I haven't talked about the boys in forever. So here is their mother: Vanessa
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This sparks joy
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let bi women dating men and bi men dating women into pride you cowards
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let bi women dating men and bi men dating women into pride you cowards
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Judas looked at him and mirrored his grin "I'll have you know I'm a lvl 7 Wood Elf and basically what I'm saying is yes" he said with a laugh
Judas smirked and sat on the bed "It's more Harry Potter and Lord of the rings. I'm a high fantasy kinda guy myself." He said, letting down his braid so his curly bangs fell in his eyes
“So if you could be a high fantasy character what would you pick? An elf? Some sort of fae? Basically will you play D&D with me?” Matt rushed out, a huge grin on his face.
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Hello there! If you're still doing the Aesthetic Themed Asks, could I get Plants, Converse, and Lace for Ben and Kylo please? 🌸
Plants was just done so here’s the other two:
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
“Um yeah it’s called Fortnite.”
“AA is also a thing where that happens.”
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
“Levi. Yesterday. And uhhhh, the love of my life.”
“I called Autumn the other night because I was having.. a moment. She’s a friend, but I think people know that.”
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pride month is coming up! if you forget about bi people i’ll bust your kneecaps :)
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The Langdon Family Moodboard
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I Made Levi's fashion line Logo. The flower was a transpa
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I still think this is my favorite author’s note.
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Sweet Creature [Michael x Vanessa x Cordelia Love Triangle]
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Something a little different. Vanessa is a queen and deserves her own fic.
Warnings: Lotsa lesbian implications, full on bisexuality, sad Cordelia, Michael wifey snatching
“Fuck!” Vanessa Giovanni exclaimed, pushing her big black cauldron off the table, causing the contents to spill all over the floor. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Stupid eye of Newt BULLSHIT!”
A soft knock came to the door as Cordelia slowly entered the greenhouse. “Potion not working again?” She asked gently, picking up the cauldron and placing it on the table. She looked at the brunette whos curls were thrown in a messy bun and whose hands were covered in various ingredients. She was a beauty, even in this state. “Ya know, I will never understand why you want a love potion. You are beautiful. You could have anyone. Hell, ya got me”
Vanessa rolled her eyes “Delia. You’re my teacher and my Supreme. If anyone found out about us sleeping together my head would be on a pike.” She sighed, putting the cauldron away. She turned back to Cordelia “and anyway, you know how I feel about Michael. We have a real connection”
Cordelia let out a huff and placed her hands on the table “Why? Because you’re both orphans with dark magic?” She said with a dry laugh.
Vanessa’s look turned sharp “That’s not funny.” she said, turning and cleaning her hands.
Delia’s face dropped and she walked over, moving Vanessa’s hair away from her ear and placed a kiss right underneath her earlobe “I’m sorry, hun. I just…. I don’t like him. At all. He’s dangerous.”
Vanessa moved away “Well, if we are judging by powers so am I. I’m almost as powerful as you. You even tried to put me up against him to be Supreme” She said, feeling a bit upset “I hate to say it, but to be honest, I’ve been feeling a little bit used lately. I’ve been so insecure I have to make a love potion to make sure the guy I’m talking to even REALLY likes me.”
There was intense staring between the two before Vanessa turned and walked to the door.
“Where are you going?” Cordelia asked, shooting her shirt down.
“On a date.” Vanessa replied, walking out and slamming the door.
Vanessa made her way to the jazz restaurant down the street, checking her compact mirror once she got there to make sure her hair was in place. She jumped when she felt a pair of arms slither around her waist. Her fear subsided when she saw a pair of familiar blue eyes and cherubic strawberry blonde curls. “Hi, Mikey” she giggled, closing the mirror and turning to him.
Michael flashed her a grin and took her hand and pressing his lips against the back of it. “Good evening, ma chérie.” He said, kissing up her arm to her neck.
She giggled “As cute as the Cajun French is, I prefer my native tongue, mio caro.” she said with a grin.
He nodded “Right. I’ll keep that in mind” he said, leading her into the restaurant.
The restaurant was very upscale and dimly lit except the stage. Soft jazz played in the back as they sat in a booth. Vanessa was enamored with the decorations and pictures of various famous jazz musicians.
