the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Fear is a powerful motivator, if refined correctly. Take the prey in alive, slowly drag them through your home, past the decorations of former prey, stuffed and mounted. The knife collection, and the bloodstains in the carpet that never seem to get out. Makes a fear cocktail so well, the prey doesn't even dare disobey, stepping into the boiling pot, to never step out again. Mount their head, hands and feet with a nice little plaque, and they can even help terrify the next prey you drag in.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Some choice cuts of boy meats
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Draw of the Cock
I always had a ton of delectable looking boys I’m seducing at any time, always pays to have a ready meal at a few text messages. I had some who lived further away, men I just thought looked nice. But I got a message from one of them today and it certainly was different then his usual messages
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Dakota, from Dakota. I had found that funny. He texted me that picture and said “I can’t resist any longer…I need to be in your cock Reed. I’ve got a ticket. One-way.” I smiled and replied “Sure. Just don’t get cold feet!” And texted back my address. Throught the day, I waited, cock hungry and throbbing. I got another ping as I lied in bed, contemplating going out and slurping up some cocksnacks.
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“Just called an uber, I’m coming. Can’t wait to be your cocksnot.” I texted back “Better hurry up…it’s hungry!”
A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring and him letting himself in. I walked down, naked, cock throbbing. He smiled and said “So should I just strip now or-” “Yes. Now. Its hungry!” He grinned bashful, beginning to strip. I ripped off his shirt myself, tearing the treads. He protested but I simply said “Cocksnot doesn’t wear clothes."he nodded and soon was standing, butt-naked in my living room. I massaged my dick and had him kneel down, lapping at its head. After a few seconds, my meat began to grow, head shining with the polish. His tongue slipped inside, and Dakota’s fate was sealed. The cock grew and grew, engulfing the teen. First his head, then his neck. It stalled there for a moment before I flexed, swallowing up those nice broad shoulders. It swallowed up his pecs and abs quick, arms getting pinned to his sides. His dick caught on the lip of my cock’s maw for a second before sliding in. His legs went quick, sluped into my dick. I felt his body filling out one of my balls. Yes he did feel good in there. But who cares? He may have wanted this to be special, but I was still in the mood. So I reached for my phone. My balls can never be too full!
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Tom was suprised of course, as my agents burst into his room. I had ordered for a celebrity slave and they certainly delivered. A little hypnotherapy and Tom became not a movie star, but a iron pumping slave, obsessed with getting bigger and serving his Master.
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All in preparation for his big day…when his muscles are cut away from his fine body, and roasted up, his meat roasted…and his head served on a platter…with his eyes wide with shock
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Tricking Tom
Tom Holland had gotten a text from his boyfriend about a sports photshoot. He had pulled up to my house and I handed him a very special basketball. He had some questions about where Harrison was but I talked it away and we started the plotoshoot.
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He began to dribble and play with the basketball, noticing how the hard leather had a very different texture then he was used to. But it was nothing. Over and over he slammed the ball into the ground and through the hoop.
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When he was nice, sweaty and worked up I had him take a very specific pose before saying “Hey Tom? I’m pretty rich and so I heard of some new transformation tech…leaves the victum alive and all senses intact. That ball was Harrison…though not now probably…given how often you beat him around he’s probably forgotten everything…accepted his place as an object.”
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Tom looked down at the basketball he had been using, realizing the truth of the matter…that hardened leather had felt so familiar because he had touched it so often…this was Harrison! He looked up in shock at me while I grinned and took a knife, popping the ball. “Time to turn you into something useful…I’m thinking lunch!” Tom was too suprised, at his once friend and former lover, now deflating in his arms to stop me from pulling him inside and shoving him in my mouth. He barely struggled as I pulled off his shorts and tasted that sweaty, musky package. I swallowed it as well, slurping down his legs. He finally realized his predicament when he was pushed into the stomach…only his veiny feet out of my maw. He began to try and kick and thrash, though with most of his body wrapped tightly in my throat he didn’t go far. I decided to keep him like this, feet free, head dangling inches away from sizzling acid. No harm in having a little fun no?
