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Some kind of miracle The worst part about being sick is you get all the free ice cream you ask for, the worst part about that is realizing there’s nothing more that they can do for you. Some days we were quiet, letting each other’s machines speak for themselves. He would just watch the feathers from my pillow plummet to the ground, We would drown in the tranquility. I never knew why he was here, he The first out of six to smile when he saw me Then he held his breath I couldn’t tell if this was medicated or because he feared the parts of me that were left. His face was weathered with age but you could tell he didn’t belong here among the rest of us in this cage, longing for some kind of miracle. He told me he hasn’t believed in angels, But how have you come this far thinking we were never stable. For fourteen months I’ve been bound to this hospital room. A young kid with broken lungs gasping through these tubes grasping for hope And if there’s no such thing as angels, why am I here? ‘Cause I know I wasn’t sent here to cope with all this. Yet look at me now, he’s long gone and I’m still confined in these bleached walls So don’t tell me there’s no such thing as angels  ‘cause they came, they just can’t save us all.
niki m-response poem to “the crickets have arthritis” by Shane Koyczan
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When you look up at the stars, you wait for the shooting ones not even appreciating the ones you can’t see who are shining with all their might. Think differently next time you’re staring into infinity waiting for something to happen
niki m- we dismiss the things we can’t see
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#borntolovecursedtofeel | written by @samantha.king | #bookstagram (at New York, New York)
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bit by bit I'm trying to make myself invisible; disappear. so that one day, when I decide to leave. you won’t need to grieve there’s nothing for you to hold on to. that would be my gift to the world
niki m- some things on my mind
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it’s not because I don’t like you trust me I do but the way I was built, the way I think I will  slowly tear you down as I’ve done to myself already but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that to you I can’t hurt you I’m sorry
~I just need more time (the book I’m trying to write)
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it’s not because I don’t like you trust me I do but the way I was built, the way I think I will  slowly tear you down as I’ve done to myself already but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that to you I can’t hurt you I’m sorry
~I just need more time (the book I’m trying to write)
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little by little
bit by bit
I'm trying to make myself invisible;
so that one day,��
when I decide to leave.
you won’t need to grieve 
there’s nothing for you to hold on to.
that would be my gift to the world
-some things on my mind
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I’m broken
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follow for more :)
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