the-n7-blog · 6 years
Day 3
day 3 made our first stop. Labadee, Haiti a beautiful area that's leased to Royal Caribbean. As beautiful as Labadee is, we didn't do that much, as the excursions were very expensive. we did however ride a coaster thru the mountainous forested hills, as the coaster isn't the safest it has an on cart break to stop you from going too fast. from there we went to one of the beaches, and well in the water i felt a stone, it was a very interesting stone, looking like coral. when i returned to the ship i relaxed in the solarium for the rest of the evening, until dinner at our restaurant. sad to say there wasn't much to say about our first shore excursion, or any shore excursion as the most notable things to do cost in the several hundred dollar range.
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the-n7-blog · 6 years
Day 2 2017 Cruse
Day 2 started early, really early. 3-4 am to be precise, our AC wasn't working right, and the beds not particularly comfy but not the hardest beds I’ve ever slept on. in fact, every bad thing that happened this trip only was honestly not too bad, and i would have rated the worst parts 6/10. anyways long story short, we talked to the help desk and got it fixed. about 10am i woke up and went for breakfast. after that i explored the ship going to each promant floor. first was the royal promanad a massive level that like its very own mall. it features a host of shops from royal Caribbean to guess, to jewelry stores.it also has an entrance to the theater which hosted a number of plays. just below i cant remember the name as it wasn't very memorable name but it was the nightlife of the ship, filled with a nightclub, a comedy club and although i didn't see it i was told there was a ice rink there as well. it also lead into the casino for the ship. up on the 7th floor was the park plaza. an impressive floor that features an actual park, with trees and a park feel. it also features 3 of the paid restaurants on board in which there were 6. it was also a promant floor as it was our floor.
with the major floors seen i set my sites towards the top. all the way up to the 13-14 floors. i didn't know it at the time but the 13th floor (or technically the 14th floor as 13 is never a floor) would be my most promant spot on the ship. featuring the most spectacular views and great spots to relax. i settled on relaxing at the solarium. a nice little spot on the 14th floor at the front. it featured a lunch spot, a bar, and 2 hot tubs. it also was a great place for me to relax and see the ocean and it featured windows so that the wind wouldn't be so strong, but enough cracks for the wind to add a nice touch to the atmosphere. that night we ate at the same restaurant and they blew me away with the service even something as small as them remembering us from the previous night. the food was to die for, that night i relaxed in the solarium and hot tubs before going back down to my bed
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the-n7-blog · 6 years
Day 1 2017 cruise trip
The date was June 3rd 2017 it was a little past 530am when we got to the airport parking lot sun peeking out, or at least it would have been if the skys weren't so gray and decusting. Its funny how we always remember the stupidest things during a vacation. The airport was about par for the course for airports (god i hate going thru them) and we soon were ready to board our flight. As we sat in our seats i took the window as being a big guy that i am prefering an end seat or window as I rarely use the bathroom on planes. Apon arriving in Orlando Florida I was instantly barraged with a series of flashbacks and memories of my childhood going to Disney world and as it appears, when in America or the other parts of the world, I'm in my element. I enjoy travel, not just from the prospect of being a tourist, but understanding the culture and learning the day to day stuff like bus schedules or (well in London England) learning the tube map. The first half of our departure from the airport was nice as the air conditioning was quite good and refreshing, but as we got closer to the doors it got so hot and muggy. Ill never forget a few aspects from this trip, how bland home felt, how much Florida felt like a tropical country. And how much I learned I love grits (and more I wont say today). Moving on, we got a rental car, which was nice, going to cape cod would have been problematic without a rental (especially for what we had planned) i beleave it was closer to 9am by the time we pulled into a dinner, the name always escapes me but i had a nice corn beef hash, grits, a biscuit and eggs. Since i was very hot and i figured what the hell, I added a beer which was in a frosted mug, which was nice. Breakfast was amazing. The grits, eggs, hash were all amazing. The biscuit warm and fluffy. After we ate we went to the car rental place which was across the road. From there we took a shuttle to the ship, the driver reminding me of a friend exactly. Same accent & speach patterns. Getting on the boat wasn't all that exciting. Its getting in the boat that was the highlight. The oasis of the seas. There was a time that was the biggest ship in the sea, and thats no joke. This ship had a shopping center, a nightclub (a few of em) and something close to 10 restaurants. The rest of the day was quite dull as we got settled in our cabins and found our way around the ship. We had an interior cabin so no windows. I did not like that at all. It felt horrible not having any way to see the beautiful sea or sky. Alas we had dinner at our designated restaurant which name i also cant remember. I had a steak and it was ok, not bad not amazing (oh boy did they go to break my expectations in a good way after) and we slept. Any ways that sums up day one. Next up day 2 a day at sea, and my exploratory day. -Sarge
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the-n7-blog · 6 years
Beginning of  a new format of content
hi there, for those who are unaware, my name is N7 Sarge. I am a YouTube and twitch content creator, i have years spent playing video games and have done reviews in the past. in the past i have posted videos explaining my feelings on movies I’ve watched, games I’ve played, and trips I’ve taken. recently as of last year September i enrolled into college for travel and tourism management, but never really explained to my twitch chat as to why or how i did so, just merely stating i had an amazing vacation and it inspired me to follow this line of work. The following blog posts will feature my journey on this vacation, a week and a half long trip, that had me on a cruse, then followed up with a trip to the Kennedy space center and a day on my own to explore Universal studios. i hope you all enjoy this journey as i had.
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