the-night-witch · 5 years
Bedridden Witch: Wheel of the Year Edition
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These will be a combo of low energy and bedridden activities! Please note that absolutely nothing is required in order to honor the seasons besides witnessing them and trying to admire the things they bring <3
Purification, spring cleaning, home and hearth. Winter to Spring.
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Visualize a light cleaning each and every room in your home.
Spray a cleansing spray throughout your bedroom.
Clean an area in your home, big or small. (It could be as simple as making a pile of trash so it’s easier to move later.)
Wash your bedding or rotate your blankets and flip over your pillow.
Change your pajamas.
Bathe yourself (either in the tub or sponge bath style). Infuse some herbs/flowers into the water!
Low energy Imbolc + Imbolc masterpost
Bedridden witch: Cleansing + Bath Magic
New life, growth, celebration of lusciousness. Spring. 
Water your plants and whisper blessings to them.
Plant something new! It can be as simple as a beansprout in a paper cup.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Spray floral water in the air and on your bedsheets.
Have someone bring you some spring flowers.
Draw flower designs or in pastel colors.
Make some herbal/floral tea or infusions.
Burn incense or smoke cleanse.
Drink lots of water.
Ostara masterpost
Bedridden witch: Garden + Pastel
Peak of life, renewal, fire. Spring to Summer.
Wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a full day of light.
Make flower crowns with real, fake or paper flowers.
Braid something (your hair, a bracelet, ribbons, etc.)
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Enjoy some fresh fruits, nuts and seeds.
Drink tea or water infused with fruit.
Decorate with/wear/create things with bright colors
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Decorate a new pot for your plants (painting, sharpies, ribbons, etc.)
Write a list of things you would like to release and burn them (alternatively: tear it up and place in a glass of water).
Beltane masterpost
Bedridden witch: Nature + others linked above.
Sunshine, joy, celebration. Summer.
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Try to be awake and witness both the sunrise and sunset.
Pour an offering of water for the plants (indoors, outside or out the window).
Decorate with flowers and crystals.
Have a picnic (outside, on the kitchen floor or in bed).
Enjoy locally grown fruits and veggies.
Find a way to incorporate honey into your day (scrubs, food, tea, etc.)
Burn beeswax candles.
Listen to music that just sounds like summertime.
Make sun water or sun tea.
Bedridden witch: Elements + others linked above.
First harvest, gratitude, abundance. Summer to Autumn.
Eat grains and local veggies.
Eat bread or your closest alternative.
Start a new project like crocheting or knitting. This is also a great time to finish that project you’ve been avoiding.
Read an entire book, start to finish or finish a book you put down and forgot about.
Infuse berries into water.
Wear and decorate and create with browns, golds, dark greens, oranges and yellows.
Drink rich teas.
Decorate with sunflowers.
Make a mug cake (x)
Low Spoon Ways to Celebrate Lammas
Second harvest, balance, abundance. Autumn.
Drink apple cider or juice.
Decorate your home to make it look more like Autumn (fake or real leaves, acorns, paper cutouts, etc.)
Eat things like breads, nuts, grapes, pomegranates, pies, apples and root vegetables.
Wear/decorate/create with oranges, reds, golds and browns.
Write down all of the things you can think of that you’re thankful for.
Apple magic
Drink warm drinks like coffee or cocoa and add warming spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.)
Create a picnic/feast wherever is reasonable, with a little bit of everything.
Pull up a video of leaves falling or a fire crackling.
Mabon masterpost
Final harvest, honoring ancestors, reflection. Autumn to Winter.
Spiced apple cider
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced-things, pumpkin seeds.
Decorate with small pumpkins, paint them or draw on them if carving is too high-energy.
Create an altar honoring loved ones who have passed on, either a material one or a photo album online.
Pull up a video of a burning fire or light candles.
Turn off all of the lights and sit/lay in darkness.
Visualize your wards and boost your home protection.
Do spirit work/leave offerings for the spirits.
Burn incense/make a spray that smells of spices (cloves, basil, etc.)
Watch spooky/witchy movies.
Creating, sharing gifts and feasts, warmth. Winter.
Create an apple pomander with cloves or spiced orange slices.
Watch videos of fires burning or snow falling.
Decorate with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, etc.
Make rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, rooibos or spiced tea.