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Trevor thought he was in need of bulking up before he enlisted, he always wanted to get into the army, along with his best friend Dylan. Two days before he enlisted he went to Dylan's house. When Dylan answered he said "Hey dude. I don't think they'll take you. You're not as bulky as me...but I have an idea of how to get us both in!" Dylan looked a bit confused but agreed. Trevor nodded and said "Okay now, just close your eyes." Dylan obeyed, and Trevor grabbed the other boy's clothes, ripping them off. Dylan opened his eyes in suprise just to be greeted by a moist black cave as Trevor sucked his head in. Trevor worked quickly, gulping the other boy down as fast as he could. Dylan struggled, but before he knew it he was in his buddies gut and stewing away, the acid already beginning to sting his skin. Trevor beltched and made his way inside, patting his gut and laying down on the couch, drifting to sleep. As he slept his stomach worked away tye other, and over the next day the shrunked ball of digested boy got applied, buffing Trevor up. Needless to say he absolutely got in.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Payton was told by his parents that Dylan needed to be watched tonight. So here he was, stuck at home while the New Years party at Jake's house was going on. All year you got to build up your body to compete in a Pred contest, and Payton was going to win til this stupid thing was happening. His parents were probably out at some stupid restuarant. Dylan came in for about the fifth time tonight as Payton was looking through his friends posts about how awesome the party was and how Payton was going to miss it to say "Hey bro can you make me some more steak I ate the one you already made." Payton growled and snapped, standing up. Dylan suddenly backed away but Payton charged forward, grabbing Dylan
"You've always been such a little shit Dylan! But you're costing me going to Jake's party, and begging for me to do more shit for you!" He tore off Dylan's clothes "Now I'm just going to go to Jake's party and turn you into a big shit!" He grabbed Dyaln's shoulders as Dylan stuttered, intimidated. Payton ignored him and just forced the prey down, smooth skin easily sliding down Payton's throat. The instant Dylan's feet were down his mouth, he charged to the car and strapped in, heading to Jake's house. To hell with his parents, he had finally put Dylan in his place
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Most people would be ecstatic hearing that one of their best friends got into the collage of their dreams. But not Ben. He was mad that while he did most of the work, Dylan got the scholarship just cause he was up on the screen the most. While the others clapped Dylan on the back and cheered, Ben waited. It had been a pretty big game, so the guys were sweaty, so they had to adjourn to the showers. Ben stripped az he got his plan. He got his sweaty underwear and headed to the same shower as Dylan. He came from behind and stuffed the underwear in as he grabbed Dylans hands and pinned him against the wall "That's what the taste of hard work is. Savor it now." He growled as he looked over Dylans body "You've got such a photogenic body...guess theres only one way to keep the cameras off you!" Dylans eyes went wide as Ben's mouth went wide as well. He stuffed the wet jock's arms down his throat. Ben just swallowed as Dylan fought to escape, but Dylans photogenic body was no match for the stronger and more powerful jock. Bebs body compressed Dylan to a tight ball as acids lapped at him. Ben gave a final gulp and the musky feet of the doomed prey slid into his gullet. He heard the murmurings later, questions to where Dylan went as Ben rubbed his gut "You'll make a great buncha protien for me. And maybe I'll earn that scholarship. I certainly deserve it more!"
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Nowadays you see sports jocks doing this all the time, feeling up each others asses, slapping them whatever. Just a form of showboating and camaraderie. I saw this line doing it and decided to have a little fun. The ones in the back didn't notice as I grabbed the first one's hand and shoved it into my pants. I did a small assurance, a bit of merging so the line world be unbroken before pulling my trousers all the way down and beginning to suck the first player into my ass. The second player saw and started to fight and pull away but he found his fingers and hand stuck to the other players ass! And so it went down the line, the brawny bodies bending and contorting to be sucked into my ass. I looked over my shoulder at the very last one, crying as his last buddy got sucked into my bulging gut.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
A TYR brand suit. Named after the Norse God who lost his hands to a hungry wolf. While the hungry part was true, you wouldn't lose your hands. Mostly just everything in the suit. As basically a steroid on steroids, it was at first banned from competitions. But when people realized that people had a set amount of time before the TYR brand items began to devour whatever they were on, leaving the other parts perfectly preserved as trophies or for something more they were allowed back in.
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Kal stared at the various warnings. Sure his body was nice but would it be enough? He gave his arms a flex. Well either way it would be a show. He clicked 'Add to Cart'
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
The coach delivered the students placing on the swim team's tryouts. As standard procedure, any who failed would be added onto the winners. That way they could still 'participate.' Two of them look shocked, though the one on the right looks resigned, or maybe satisfied. Perhaps he's got a certain player he wants to add to. Or maybe he'll try to force his way onto the team when one of the swimmers disappear
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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nightlyvore said: He gets that juicy ass turned into a pillow as the rest of him becomes stuffing!
A little sting on his left asscheek woke Tom from his late-morning sleep. He looked over his shoulder and found his roommate Lucius standing by the bed, his hoodie zipped down, revealing his nicely defined pecs. “What the hell, man?” he groaned, but the words left his mouth clumsily. His tongue was dry and numb, stuck to his upper palate, and his gums felt coarse and cottony.
“Sorry Tom, couldn’t find anyone for a quick hook-up so you’ll have to do” whispered Lucius as he grabbed hold of my ass. I tried to protest but no sound escaped my mouth: my lungs seemed to have stopped working! I wanted to panic but a pervading stupor was overtaking my body, spreading from my asscheek all the way to my head.
