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RT @ColtonLHaynes On set now wit @amellywood @colindonnell @willaaaah . Wish we cld enjoy the new Episode with yall… http://t.co/oeswIQ6F
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-Giggles breathlessly, adoringly easing her slender fingers through the little one’s thick, dark locks, momentarily peaking over the top of the baby’s head, glancing down at Jesse through her thick dark lashes with an incredibly attentive smile, musing softly as she adoringly cooed into Alex’s thick locks- we certainly have, haven’t we baby? -before instantly reconnecting her gaze with Jesse’s momentarily nodding her head before mumbling- I know we do, this is going to be good, for all of us. I’m glad to hear it. You did huh? I guess you and Jackson are going to have to teach me a thing or two about beaches. Honestly, Valentines day to me, is just another day. Why should I pile my love and affection for Jackson down into one particular day? When ideally, I should be expressing it, every single day, just as promised. My ideal valentines day, is going to be, to spend it, knowing my family are happy and safe. Spend it together, you know?  -She momentarily nodded her head in complete understanding; her piercing blue eyes conveying sympathy and reassurance before musing against the top of Alex’s head- Are you uncle Jesse going to snooze all the way there? I think you are -before adoringly lifting her head with a soft smile, whispering- that sounds like a plan. I’m good, thank you Jess. Me and little one here, yeah.. Jackson… -giggles adoringly, playfully wrinkling her nose- Jackson’s… eh, he’s getting there. How about you, you all ready?
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-He raised his eyebrows in surprise when she mentioned beaches, his expression remaining warm as he sat before her on the floor, his head tilted back against the wall as he murmured softly- You’ve never been to a beach before? Wow, we’ll definitely have to teach you a thing or two about them; they’re great fun, building sand castles and getting out in the sea, not to mention the weather should be a lot warmer in California so you could always sunbathe. That’s a really good point, and you’re right, you should both show your love for each other everyday not just on a commercial holiday; and I know you do that anyway. Spending the day as a family sounds perfect, it might… Distract me, you know? –He inhaled a deep steadying breath as he picked up on the sympathetic edge to her expression, knowing that she knew full well that he hadn’t been sleeping, that she was one of the very few people who understood the full extent of what he was dealing with. Moving a hand up to ruffle it through his hair, he smiled adoringly at the way she interacted with her son, his warm gaze traveling between the two of them as he relished within the calming atmosphere that surrounded them. Nodding his head subtly as she spoke to convey she had his full attention, he whispered softly- I’m glad you’re good, it’s nice to see you so happy again, and I can tell already just the thought of this vacation is making all of us far more relaxed. –Before laughing at the way she spoke about Jackson and his packing, the deep hum genuine and calm- I’m sure he’ll be ready to go soon enough, I don’t think he knows how to pack without taking his whole closet… Yeah, I’m ready to go. I’m used to traveling so it took me about fifteen minutes to pack before I was completely prepared for when we set out. Jackson mentioned something about a Grandpa Joe… I’m kind of nervous at the prospect of meeting new people.
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All packed and ready to go...
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I’m sorry i’m so slow, I was distracted by tweets hahahahha :’3
I've just read through all of his answers so it's okay bby hahahaha :3
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ooooh laawd, babbbbby idk :’333 is it showing his replies? or just his general tweets because you have to click on all to reveal everything, which confused me hahahaa
Oooooh I've got it now hahahahahha thank you bby :)
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I can't find the tweet on his page O.o what the hell is going on with my twitter sjkfsfjsfhskjfhksrfh
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There you are. I’ve been looking for you. Well, actually -giggles, momentarily glancing down at Alexander of whom was weakly grasping the air in front of him with a disjointed murmur of sheer content as if he was trying to reach out for Jesse- We both have.I’m glad to hear you’re looking forward to this, you more than deserve a break. I’m sorry Jess. I get that.. its going to be, incredibly rough on you, but, I promise we can make the beach house a valentine.. free zone. How are.. feeling?
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-Glances up from where he sits upon the floor in the hallway, his back against the wall near the staircase, smiling slightly as she begins to speak. Running a hand through his hair, he glances down at Alexander as the little one grasps the air before Skye as if he's reaching out to him; his expressing softening as he murmurs softly- Hey, little man... Have you and your Mummy been looking for me? -Listens to her speak as he keeps his gaze upon the baby boy, running his palm against his stubbled jawline before looking up at her, his warm brown irises inviting and friendly as he murmurs- I think we all deserve a break Skye, and I am really looking forward to this, I used to love the beach when I was a kid. You don't have to do that, honestly it's fine. I know it's going to be rough, but I'm sure I'll get through it and it's just one day right? I know, Jackson wants to be able to celebrate the holiday with you, and I'd never want my... Grief to affect your happiness.  I'm... Okay, surviving just like always, I'm a little tired, but maybe I'll be able to get some sleep on the ride up there. How are you? Have you and Jackson got everything packed? 
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All packed and ready to go...
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All packed and ready to go...
I'm actually really looking forward to this... Apart from Valentines Day of course.