Step outside/open a window to feel the cold air (if you live somewhere warm, do this in the early morning/night).
Handcraft gifts for loved ones or write heartfelt cards/letters to the people you care about.
Put birdseed outside/a bird feeder by your window.
Make a simmer pot, or use this idea to create a scented spray.
Wash your face with snow/cold water.
Drink hot drinks.
Yule masterpost.
Bedridden witch: Winter + others linked above. 
You may also like:
Bedridden Witch Series
Spoonie Witch Masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Daily Spell: February 9
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Healing Spell for the Winter Blues by Patti Wigington
What you need:
3 blue candles
Thyme, fresh or dried (If you are sensitive to the oils in thyme leaves, you can use chamomile or honeysuckle)
1.) Light the 3 candles one at a time. As you light each, say “Heal my mind, my spirit, my soul, I shall be healthy and happy and whole.” Once the candles are lit, hold the thyme leaves between your palms, and slowly rub them together, saying “Winter will end, the sun returns once more, my spirits will rise and my soul will soar.” Extinguish the candles, and scatter the crushed thyme leave outside.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
List of essential oils‘ correspondences
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Bay: attain desires, success, clarity of visions or dreams Basil: intuition, optimism, psychic awareness Cedar: cleansing, strength, meditation Cinnamon: energy, courage, goals, money Citrus (lemon/lime): invigorate, joy, energy Cypress: calmative, soothes emotions, stability Frankincense: cleanse aura, enhance psychic power, energizer Jasmine: love, intuition, spirituality, confidence, sexuality Lavender: balance, calming, cleansing, exorcism, Orange: visions, psychic dreams, restfulness Patchouli: Earth energy, sexuality, strength, power Peppermint: alertness, action, mental clarity Pine: energy, cleansing, strength, clarity, action, protection Rose: energy, love, gentleness, peace, happiness Rosemary: mental clarity, memory, protection, invigorate, blessing Sage: purify, cleanse, spiritual visions, inspiration Sandalwood: cleanse, purify, energy Vetiver: internal alignment, unified energies
(source: Grimoire for the Green Witch - Ann Moura, 2003)
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the-night-witch · 5 years
🍻🍀Prosperity Jar🍀🍻
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What you’ll need -
📈A jar (I used a baby food jar)
👑Jewlery (I used earrings that had no pair!)
🍀Dried Basil
🍀Dried Mint
💛Gold or Silver Glitter
💲Coins (Gold coins, pennies etc.)
💚A Green or Gold Candle
Optional: Four leaf clovers or anything else ’lucky’! 🍀. I added a citrine crystal since it’s known as the merchants stone.
Put everything in your spell jar, envisioning what you want as you do so. A chest of gold coins, money falling, beautiful jewelry, or maybe just your dream house. Anything that makes you think of the intent of money, luck and prosperity!
Once everythings in the jar, place your candle on top and light it (Or if it’s in a jar or tin, just pour the wax over the lid to seal it) As you see the wax drip down on to the jar say -
“Let my fortune grow. Let my luck flow.Bring me prosperity. Make it so.”
Recite this as many times as you wish while envisioning your future prospers. I wrote mine down and placed it inside the jar.
Either let the candle melt all the way down over the jar OR blow it out once the top is sealed (If you dripped the wax instead then just blow it out when covered)
Keep in a safe place or keep it near you whenever you need some luck, money or prosperity in your life.
💛💸🍀GOOD LUCK!🏆📈💚
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the-night-witch · 5 years
a witch’s home blessing
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herbal magick, candle fire, bless this house with auras kind; calm its hauntings, quell its pain, cleanse its heart and soul and mind.
every pot of boiling tea every garden flower grown every meal enjoyed inside brings joy and kindness to our home.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
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…and in the darkness the changes that need to be made will glimmer just out in the distance so that you can reach call out and grasp the opportunity that has been awaiting you since birth. invitation initiation dying dying once more rebirth blood, root, bone an awakening the spirits, the warriors, the ancestors they all are here blessing each step of the way.  
Post Notes: Please do not remove the captions. Deck: Deck Of The Bastard
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Tough as a Nail, Sharp as a Thorn Protection Spell
This is a spell to help protect you from physical or emotional harm.
Storm water
Rose thorns
Herbs for protection and strength (I used black pepper, ginger, basil, and oregano)
A jar
Optional: paper and something to write with, if you don’t want to say the spell out loud
Add protective herbs to your jar.
