the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Louis looks like a rat and stinks like a sewer from all the smoking
That's why I will never understand harries calling Louis ugly over and over and insist on commenting on his looks . We might not know nothing on larry but the one thing i'm 100% sure off, is that Harry was attracted to him and find Louis attractive. It doesn't matter if they were couple at all you could just see it in the way he used to just stare and engage with him. So speculating on his dating history and reading comments from harries trashing Louis always making me giggle especially now when it's getting more and more apparant
I know. Harry was attracted. Whether they acted on it or not. And Harries can try to rewrite the past all they want, but they can’t change the fact that Harry was best friends with Louis, lived with him and was all over him. That happened. And Harry has never said an ill word about Louis. So, how do they think they are being “good fans” by trashing someone Harry cared/cares about? Harry wouldn’t want that ever.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Active Harry Styles Hate Blogs January 2021
By active I mean they make their own posts regularly; they’re not simply reblogging or making the odd post. Hate consists of claims that Harry is lying and stunting, as well as more straightforward ugliness.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
‘Get a fucking grip on your life and please please fucking PLEASE find something else to entertain yourself with than seeking out strangers on the internet with the sole intention of hurting them. ‘
HYPOCRITICAL TROLL. This is exactly what you do with Briana and Eleanor.  I hope you stay gone for years.
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Thanks so much for reblogging a post where I share something personal that's very painful for me and the people I care about, just because you have it out for me over a fucking celebrity. Get a fucking grip on your life and please please fucking PLEASE find something else to entertain yourself with than seeking out strangers on the internet with the sole intention of hurting them.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Always so jealous. Niall doesnt want you Justine!
why are twitter stans always so shady when it comes to his lives? like the minute he ends a live I cannever figure what or who they are talking they are talking about. They are saying someone from the live (probably a random fan) asked who is the prettiest girl and now I have no idea waht they are talking about
the worst part about self insolation is that these stupid teenagers on twitter have too much time for not thinking
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
“I just think sexuality's something that's fun. Honestly? I can't say I've given it any more thought than that." I wonder if Harry Styles knows people died fighting for gay rights and that sexuality isn’t just “something that’s fun” this is your fucking “gay icon?” YAWN.
YAWN. Love how you have to take things out of context in order to fake outrage.
The context of that sentence is Harry being asked if he’s dropping hints of his sexuality in his clothing/aesthetic/photo shoots, etc. He said he wasn’t that he just did things because he thought they were cool and that they never had the intention of making him look gay/bi/straight. He was specifically asked about the colours on his album cover being “the trans flag”, which was a fucking reach anyway. It’s literally just pink and blue, which are very common colours to put together, and in completely different hues than the trans flag.
That’s what he says he “hasn’t given much thought” to. And as he fucking should. He SHOULD do things because he likes them, finds them cool, finds them fun. If he was worried about accidentally sending secret messages with everything he does he would never do anything even remotely interesting. But I get it, you most likely stan Louis Tomlinson, known for these “creative” photo shoots:
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You’re never gonna get it
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And sexuality IS something that’s fun. That’s how it SHOULD BE. We literally have a PRIDE PARADE. Being LGBT is FUN. It’s something to celebrate. The idea that we should be miserable because we aren’t straight is nothing more than angst porn. It’s something LGBT artists have been battling for years. How many times have you seen LGBT fans asking for representation that isn’t angst porn? The angst of coming out, the angst of being discriminated and persecuted, the angst of being ostracised. That’s reality for a lot of people (me included), but it SHOULDN’T be.
Harry is privileged beyond belief in that sense. He has a very supportive family, a very supportive group of friends, a very supportive professional team, a very supportive fanbase. He has literally said, more than once, that he’s always felt supported and wants to provide that for other people. Why WOULDN’T sexuality be fun for him? Why would anyone be mad that it isn’t? Does he have to suffer to have a valid LGBT experience?
I’m sure it’s not all roses. There’s always setbacks when you’re a minority. I have seen homophobia thrown at him, I have seen biphobia, I have seen gatekeeping, I have seen people diminish his identity. But he clearly feels the overwhelming support louder. And he’s clearly happy and fulfilled in his identity... the fact that you think that’s something to drag shows me that you don’t really support the qu*er experience. You just want at the angst of it all. You only find it valid insofar it fits in your narrow view of what that experience should be like.
I promise you that Harry knows his LGBT history. He has shown it time and again. Just because his personal experience with sexuality is positive and he recognises it doesn’t mean he thinks that’s the universal truth. In fact he has said the exact opposite.
I’m LGBT and, yes, I decide he’s my “gay icon”... that’s up for every individual LGBT person to decide. What about it?
