A basket of bread, cloud berries and some cheese and spices for each individual.
You're not entirely sure who it's from, or where it came from. But attached to each basket has a small note attached to it.
"Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. May you enjoy your festivities and traditions with those you care and love for. Be it family or friends. I sincerely wish you the best. Good fortune to your matches as well." "We talked for a short while, but you really pulled me through such a state of anguish, thank you."
~ ?
“… huh?”
Picking up the basket with gentle, cold fingers, the funeral parlor director tilted his head slightly, brows furrowed.
Closing his eyes, a small chuckle emerged from the man’s lips.
“… we talked a short while, huh? While I wonder who that could be… I’m glad we could help you in one manner or another. Now… let’s see… bread, cloud berries, some cheese and spices… I could make a few sandwiches with this. I know Taxim hasn’t eaten in millennia...”
“Happy holidays, mysterious gifter… let’s talk again, okay?”
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✨🪷The Wedding Ball Had Return🪷✨
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Hello hello!
It had been a while since the last ball I hosted no? I remember all your lovely faces enjoying the last one and I truly missed those beautiful priceless smiles on your faces not to mention that there are now new faces who didn't get to have the fun of the ball!
SOOOOOO~ I WILL HOST ANOTHER ONE SOON, YAAAAY! there would of course be some changes here and there but the concept overall would still be the same and the rules the same. ya can go and try to find your partner for the ball or you can come without any, whatever suit you best! Have Fun~
pls use the #IDV-WeddingBall tag so me and everyone can see ya post and use #IDV-WB-RP when you start one and only use it again when you finished with that one rp.
The event may be a wedding theme but you don’t have to dress as a bride or a groom for it, you can simply dress any other role if you wish!
The kids of the event can still attend and wear pretty dresses by any colour but please don’t let them wear what resembles a Groom/Bride outfits. The kids would even be able to take the role of The Flower Girl/Boy if they want.
In the event you can either come alone or pick a partner to come with you.
Please put in mind that you can’t keep asking or forcing someone to be your partner after they refuse in the event or else you would be a nuisance to other and would be kick out immediately! be respectful to other people’s boundaries.
Gender rules doesn’t matter here, if you a boy and wanna wear a dress or a girl who wanna wear a suit or None-binary who wanna wear a mix of the two, THEN DO IT!!
Please keep it age appropriate tho.
Please do not cost any distribution to any of the other guests in any shape and form and if you have some kind of a huge plot idea for the ball pls tell me first in DMs so I can give you the green light to go for it or not, this is a event for fun and not too much drama! Do not get me wrong I would not mind drama here and there but there is a limit to it soooo- YEAH! Drama between two or few characters are okay but for the whole ball nah!
If you have some event in your blog that may hold you back from joining the ball, do not worry! You can separate the two events from each other, having your blog’s event still going on its own while also joining this ball as a side one if ya get what I mean.
Ya do not need to have an idv ask blog to join, ya can use any other blog to let ya OCs join!
if you have any problems during the event pls dm me!
🎊{Event Activity}🎊
The event would last for a whole month (but maybe longer if needed) so take your time and have fun with everyone who joins in, from drawing together to RP and so forth!
As before If you already have a partner use 💐 if not and you looking for one use 🌸 if you don’t want anyone at all use 🥀
Do not hesitate to flex your outfit by either drawing or just posting photos of what you may wear, I would may even reblog it!
I may suddenly send you guys some random scenarios in your inbox and you can reply to how you act during those scenarios! It's not gonna be just me sending scenarios in your inbox only, I may even at times make a post with scenarios writing in it and ya can reblog it with what ya gonna do!
Of course~ there would be some special events and scenarios that I would send to you or post with a “❗️” and depending on how you answer them, you would gain points, lose points, or lose or gain nothing at all! What are those points for?… well~ the ones who has the most points would have me draw them! It would be up to 3 winners so keep tabs on your points and do not cheat for I would also gonna keep tabs!
However, keep in mind I am but one person, and I may not be able to send it to everyone so I may need help to send those scenarios if anyone is willing to help it would be nice!