Add storm water to about halfway up the jar.  While you add it, say “Strong as lightning, thunder, and rain, all attempts to harm me will be in vain.”  If you can’t say the spell out loud, write it down on a piece of paper and add that into the jar.
Add the thorns and nails into the jar and say “Tough as a nail, sharp as a thorn, though this spell new strength will be born.”  If you can’t say the spell out loud, write it down on a piece of paper and add that into the jar.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
🌙The Moon Phases in Witchcraft 🌙
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New moon
- Fresh starts, new beginnings
- Money spells
- Blessing of a new project
- Manifestation for the month
- Cleansing
- Planting seeds
Waxing moon
- Expansion, prosperity
- Spells for growth
- Spells to improve existing relationships
- Health Spells
- Attraction magick
- Self love magic 💕
Full moon
- High impact, psychic energy, connection
- Love/Soulmate Spells
- Banishing negative energy, influences
- Divination
- Protection magick
- Energy restoration
- Thanking deities/universe
* Some would argue the full moon is a good time for any kind of spell
Waning Moon
- Release, relief, renewal
- Getting rid of bad habits
- Releasing negativity
- Cleansing the home, the mind
- Renewing strength
- Introspection, reflecting on lessons learned
- Not a good time to start new projects (better to complete them)
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Side note: don’t let the moon determine all of your decisions or your craft, this is a loose guide to enhance certain spells with the phases of the moon
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Spell Ingredients Index: Frankincense
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Scientific Classification: Boswellia carterii
Frankincense is one of the most popular incenses in the world, and, more recently, has gained this popularity by supposedly being one of the gifts the Magi brought to Jesus when he was born. This makes it especially popular during the “Christmas” season.
However, frankincense has a long history as a magickal ingredient well before the time of Jesus.
Ancient Egyptions would burn frankincense at runrise to honour Ra, the god of the Sun.
Use in spells for:
Use in these spell types:
Burning spells
As an incense during a spell
In perfumes
To make oils (Crown of Success)
Other Magickal Uses:
When burned, frankincense will drive out evil and negativity. Use to uplift the area and create a euphoric vibration during rituals.
Burned also to indice versions and aid meditation.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Becoming a witch has definitely helped when it comes to fighting my seasonal depression bc instead of just forlornly longing for winter to be over, I now find small ways to celebrate the season instead.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
spells for a full moon 🌙
🌙 charging/cleansing crystals and items:
fire writing spell - written spell charged with flame
fire element bath -  a bath spell that uses the element and correspondences of fire to heal and cleanse oneself emotionally
🌙 healing spells:
mermaid’s tears -  small wishes, heal, or even reveal hidden truths 
rose quartz healing tears - simple ritual to heal emotions
da:i spells: resurgence -  a spell that calls on benign spirits to heal you 
flower gleam and glow - rapunzel’s sun-inspired healing spell
🌙 love magic:
sweeten your feelings - simple jar spell to sweeten a bond
over the moon - full moon spell to bring love
the smoulder - glamour to spark “love at first sight”
rose bath spell -  a bath of roses and milk to gather love and beauty
🌙 banishing:
to bind a bully spell - to keep them from harming you
know what you have done spell - to prevent them from doing it to others
lapis water binding spell - binds someone to a place they cannot escape
jupiter thunder crash -  spell to banish toxic and dangerous people
🌙 clarity:
jar spell for clarity -  for emotional/mental clarity and wisdom
sea foam latte -  a bath spell and coffee scrub for motivation and clarity 
finding things/memory spell -  a spell for when many things go missing, to help things reappear
rosemary memory spell -  a simple spell for when you need help remembering something 
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Info YULE Appreciate #2
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Animals of Yule
Wrens + Ravens
Snow Geese
Foods of Yule
Cinnamon cakes
Dried fruits
Apple cider
Mulled wine
Roasted/Spiced meats
Goddess Correspondences
Aphrodite (Greek)
Brigid (Celtic)
Demeter (Greek)
Holle (Norse)
Isis (Egyptian)
Fortuna (Roman)
Gods Correspondences
Dagda (Celtic)
Apollo (Greek)
Lugh (Celtic)
Balder (Norse)
Horus (Egyptian)
Sol (Roman)
Essence of Yule
Light out of darkness
Inner renewal
Oils of Yule
**This list is not absolute and just my opinions**
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the-night-witch · 5 years
A Yule Ritual
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Spell originally by Cassandra Eason.