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
You’re literally obsessed. Why don’t you stream fruit songs or songs about women having a lack of intelligence inspired by Bukowski instead of wasting your time on people you dislike? You don’t care, but here you are writing paragraphs about other artists. What’s next a huge post about how Jeff is actually a decent human being, even though he uses data mining and capitalizes off you?
I don’t care, as in, I’m not currently paying attention to his life. I stanned the man for a few years (I know, embarrassing), and his fans, aka you, will not shut the fuck up about Harry, so obviously I have thoughts. And when I get asked my thoughts, I’m eloquent enough to express them. I’m sorry (I’m not sorry) it hurts seeing the truth laid out and not being able to deny it, to the point where you have to deflect with your tired “Harry is evil” talking points to get a word in.
You say “fruit songs” like it’s a bad thing. What kind of insult is that? Oh no he has a quirky theme going on in some of his songs... how... terrible...?
He hasn’t written any songs about women’s lack of intelligence inspired by Bukowski. The only song inspired by Bukowski is Woman, and it’s about him being irrationally jealous of an ex. The lyrics literally shit on himself. And the inspiration is a poem called “Old Man Dead In A Room” which is about dying alone. The implication that this is somehow misogynistic is laughable because it just shows YOUR lack of intelligence. The song about A woman, one individual woman, not being smart is Kiwi (”hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect”) And it’s about a woman who wants to be famous (”she’s such an actress”) and uses men to her advantage, a type of woman that I’m sure Harry has had to deal with. Men are allowed to express negative feelings about women. It’s not automatically misogynistic to not like a specific woman, especially when it doesn’t fall into stereotypes, which Kiwi is absolutely not.
Jeff is an excellent person, yes. From the little I know, he’s a supportive friend of Harry’s who’s loved by friends and family and seems perfectly nice. Every artist capitalises off their fanbase. That’s... literally what they do for a living. Do you know what “capitalises off” means? They offer you products for you to buy. Music, merch, stuff they promote, movies. The expectation is that you’ll buy it. Jeff isn’t “data mining.” Google is doing that, first of all. DEMAND (which isn’t even his own project - he’s just part of the panel), is just taking the information Google already gets from us and putting it to use. Do I like it? No. It creeps me out. But Google is already doing it and has been doing it for like, two decades. Tis the world we live in. If I don’t want Google to mine my data I’m perfectly capable of avoiding their products. Also, if you believe Louis is not gonna use this service, considering it will be offered by Live Nation, a company Louis is signed with... please, belly laugh with me.
The fact that Louis fans have convinced themselves that somehow he’s the only communist millionaire is laughable. Louis has been pedalling this bullshit about class and fair earning of money... and then charges people to sign a CD and take a picture with him. It’s absolutely fucking HILARIOUS. I remember when he said “VALUE FOR MONEY!” back when he was talking about his album and how it was gonna have “definitely more than ten tracks” (shade towards HS1). It turned out to have 12 tracks and like, half an hour of content (50% less than Fine Line). He’s pissing on you, telling you it’s rain, and you’re showering in the piss and saying “thank you, king!”
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
oof girl...just oof. you have the guts to complain about rads and yet, you’re a het🤷‍♀️ pretty unfortunate.
I’m not complaining. I’m laughing at you because you have no impact on Harry, on us, on Louis’s dying career. There’s maybe fifty of you yapping on tumblr and dedicating your actual lives, 24/7 to pedal the most ridiculous and outlandish theories about an artist who will never be affected by it in the slightest, who gets bigger and bigger every day, who’s universally loved and recognised by his talent and personality more and more as time passes by. And you’re seething in the corner, angrily going at your keyboard. I’m not mad at you. I’m entertained by you. Your anger is FUNNY to me.
And, btw, I’m bisexual and don’t think Harry is straight, so where exactly am I “a het” lmfao.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Harry's growth was organic...WHAT?!😭😭 he has the most powerful managers in the industry who bought him literally everything. Let's not talk a kid mediocre lyrics and songs please, la la la stan.
“They literally bought him everything” 😭 and what would be the point of that? How are they profiting at all if all they’re doing is putting money? I don’t think you understand the most basic concepts of economics, sweety.
This is one of the most antisemitic tropes ever, and you guys repeat it over and over with absolutely no shame. The evil Jews control their entire industry with their dirty money? Yikes.
Harry’s growth was organic because if fans didn’t LOVE him then nobody in music business would invest their time and money in him, sweetie pie. That’s literally the entire point of the music industry. “Oh these powerful people are supporting him” you say as if that somehow proved any sort of point of yours... instead of... exactly the opposite?