There of course other ways to gain points, like writing small stories yourself and I would Grand each one 5 point of course ya can not abuse this power and you can only use it once. as for rps is the same but only once for each rps that is started and finished, if you started a rp you gain 5 point and when ya done you gain 5, making it ten!
also pls make sure to type down your points maybe in your bio or post so it would be easy for me to know!
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I felt a little silly and did a matching drawing of the Ghostface au 🫶 it’s been a while since I posted any art here sooo
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// I should revamp/retcon my ocs lore and my blogs sometimes 🤔
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“Hello! Can I play you a song? I love to perform, it makes me feel all warm inside!”
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[ Kaede Akamatsu has just arrived at the manor! ] || [ And she is open for asks! ]
- Rules will be the same across all my blogs 🫶
- This does include spoilers for the entirety of Danganronpa V3!
- This is based in an AU I have with my friends, so just… keep that in mind 😊 the DR V3 characters are a little older than they were in their initial killing game as well
- Roleplay asks are fine and I even encourage them! And Kaede is nice, so… don’t be shy!
- Will most likely consist of text based responses 🧐 it’s mostly headcanon filled with bits of canon mixed in!
- whatever we do, let’s not talk about a certain… detective 😊 and I’m not talking about Kyoko or Shuichi /lh
This blog will contain themes of derealization, unreality, death/murder, self harm/suicide, and many more in the future! So, if those make you uncomfortable, please be careful! These will be located underneath the tag “Musical Distortion” if you would like a tag to block out ^^
Basic Muse Information || “Kaede Akamatsu”
Name: Kaede Akamatsu
AU Identity Progression: The Pianist -> The Ultimate Pianist -> ??? -> The “Journalist” Identity (we are here!)
Age: 18 (The “Ultimate” Pianist) -> 19 (???) -> 20 (The “Journalist”)
Pronouns: She/Her
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obligatory apple juice for Sarah from Liam
“Huh…? Uh… thank you?”
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Hello Event friends! Have you made any friends since entering the manor?
“Oh! I met a man named… uhm… Mister Iron, a little help?”
“… Hikari Kazuichi.”
“Yeah! Him! He’s really tall, and quiet, but he’s nice!”
“… yes.”
“As for other friends… uhm… no… not yet. I’m a… little lost, the place is so big!”
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Sarah, may you tell us more about yourself?
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“… hello. My name is Sarah Beth Ablex, but you might know me as Amy... I’m 10. My adoptive father is ████████ ████████. I don’t have a mother. I’m from… somewhere in Great Britain. Or England. Whichever you call it. I’m from… the future, I guess you could say. “
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New Event || Cartoonish Resurgence
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“… woah! This is an odd looking place!” “…you’re telling me?”
Please welcome “The Animator, Sarah Beth” and “The Sin of Wrath, Ira” to the manor! In this event, you’ll be able to ask the original versions of Amy and Kurai! However, this means Amy and Kurai will be unavailable for asks (not like they get any asks anyways lol)
The event will follow the same rules as the normal blog!
There’s not much to it, just to be silly and have some fun 🫶🏼
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Okay byeeee
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“That’s not my name.”
“He’s a little grumpy, sorry sunglasses person ૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა”
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🫂 Who would be your maid of honor/best man?
[ ask meme ]
“Huh? Oh… uhm… hmm…”
Thinking deeply, Yami rubbed his chin, mumbling to himself for a moment before looking up.
“I don’t have any friends… but… if I had to choose someone… I’d choose Miss Yuuhimiki, since we both work in the same department. She’s really kind to me… I hope my dārin wouldn’t mind… but if he likes someone as gloomy as me, then… maybe he’ll appreciate Yuuhimiko the same way.”
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Did you ever had one of those afternoon dreams?We all had those weird afternoon dreams that has no meaning at all other then being weird and make us question are sanity. If you did indeed had one before can you tell us what it was if you still remember it?
