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Stupid robot people
Imagine youre about to get killed and the last thing you see was a teen anime girl with high artificial voice and a 22yr old monotoned grumpy guy with super deep automaton voice
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thinking abt how when i started listening to cccc i knew none of the lyrics and was just vibing (brainrot level 1) but now ive memorized almost all the lyrics of every song (brainrot level 1000)
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thoughts on night?
I like it. I don't have the most... in depth analysis thoughts of it right now, though. I personally think that it's basically just about the aftermath of the Juno Incident. Heart shoots roughly at the end of/right after Mucka Blucka, then SAAS and NMTK are everything being blurry while Soul reflects (INCREDIBLY OPTIMISTICALLY) about the nature of Whole.
imo Night is the actual unpacking of the Juno Incident, where Soul kinda fucks off for a while, Heart fails to convince Soul to have him not in the Hole, and Mind stating that he's in control. I think the "light" they constantly talk about is control over the Vessel, and also Mind as a whole because. He has control. (kinda lmao, see my TME post i guess)
Interestingly, I think Mind isn't even that upset in this song. He says that total control over the Vessel shouldn't happen [Is the light on ever meant to run?] and is asserting that it's for the best that he stays in control for now while Heart figures shit out [Cold, but I'm outside and waiting to see].
I can't Mind Apologist my way out of that one, Mind just doesn't really understand Heart's problems. They both have issues, they just deal with it in wildly different ways that the other DOES NOT GET AT ALL.
Heart also talks about pretending to be better whenever Mind checks in on him. I think it's possible that Ruler of Everything is one of these, with the (Do you like how I walk, do you like how I talk?) section being Heart trying to convince Mind that he's fine and can be let out of the hole because I won't pull out a gun again pretty please Mind???
But yeah. Night is a good song. Also a fan of how it contrasts with Light, where Night is about Mind stepping up into control of the Vessel while Light is about Mind stepping down. It also sounds really good, I enjoy the swing-y type sound it has? (I am not a music guy.)
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My most useless and completely irrelevant headcanon is that in Be Born, right after "dug for someone else's remains", the distorted part is meant to be interpreted as "the sun". This doesn't change anything. It's already pretty evident who the "someone else" is. I just think it would be cool.
(I also like to think that right after "between what we are and what we want to be" is saying "one". Also because it would be neat. I just really like this song, okay?)
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Thoughts on TWW&Y? (Not even just analysis, I will gladly accept happy gibberish) I really like it it scratches my brain :3
I really haven't gotten around to like... *fully* analyzing it, so my opinion of it may change later. It is really funny that Mind is a full time hater. This is the end of cacophony. It's probably just frustration because he's been ready to combine for a while, but oh my god. Whole properly recombines and Mind's first thought is "FUCKING TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH."
No full thoughts yet, unfortunately. Just Mind being my favorite of the four.
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(cough cough everything here is my interpretation etc etc dont get mad at me)
The Mind Electric isn't really a diss track. I mean, it sort of is, but not really.
I think it would be far more applicable to call it a vent post. Mind, despite pretty much constantly trying to give off the impression that he is in control, kind of isn't ever, really? In Whole, he's left on the shelf, and during Cacophony he is the "Ruler of Everything", but doesn't really rule... anything?
Sure, he has a degree of control over Heart. To my understanding, he only has control of the Vessel through Heart. During Just Apathy, he tells Heart what to say, and Heart relays it through the Vessel's mouth. (Assuming that's why Mind is telling Heart to say things. It makes more sense than Mind 1984ing Heart.)
Even in his songs, he never gets anything across. Be Born is pretty much him pointing out Heart and Soul's faults, and neither of them listen. He immediately must cave to Soul's will during The Soul Eclectic, where Soul refers to himself as a "lord" over Heart and Mind.
He's also the one that most consistently brings up the issue of time. After Mucka Blucka, with the notable exceptions of The Bidding and Taken for a Ride, they largely don't acknowledge the Time Loop, with the exception of Mind. He brings that shit up constantly to the point where it's kind of funny? Look at his lines in TWW&Y.
But overall, he's real goddamn frustrated. He *is* actually decently logical, but emotions run over. The guy that shot him, textually his only friend, vilifies him (NOTE: i don't think Heart is unjustified in this. It's pretty reasonable. It's just not the point right now), everyone is ignoring him. He is 100% ready to combine throughout the majority of Cacophony. Like, it's just towards the end of STAAS and most of TME that he isn't.
So yeah! He got pissed! He started flinging petty insults because that's what he thinks Heart is doing. He's basically yelling, "FINE! If this is how you want to treat me, I'll do it too." It isn't even completely petty! Towards the ends, he clearly calms down. He's still bitter, but like. He closes it out by saying that Heart almost murdered him and plays victim, that he too is necessary, and that despite being harsh he wants the best for everyone.
Okay. Essay over. I might read over this later after I'm fully done with my total analysis, but I think this is pretty alright. Feel free to correct me on anything I got blatantly wrong. Again, I don't think Heart is completely in the wrong or anything, it's just. This is about Mind, lmao.
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intro post or whatever
Hello. I kinda don't care what you call me. This is my blog for being insane about CCCC.
Please please please ask me about the album. I love analyzing this bitch. Very fun. I may not be uh. the most accurate. just for the record.
Working on a thing about CCCC where i compile all of my thoughts on every song. It currently is roughly 30 pages long, and I'm not halfway through the album.
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