Suddenly the bed started moving. My chin was dragging along the sheets. I tried to push myself up but my arms were nowhere to be found. As I felt my toes crawling up the bed, I realised I wasn’t being dragged away - I was shrinking! Every part of my being pulled towards my ass.
As my head disappeared into my rear, I felt Lucius picking me up and taking me to his own bed. Somehow, I was a lot lighter than before - my insides felt almost weightless, the material meshing around into a uniform mass of fluffy stuffing. With a gentle thud, I was pressed against something warm and throbbing. I realised with dread that that must be Lucius’ cock, hard and in need of release. And I… I was a pillow to relieve that need.
Constant as the tides, Lucius started humping me. I could feel the length of his pulsating cock brushing against me, leaving a trail of pre that soaked into my cover. I tried to get away, to free myself from his strong hands, but it was no use. Worse of all, the more he humped me, the less I minded being used as a pillow. In fact, I was starting to like it: the heat emanating from his member, the way he grabbed my fluffy body and reshaped it as needed.
Wait, no! Tom wasn’t a pillow, he was human. He had to find a way to escape, to change back. But as Lucius’ humping sped up, Tom’s mind started clumping up into stuffing. His thoughts slowed down, the dread melting away and leaving only content behind. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to be a pillow. To hold Lucius’ beautiful face in his sleep. To satisfy his hungry cock when no other alternatives were available. To be a pillow, without worries, without fear.
As Lucius came and ropes of cum shot into Tom, he mentally sighed. The last of his humanity turned to cotton and all that was left was a grateful pillow.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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These two bros were recruits for the baseball team. Unfortunately there was only one slot on the team. The captain whispered to Scott "If you find out what Cole's hiding in that giant cup, and take a picture, we'll let you be on the team." Scott nodded and talked with Cole, arranging a sleepover. When he went over he couldn't keep his eyes off his bros bulge. Finally, at midnight Cole got up the courage, getting out his phone and approaching the sleeping Scott. He gently pulled down the blanket to be suddenly slapped in the face with a way engorged length. As Cole was stunned he couldn't fight off the cocks hunger as it latched onto his face. Scott remained asleep as his best friend was dragged down, to add onto the massive pred cock, and in the morning all he had was an empty sleeping bag, and a full ball bag.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Daniel was always showing off to Dylan talking about workouts and practices and the cheerleaders that were gaga over him, lording it over Dylan. Dylan usually just nodded along but the straw that broke the camel's back was when he saw his girlfriend fawning over the sports jock. Dylan decided enough was enough. He bought some shrinking serum and headed to school, sneaking into the locker room and dropping it all into Daniel's water bottle, the arrogant prick just leaving it out in the open. He went into the janitors closet and waited, watching through a crack in the door. When practice was over he watched Daniel take a big swig of water. The serum was fast acting as Dylan knew, so as the footballers went to the shower he snuck out and mingled with them, following Daniel's head, that was slowly getting harder to see. When Daniel reached the shower stall he realized the height difference, opening his mouth to bring attention, before Dylan grabbed him from behind, putting his hand over the now shorter male's mouth with a smile. He picked up the steadily shrinking jock and said"You may have all the girls going nuts over you but you're going in my nuts now!" The jock kicked out but his leg didn't even reach the other now. Dylan waited a bit more til the other was a good eight inches before shoving him down his pants and walking out, keeping his hands in the pockets to hold the limbs down. The once cocky jock struggled more, before he felt his foot drive into a warm wet hole. He realized what Dylan had said and struggled more, gripping onto the fabric as his other leg was sucked into the cock. The more he shrank the less grip he had, til his hands slipped and he was sucked down his former tormentee's dick. Dylan smiled, and later that night his girlfriend complimented the taste of his cum
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Ur my favorite vore blog on Tumblr, keep up the great work. I’d love to see a post where a baseball fan shrinks himslef and puts him slef in his crushes or the picthers jock and when he puts it one the guy slips into his cock. And he gets shot out of the baseball players cock and in the rival pitchers ass for loosing
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Cole. Just Cole. How could I possibly compare to him. I was just some dweeb with glasses and straight A's. He was captain of the baseball team and definetly the hottest guy on it. And I'm me.