Michael watched her with a smile “I’m glad you like the venue. You told me you liked jazz and this was the best place I could find.” He said, reaching over to take her hand in his. He noticed, however, a distant look in her eyes when she looked at him. His eyebrows knit together “Are you alright? Do you not like something?”
“No no no! I love it! I do! It’s just something that happened between me and Cordelia…” she admitted, running her thumb across Michael’s knuckles.
Michael scooted closer in the booth and leaned his head on his hand “Tell me. Whatever is bothering you. I want to help.” He said gently.
Vanessa smiled a bit and took a deep breath before explaining everything to him. Everything from sleeping with her Supreme to what happened right before the date. She vented how she felt about the whole thing and how she felt about him.
Michael listened without interrupting, rubbing circles on the back of her hand comforting. “Vanessa, I understand her fear, but I could never hurt you. I’ve told you before, my father planned us out. He made you to be mine. He gave you your powers to be my second in command. You are my special girl” he hummed, his hand moving to caress her cheek.
“I don’t want to hurt her, Michael”
“You won’t have to, Ness. That’s my job.”
3 Year Later
“Mama? I can’t find my shoe!” Brutus, her oldest boy, whined, walking around with one black shoe on one foot and a blue sock on the other.
Vanessa sighed, straightening Judas, her middle baby’s tie. “Sweetheart, check your toy box. But hurry, we have to meet Papa at his work soon.” She replied, herding Judas to the car and getting him in his seat.
She stepped away from the car and turned when she noticed someone at the end of her driveway. It was Cordelia. Someone she hadn’t seen in a while, and for a good reason. She closed the door and walked over “What are you doing here?” She asked, crossing her arms.
Cordelia smiled and looked Vanessa over “I just wanted to see you. It’s been so long and Madison saw you not to long ago and reported your… situation to me.” She said, peeking at the car “I thought you didn’t want kids”
“Changed my mind.” Vanessa defended, stepping in the way of Cordelia’s view of the car.
“Did you? Or was it just that you didn’t want them with me?” Cordelia inquired, raising her eyebrow. Her aura was neutral, but Vanessa wasn’t gonna give her An opening to do anything.
“Cordelia. You were And still are twice my age. I’m not saying I didn’t care for you, but we knew from day 1 it wasn’t going to last.” Vanessa said, her hands going to her waist “And it’s not about you or Michael. Not anymore. I chose him because I had a real deep connection. I love him more than I can explain, but now I have something else I need to protect”
“So you didn’t love me?”
“I did. But you could never understand me like he does.”
Cordelia sighed and nodded “You could still come back to the Acad-”
“And do what? Just leave my boys? Let some witches kill them like you tried to do me and Michael? Come and be your lesbian wife and pretend it’s all gonna be ok? I’ll pass.” Vanessa growled. She pointed at the car “I would take down every angel in heaven before I let anything happen to them.”
Cordelia went to speak, but was interrupted by a voice in the house “Found it, Mama! We can go now!” Brutus yelled to Vanessa. She turned to him and smiled “I’m coming, Mio amore! Go ahead and get in!” She yelled back before turning back to Cordelia and giving her a blank look “You need to go, before anything gets out of hand”
Cordelia didn’t speak once again. She only looked at Vanessa with tears filling her eyes. She was hoping Vanessa would say something. Anything. Vanessa’s eyes were growing damp too so she quickly turned on her heels and got in the car.
“Who was that lady, Mama?” Levi, the youngest boy asked.
Vanessa sighed and looked out the rearview mirror. Cordelia was gone. “No one, bambino. No one at all.”
@ritualmichael @the-captain-kidd @ohiamzoe @hecatemacbeth7 @queenylime @colorful48 @a-court-of-reds-and-silvers @saddbxtchh @michaels-slut @frozenhuntress67 @bookwormstrawberry @thelangdoncooperative @nolixxx @madhatterweasley @lex-in-affex @langdonsdemon @heelsamizayn @m-i-a-m-c-d-e-e @sojournmichael @cherryberryann @cocotheangelchild @wroteclassicaly @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @thechildofmay @autumnlovesadam
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Pity Party [Langdon Triplets]
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I was listening to Pity Party on repeat and had an idea so here it is: my jumbled half-asleep writing dump. (Also it involves the Solo Triplets from @solotriplets so if you don't like that get lost)
Warning: Levi setting someone on fire at age 8. Not really graphics. Kinda sad tbh.
