the-miserable-moon · 2 years
REPEAT: “It’s doesn’t matter if they like me or not because I like myself enough for it.”
Self-love is freedom.
Some people validate their entire existence based on a reply to their text message. Some will continue to feel worthless if they do not receive the same attention they're ready to give to others.
People can count on you, but you can never seem to rely on them. You treat everyone so well, but you treat yourself poorly. You tell yourself that you're not good enough or something is wrong with you. You live your life seeking approval from lovers, strangers, friends and family. And, when they do not approve of you, you don't either.
Humans have an innate need for belonging and love – connection and closeness help us survive as children and thrive as adults. But realize this, you're already enough. Often, we have holes in our self-esteem, and a perception that we're broken or incomplete. And so, we try to fill these voids. We give love to others with an expectation of it being returned to make us feel whole again. When it is unreturned, the image that we're insufficient widens. However, if we gift this unreturned love to ourselves first, expectations lessen, as the need to fill the gaps in our self-esteem are no longer being outsourced.
Spend some time with yourself – getting to know your thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns. Engage in the things you love. List out the qualities that make you unique and beautiful. Make yourself a delicious meal and take each bite mindfully, as you appreciate the gift of food and your creativity. Write yourself a letter describing all the things you're proud of. This might sound a little strange, but it will deepen the connection with yourself and bring you closer to the steady and whole centre of love within you.
As you build this relationship with yourself and discover the totality of your existence, you illuminate the world around you – encouraging others to do the same. You share love effortlessly and passionately, without worrying about it being reciprocated. And as you act from a place of heightened self-awareness, you understand your worth and establish firm but compassionate boundaries. This allows you to operate with freedom and power.
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