Instablocked for Granny Smith posting
its the best apple
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"Society flourishes when old men plant trees whose shade they'll never know."
Boomers grew up in the shade of trees planted by greater generations and when they got older they cut those trees down and sold the lumber to go play slots in Florida in retirement.
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My only Israel-Palestine stance is that a place being well-known for providing safe refuge for criminal pedophiles internationally should be razed to the ground and its people scattered for the 110th time.
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Boomers hear the Praeconium Paschale and be like "Hey! That's Latin! Like in the Exorcist!! Catholics are all devil-worshippers!!"
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I cannot find anything this story is actually sourced from. Literally every article and web page I pull up just links back to this People's Voice article lmao. The embedded video even tries to say the Pope is a secret Satanist because they were chanting the Exsultet??? Maybe I'm just not good enough at navigating boomer clickbait, can somebody help me out here?
The world has entered dark and stormy times, according to Pope Francis who says humanity must put its faith in World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab who is the man with the plan to restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order.
According to Pope Francis, Klaus Schwab has emerged as a “more important figure” than Jesus Christ in the current era because Jesus wants to save souls, and Schwab understands that we need less souls.
Pope Francis’ comments have caused a storm in the Vatican, but should we really be surprised by his support for Schwab’s Nazi-style eugenics program? As an Agenda Contributor at the WEF, Pope Francis is fluent in blasphemy and is actively working to subvert the church and Christianity in general.
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Should we really be surprised that the blasphemous Pope is siding with the globalists?
This is the pope who joined forces with Bill Clinton last month to announce that humanity must be urgently depopulated to save the planet.
And this is the pope who informed his flock that “relationships with Jesus are dangerous and harmful.” Breaking with centuries of Christian tradition, Francis sparked fears that he is an illegitimate pope with a sinister agenda when he told a crowd of 33,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square that “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ” must be avoided at all costs.
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Sorry folks just about all morality is religious.
Like few people are familiar with what purely non-religous moral frameworks look like. But basically if your morality suggests someone can be guilty of doing bad things it's not secular it's based on religion.
A tree branch that drops an apple on you and causes harm is not guilty, a person that throws an apple and causes the same harm is guilty. In a purely material world matter and energy interacts and is bound by cause and effect relationships, but free will suggest something outside of the normal cause and effect chain can choose outcomes. So free will can't exist in purely material terms it has to adopt metaphysical ideas like souls and spirits.
In short if I say a murder is a guilty person who should be punished I'm pushing a religious idea on you.
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October 10, 2023 - During a protest in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Sheffield, UK, two people scaled the 60-meter tall town hall to take down the Israeli flag that the local council had raised over hte building. In its stead they raised the flag of Palestine, to cheers from the crowd. [video]/[video]
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I mean obviously it's Skyrim
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fellow gaybo furry rpg enjoyers which TES has the best looking Khajiit besides probably online
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I didn't get the facist anon but I have been on the last 5 or so blocklists, so yeah... I got that going for me... I j-just stay w-winning... haha...
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Not being friends with fascists for being fascist sounds kind of fascist bro.
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