It was a quiet spring night, the sun was setting and he only light from the Langdon's backyard was from the Tiki lights around their pool, where The 3 Langdon Triplets, Aveline Clement, and Ben and Matt Organa- Solo were enjoying a good swim.
Levi and Ben were in the small jacuzzi area, so lost in each other's mouths they might as well have become one person. Matt and Aveline sat on the edge of the pool sipping on pink lemonade and talking about good fabrics for Matt's upcoming cosplays while watching Brutus and Judas wrestle in the water like wild bears over fish.
After a good bit of time passed, everyone settled into the jacuzzi with Ben and Levi. Who, luckily, still had their clothes on. They sat in silence for a moment, drinking their various drinks before Matt, who was playing with Judas's fingers subconsciously “So, you boys' birthday is coming up? Do you guys have any plans to celebrate?” he asked, leaning back.
Judas and Brutus smiled at each other, before Brutus spoke “Yea. Me and Av are gonna go out to that new French place. I've been dying to go.” He said, pulling his fianceé close.
Judas moved his bangs -Which were long and in his face when they weren't braided- “Me and Matt are gonna stay in and have a superhero marathon all day. Just me and him.” He said, running his knuckles affectionately across Matt's cheek. Matt placed a gentle kiss on Judas's lips before they all noticed a bit of tension filling the air. They all turned to the source… Levi.
He gulped down his lemonade before snatching the Vodka bottle that sat behind him and pouring himself a glass. “Birthdays are overrated.” He grumbled, throwing back the glass of vodka.
Ben looked down at Levi before back to everyone else “Every time I ask he doesn't want to talk about it. I just stopped asking”
“I know why” Judas said, finishing off his drink
Levi glared at his brother seriously “Stop.”
“Levi, It's nothing to be ashamed of! We were little.” Brutus interjected, backing up Judas.
Levi gave the same glare to his oldest brother “I said stop. Now”
Judas locked eyes with his baby brother “Grow up, Firebringer. It wasn't even that seri-”
“It was to me.” Levi interrupted with a growl
It was silent again before Levi climbed out and quickly wrapped himself in a towel. He looked at Ben, his eyes teary even tho he tried to hide it. “I'm going to bed. Join me if you want.”
After Levi made it inside, silence fell again,none of them really wanting to look at each other. Brutus scowled at Judas before mumbling “Dick move, Jude.” Judas rolled his eyes and snatched up the vodka.
Ben looked between the strawberry blondes for a moment “So… either of you gonna stop being dramatic and tell me what the fuck you're talking about?” He inquired, feeling upset that Levi left.
Brutus looked at Ben, a sad look on his face “It's not our place-”
“Yes, it is, Brutus. It was our birthday too. He's just deciding to be a pussy about it. He always is when we talk about it” Judas huffed. Matt scooted away a little because he knew that whatever happened to them, did bother Judas. He never acted like this if something didn't bother him. “And I, per usual, was the one to clean up the mess he made…” Judas finished, angrily.
“Listen! Either tell me what the fuck happened or this is gonna end with me breaking your fucking jaw” Ben said, getting even more upset the more Judas spoke
“Try me, Bitch Solo”
“STOP! Both of you!”
The two looked at Brutus, who was helping Aveline out of the jacuzzi so she could check on Levi. He sat down once she was out and filled his cup, looking at Ben.
“We were young. Before we got taken out of school. Our powers weren't quite in our control yet…” he said, swirling his drink.
Ben’s eyes flickered between the brothers after Brutus's long pause “Are all of you this dramatic or is it genetic?”
“Ben! Hush!” Matt scolded.
Brutus huffed before continuing.
Grade 3
“Mama! Mama!” Levi called, running across the back yard from the back door “They are gonna be here soon! Did you finish the cake?!”
Vanessa laughed at her youngest boy “Yes, Mio Amore. It's decorated just how you three wanted.” She said, showing it to him. It was decorated with flowers, Harry Potter, and Ninja Turtles.
Levi squealed with joy and ran over to his brothers, who were both eating peanut butter sandwiches “Boys! Get ready! You look terrible!” He pointed out, trying to straighten Judas's tie.
Judas pushed his hand away “I don't know why you are getting excited. No one in this town likes us.” He huffed, throwing his crusts away. Levi rolled his eyes and looked at Brutus “Can you please just… brush your hair at least?”
