the-greatest-plan · 4 years
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Valiant Hero, Revenged, Stickmin Space Resort, Toppat King, and Triple Threat Henry are now available for asking!
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
So I finally finished my animatic!
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
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“I’ve never went to oovoo javer.”
Here’s my design for Henry!
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
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“Hey its your uber driver, am outside.”
I thought I’d try making my own design of Charles, so here he is!
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
HC that after VH ending, Henry starts to stargaze a lot because he thinks that Charles lives among the stars now. He drives away from the city and all the lights, and he lays on the ground and stares up into the sky. Then before he realizes, he starts crying
Oh man 🥺 I think at first, he would hate looking at the night sky because it hurts to much to remember being in space and Charles dying. But eventually he would look up and think about how Charles would probably love the veiw, and how Charles lives up there now. And he cries every time 😔
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Following up on the unrequited HC, I feel like Charles would at first deny that he feels hurt that Henry chose to join the top hats. He is just stunned and doesn’t realize what’s happening. Later when the military retreats, he is thinking alone and realize that he wouldn’t see Henry again, and potentially would become his enemy one day.
That shit hurted, my dude! Poor Charles 🥺
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Henry realizes that he needs to save him no matter what and during the escape pod sequence he sacrifices himself for Charles. 3/3
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Charles tells him that he would never want to go somewhere where he could never see his friends ever again. Even if there was no other choice, he thinks that he wouldn’t have the courage to do something like that. Henry realizes that if that is how Charles truly feels, he needs to do everything in his power to make sure he doesn’t die. Henry then tells to trust him, and that he knows Charles has the courage to make that difficult decision, and that he is far kinder and stronger than he knows 2/3
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BrO my hEART
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
continuing on with the time travel VH AU, during the last timeline (where Henry sacrifices himself for Charles), Charles sees that Henry seems to be sad and asks him what’s wrong, and that he wants to help because it hurts him to see Henry so sad. Henry tells him that he had a really scary dream, where Henry had gone somewhere so far away and he couldn’t see him ever again. Charles tells him that it’s okay because he would never go somewhere so far that he couldn’t see all of his friends 1/2
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Oh fuck man, this hit me right in the feels dude
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
HC that Henry has pretty much been alone most of his life and always had to look out for himself. Then Charles comes into his life but as soon as he does, he’s gone too
Y’all really just wanna make me cry huh? Cus it’s working!
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Henry wrote a tune for Charles in the master bounty hunter ending.
Oh yeah, the lil ocarina tune! I thought that was so cute and funny
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Any headcanons that Charlie has unrequited feelings for Henry if he joins the top hats?
Ooo the angst, I’m imagining this would be in the Toppat 4 Life ending, and Charles would see Henry joining the Toppats as he retreats with the government. Charles would be really sad, and try to contact Henry, but Henry would never answer 😢 And Charles would leave him sad voicemails, and at some point a drunk confession over voicemail. I would like to think that Henry wants to respond, but can’t cus he can’t be affiliated with the government if he wants to stay the Toppat leader. However, Charles feelings are probably unrequited, or else Henry would have found a way to talk to Charles.
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Time Travel VH AU: the CCC has to step in a few times instead of just once because whichever ending they set in stone ends up being undone again because Henry and Charles are just that determined to save one another. The CCC realizes that either they both have to live or both have to die to end it. I’ll leave what they choose to do up to you.
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You really gonna make me choose??? Well realistically I think they would kill them both so that they don’t cause any further issues. Buuuut, if it was Wilson Stone (the ccc director from ItA) I think he would let them live, cus he would see how much they love each other, and he understands making sacrifices for the one you love. 🥺😭
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
The song“Ikanaide” reminds me a lot of VH ending :( especially the lyrics “couldn’t do a thing but stare without a sound” and “I reach out ahead but can’t make it through the room in time”
That sounds cool! Who’s the artist? I found a few songs with that name and idk which it is oof
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
2I for Henry?
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Here’s the angst you ordered (really went all out with this one)
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
omg to add on to the time travel AU, what if the only way to save Charles is for Henry to sacrifice himself. So in the end Henry realizes this and pushes Charles into the pod and their roles are reversed from the VH ending
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FUCK Man, that shit hurted 😔
Charles would be Fucked Up after that, he would think about how he could have saved him every single day. At that point it would just keep flipping and they would both be stuck in a time loop of saving each other until the chaos control guys do something about it.
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the-greatest-plan · 4 years
Could you imagine if there was a time travel AU in the VH timeline? So after Charles dies Henry gets the opportunity to redo everything again from the start of the VH timeline, he attempts to save him but no matter what he does Charles always dies. So he just keep repeating it over and over just so he can see Charles again :(
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Oh fuck dude, I’m just imagining, the first couple tries where he just tries to think of different plans that don’t involve Charles crashing into anything, but none of them work. So he tries to just get Charles to give up and go home, but Charles won’t do it. At some point Henry just breaks down and tells Charles the truth, and Charles believes him and they just go home 🥺😭
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