The fact that powerful people in the industry decided to back him up means they see his potential and want a piece of its revenue. Powerful people backing him up is not a drag to Harry’s talent, charisma, personality, looks, whatever you wanna call it. It’s a direct result of him possessing all that.
“La la la” stan. Yes and? The fact that Harry can take a simple onomatopoeia and turn it into so many different sounds is amazing. All his lalalas are different! I love every single one of them. You might want to check your own dude for “oh oh ohs” tho. He was dragged by very serious publications for his pedestrian lyricism. He’s not the E. E. Cummings you think he is.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Who's sea? I've seen them referenced a few times but I don't actually know who it is. I'm really not super immersed in the fandom I just follow a couple of harries so half the stuff that gets referenced just flies straight over my head
A former Larrie now Rad who was unhinged then and is becoming more and more unhinged which each passing day. I know the thing that broke the camel’s back with me and why I blocked her instead of just ignoring her was when she spent her time shitting on Helene (Harry’s photographer) and calling her disgusting names. The shit she says about Harry is borderline psychotic but Harry is one of the biggest stars in the world right now and ultra famous people tend to attract that sort of attention. It’s horrible, but it’s... par for the course, sadly. But attacking a photographer so viciously was even worse, because then her followers went and left horrible comments on Helene’s social media, who then had to see them. And I know she saw them because she moderated them. Apparently she did the same shit with Ryan (Harry Lambert’s assistant) because he liked a comment about disliking Louis’s voice.
But, you know, Louis encourages bullying and always has, so is anyone surprised?
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
This is seriously stalker territory! One of Louis' stans is flooding my dms
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
So what kind of ugly corrupt homophobic piece of shit do you think Louis is? Hiring a woman and child to cover up his sexuality, because he’s so ashamed of it? He doesn’t even have a thirst fandom, he has lgbt fans who only stan him because they think he’s gay. Why would he need a beard for them? You’re kidding yourself if you think Louis Tomlinson needs to keep up a facade of boyband heterosexuality because he has tons of female fans who want to sleep with him. He is plain and prematurely aged and all his fans are either Larries or homophobic, grotesquely antisemitic Rads.
So louis was tweeting and after that she was allowed to post again? This is so weird man.
She took the weekend off just like an ordinary employee and got back to work.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Shame you are homophobic.
no i will not suck up to gallagher, not after he sold out to st*les and took his pussy ass fish
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
''Despite Harry’s big hoopla, I don’t feel confident for his longterm career at all. It’s a bit hollow, and I know it seems like he has everything, but it doesn’t feel right to me.'' SEA just posted this. She thinks Louis has a better chance of long term success. No chance - he probably lost Syco money on all those costly Walls videos directed by quite a famous director. He may have to finance LT2 himself at this rate.
I’m quite confident saying he financed the videos for this album himself.
And rads were saying the exact same thing about Harry’s success before Fine Line came out too. You know how that turned out.
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
Have you ever found anything that Harry did wrong? Like for me it was deff the covid merch but what about you? You know it's kinda ok to criticize because well we are all humans and we make some mistakes sometimes we are not perfect. So I was just wondering that
I have no issues with the COVID shirts.
I think he should speak up a little more. Explain his side of things because often he chooses to let things go and it can give itself to confusions. For instance, the BLM thing. I’m not black is obviously I have no say, but I didn’t think not grabbing the flag the one time they took it to a concert was an issue. I did think he could’ve found a way to clarify why he didn’t. Eventually he did, in his Rolling Stone interview. He explained he didn’t feel like he could champion the cause because of his white privilege, and then I was like, yeah that makes sense. And he did advocate for the cause plenty. I just wish he didn’t take two fucking years to clarify why he didn’t at the beginning. You know? Sometimes silence can be taken for compliance and I think Harry can easily fall back into that a lot, unless he’s directly asked about something he doesn’t really address it.
Other than that, not really? He’s done ignorant stuff in the past but I mean, who hasn’t? None of it is that egregious anyway, and he was a kid (wearing a headdress when he was 19, for instance). I think the lyrics of Only Angel are not that great and are a little bit cliche in a bad sense? But like, I’m not that bothered about it and he showed a lot of growth since then 🤷‍♀️
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
You have dmed me about 12 times, you desperate Eleanor Calder stan. Just admit you find her hot and go on your way. You’re running a UA for her and Briana and have been for years. Closet case.
It's a Monday, so the beard is back to work and posting a black screen. 😂
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the-hoe-is-here · 4 years
You are absolutely OBSESSED with that woman. Get a life. 
It's a Monday, so the beard is back to work and posting a black screen. 😂
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