((Nothing big, just wanted to say that I'll be running around tumblr on Sora today. I may end up coming back on Marluxia, but odds are that'll be later tonight. So if anyone's curious, Sora is right here.
That is all~))
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Meeting Memes!
For characters who haven’t met mine yet, or those looking for AU introductions, send me one:
"Do you mind?"
"Excuse me, I think you dropped something."
"Do you have the time?"
"Hey! I’m walking here!"
"Can you spare a moment to talk about our lord and savior?"
"Can I use your bathroom?"
"Do you have a phone I could use?"
"Hey! Oh, sorry… thought you were someone else."
"Spare change?"
"Do I… know you from somewhere?"
"Are you lost?"
"Are you my mummy?"
"Quick, no time to explain! Run!"
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Want to buy me a drink?"
"Watch where you’re going!"
"I’m lost."
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My sudden disappearance last night was due to my brother for stealing my laptop >_ >
But since I'm free at this moment, anyone can message me if you'd like to RP. I wasn't given a lot of hw my first day back from school, so I'd like to try and get back into the swing of things.
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Reblog if you are a Kingdom hearts RPrer weather Au or not
I just brought back my Sora rp and would like to follow more blogs! ^.^
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Reblog if you love your followers
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What convenient timing the Assassin had with running into the anti-hero. The boy had clearly been through trials of his own regarding his memories because he was far from pleased once he saw Marluxia. Whether it was the Organization's coat which Riku recognized, or the darkness surrounding the lord, he could've cared less. Riku provided him with enough amusement with his frustration being expressed so dramatically.
"I apologize for the revolting smell, as you so kindly put it," Marluxia stated, having yet to summon his own weapon. The neophyte didn't believe the scythe was required to further annoy the boy. His hand slowly rose to pull the hood back. "I trust you've been exposed to this castle's powers, just as your dear friend has."
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A Chance Encounter
The darkness was around every corner of this place. The young boy had no idea where he was even going. Just kept blindly pressing forward to hopefully find Sora. His body was growing tired of doing battle with the darkness. The only thing keeping him going was the sheer force of his will. Mickey also helped him coming around despite not being there to prevent Ansem from taking control of his body. The members of this castle were quite strong without the powers of darkness.
It would seem he was getting closer to the top of the path that he was taking up the castle floors. Another one, a being that reeked of darkness. That foul scent made a clear look of anger on the boy’s face. His anger clearly bubbling to the surface as darkness eclipsed his right hand for a second his dark blade now in hand. "I am so sick of being surrounded by the revolting smell of darkness!"
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Send ✚ for a HEALTH headcanon. Send ♕ for a CHILDHOOD headcanon. Send ✿ for a HAPPINESS headcanon. Send ␛ for an ANGER headcanon. Send ♆ for a BODY headcanon. Send ϡ for a MENTAL STATE headcanon. Send ღ for a LOVE/SEXUALITY headcanon. Send † for a RELIGION headcanon. Send ✄ for a PET PEEVE headcanon. Send ☂ for a FOOD headcanon.
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It's been a while since I've been on O_o
Ok, I know for a fact that I must address some things I have neglected. Those RPs being:
darknessyetlight (will reply to draft
silentgoliath (I'm so sorry I never even made that starter...)
If anyone else would care to RP, just send a message to my inbox~
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Munday Symbols
❤ - Any tumblr senpais ❣ - An unpopular opinion I have ⋆ - A ship I have with my character ❧ - A ship I have with your character ✗ - A ship I can’t stand ☒ - A fact about the mun ☑ - A fact about the character ✾ - Why I chose my character ◎ - Relationship status ❂ - Post a picture of myself ☄ - My opinion of you
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ye I dunno either man but I like how Saix turned out?
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freezepride replied to your post:ღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღ
((Well, if it’s that awkward, dear, I’ll take that back.))
((That was for the muse, darling! Even though I don't ship it, it doesn't bother me if someone else does.))
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bleedingflames replied to your post:THERE WAS A GIANT ASS SPIDER
//*kills it with fire?*
Thank you ; u ;
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