. Cancel your fucking gym membership! That money is better spent on snacks and when was the last time you went there anyways? Cancel it. You will be living a sedentary lifestyle from now on. Keep everything you need at arms length, make yourself as comfortable as possible, sleep in, masturbate a lot and stuff yourself all day long.
You'll be exclusively eating greasy, sugary food from now on, loaded with fat and carbs. You'll have absolutely no greens. The only way you'll have some vegetables will be the salad on your burger. Buy your snacks in bulk, look for jumbo boxes of snacks that will keep you occupied for a few days. Consume as much sugar as you possibly can. Really fuck up your appetite and insulin with all that sugar you'll be stuffing down that greedy throat of yours. And don't forget the heavy cream! I only want you to be eating and drinking stuff that is bad for you
Objectify yourself. You had your chance to be human, yet you chose to be a pig. Things such as human rights, respect, moral, privacy, etc. no longer apply to you. Show off your fat, growing body from every angle possible. Make a fat fucktoy and whore of yourself as you'll be depending on people to encourage and feed you even fatter. Fulfill every request sent to you, stuff yourself whenever someone tells you to. Do as you're told. You no longer have free will. Let yourself be used. Being used means that you're desirable and that's what you want, isn't it, piggy?
Wreck your brain. Play games, watch mind-numbing TV shows and do absolutely anything you can to keep your mind occupied. I want you to dumb down so much that your brain activity doesn't differ much from when you're asleep. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about anything but how fat you've gotten or how you want to eat more food, stop thinking. All that matter is food, worthless and endless content to consume, cumming over and over again and just letting your brain rot away.
Screw your limits. You don't wanna grow immobile? Sucks to be you. You'll keep getting fatter until I'm satisfied. You're my pig now and you better keep putting on those pounds or I'll have to force you. I don't care about all the issues that arise, your heart racing, your arteries clogging up from all the grease, you always being short on breath, another pair of jeans you're ripping right through before you've even worn them 3 times. I don't fucking care. All I care about is seeing that number on the scale go up. If you cannot do something as simple as stuffing your fat face, you're of no use to me.
Enjoy the last few years you've got. Soon you'll be fully immobile. You'll be one of the girls you've seen pictures or videos of, watching them struggle move their 800lbs body around, while their feeder still funnels them with heavy cream shakes. You'll be just like them and just like them your health will decline rapidly until you're fully immobile with an oxygen tube in your nose and a feeding tube in your mouth. But I won't be satisfied until I fuck your fat, buried pussy one last time until you flat-line during orgasm because your body just can't handle it anymore. That when both you and I will finally experience true satisfaction.
And yes, while all this sounds so very extreme and surreal to think about, it strangely turns you on more than other, softer posts. The fantasy of actually becoming that fat is so frightening, yet so strangely appealing. Almost as if you deeply desire just that. Why don't you stuff yourself while imagining how you'd be a fat, 800lb immobile blob? I bet that orgasm would feel sooo good. Go ahead, do it. Grab some food, start masturbating and cum while you think about how fucking fat I'll be making you! Good girl ~
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
I don't know why but I've really come to love the idea of a girl getting too fat to masturbate comfortably.
Like, just imagine: you are sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at your thickened reflection in the mirror, getting more and more turned on at the sight of new fat deposits and stretchmarks. You touch your tits, which have exploded with the recent added weight, and want nothing more than to reach down to touch yourself, knowing that it is already wet.
But the problem is you can't. You started having trouble maybe 30 pounds ago, when you realized you have to squeeze your arm through the crevice of flesh between your belly and thigh. That crevice has grown deeper, though, and your chubbier arm cannot fit through it to allow your fingers between your thighs anymore.
That's not the only problem, though. Your belly has gotten so big that you can't even think of masturbating while sitting up. The hanging mass of fat sits atop your lap when you are upright. Spreading your legs as wide as they can go now only allows it to spill between them, creating a curtain of blubber that blocks the view you know would be so enticing. And that's not even to mention the weight. You've tried to pick it up and hold it out of the way so you can reach down and finger yourself, but all that did was make you lose your breath and leave both your arms sore for a week.
Your thighs are an issue as well. They, like everything else on you, are too fat. Their tree trunk size makes it so that they are almost constantly touching each other, whether you're walking, sitting, or even spreading your legs. The rub between them is so intense that you've chafed your way through multiple pairs of pants. But the rubbing also feels so good, and when you get excited the jiggling and touching only serves to stimulate you more.
So, because of everything, you have to try to masturbate in a very particular way. You have to lie all the way back, pull your belly up as much as possible and hope it doesn't droop back down, spread your legs as much as you can now, and reach your arm down between the folds of your belly and thigh, fighting the weight just to touch yourself. And even then, your gelatinous fupa blocks the final back. You can grab the top and shake it, but it's not the same feeling as pushing your fingers into your own soaking wetness. The problem is that all the extra barriers, testaments to just how enormous you've gotten, just make you more lustful.
