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when we first met
it was like a movie scene
we didn't even dare to look
into each other's eyes
more than just a few seconds
that's how intense it was
we both were reading a book
i tried to catch your gaze
made a silent dare
to make our eyes meet
we always smile when they do
you fixed my angel wings
you liked my jokes
in the restaurant you order the same food
our shoulders touch frequently
but I can't look after you
when you leave
because it feels like
you never do
you are always with me
- Julia Matero, 25.2.2022
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A veces te busco en los recuerdos que ya nos abandonaron, y me pregunto si acaso regresar al pasado aunque sea por proyecciones mentales no nos hace más necios, como aquellos que ven cicatrizar a la herida y deciden abrir la costra, para luego quejarse de que el tiempo no cura nada. ¿Pero quiénes somos, al final, para luchar contra nuestra propia psique? Siempre hemos pensado que controlamos nuestros sentimientos, y lo cierto es que sólo los hemos estado reprimiendo. Así que aquí me tienes, sangrando de nuevo, por la misma herida, invadido por esa nostalgia que se abre paso entre las vísceras derruyendo todo a su paso, pero esta vez no pienso echarle la culpa al tiempo. Voy a asumir las consecuencias de quererte contra toda lógica, de eso puedes estar segura.
Heber Snc Nur
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This place that you occupy, which is your spring on winter nights, where there is no war because there is a truce, the necessary calm in your afternoons of anguish, the quiet corner to which you entrust your sadness, your shelter for when you are cold, where you keep your love and take care of mine, your place, your place, your little place in the world, this little refuge that you made yours, this place that you occupy, darling, is my heart.
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Your body is a Pacific beach
and your breath a whiff of the western air.
You taste me like summer, with tanned skin and salty kisses,
and I spend my life by your side as if dancing,
like someone who enjoys three hundred and sixty-five days of vacation.
You are not like others, of that I am sure.
Flash of desire can pierce me
as fleeting as an involuntary blink,
and my gaze will remain yours,
as yours you made all my sighs
when kissing me as one who releases feelings.
It is well known that the beauty of the beloved woman
is accentuated before the eyes of an impetuous lover,
but i'm sure you've always been beautiful
in the eyes of anyone and in the eyes of no one.
And that is my priceless fortune:
that only you gave yourself whole to me,
and joined your islands with mine,
to form this archipelago so symmetrical
with the shape of infinity.
You have happened as miracles happen,
that's why sometimes I think you don't exist,
that you are impossible and unattainable,
but then when I wake up I see you by my side and I think
—With that inordinate gratitude—
that a woman had never adorned better
the shores of all the beaches of my life.
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2 Days Left
I fell in love with you, slowly, safely!
Directly as a bullet to the sky, thinking of always having you
Being independent of you and at the same time so attached to you, so submissive
Slowly, little by little you were winning my heart
I fell in love with you, like I listen to my favorite song,
I fell in love, I just simply fell in love
I fell in love like when I walk to the sea, in a deep and special way
Slowly, slowly I took your hand and we started walking together
I see you in my dreams, in my deepest dreams, thinking endless things together
Imagining the happiness that I can feel just seeing you
Imagined that by seeing through your eyes I can see what you mean to me
I fell in love, I just fell in love!
Madness becomes sanity by your side, when I feel your hand in mine
The darkness turns to clarity when I see your eyes, while a tear falls on my cheek
Everything calms down knowing you are close, and it feels great to share my life by your side
I fell in love, I fell in love like crazy with you.
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“Sacúdeme, enmudéceme. Sedúceme, sucédeme. Sacúdeme los cimientos, las prisas; aumenta el valor de mis desvelos, quítame el frío del alma; hazme ver la belleza en lo ordinario, concédeme el placer de tu lengua en mis labios. Crea terremotos de emociones, inunda los huecos de mi rutina, destruye la ausencia, destruye el dolor. Hazme perder el equilibrio. Sacúdeme. Enmudéceme los pensamientos, el grito de las sombras que recorren entre los pasillos de mi mente. Enmudéceme la pena, la fatiga de la espera, enmudéceme estas manos desesperadas que llaman tu presencia y estos dedos: mendigos de lo trágico, suplicando por una piel que ha aprendido a borrar sus huellas. Sedúceme a deshora, en la intimidad de los silencios, en la soledad de todas las urbes; sedúceme y dame el placer de tocarte, de sentir tu aroma por dentro, de introducirme en tu vida por fuera; sedúceme los ojos, con tus labios curvos; sedúceme los poros, con tu piel tan suave; sedúceme la mente, con tu verbo elocuente; sedúceme completo o por partes, siendo tan compleja en tus horas bajas, tan bella en tu infinita existencia. Sedúceme siendo hermosa, cuando vuelas; sedúceme siendo niña, cuando lloras; sedúceme siendo mujer, cuando amas que yo me enamoro de todo y nada cuando nada pueda hacerte justicia cuando todo tenga que ver contigo. Sucédeme cuando quieras, que te espero sin conocerte todavía. Sucédeme siempre, con apuros o sin ellos, que yo no voy a marcharme, lo prometo. Sucédeme sin pedir permiso, hazme la vida imposible. Sucédeme bajo las sombras, hazte irreemplazable. Conviértete en villana, conquista, guerrera, todas las colonias de mis penas. Hazme tuyo, cámbiame. Que no te conozca mi pasado, que no pueda contra ti mi nostalgia, que se rindan mis fuerzas para olvidarte, que se abra el cielo de la fortuna y me sorprenda naufragando en tu garganta. Sacúdeme cuando me quede quieto, enmudéceme con tus labios: quítame las palabras boca a boca; sedúceme la vida, sedúceme la inocencia; sucédeme y no te fijes en las horas que todas se hacen eternas cuando el bucle son tus brazos.”
