the-koopa-queen · 9 days
I can't believe I have to say this, but don't reblog my Rules post. I don't want random assholes following me just because you felt like reblogging it.
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the-koopa-queen · 24 days
A three way marriage. I can dig it. :P
Bowsette and Boo are the personification of Beautiful Waifu Syndrome.
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the-koopa-queen · 24 days
Bowsette and Boo are the personification of Beautiful Waifu Syndrome.
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the-koopa-queen · 3 months
Hey, um sorry to randomly bother you like this, but well I was wondering if I could possibly rp with you?
I really like your character and the concept you have with them and I was hoping to have the chance to plot our or discuss an rp with you. If you were interested of course.
Now, well my blog may look to mostly be Pokemon stuff (like pokephilia), which might not interest you but I do have other characters I'd love to play for you if that would change your disinterest.
If not and you are still not interested I am truly sorry that I have been wasting your time by having you read this, but I hope that you have a good rest of your day.
Too long, didn't read. Instead of dropping a fucking copy/pasted paragraph into people's Inbox, how about you just ask "Hey, do you want to RP"? Because then you won't be annoying the people you want to RP with this shit.
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
Koopa tiddy
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
��Someone’s ready to get back into the swing of things~” Nui applauded, then takes her bow towards the mighty blonde monarch, “Remember, 30 minutes or less until the supplies come, but this is where I bid you adieu for now. Tell Boo I said hello when you see her~” And off the ledge she goes, taking flight with the fiber wings out of Dark Land.
"I will!" She called out after Nui flew off, waving good bye to the other woman. She sat back down onto the bed, looking at her reflection in her vanity mirror. Bowsette sighed, lightly pinching her soft body, her once proud muscles having atrophied since she couldn't lift weights while she was with child.. "I really need to get back in shape after this baby is out."
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
“Alrighty then, I’ll be sure to relay the order to the staff at the manor to acquire the needed supplies for the little one growing inside you~” Nui acknowledged, then weaves open a fiber portal to give the order directly to the manor’s chief of staff, then closing it to face Bowsette again.
“The supplies should be ready in 30 minutes or less. After all, our staff is highly competent~”
"That's good, thanks..." The Koopa monarch said to her fellow blonde, idly stroking her swollen abdomen. "I'm really not going to enjoy popping this kid out." She said as she looked Nui in the eye. "But once it's out, I can go back to being the same sexy badass villain the Mushroom Kingdom knows me as."
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
“Wanted to see how you’ve been~” Nui responded, waltzing over and giving the taller blonde a pat on her shoulder, “Plus I came by to see if you needed anything from REVOCS, even if there isn’t anything. Lady Ryuko and I want to make sure our loved ones have what they need~”
"It's sweet of you to offer, but I don't really need anything right now." The heavily pregnant Koopa Queen responded before sitting down on the edge of her bed. From the looks of things, Bowsette was exhausted just from walking around. "Actually... I do need baby supplies. Diapers, baby powder, blankets, clothes. You know, everything an expectant mom would need to take care of a newborn."
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
The couturier’s going to observe respectfully while leaning on the nearest wall and giving the mighty blonde monarch a wave.
The Koopa Queen blushed, noticing where Nui's gaze was resting on her body. She isn't very surprised though, her feminine body was much more attractive than her old Koopa King self and was going to attract attention to her whether she liked it or not. "So, uh... What brings you here, Nui?" She asked.
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
Koopa tiddy
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
Lol, I see you couldn't resist :p
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These two queens are both cute AND sexy~
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
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These two queens are both cute AND sexy~
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
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"Well... I guess I could learn about royal etiquette now that I'm a Queen instead of a King. As for those guys who were interested in my male self? Tough luck because I was only interested in women; and that sexual preference hasn't changed even though my body has."
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"It's strange... When I was still Bowser, nobody was even remotely attracted to me. Yet as soon as I put the crown on, men and women alike were tripping over themselves to try and bed me."
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
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"It's strange... When I was still Bowser, nobody was even remotely attracted to me. Yet as soon as I put the crown on, men and women alike were tripping over themselves to try and bed me."
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
Who would be brave enough to lay with the mighty Bowsette? (Besides her wives that is)
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
I like how every RPer in our social group just automatically agrees that Linkle is the biggest lesbian in the Multiverse.
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the-koopa-queen · 4 months
Is the Booette my Booette? Because she's married to my Bowsette.
Linkle holds Bowsette, dipping her down low and smirking at the Koopa Queen. "Maybe I should steal you away? Tell everybody you are in another castle? That sound fun?"
Bowsette wasn't sure how to handle this situation. Here she was, the mighty Koopa Queen, literally being laid low by a farm girl. The only thing she could do is panic since barely any woman ever took interest in her when she was still Bowser. "I uh... Y-yeah, that could be fun. Quick question, uhm... Is the castle we're going to your place?" She asked, a blush adorning the turtle monarch's features.
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