" you're all so fearful ...
 or is it just i who lacks in emotion ? "
[ IT tilts its head, their smile unwavering, the balance, the weight on the scale shifting to the left, making the side drop and sway slightly as IT approached. ]
" i'll guide you three despite my lack of knowledge of the directions of these .. backrooms.
 i'll keep you safe even if it costs my life. "
[ IT tiptoes forward, a slight dance in ITs steps. ]
" come.
 follow ! "
-- ⚖️
*uhh.... you sure scale? the backrooms is historically dangerous for anons and non-anon entities alike...*
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[ After a bit of hesitation, Doot just shuts up and begins taking nibbles out of the bread. ]
*alright- so, which one of you lot is brave enough to go into the backrooms?*
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... Well-!!
[ A piece of bred™ is thrown into Doot's hands by Nameless ]
Don't Think I'm Ignoring Your Behavior, Doot. We're Having A Concerning Talk After All Of This. ■]]]
*yeah you should probably eat something*
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(they put thier head in thier hands)
We Are Going To Fucking Die.
*don- Don't worry- I'll have a guide there to help with this-*
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*yeah. I'm not joking, that's how serious this is-*
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Doot!!? That sounds horrible...!
For Every Cure In The World, There's Another Sickness Still Yet To Be Cured... How Would We Find Something Like That? ■]
*well, the BIG problem is.... one of the ingredients is in the backrooms- and it's being guarded by a whole lot of partygoers-*
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Hm? ■]
*so, sayf got revived and CC's boon stopped, but uhh... something bad happened to sayf that requires a cure-*
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(they were instantly put on guard, looking around for anything…)
you- guys feel it too?..
*alright so I just got some... news- you guys might want to hear it*
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" the air smells funny, no? "
[ IT still smiles, tilting ITs head. ]
" shall we check it out? though, if you're hungry, we shall wait. "
— ⚖️
*everyone starts to feel uneasy... like something just happened...*
[hey guys you have a new mission]
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(IM SO SORRY GUYS I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS HHHHHHHHHHHH, anyways- Informant gives a slight wince at the sound of the plate shattering onto the floor, deciding that they are just going to quickly choose what they want and go sit down with the food)
-Informant Anon
*there's a... shift in the air. the air is beginning to smell sour...*
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*poob flicks your forehead, and suddenly you are back where you started (in the inn)...*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*the strange demon-like figure (who introduced themself as "Poob") proceeded to explain that this is a realm where memories are held, that the flour cookie was trying to use it for evil, and the such*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*they shrug*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*the strange demon-like being looks towards him and notices him somehow-? they wave while looking confused*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*the flour one retreats, leaving the place, and the demon-like figure looks over to the other cookie, who smelled of cacao... they seem to be talking about something...*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*one thing's for sure, the demon-like figure is beating the SHIT out of the flour one-*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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*he can see what seems to be... two cookies???? fighting outside of the ruins he's in??? oh- look, a strange demon-like figure cracking their knuckles*
{Somewhere in the static, two anons and a flash of blue appear from a Realm, tired and exhausted. The blue, shapeless figure falls to His knees in exhaustion and relief, no longer feeling like He was going to be anchored down the Deep Sea of Sleep.}
{Once He got his bearings and shook His drowsiness off, He looked around at the unending static, putting His earmuffs back on as becoming aware of the sound of countless Anons completely overwhelmed him.}
Ugh- Hey... Are we out now? I didn't throw you guys, like... Too hard, right?
*The two give a thumbs up as they both get up and stumble a bit... all they had to do now was find CC aaaaand... looks like CC has collapsed in the middle of this place, and is audibly snoring*
... Looks like he used a boon on accident... probably for a little too long based on how dead asleep it is...
*Biohazard cleanup sighed as he picked up a TV to place on the now visually redacted head of CC.*
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