— Heber Snc Nur (via tormentadepensamientos)
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Someone tell me why a young man will jump off a bridge on a drizzling night, is it because of a bad love? Did you discover any truth that would disturb you for all eternity? Or was he just ... bored? Perhaps he did not make more sense of the days that became eternal and how short the nights were, so he decided to talk to the devil himself about it because it seems that he had more control over those evicted souls that they never wanted until they were born.
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I said that I would dedicate each and every one of my love writings to you, but now I think that it's not necessary when I write them thinking of you, each one carries a little piece of you
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Te quiero aquí. Necesito abrazarte y llenarme de tu calor. Hundir mis problemas en la curva de tu cuello. Quiero sentirte cerca porque eres lo único seguro que tengo entre tantos miedos. Porque me siento pequeñito en el lugar que debería sentirme tranquilo y solo tú puedes calmarme. Porque sé que me dirías que todo estará bien y yo te creería. Porque sabes la magnitud de mis demonios y ellos huirian solo al verte. Porque sabes cómo hacerme feliz y por eso te quiero aquí, cariño, solo aquí.
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I have to admit that I feel envy, I am also selfish, and I am a very negative person, I am envious of people who are not in the same rat race that I am in, clearly I am happy for them, they are successful because I would also like to They would rejoice in my achievements, but still, my dark side makes me question, and it makes me bitter, I feel so vulnerable and so frustrated seeing things turn different.
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I wish that I was all your excesses. Unlimited. That you love me excessively, adore me excessively, breathe me excessively. Take my hand excessively and walk for hours. Laugh excessively, out loud, until it hurts. Until crying. Wearing ourselves out in front of an excessively sunset and letting our eyes fill with the sun ... Then look at ourselves, look at ourselves excessively. Memorize my pupils, know how big they are going to get. Remember us excessively. Miss each other excessively. Dancing excessively, eating excessively, desiring myself excessively. Making love in excess. Everywhere, all over the world. To have time in excess, to allow ourselves to be trapped by the silence and peace in my bed. Go over our skin in excess and tattoo our lips in every corner. Listening to my heartbeat excessively. Kissing excessively, until everything burns and our chest is on fire. Living in excess. That we are so much until we get rid of love, love.
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I lose faith when I look around and see war taking over the streets,
and I lose it even more when we do nothing to defeat it.
I lose faith when I see beggars begging for a piece of bread on the hot platform, when I hear the gunshots, when the bombardments destroy entire cities, just because, by power, by instilling terror. When they kill another because they are different.
I lose faith when the mob get together to make fun of others, when criticizing and making a fool of someone is the only way out to fit in.
I lose faith when I see the importance of gold, oil, money, plastic, when the black rivers run without life and the smoke from the factories does not stop coming out because we need clothes, shoes, jewelry and cars that will be simple garbage When they bury us
I lose faith
seeing others lose their faith.
But I look into your eyes I look at you: you are.
It's amazing that you are. That among the rottenness and misery of humanity, hunger and thirst, fights, lies, tears and senseless rancor, hatred and blood, among all that shit, you are.
And I can't believe it. It's like leaving this world. Sail in a boat to the stars.
To lose myself so as not to return and believe that the only reason I was born was to meet you. To love you.
Because in this wretched and hypocritical place, I am rich. I possess the greatest fortune on this earth, the treasure that so many have forgotten to fight for. I have the only thing I need: love. Your.
Your hands caressing me, your mouth with a sweet taste, your smell that drives me crazy, your black eyes, your hair between my fingers, your tongue like the greatest ecstasy. And what else do I need? Nothing. Nothing.
These. It is incredible that you are, and that everything can disappear.
That this twisted and false world is destroyed when you kiss me.
Spending life like this: tasting the magical flavor of chocolates while you smile, seeing me happy. Look at the miraculous and colorful sky, see the most fascinating movies they have ever created, all by your side. Write to you, see you happy, listen to your heartbeat, laugh and say crazy things. Loving you as only you can love you.
You are here ... And I have faith.
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If you knew that I care more about you than you think. If you only knew that I keep your photographs as a treasure. If you knew that I am excited to receive messages from you. If you knew that I love your voice. If you only knew that love songs describe how I feel about you. If you knew that I like to see that you are happy. If you only knew that I love listening to you on the phone. If you knew that despite the distance I love you. If you knew that I miss you. If you knew that I would never leave you alone. If you only knew that of so many people in this world you are the one that matters the most to me. If you knew that I admire you for how you are. If you knew that I like you. If you knew that I think about you every day. If you knew that I fell in love with you. If you knew that you are so special to me. If you knew that I appreciate you being with me.
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