Sparky is scared of all of you.
I saw the Dragon x Princess x Knight post and I got hooked on it. They should become a throuple. The absolute power move of that dragon, not only getting a princess, but he also bagged the knight who was supposed to rescue said princess. I just think that's hilarious and hot. What's hotter than having the Knight just sit in the cuck corner? Why, having the Knight be fucked by the Dragon alongside the Princess, of course. Hell, why don't we have the Knight be fucked in the ass by the Dragon while the Princess pegs the Knight's mouth? Think of the possibilities here, people! Big scary dragon, his pretty princess girlfriend, and the two's twinky knight fuck toy. Say it with me! Dragon x Princess x Knight supremacy!
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I.... no, I'm not... hungry
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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Neither do I.
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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......*after a few minutes I get up and look at you, studying you* I don't forgive you, not right now... but.... I must really fucking love you or you'd be dead by now.
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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I thought I did....
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*feels disgusting, lost, empty, hopeless*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*I seel a rising sense of self loathing, how pathetic, so clingy, needy and desperate that you need to cuddle with the woman that blew up your home.... weak*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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...*sobs into you, you arent forgiven, but you arent despised. It's a odd, desperate middle ground*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*eventually pulls you into a hug, burying my face in your chest and sobbing*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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why? so you can blow up the room? so you can tell me that the pillow and blanket arent real? ...
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*goes and lies alone on my bed, crying, the parallel between this ad the perfect world is heart breaking, i hug my knees, alone*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*teleports us home* I honestly don't want to here it because then I'll feel bad about upsetting you but that's not how this is gonna work.
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*there's a cry of pain as it comes flooding bac, then a few minutes of silence*
*deep sigh*
Alright.... hometime I guess.... cmon....
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*as you push through, your clothes change into stereotypical knights armour, you only have a sword and a shield , any other things you had on you are removed, and you stand before the perfect fairytale version of faetail castle*
*you are stood outside the semi transparent, magic, pink-purple dome*
*she runs and tries to break inside*
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*Suddenly the rubble starts to float, piece back together with a purple glow, the castle and some of the land around it rips from the ground and begins to float fully fixed and cleaner than it has been in decades, then it lands back with a loud bang, the corpses dissappear and a pink dome wraps around the whole thing... elvina dissappears too as the pink force dome surrounds her*
Welcome to the Twisted tales rp
*elvina comes home from another rebel meeting, her aura has been changing over the past few days, more confident but less gentleand compassionate, her hair in a side shave, sparky has been less close to her and glaring at her, something is afoot*
Hey my loveeee~
Hi! *She picks you up and hugs you*
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*you have trouble finding your way but when you do....elvina is at the castle ruins, she sug her mother and father out the rubble, cradling her mothers body, screaming and crying in a way that it isn't humanly possible to do, it's a Nephalem scream, twisted, cracked, monstrous*
*elvina comes home from another rebel meeting, her aura has been changing over the past few days, more confident but less gentleand compassionate, her hair in a side shave, sparky has been less close to her and glaring at her, something is afoot*
Hey my loveeee~
Hi! *She picks you up and hugs you*
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Mhm, sure....
*slams the door. Then goes running for faetail, thorns cutting my legs and tearing my dress, I throw my heels away, I don't care*
*elvina comes home from another rebel meeting, her aura has been changing over the past few days, more confident but less gentleand compassionate, her hair in a side shave, sparky has been less close to her and glaring at her, something is afoot*
Hey my loveeee~
Hi! *She picks you up and hugs you*
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