“Sometimes I dream of my papa… The tall one, with the really long red hair… I was sitting down at the dining table, and he was pouring me a cup of tea! He’s British.”
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“The tea was… this really pretty good color. But… we didn’t do anything. We just sat and drank tea. I still remember it, because it was really weird… and the entire time I was wondering if I… really do have a tall British papa… or, did I just imagine it this whole time..?”
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He is coming.
He is on his way.
There is nothing you can do to stop him.
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“Oh, hello Phineas. Fancy seeing you around here. Uhm… why are you a goose, though? Is this a new magic trick of yours, haha?”
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New Event || Cartoonish Resurgence
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“… woah! This is an odd looking place!” “…you’re telling me?”
Please welcome “The Animator, Sarah Beth” and “The Sin of Wrath, Ira” to the manor! In this event, you’ll be able to ask the original versions of Amy and Kurai! However, this means Amy and Kurai will be unavailable for asks (not like they get any asks anyways lol)
The event will follow the same rules as the normal blog!
There’s not much to it, just to be silly and have some fun 🫶🏼
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Okay byeeee
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🗣️ Do you have vows in mind?
[ ask meme ]
"A-Ah... wedding vows..? I-I..."
The funeral parlor director mumbled quietly, holding a deep red notebook close to his chest.
"I... I hardly believe I'm worth someone's love and affection. Why would someone want to marry me... and yet... sometimes I find myself writing something akin to wedding vows... These people are just so amazing to have in my life... how can I not write about them? They're all so perfect... in every single way... I don't deserve them..."
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“ … ah, you wish to talk to me? I don’t— if that’s… well, I can be of use for now, if this is how you want to spend your time then? what do you need?”
asks for “orfeo” are now open, further information below.
not a family friendly blog, dark topics or themes will arise. proceed with caution.
this blog’s portrayal is dependent on my au verse with orpheus, @immortalpheus, and the role orfeo plays in there as a cycle. thus, this will not be linked to canon and events or lore will be referenced from the blog even if not outright posted there. orfeos game, however, will still have a major role and involved as well due to its connection in the au.
this is ultimately a non-canon portrayal of orfeo from the au blog because of how his fate ends up in the blog so it’s more so a what-if he hadn’t died there and instead eventually left “oletus manor”, with eurydice still being dead as a result though. there may be a certain event in the future that involves him being in the in-game event but that would likely take place on the au blog.
with that in mind, this blog won’t be entirely serious at times! there will still be heavy topics involved though and orfeo still is … going through a lot of guilt and grief over what happened, after all.
his outfit is also slightly changed from canon, often seen wearing a flower crown of sorts with eye-bags. (quick doodle moment)
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nsfw/suggestive or offensive asks and ones I am simply uncomfortable answering will be deleted.
unless it’s ic, do not start drama.
flirting asks are welcome, though I can’t say orfeo would reciprocate much.
be patient with replies.
characters opinions do not reflect mine.
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👰‍♀️👰‍♂️Emoji Wedding Ask Game!!!🤵‍♀️🤵‍♂️
✨What's your dream wedding?
💜 Who do you think should get married?
💫 Have you ever been to a wedding?
🫂 Who would be your maid of honor/best man?
🦄 Would you do anything unique at your wedding?
🌸 What kind of flowers would you want in the bouquet?
💭 What's your dream dress/suit/outfit?
☀️ Where would you like to honeymoon?
🪢 Would you like to get proposed to or propose to the other person?
♥️ What's your ideal proposal?
🍹 What kind of food would you want at the wedding?
🎂 What kind of cake? Will you smash it in your partners face?
🧹 Are there any traditions you would want to honor?
🎵 What would the song be for the first dance?
🏃‍♀️ Would you be okay/prefer eloping instead?
🧑‍⚖️ Who would officiate?
🗣️ Do you have vows in mind?
🏝️ Where is your dream wedding location?
🎉 Where would the reception be held?
🍷 What would you do if someone showed up in all white?
😢 Are you okay with marrying someone whose family doesn't approve?
💍 What is your ideal ring?
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