25 Days of Starfighter: Day 9
“On the 9th day of Christmas, my fighter and I both sat in the med-bay, feeling ill.” Ethos looks over to a sleeping Deimos and smiles.
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25 Days of Starfighter
Deimos can’t remember what the day was supposed to be, but he sort of smiles as he thinks of the knives he’ll get for Christmas while laid up in the Med Bay.
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🎤 Ask my muse questions! Put them on the spot!
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#mod aleks#ask us anything#ask box open#ask marshmallow#ask myshonok#starfighter#starfighter rp#starfighter roleplay#starfighter comic#reminder
Deimos points to the ask box.
((Mod Aleks here to let you know that asks are officially open for this blog! Go ahead and ask the marshmallow and the mouse some questions! ))
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"You don't want to live in a society like this, yet you don't want to do anything about it!" Ethos shouted at Deimos, his hands curling into a fist, he stared at the fighter waiting for his response, either through gestures or speech.
(Mod Justin, I am sorry for the late response, though this is a good time to say chances are I won’t responded over the weekend, just because... sorry ^^; )
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25 Days of Starfighter: Day 7
“On the seventh day of Christmas, my fighter gave to me, a shrug because he didn’t do yesterday.” Ethos looks at Deimos and shakes his head. “I’m sick.” Deimos retorted quietly, averting his eyes. 
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25 Days of Starfighter: Day 5
Ethos smiled and in a rhythmic tone begun, “On the fifth day of Christmas, my fighter gave to me, two thumbs up as he sat in the med bay.” Ethos looked at Deimos and patted his head.
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25 Days of Starfighter: Day 4
Deimos simply shrugged. “Ethos gave me a break.” He rasped, trying to smile.
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❅ [[for either muse you prefer!]]
Send me a ❅ for our muses to see a winter light display together.Deimos had never seen a winter light display before. On the colonies, people didn’t put up lights like this; he stared in awe as the bright glow of many colors reflected in his eyes. It was delicate, beautiful, precious.He never thought something could be so breathtaking, and yet so... so colorful at the same time. A soft gasp escaped his parted lips.He didn’t quite understand why Keeler would take him to something like this, but he was thankful nonetheless. Maybe he could get used to this whole “Christmas” thing after all.“.....thank you.” Deimos finally whispered, barely audible over his own incredulous wonder.
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Tumblr media
i needed to know what ethos looked like with freckles. i had to.
( i found the original image here. )
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Put a “🌑” in my ask, and I’ll generate a starter!
Using this site.
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Deimos points to the ask box.
((Mod Aleks here to let you know that asks are officially open for this blog! Go ahead and ask the marshmallow and the mouse some questions! ))
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25 Days of Starfighter: Day 3
“On the third day of Christmas, my fighter gave to me...” Ethos stops and sighs. “...Constant glaring.” Ethos stops rhyming and says: “Not even the sexy glaring.” Deimos blinks in bewilderment. Where did the cheerful, rhyming Ethos go? 
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Ethos sat quietly on his bed, he sighed being reminded of the date and the coming Holidays sadly he would be stuck on the ship for Christmas, which wasn’t fully negative but he missed the full opportunity being planet-side could present to Christmas. Between the snow, the decorations, the jolly people.
Thinking of such opportunities made Ethos think of his last Christmas on Earth, the snow was heavy and his town had worked hard on decorations as they did every year. Ethos most enjoyed the lights, which mainly contained reds, greens, blues, yellows, and whites all of which were only brightened by the snow it seemed. Ethos held his hot chocolate as he looked all around him at the lights which were put up to outline each of the buildings, creating an almost “cartoon” effect, at least to Ethos. It was still beautiful and he enjoyed it all the same as he continued his way home.
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Send me a ❅ for our muses to see a winter light display together.
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Deimos points to the ask box.
((Mod Aleks here to let you know that asks are officially open for this blog! Go ahead and ask the marshmallow and the mouse some questions! ))
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First ask!
((I’m legit pumped holy craaaap-- this blog is picking up and I am really excited! Woo!))
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