((Still alive...))
((My parents are holding my wifi hostage until my summer work is done. Sorry I didn't let you guys know sooner but yeeeaaaah.... I'm going to go sulk in a corner now. Love you guys! >_
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(( I figure that I have been putting this off for long enough...ugh... Alright so my parents STILL have not given me back my wifi and are now insisting that I will not get it back until I am finished with finals next Thursday. Yeah. I am furious and I am really sorry guys! Again, I will be able to respond to asks and messages, but I can't reblog any rp posts. I am terribly sorry and will be back on as soon as finals are through! >_
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Hi, Malik, what's wrong?
Ah, hello Miss Denise! Oh, it's my my Internet connection. I think there is a sand storm outside because it has been down for a while...((In which I defy logic and canon and give Malik Internet to explain how I lost my own wifi connection...ugh))
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I hope they do too! Malik has a nephew teehee Iona adopted nekoakefia
(( Im going to try and get it back tonight after school. Im really irked by this lack of internet. I feel so awful for all the replies I have left waiting. ;____;OwO Iona adopted and now has a child?! Daaaawwww all the time she has been spending with the kids of the YGO RP world has really affected her, hasn't it? But in an adorable way! >w
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(That sucks big time *big hugs* I was hoping nothing serious had happened to you and I'm relieved it was just a loss of wifi - which while bad is not as bad as like a major injury or something)
Yeah I'm fine and in one piece and such! I am hoping my parents will give it back to me tonight because I need it for homework too. So, other than that, how have you been? ^___^
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((OOC:: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been active lately! Things have been a little chaotic what with school ending in a week and there have been some things going on at home... Umm, so I just wanted you guys to know I am alive, but I lost my wifi connector again. So I'm not sure exactly when I will have the chance to reply to the billion RPs I am behind on, but I will try to get back asap. If you need to contact me send me an ask or message of some sort because my iPod has trouble reblogging things and that's the only way I can respond. Thanks you guys and I'm sorry and I will try my best to get my wifi back soon! >___
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Malik looked up at at the boy standing over him with friendly lavender eyes. Slowly he eased himself up into sitting postition on his elbows then smiled at the kid,
"Ah, well..." He pondered how to go about answering his question. To say Yusei's light peeked through the shadows at him and guided him back to control over the phantom would sound more than a little strange. Malik did not really understand it all himself, either. Was this boy just so kind hearted that Malik could see his spirit despite being buried so deep in the darkness? The warmth and brightness was similar to his best friend, Ryou, but did not hold the simmering shadow underneath.
Malik shook his head and chuckled, "Nevermind. I'm Malik by the way. You said your name was...Yu...Y-Yusei, right?"
As the pain slowly cleared from his head, Malik was able to investigate his new company more clearly. He had the strangest hair and fair skin with large, innocent eyes. His clothes were rather foreign to Malik as well, almost futuristic. The kid was young, though appeared to be not too much younger than himself,
Phantom, how old did he say he was...nine, ten?
Well, fine, Malik sighed with annoyance, I can easily find out on my own.
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tinyshootingstar started following you
“Tch, another child, how wonderful.”
Yami Malik glared down on the boy, agitation boiling in his eyes. The last thing he wanted was another playmate for his host, another nuisance that gave him hope and a spark of light. This infant would only make consuming his host’s soul completely that much more difficult.
N-no…please, don’t hurt him…he has done n-nothing to you…leave him alone, Phantom…
((‘Ello~! ^_^))
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So...tired... I am literally falling asleep at my computer. I need to go to bed like woah! Ahaha! G-night everyone~!))
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Malik flinched and looked up at Necrophades with wide lavender eyes,
"I...y-yes, my Lord." Malik thought it best not to even try to explain the reasoning behind his refusal, for he understood little himself. He only knew that sitting close next to his Master would not be a wise decision. His body was hot and he had little control over its movements as it urged him to draw near to Necrophades. But he could not deny a direct order,
"...I'm sorry..." he murmured and slowly sat on the bed. Malik made sure to keep his distance, leaving a good foot and a half between the two of them. Even at that distance, though, his heart beat rose. Every fiber of his being urged him to get closer, that he was ordered to do so, and why deny his body the close contact it was craving? However a small shred of sanity remained and prevented Malik from moving any closer. He stared at his tan hands in his lap, studying the thin creases in his skin and a particularly intriguing hangnail. Malik tried to find something, anything, that could at least avert his eyes if not his entire cherry-red face away from the god beside him. Nothing held his attention for long, so his eyes were dancing about the room in all directions but to the the demon at his side. He folded his arms across his chest and dug his nails into the flesh of his slender arms as yet another means to pull his attention away. Malik desperately needed something to distract him before things jumped out of his control,
Mmhaha...this...should be e-entertaining, at least...
My Little Shadow Crush
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Malik was caught off guard when the woman suddenly picked him up. It took a moment for him to register exactly what she was doing,
"Woman! What the hell do you think you are doing?! Release me from your filthy paws this instant!"
He most certainly did not appreciate being thrown into a portal either. Malik stumbled to his feet gazing at the seemingly endless shadows swirling around him. Oh, he knew this world well. He ran a hand affectionately through the air, enjoying the gentle caress of the shadows. Being able to physically feel was such a wonder to him that he was nearly distracted from the half-dragon behind him. He was quickly snapped back to reality when he was lifted off the ground and flipped to face Iona. A bemused smile played at his lips as she interrogated him,
"My, my you do have a lot of questions, do you not? And you expect me to just rattle off answers for you?" the phantom chuckled shaking his head.