What you need:
12 white candles or tea candles (in a circle)
A red candle in the center
Festiveness around the candles (greenery, baubles, etc.)
Timing: Between December 21-23 in Northern Hemisphere; June 21-23 in the Southern Hemisphere (Yule’s timing)
1.) Light the red candle and from it the circle of candles. Say “I walk into the darkness without fear at the turning of the year, knowing the light will return. Candles no more burn.”
2.) Extinguish the candle circle so only the central candle flame remains. Say “ Let the old sun die, carrying away what must go, the illusions, the excuses, the inertia, and open the door to a new tomorrow.”
3.)After a few minutes relight each candle in the circle, clockwise from the red candle, saying “ The sun is reborn and light returns to the world. The dark times are ended.”
4.) Let the candles burn and use the decorations around the home (keep an eye on the candles so you don’t burn down the house :D )
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the-night-witch · 5 years
White women on tumblr claiming that men cannot be witches because of historical persecution without addressing the ways in which white People have systemically persecuted and destroyed the pagan practices of people of color for centuries proping up their own narrow view of white paganism as the face of modern witchcraft is peak white feminism.
You don’t make the rules. Not this or any other day.
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the-night-witch · 5 years
Drink Magic Masterpost
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Sorry, not the alcohol type drink, but you can find a masterpost for that here! This masterpost is organized by purpose/need. The ones involving coffee are bolded, since most of them are teas! 
Emotions + Emotional healing:
Drink your sorrows tea
Heal your heart potion
Moody Judy potion
Calm you the fuck down tea
Calming back to school tea
Calm thyself tea
Calm and happy tea
‘Give me sunshine’ potion for happiness
Rejuvenating tea
Self love latte spell
Self love and awareness coffee spell
Overall positivi-tea
Mental reboost tea spell
Quick confidence potion
Health + Healing:
Tea to relieve a sinus headache
Headache soothing tea spell
Marshmallow tea for sore throats
Tea for colds
Tiny tea spell to feel better
Feel better tea spell
Pain relieving tea
“Ew, cramps” tea
Menstrual relief tea spell
Tea infusions to soothe the stomach
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Daily energy chant
Morning + Sleep:
Good morning potion
Morning sun cinnamon tea
What a Lovely Morning - Iced Tea Spell
Done fucking around coffee spell (productivity)
Coffee spell
Coffee spell for a good day
Honey milk for restful sleep
Simple dream tea
Lullaby tea
A bedtime tea spell
To dream of a lover potion/tea
Odds and Ends:
Good fortune tea spell
Nan’s good luck tea
Hot chocolate spell for wellbeing
“I am a Fucking Joy and Light to Behold” Tea
Magical lemon spearmint green tea
Spell to charge tea with power
Astral travel tea potion
Peachy potion to attract love
Apple cider love bringing spell
Daily coffee magic
Coffee grounding
Magical frappuccinos 
Hot chocolate magic
Coffee spell for writers
Coffee spells
General tea magic
Fruit tea magic
Floral tea magic
Floral tea correspondences
Herbal tea magic
Chai spells
Coffee brew correspondences
Enchanted coffee ingredients
Infused water magic
Milkshake magic
Related posts:
Orriculum’s beverage magic/potions post
Masterpost of simple beginner friendly potions
Drink before casting
Drunk witchery
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the-night-witch · 5 years
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Recreational Witchcraft’s Luck & Money Powder
This powder is ideal for drawing luck, money, and job opportunities. Sprinkle some of it into a burning candle, dust some over your body before going out or add some of it to a hot bath. 
Grind & Combine:
Green or white Eggshells for prosperity and fortune
Basil for wealth and success
Green mint for money and abundance
Fennel for luck
I’ve used this powder spell for almost a year now and it never fails me. Hope it can help you all too!
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the-night-witch · 5 years
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I will grow. I will bloom. I will create something beautiful from the wintery death beneath me.
————————– Post Notes: Please do not remove the captions. Title: Affirmations For The Winter Copyright:  © Ivan Ambrose 2018 Deck: The Floret Oracle Navigation: TOC | FAQ | Contact | Disclaimer
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