I’m glad people enjoyed that last post. I’ve thought about Demyx a lot since KH3. I’ve got more where that came from!
I kinda forgot to mention Demyx’s interaction with Vexen and Ienzo in my last post. It’s pretty interesting, so I’ll break down everything. (I recommend reading my previous post first.)
In Radiant Garden, Vexen presents the plan to Demyx. Just like how Demyx told Larxene and Marluxia that they had to “play it smart”, he advises Vexen against staging a betrayal. However… Ever the opportunistic bastard, he asks what’s in it for him. There’s always a catch.
Vexen offers him “forgiveness”.
Demyx says, “For what?”
idk, man. Maybe for attacking a kid? Helping Xemnas? For joining the new Organization for unclear reasons?? Pick one.
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As he talks about atonement, Demyx listens and looks at him very seriously as if he’s interpreting his words in a personal way. Demyx doesn’t show his serious side for no reason. I don’t believe he has his memories, but I think he’s definitely thinking about something here.
The thing that stands out to me the most in this scene is the way Vexen says “Men like us”, referring to them both as scientists. That’s kinda weird. You know Demyx. I know Demyx. And Vexen should know Demyx well enough to know that he’s not a scientist… Right? What gave him that impression? As a man of science, can he smell a fellow scientist?? It seems too specific for me to accept it as just a presumptuous slip of the tongue. Given the research AtW performed on Subject X, I wouldn’t be surprised if he and Vexen knew something about the MoM and/or Demyx’s identity. That line sounds like bait. Maybe he really was trying to get through to the MoM, but it fell on deaf ears because the MoM’s not home right now. That’s kinda sad.
Demyx ignores the offer of forgiveness entirely. He avoids it by saying “I’m not a scientist.” (And maybe he’s not. For now.) One has to wonder why he seemed to be taking Vexen so seriously. When considering the things that he might require atonement for, what might he have been imagining…?
Now seems like a good time for me to mention that I think the Foretellers were an experiment.
Demyx Kingdom Hearts has committed crimes against humanity.
After he fails to appeal to Demyx’s conscience, Vexen stumbles upon the magic words: “No one would suspect you.” Demyx loves being a sneaky bitch. He loves it so much!! He literally cannot refuse now!! DEMYX TIME!!!
Now it’s time for the scene with Ienzo!
As soon as he appears, Demyx looks around the lab/computer room with wide-eyed, childish delight. For what reason would this supposed idiot admire the lab equipment of Ansem the Wise? He’s like a kid in a candy store. He’s so distracted, he doesn’t even notice Ienzo until Ienzo says his name. Or maybe he found the lab more interesting than the person who was directly in front of him. (Yikes.)
Demyx tells Ienzo that he rejoined the Nobodies and says “I just can’t shake the feeling I’ve been sweet talked.” Hey. This tells us something important… Demyx wasn’t forced. He willing rejoined them, and it sounds like he did so under a condition. There’s Always A Catch. I wonder what convinced him that rejoining would be to his advantage. There’s gotta be a reason why this line wasn’t elaborated upon.
Now, there’s a line here that’s different in the Japanese version. I suppose it’s not ESSENTIAL when we already have everything else, but I wanna talk about it anyway. lol It’s interesting!
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What he says here is “Later, you’ll have to tell me which you prefer.” (In English, this was the “We have sooo got to have a chat” line.)
He wants to pick Ienzo’s brain to find out whether he prefers being a human or a Nobody. If you were wondering why Ienzo recoils and reacts as if Demyx said something inappropriate… It’s because that’s how it sounded. In Japanese, Ienzo responds with, “What’s this so suddenly?” to which Demyx says, “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it like that.” It’s hard to say whether Ienzo really misunderstood or if that’s just how Demyx interpreted his reaction. …….You know what, maybe the suggestiveness of these lines is why it was changed. LOL
I’m suddenly remembering that part of Back Cover where the MoM leans over to stare at Ira’s ass while he isn’t looking… I don’t know why I ignored that before. Is he a pervert? Oh my god. Who knew that would become evidence…
Regardless, there is something strange about his question. I think it’s meant to sound kinda creepy. This changes the context of what he says. Demyx doesn’t just want to have a “chat”. He wants to study Ienzo. (I hope you don’t mind the prospect of a thousand-some-year-old scientist looking at Ienzo as a potential test subject. Cuz I think that’s what we’re looking at here.)
Wasn’t the goal of all Nobodies to get their own hearts? Yet… Being a Nobody doesn’t seem to bother Demyx. His question is rude. It’s like he’s looking at it as a frivolous choice between one or the other, like being human isn’t the obviously preferable choice.
