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Thanks. I hate it here.
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Saving You Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Technically The Circus ended at the stairs too (like Ozzie's and Full Moon), just from a bird view perspective.
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I don't know if this was on purpose (or if anyone has thought of this already) but:
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Alastor is the king of spades, and:
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Spades are the aromantic card suit
I just thought that was cool :)
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : YingFern (twitter / tumblr)
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So, my man gets kidnapped, tortured, and has his family threatened and remains cool, calm, and collected. He even goes as far as making copious amounts of sex jokes because ‘If I’m gonna die I’m going out on my terms.’
This has most likely never happened to a Goetia before. Remember, it’s almost impossible to kill a Goetia. Striker needed angelic weapons to hurt him. And my man shrugged his shoulders and squared up because he was not going to let his assassin see him weak.
But the other 99% of the time he’s on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Peak ‘anxious friend you want in a crisis’ energy. 10/10. Perfect neurodivergent rep. No notes.
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the-hungriest-games · 10 days
What's up with the shit takes I've been seeing for this episode.
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Blitz and stolas both has trauma that they're trying to overcome. I don't know why people insist on ignoring stolas's trauma in favor of blitz and vice versa.
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Stolas literally starts the ep off singing about his insecurities and how much he loves blitz. Singing about how he hopes blitz will stay with him. He's ignoring the problems he's having with the divorce and probably the potential custody battle. He's trying to make things right between him and blitz.
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He sees himself as a monster because of the contract despite the fact that blitz showed up to his house with the intent to steal from him. No one wants to talk about that thou.
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Then stolas talks about how being with blitz saved him from the chains of his status. Their relationship despite being built on a lie showed him that stolas can make choices in his own life. So now he wants to give blitz that choice too, and he hopes that blitz will choose him. Stolas truly thinks that blitz will respect him enough to consider an actual relationship despite his insecurities telling him otherwise.
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Freezer meltdown.
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Blitz and stolas know nothing about the others trauma or their triggers.
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Stolas has the right to walk away from this conversation especially after what blitz jokingly said. He is not obligated to stay and take the verbal abuse that blitz throws at him. Stolas walks aways because blitz has seemingly given his answer he's upset and trying not to argue. He has lived in an abusive house hold for 17 years. He's triggered.
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But blitz is triggered as well he has abandonment issues that he hasn't worked out yet. He's used to relationships going wrong and ending in a fight which is why he lashed out.
He needed a minute to process which is fine but that doesn't give him the right to lash out verbally to stolas who literally flinches when blitz yelled.
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In my opinion stolas did a great job conveying his feelings which is difficult to do. I don't think he realized just how far on different pages they were when it comes to the relationship. Stolas believes they're already on the brink of being more, while blitz wants things to stay the same.
They both just think so lowly of themselves they cannot conceive the other truly loves them.
If one more person calls stolas a manipulator I'm gonna lose it.
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the-hungriest-games · 10 days
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babes we’ve got bigger problems
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the-hungriest-games · 10 days
It's not just the fact that Blitz and Stolas were having two completely different conversations at the end of The Full Moon. It's the fact that Blitz was the only one who realised this. At the very last second, he realised he wasn't having the conversation he thought he was, and he now has to sit with the knowledge of what Stolas was actually saying to him, and the weight of how Stolas must have interpreted his reaction.
Meanwhile, Stolas is still fully under the impression that Blitz understood what he was saying from the get go, and his reaction was completely genuine every step of the way.
They were both facing away from one another... And only Blitz looked Stolas' way.
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the-hungriest-games · 10 days
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Another screenshot redraw of the besties <3
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the-hungriest-games · 10 days
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preparing for the Full Moon🌕💫
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the-hungriest-games · 16 days
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Let’s Dance
Part 8/12
Part 7
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the-hungriest-games · 18 days
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Ruby Sunday in 73 yards
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the-hungriest-games · 20 days
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Let’s Dance
Part 7/12
Part 6
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the-hungriest-games · 20 days
starkid's new short film "workin' boys" raises an excellent question: (spoilers below the cut)
if you went to see a musical at your local theatre and act 1 was a lighthearted dramedy about some gay businesswomen, and then after intermission the curtain was raised to reveal the director covered in blood + the actresses' dead bodies, how long would it take you to go from "weird choice for act 2" to "holy shit I think this is real"
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the-hungriest-games · 20 days
workin' girls playbill but you can actually read it:
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i couldn't find what the front page looked like so i just slapped kim on there 🤷‍♀️
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