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I did come up with a way to...appreciate him. I found some shrinking serum online, one dose makes you half your height. I ordered it immediately and scoped out the locker room on the days before it arrived. I figured it would be best to drink it in the locker room, and slip though the metal grates in the lockers to carry out my plan. When I walked out to head to school and saw the package I immediately grabbed it and tore it open pocketing the bottle. Throught my classes I couldn't sit still, and when we got to the class before the baseball team would practice I excused myself and rushed to the locker room, making sure no one saw me. I stripped and threw my clothes in the corner, if they were right under his locker he may get suspicious, and I could just get them later! I tore off the lid of the serum and downed it all holding onto the grate and hiding the bottle under the bench. A few seconds later my feet left the floor as I held onto the grate, climbing inside when I shrunk fully down! I was tiny! I saw the mountain of white cloth that was my goal. I began running, not knowing how long it would take, and I wanted to make sure I was in before he opened up his locker. I ducked under and into the white bulge tucking myself into the soft cradle of fibers as the bell rang and I awaited. I would get about 2 hours, then I'd turn back. I figured I'd just slip out, he wouldn't notice me at all! I could hear loud voices and someone fiddling with a lock! I closed my eyes as the jockstrap was picked out, and opened them again when I felt tight warmth press all over into me. The head of his dick had pinned me to the walls of the jock. I dutifully set to work, rubbing and kicking and massaging the tip of the massive organ. This was heaven. I kept going for what seemed like an hour to me, till my arms and jaw ached. I felt a pull on my foot and looked down to see the slit slowly sucking me in. I didn't want this! I, no! I struggled but I was miniscule!
Cole had no idea the struggle the tiny fan was going through. He did find some weird clothes in the corner and threw them out. Weird fans always leaving their stuff everywhere.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
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Part 2 of the Tyr Series
Tony was an up amd coming tennis player, a bit green, but he wanted to win. His dad, the coach was constantly pushing him, more then any of the other players. He always did his best, relentlessly training for his father's approval. When they had won the statewide tournament his dad had been so proud of him, he needed to win the nationals. Even with all the training he still wasn't absolutely going to win. When he heard of TYR items, something that would consume parts of you to give your body a great boost as it was consuming he immediatly was interested. He bought ankle and wrist bands. Wrists would help his hands, to drive the ball, and the ankle bands would help him run faster to catch any balls. Right before his final match he slipped them on, and felt them sink in, beginning to repurpose his ankles and wrists. TYR items had a 20 minute time before what was contained was completely consumed, leaving just what was outside it. True to advertising he did get a boost, flying across the court and smashing the ball across the court. When the match was done he had won. He smiled and ran to his father, so eager to know he had done good, forgetting to off the bands. He fell, the bands separating as his hands and arms seporated, the ends having smooth ebony flesh as if they'd never been connected. The same had happened to the feet. He looked desperately up to his father, wanting to know he had done good. The coach simply smirked and slid the bands up to the shoulders and thighs "You'll be able to feed the whole team if we split you up. Second best will get your torso and head." He smirked. Tears streaked down Tony's face, as his father saw him nothing more as meat to help the others of the team improve, nothing more.
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the-regimes-records · 5 months
Hot Spiderman cum
A loud “Mmmmph!!” comes from the person on the table.  “Struggle all you like Mr. Holland, it’s not going to do you any good.“  The hungry pred grips Holland’s legs tightly, removing the cuffs on his ankles.  "This is going to be fun, adding a cum soaked costume to my collection!"  Holland thrashes harder, but in doing so gets his feet lodged in the pred’s massive meaty cock.  "Yeah struggle for me!"  Taunts the pred as his cock slurps and pulls the helpless Tom closer to his fate.  As the massive cock slurps up to his crotch he lets out a whimper combined with a moan, as the warm pre soaks through his costume, causing his cock and skin to tingle.  "Sounds like someone is enjoying themselves"  Tom thrashes defiantly, unable to do anything with his arms chained up above his head.  Pretty soon the cock is up to his chest, hugging him tightly, the cum soaking through to his nipples making them tingle and harden.  Tom lets out a moan.  "So you really are enjoying this” taunts the pred.  Tom gives a defiant look and thrashes a bit.  “I’m going to looove shooting you out!"  Moans the pred as Tom’s head disappears inside.  Tom is now in complete darkness, feeling the warmth and slickness of the cock.  He feels the chains removed from his hands, and before he can try to pull himself out, he is slurped down, fingers and all, the chains being the only thing slowing down the process of the cock.  He is quickly pushed into a large tight chamber filled with hot sticky cum, soaking him totally from head to foot.  He is then able to remove the tape on his mouth.  "Let me out!  You won’t hear the end of this!"  "Yes I will, as you gurgle and churn away in my balls"  replies the Pred, who then laughs.  Before long Tom’s mind becomes hazy and extremely horny, accessing the zipper in the costume allowing him to relieve himself, he removes his cock and begins stroking it, faster and faster, and as he climaxes he lets out a gurgling moan, as his body loses shape, being nothing but cum.  "Yep that’s what they all say"  laughs the pred after hearing the last gurgles and glorps.  He starts stroking his now somewhat smaller cock, quickly climaxing, sending out gallons of cum, splattering the ceiling and walls, the empty costumes sliding down the wall and landing on the floor with a splat.  "That was fun"  the pred gets up and tosses the cum covered costume onto a pile of similar constumes.
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