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“Who wants to adopt me for Valentine’s Day???” - @coltonhaynes
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-An incredibly breathless giggle helplessly eased from her ripe pink lips as she adoringly crinkled her nose, whispering tauntingly- I can’t help it, watching you getting that precious crinkle in your brow and that intense look of concentration, then when your tongue pokes against your bottom lip and your nose wrinkles, its the most adorable thing ever. You’re incredibly precious when you’re concentrating, even more so when you’re trying to pack a suitcase. -Another intensely alluring giggle of helpless elation forcefully eased from her subtly parted ripe pink lips as he spoke, her immediately raising her brow within her intense surprise before musing tauntingly- Oh, is that so huh? I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree, but.. the underwear i’ve packed for this trip, well.. that might level out the score, because you’re definitely way, hotter. -She adoringly leaned into his incredibly attentive touch as he soothingly brushed his warm lips to the corner of her mouth, her whispering breathlessly- I feel good, really good, incredibly excited, how about you, baby? -an incredibly prominent smile helplessly stained her ripe pink lips as she adoringly glanced down at him with their son as Alexander adorably wriggled within his mother’s embrace, gurgling helplessly as Jackson attentively kissed the top of his head, before whispering breathlessly- little prince is incredibly cuddly today and he’s missing daddy, but he’s fed, changed, and all packed, aren’t you sweetheart? and I bet he’s just as excited as mummy is to give his brand new pushchair a go. 
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-Another breathless chuckle fled his pale pink lips as he watched the way their little one gurgles and wriggled within their embrace upon his action of kissing his head; him pressing his lips to Alexander’s forehead once more before pulling back in order to gaze over both of them before him with his breathtaking, pale blue irises, his wide and dazzling smile still fixed upon his lips as he kept his heated palm on their baby boy’s cheek, his thumb absentmindedly tracing back and forth against the smooth, porcelain complexion. He moved his gaze up to Skye as she spoke, him ensuring she understood she had his full attention as he murmured- I’m glad you’re feeling good beautiful, and you should be excited, this vacation is going to be incredible… I’m okay, I have a little bit of a headache but it’s not that noticeable at all and I’m just really looking forward to getting up there and relaxing in the knowledge that we’re away from the chaos of this town. -As she spoke of their little one, he playfully gasped down at Alexander, relishing in the way he raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes upon hearing the sound fleeing Jackson’s lips; how his deep irises, that so resembled his mother’s grew incredibly fascinated at his Daddy’s action. Grazing his teeth across his lower lip with a truly elated smile he cooed softly- Are you all clean and ready to go on your first vacation little man? Oh, Daddy thinks you are, and he also thinks you and Mummy will love the pop-up, portable crib Daddy has bought for you to sleep in at the beach house. –Playfully wriggling his nose at his son and watching as the little boy gurgled and moved a hand out in a gripping motion towards his father, he glanced back up at Skye as he murmured- I figured he would need somewhere to sleep, and there aren’t any cribs at the house. Mmm, baby, can Daddy have cuddles with our little one? I’ve missed him whilst I’ve been stuck packing.
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Getting stuff ready for the family vacation...
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Arrow Mid-Season trailer
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-His undeniably breathtaking laugh immediately eased adoringly through her incredibly sensitive senses, helplessly sending undeniably sharp shudders of sheer ecstasy to ache through her slender frame as she subtly added a gentle spring to her step in order to attentively comfort Alex within her incredibly adoring embrace before an extremely taunting, playful gasp helplessly eased from her ripe pink lips as she mused breathlessly- Little Prince, Daddy could be wearing a binbag and we’d still be more than proud, wouldn’t we? -With that, she cautiously moved herself forwards, giggling breathlessly as she attentively brushed her ripe pink lips to the exposed flesh of Jackson’s neck; ensuring she kept her heated palm behind Alexanders neck in order to ensure he remained supported, whispering adoringly against Jackson’s heated flesh- Mm, that you do. They’re very nice, but lets face it, you look better out of them.
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-Taking the flannel shirt off the coat hanger, he replaced the hanger upon the rail within the closet before holding the thin shirt in both of his hands in order to prepare to fold the material and pack it into the duffel bag their clothes as a couple had been placed in; him clasping his lower lips between his teeth as her playful gasp registered within his senses, an almost imperceptible blush forming upon his highly defined cheekbones, him chuckling lightly at her words before murmuring softly- You're way too kind, and now you're embarrassing me sweetheart. -Before bowing his head with a dazzling smile highlighting his incredibly handsome features to an undeniable degree, as he began to fold his shirt neatly within his hands. Upon feeling the sensation of her lips against the back of his neck, he shuddered helplessly as his pale irises uncontrollably eased shut; his stomach animatedly fluttering upon hearing her comment as he whispered deeply- Mmmm, now you're definitely just trying to make me blush... But we both know who looks better out of their clothes out of the two of us, and it's certainly not me. -Inhaling a deep breath of sheer relaxation, he allowing his eyes to slowly reopen as he bent forwards slightly in order to carefully drop the shirt into the bag at his feet, him still blushing noticeably as he finally turned to face her, his gaze immediately roaming over her features before looking down at their son. Leaning over, he pressed his lips affectionately to the corner of her mouth, whispering gently- How are you feeling baby? -Before lowering his features to their son's forehead, moving a hand up to incredibly delicately cup Alexander's cheek as he pressed his lips softly to the smooth flesh of his forehead; glancing up at Skye- And how's our handsome little prince?
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Getting stuff ready for the family vacation...
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