"You are going to have to do much better than some flashy portals and glowing eyes to bring the answers out of me, woman. Oh, and perhaps I should warn you now," a cruel grin spread across his face, "this is still your precious Malik's body. If you hurt me, you will hurt him in the process. Kill me and he dies as well. But if this information does not particularly bother you, then by all means continue digging your claws into my back. I am sure the boy will appreciate a few extra slices in his already shredded skin."
"No," the phantom continued, inclining his head towards her so their faces were only a few inches apart "I will not tell you my problems, for, at the moment, I have none other than the bruising grip you have on my torso. I will tell you a problem that you may have though," his voice dropped to a hiss, eyes staring sharply back into her red ones, "that boy can probably still see you and the state of insanity you are slowly trickling into from my eyes~"
One in the Same
One in the same
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"See? You, on the other hand, are still a kid."
His jaw went rigid and his eyes were wide and menacing on Yusei.
NO! If you hurt him Phantom, I swear-
"I'll never forgive you!"
Yami Malik gripped his head, gritting his teeth against the pain of being torn from his hold on the body,
"No...Not yet! I'm not finished yet!"
"I'm not going to let you torment this boy! Leave. him. ALONE!"
Malik was panting heavily on his hands and knees, completely exhausted. His hair fell back to its normal gentle spikes and the Eye of Wdjat faded. The sharp and cold face that had once twisted the young man's face had melted back to its natural innocence. Twenty-four hours he had been lost in the darkness, until a tiny spark had appeared before him. It was so small and distant, but Malik had reached for it from the depths of the blackness consuming his heart. He had grasped on to that little fleck of light and defended it, willing it to grow and fight the shadows away. What had brought that glow? Malik looked up and met the boy's deep blue eyes,
"Y-you...thank you...You saved me."
Malik sighed and rolled onto his back, enjoying the cool temperature of the floor seeping through to his back. His breath was still heavy, but the pain was beginning to subside to a dull head ache. A small smile played at his lips and he shut his eyes with content.
I'm back...
Tch, enjoy it while you can, boy. I will be free once again...
So Malik is no longer evil except for in the RPs with soulofshadow (One in the Same), necrophadesoftheshadows (A Clash of Nightmares), and childwiththering. ^_^))
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tinyshootingstar started following you
“Tch, another child, how wonderful.”
Yami Malik glared down on the boy, agitation boiling in his eyes. The last thing he wanted was another playmate for his host, another nuisance that gave him hope and a spark of light. This infant would only make consuming his host’s soul completely that much more difficult.
N-no…please, don’t hurt him…he has done n-nothing to you…leave him alone, Phantom…
((‘Ello~! ^_^))
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"I am no child, young one, my host is thirteen, making him a teenager." He was liking this kid less and less. His large blue eyes were unnerving and his sass was not what Yami Malik considered to be a pleasant way to start a conversation.
He frowned at his question, pondering the answer himself, "I have no name, boy." 
((You're blog is so cute it makes me want to die! I squealed when I saw it. Ahaha! >w<))
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tinyshootingstar started following you
“Tch, another child, how wonderful.”
Yami Malik glared down on the boy, agitation boiling in his eyes. The last thing he wanted was another playmate for his host, another nuisance that gave him hope and a spark of light. This infant would only make consuming his host’s soul completely that much more difficult.
N-no…please, don’t hurt him…he has done n-nothing to you…leave him alone, Phantom…
((‘Ello~! ^_^))
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tinyshootingstar started following you
"Tch, another child, how wonderful."
Yami Malik glared down on the boy, agitation boiling in his eyes. The last thing he wanted was another playmate for his host, another nuisance that gave him hope and a spark of light. This infant would only make consuming his host's soul completely that much more difficult.
N-no...please, don't hurt him...he has done n-nothing to you...leave him alone, Phantom...
(('Ello~! ^_^))
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((I'm not surprised, considering how much she changed when she scared Malik off. ;w; I shouldn't find this funny, but she is having, like, a Lady Macbeth moment! Ahaha! >w< And don't blame the anon, you know you had fun RPing as her evil form, riiiiight??? ^_~))
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soulofshadow replied to your post: ((don’t worry evil Iona is still rpable hehe it was pre-odained with us so it’s alll good ))
((Iona’s ended early… her sister jumped in to snap her back to reality…))
((Ooohhhh! I was wondering why she was back to reality so soon since I think she got the magic anon after Malik! >w<))
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((W-wait, near broken?! What do you mean?! O_O))
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soulofshadow replied to your post: ((don’t worry evil Iona is still rpable hehe it was pre-odained with us so it’s alll good ))
((Iona’s ended early… her sister jumped in to snap her back to reality…))
((Ooohhhh! I was wondering why she was back to reality so soon since I think she got the magic anon after Malik! >w<))
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soulofshadow replied to your post: ((don’t worry evil Iona is still rpable hehe it was pre-odained with us so it’s alll good ))
((Iona’s ended early… her sister jumped in to snap her back to reality…))
((Ooohhhh! I was wondering why she was back to reality so soon since I think she got the magic anon after Malik! >w<))
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((don't worry evil Iona is still rpable hehe it was pre-odained with us so it's alll good ))
((Ah! Hi! ^_^ Alrighty, I figured judging by the note you made beneath your magic-ending post! Ahaha! Of course, the same applies to Malik as he only has an hour left being evil~! >w
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