So you lay on the bed, mountainous stomach jiggling atop your ruined body, desperately shaking your own thighs and fupa to get some kind of stimulation. You pant from the sensation and effort, and moan from it feeling good but not being quite enough. "I'm just too fat." You moan to yourself. "I'm too fat to even touch myself." You still end up cumming.
So the next time you're on your computer you finally break down and buy some toys. Anything to give you the extra bit of reach and leverage to get yourself off.
OK, maybe I do get why I like that idea so much.
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
Ruin your life for Gluttony
It's time to make a few things clear. I'm not just here to make you horny. I'm here to fuck you up so much that you'll very soon be wheezing 24/7 as you try carrying your deep hanging gut into the kitchen to get your fat fingers on more snacks. So you better pay attention to what I want you to do.
If you are delusional enough to still have a gym membership because "I'm just experimenting and will lose it again", cancel it now. I'm not kidding. Cancel your fucking gym membership! That money is better spent on snacks and when was the last time you went there anyways? Cancel it. You will be living a sedentary lifestyle from now on. Keep everything you need at arms length, make yourself as comfortable as possible, sleep in, masturbate a lot and stuff yourself all day long.
You'll be exclusively eating greasy, sugary food from now on, loaded with fat and carbs. You'll have absolutely no greens. The only way you'll have some vegetables will be the salad on your burger. Buy your snacks in bulk, look for jumbo boxes of snacks that will keep you occupied for a few days. Consume as much sugar as you possibly can. Really fuck up your appetite and insulin with all that sugar you'll be stuffing down that greedy throat of yours. And don't forget the heavy cream! I only want you to be eating and drinking stuff that is bad for you
Objectify yourself. You had your chance to be human, yet you chose to be a pig. Things such as human rights, respect, moral, privacy, etc. no longer apply to you. Show off your fat, growing body from every angle possible. Make a fat fucktoy and whore of yourself as you'll be depending on people to encourage and feed you even fatter. Fulfill every request sent to you, stuff yourself whenever someone tells you to. Do as you're told. You no longer have free will. Let yourself be used. Being used means that you're desirable and that's what you want, isn't it, piggy?
Wreck your brain. Play games, watch mind-numbing TV shows and do absolutely anything you can to keep your mind occupied. I want you to dumb down so much that your brain activity doesn't differ much from when you're asleep. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about anything but how fat you've gotten or how you want to eat more food, stop thinking. All that matter is food, worthless and endless content to consume, cumming over and over again and just letting your brain rot away.
Screw your limits. You don't wanna grow immobile? Sucks to be you. You'll keep getting fatter until I'm satisfied. You're my pig now and you better keep putting on those pounds or I'll have to force you. I don't care about all the issues that arise, your heart racing, your arteries clogging up from all the grease, you always being short on breath, another pair of jeans you're ripping right through before you've even worn them 3 times. I don't fucking care. All I care about is seeing that number on the scale go up. If you cannot do something as simple as stuffing your fat face, you're of no use to me.
Enjoy the last few years you've got. Soon you'll be fully immobile. You'll be one of the girls you've seen pictures or videos of, watching them struggle move their 800lbs body around, while their feeder still funnels them with heavy cream shakes. You'll be just like them and just like them your health will decline rapidly until you're fully immobile with an oxygen tube in your nose and a feeding tube in your mouth. But I won't be satisfied until I fuck your fat, buried pussy one last time until you flat-line during orgasm because your body just can't handle it anymore. That when both you and I will finally experience true satisfaction.
And yes, while all this sounds so very extreme and surreal to think about, it strangely turns you on more than other, softer posts. The fantasy of actually becoming that fat is so frightening, yet so strangely appealing. Almost as if you deeply desire just that. Why don't you stuff yourself while imagining how you'd be a fat, 800lb immobile blob? I bet that orgasm would feel sooo good. Go ahead, do it. Grab some food, start masturbating and cum while you think about how fucking fat I'll be making you! Good girl ~
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the-future-fattest · 4 months
How big would I have to make you before you start questioning it? How helpless will you become before you say anything? How far can I push you before you say something more than the concerned look in your eyes?
The truth is that you'll never actually tell me to stop. You'll let me turn you into my picture perfect piggy, with all of the heavy breathing, struggling, and teasing. I'm going to show you off to every human possible in your skimpy cloths barely covering your giant body. I'll tote you around like a trophy just to watch the normies snicker and sneer at you and how you've gotten so fat and so pathetically helpless. And when I show you off on my 600lbs life to all of America they can see how much I clearly enable you and how helpless you are to my desires
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