Reminds me of how Xigbar didn’t mind becoming half-Xehanort. Anything for the plan. If the MoM could give up his heart, his body, his memories, and disappear from the world, then being a Nobody really would seem like nothing for him to be distraught about. Does he have any sense of humanity? …I know that sounds dark, but these are the kinds of assumptions I must consider in my pursuit of the truth!
Ienzo doesn’t get many lines here besides a moment to express his confusion. Demyx can’t shut up because he’s just so proud of himself. He’s fooled everyone. His ego dominates the scene. I can’t help but point out how animated his gestures are in this scene. “TADAAAA!!” It’s like as we move from one cutscene to the next, he’s getting more and more MoM-like. SOON… THE ATMOSPHERE IS CULMINATING…
Ienzo is reunited with Ansem the Wise. Dilan is moved to tears and comforted by Aeleus. And Demyx doesn’t seem to feel anything about all these feelings. He interrupts to move things along.
If he weren’t so cute, you’d notice how rude he is. lol
Anyway, if Demyx were meant to be the MoM, KH3 is where Nomura would plant the most hints. And they’re there, if you ask me. It feels like his character has been refined so that the similarity will be more apparent. Demyx’s lines feel very carefully-written. In the other games, there were lines that didn’t seem to serve a purpose, but every line involving Demyx in KH3 sounds like it’s meant to have a double meaning. I see what you did, Nomura. And I like it.
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okay but why am i laughing at the idea of crowley and aziraphale going for tea with newt and anathema post Armageddon’t and desperately trying to maintain their cover as Normal Human Beings™ in anathema’s aggressively demon-proofed house
she starts laying out candles at one point and they’re like ooh whatcha doing and she goes “oh, it’s just my afternoon ritual to cleanse this homestead of demonic entities” 
and crowley is just like “cool! i have to leave now for unrelated reasons”
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#Thor’s two moods when it comes to Loki
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I have something extremely important to say
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So here’s an interesting little thing. I saw this being pointed out by @/zanzounohito on Twitter. (Here’s the original tweet.)
It seems the Gambler Nobodies have cards that depict Luxord, Larxene, and Marluxia. I turned on the game to give them a look in the journal, and sure enough, they juggle those three cards. There also seems to be an ace which must only appear in battle. I can’t tell what the text on the card says. If anyone has the assets or somehow has a clearer screenshot, that’d be appreciated. The text on the bottom looks like “Organization XIII”, but I’m not sure what the word above it is. “Nomura”? lol Don’t quote me on that.
I just find it interesting that their cards depict those three in particular. Rather, I find the absence of Demyx to be interesting.
Is it because they’re part of the real Organization? If that’s the case, then why don’t the Gamblers have cards of all the other members? Is it because they’re characters associated with “the ancient keyblade legacy”? Then why don’t they have a card for Demyx? Why would Luxord’s Nobodies have cards of those two in general?
This is just another thing that adds to the impression I’ve had. Those three were part of the real Organization. Those three fought together in the Keyblade Graveyard. Those three are represented by the Gamblers’ cards. Although Demyx is also a part of the legacy, he’s always separate from them. Trios are a meaningful thing in the series. While I’m sure that Demyx relates to each of them in some way through that “legacy”, I get the feeling that those three represent something that Demyx isn’t a part of.
i wOnDeR wHaT iT mEaNs… .. .
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Dandelions are pretty persistent, am I right?
[Scala ad Caelum] Young Xehanort: You know what? Mabe when I become a Master, I want to uncover the mysteries of the Keyblade War.
Young Eraqus: Being a historian sounds boring…What are going to do the rest of your life?
(In the distance, Blaine spits out his coffee)
Blaine: …Excuse me? You want to know about the War? Spoiler alert for you, everyone DIED!
Keep reading
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sure i may not “read the player’s handbook” or “know what an aasimar is” or “calculate basic math” but im gay, im having fun, and im eating dice so really who cares
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Kingdom Hearts III → Axel + Keyblade
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I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't done this earlier
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guys you can wait a little bit longer it is quite literally a video game.
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Don’t mind me. I needed some fluff.
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    Hearts driven by one oath, one purpose.
        Credit to yanahri for the wonderful chess models!         Alternatives:  ◆  ◇
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CALLING IT NOW, the scene with Xigbar and Luxord is WHY we get that weird cutoff as Xigbar is saying “May your heart-” They’re in Olympia, they’re standing right where Xigbar was during that scene. 
Xigbar was caught by stating that quote out loud, this is what leads to Luxord questioning him. Xigbar was caught off guard by Luxord.
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After Ienzo and Even have cooled off (and been respectively coddled by their bfs) do they ever apologize to each other and talk it out or do they just start working together again and act like nothing happened?
Part 2 of this, right? 
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Apologies of course! They’re civil, grown men. 
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but Ienzo is also Ienzo
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