Is there anyone with a big ego here that you wanna see get knocked down a peg or two?
All of them.
Specifically Brighton, Georgina, Graham, and Cunningham, but I guess that comes as no surprise. Oh, and I almost forgot our dear little Winona.
@brighton-innocent  @georgina-white  @thegrahamwilliams  @justliam  @winonaduval
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Thoughts on Seb and Gail's relationship?
They’re both horrific people, so in that way I suppose they’re perfect for each other.
I don’t see it lasting, though. They clearly want different things.
@sebastian-adler  @thatawfulrubensgirl
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Do you get off to being a puppet master?
Have you heard of a thing called privacy?
But yes, yes I do.
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Who do you think will have a shotgun wedding?
I’m guessing Kennedy or The Adlers would be obvious candidates.
Don’t get me wrong, plenty of other tenants are likely to end up with an unwanted kid but I don’t see it ending in marriage. You’re either awful people or just undesirable.
@kennedy-monroe  @sebastian-adler  @thatawfulrubensgirl
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Thoughts on the new people?
Cindy: Annoying child, needs to get an adult to look after her. Any takers?
Georgina: Wannabe Brighton Innocent? I’m curious to see how they get on.
Willa: Haven’t seen her much around yet, tut-tut.
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Why would you let Georgina in? Isn't one Brighton enough?
Well, I thought we could use something akin to the Shining twins.
But yes, my friend, one is definitely more than enough. I’m glad I don’t have to live next door to either one of them.
@georgina-white  @brighton-innocent
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If you could kick anyone out of here would you?
I can kick any one of you out of here whenever I want to.
I hope that will serve as motivation for you to keep me entertained.
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I think you're pathetic
And you’re telling me this, why?
If you’re going to throw insults at me, you really should sign your name. Coward.
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Do you trust anyone?
Oh, I do. Just not any of you vermin.
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Happy Wednesday.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. I myself am horribly bored, holed up in my lonesome office. It’s a good thing you're so horribly indebted to me, isn’t it? Remember, kids, I’m your guardian angel; your fairy god-father.
Now pay your damn rent.
Sincerely, Your humble Landlord.
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For the Hogwarts houses, who would you place in each house and who would you consider to be Lord Voldemort?
Why do I feel like you want me to name Ms Innocent or myself as your Dark Lord?
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I love you
No you fucking don’t.
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Do you think anything serious will happen between Kennedy and Emerson?
In terms of romance? Not a chance in hell.
But I’m sure their interactions will have some sort of serious consequences.
@kennedy-monroe  @emersondouglas
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Do you think Graham and Gail have a thing for one another?
God, I hope not. But I guess it could make sense - seeing as they’re both obnoxious.
@thegrahamwilliams  @thatawfulrubensgirl
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LMAO at Kennedy telling off Brighton
Well, she gets a C from me.
I can’t wait to see Brighton get back at her.
@kennedy-monroe  @brighton-innocent
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Emerson, Winona and Graham should all probably get checked
I agree, but that goes without saying since you all need to get checked.
@emersondouglas  @winonaduval  @thegrahamwilliams
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Did you have MacKenzie killed?
Are you accusing me of having Mackenzie killed?
I hope you know that false accusations are punishable, so careful now.
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