Brutus sighed and ran his fingers through his hair to smooth it back. Levi sighed again and gave his oldest brother a little smile “At least you gave effort.”
After a while, a few kids showed up and actually enjoyed the food and drinks. It wasn't until two boys with dark brown hair entered the party a little late. Alejandro and Marco Lopez.
Levi's heart skipped a beat when he saw the younger Lopez boy, Marco. It reminded him of the time Marco complimented his crayon drawing of a dragon.
Levi ran over and greeted the boys, leading them to the cupcake station that was decorated with cute little tea candles, grabbing one for both of them “My Mama made these! Do you like them?” He asked nervously. Marco tasted the cupcake and smiled “It’s delicious!” He hummed, finishing it up.
The two boys binged on the cupcakes, giggling. After a while, Mrs. Lopez, Alejandro and Marco's mom grabbed Marco's arm. “Mijo, we need to go. Now.”
“Mrs. Lopez, you don't have to go! We haven't had cake yet!” Levi insisted.
Mrs. Lopez looked at Levi. But she didn't look as if she was looking at an 8 year old. She looked like she was staring at the most vile creature she'd ever seen. “Back up! I should have never brought my children to this pit of sin. You are an abomination and so is your entire family!”
Levi was taken aback, a bit angry, and very confused. Why was she yelling at him? What happened? Before he could ask, she turned and stormed off. He felt tears filling his blue eyes. He didn't want Marco to leave. He liked him. He glared at the large Latina woman, feeling his blood boil.
Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, her dress burst into flames and the flames consumed her.
“So… did she die?” Ben asked, still trying to figure out the point.
Judas laughed dryly “Unfortunately, no. Homophobic Bible thumper lived long enough to ruin my life”
Brutus sighed, finishing off the vodka “She wasn't the only one who caught fire. It spread to Marco.” He said, looking in Ben's eyes “She lived through her burns, but Marco didn't.”
The silence consumed them again. Ben sat back and ran a hand in his hair “He blames himself. That's why he doesn't like to think about birthdays.” He concluded, looking up at the window where Levi's room was. Brutus nodded “For 13 years he has wanted nothing to do with birthday parties. So we all just go out to eat pizza. But this year we all have plans.” He said. They all looked at each other quietly and finished off their drinks.
Eventually, they split off and went to bed. Ben stopped to make a phone call before heading upstairs to Levi's room. Aveline had already gone to bed in Brutus's old room. The lights were off in Levi's room and Ben relied on memory to get to the bed. He slid in and pulled Levi close.
Soft sniffles came from Levi “I didn't mean to… he was so young, Ben..” He sobbed quietly. Ben moved hair away from Levi's ear and kissed his jaw. “I know, babe. But you've gotta move on. And I don't really know how to help you out, but I know how to make you feel better.” He said, smiling a bit.
“I don't want a blowjob, Ben. It's not the time to be offering either.” Levi groaned
Ben rolled his eyes “No, kid. Even though I'm not against it. I was thinking...” he pulled out his phone and placed the screen in front of Levi's face, showing the Domino's ‘Your pizza is on the way screen’
“Pepperoni and bacon thin crust with two large Dr. Peppers?”
Levi wiped his eyes and chuckled “You're an idiot”
@ritualmichael @buckynatlarry @the-captain-kidd @ohiamzoe @hecatemacbeth7 @queenylime @colorful48 @a-court-of-reds-and-silvers @saddbxtchh @quione3 @michaels-slut @meeeeeeeeeps @frozenhuntress67 @bookwormstrawberry @thelangdoncooperative @nolixx @madhatterweasley @lex-in-affex @langdonsdemon @starks-narglesand-daddyjamiewald @heelsamizayn @boo-youwhoreeee-blog @m-i-a-m-c-d-e-e @sojournmichael @cherryberryann @cocotheangelchild @wroteclassicaly @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @thechildofmay @autumnlovesadam
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Peach for Levi, seaweed for Judas, pebble for Brutus
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Here's some drawings of the boys while I work on my fic for my main:
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Def taffy
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Found a cool ask meme on twitter! Send an ask with your answer :D (Source)
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Fuck anyone who wants to infringe on my happiness. I started this blog because I love my boys and I love roleplay. I love mod Autumn (@solotriplets / @autumnlovesadam ) and her boys too. So fuck whoever wants to be negative for no reason even though I have done nothing to warrant it.
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