the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Kaneki’s DNA was probably changed a little bit. Adding the [ghoul organ] had to change something because he got super healing and other stuff that comes with being a ghoul, not just the organ directly. While it might not change his DNA enough for it to be half ghoul, maybe it changed it enough for the likely hood of the ghoul organ to be produced. If that at all made any sense 😅
You’re making sense, don’t worry! 👍
I’m not sure that’s a possibility though - as far my understanding goes, the transplanted organ affects the relevant processes of Ken’s body (i.e. the kakuhou produces a new enzyme that stops him from digesting human food and enables his body to store Rc cells, which subsequently allows him to heal wounds and produce a kagune) but won’t alter his swimmers. The same would be true of any organ transplant.
My knowledge of bio is, uh, rudimentary at best but @silverbulletsama wrote a brilliant meta about this stuff ages ago that’s really informative and also easy to follow. This section in particular is super helpful, I hope she doesn’t mind me quoting:
••• A ghoul (phenotype) has KK (genotype)•••  A one-eyed ghoul (phenotype) has a Kn (genotype)•••  A human (phenotype) has a nn (genotype)
Kaneki is a human who underwent a surgery to get a transplant from Rize. Following this surgery, he became a oeg. Nonetheless, his genotype is nn. Yes. He is a half ghoul, but his genotype is nn. This is the case or Kurona, Nashiro, Seidou, Amon, and the quinx combined.
How is this possible? The K is acting in trans. What does that mean? Something really complicated.How am I supposed to understand? Here’s a simplified explanation.
Somatic cells are the cells forming our bodies. Germ-line cells are the sex cells that give rise to children. It is highly unethical to modify germ-line cells, and it is fairly difficult to do. By transplanting a kidney/liver/heart/whatever, into someone, you are modifying the somatic cells of the tissue involved, not the germ-line cells. As such, these cells act as K and only one K. The rest of the somatic cells act as n, and only one n.
Rize’s liver has cells bearing a KK genotype.The rest of Kaneki’s body has cells bearing an nn genotype. Combined together, the whole phenotype of Kaneki is a combination of those KK and nn => half ghoul. His transparent genotype is Kn. His actual genotype is KK in the kidney and nn in the rest of the body.
Hence, his germ-line cells are unmodified. His gametes/sperms only have one possibility: 100% n sperm.
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that Ichika-chan is happy and surrounded by a loving family that will always be there for her and that she won’t (hopefully never) experience the loneliness and loss her parents went through.
A parent’s greatest wish is to see their child(ren) happy. Therefore, I am glad for Kaneki and Touka that their daughter is living happily and receiving a lot of love .
Ichika-chan is a beautiful and wonderful addition to their lives.
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Why do I imagine ichika playing a switch? That would be cute think about…
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Ichika: Dad, how did you know that you loved mum?
Kaneki: She punched me in the face and called me weak.
Touka, from the other room: And they say romance is dead.
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
If I hear Ichika’s “Mama!Papa!” in the anime I’m gonna explode with tears
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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Wanted to do something for inktober…so why not the Touken children♥️
I am crossing my fingers for art of Ichika’s baby brother in the :re zakki…and more touken family
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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happy birthday kaneki
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Ichika: I’m having problems with a boy.
Touka: Like “his dead body won’t fit in your trunk” problems or “you like him” problems?
Ichika: “I like him” problems.
Touka: Too bad, I would have actually helped you with the other one.
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Random TouKen fam headcanons I have
Ken, of course, spoils the fuck out of Ichika. I feel like because of his childhood, he’d want Ichika to have a good childhood. He seems like the kind of parent who’d give his daughter cookies before dinner and takes her everywhere across Tokyo.
Doesn’t mean that Touka’s the bad parent! I feel like her style of parenting would be slightly more strict, but overall still the same “Touch my daughter and you die” vibe. She does remind Ichika to do her chores and finish her homework, and reminds her the importance of working hard and being treated with respect, and how to find real friends.
Also, Touka is the one with bedtime story duty! I feel like she’d dislike most of the common fairy tales, so in order to satisfy both her and Ichika she’d put a spin on the story.
Hide’s sorta like the “cool uncle” of the family. He always greets Ichika with fistbumps and stuff.
Ichika’s generally a good kiddo, but there’s that one time she was practicing baseball with her Uncle Yomo and accidentally swung the ball through the window and broke it. Obviously, she blamed it on Hide… Pff.
Yeah that’s all I got for now I’m not very creative.
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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(vía Pegatina ‘Ichika Kaneki’ de nemuitoka)
I’m selling my stuff on redbubble and idk hope someone wants it ahaha just stickers for now. 
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
Happy Holidays!
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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(vía Pegatina brillante ‘Touka and Ichika’ de nemuitoka)
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the-manly-fangirl · 5 years
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This was originally gonna be something akiramon but turned into a post tokyo ghoul re thing...😅
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