the-scientxst · 7 years
@piistols​ || Continued from xxx ||
  ❝ Well, let’s just say I don’t see things WELL on my right side. ❞ Placing his pen on the desk as he spoke, he turned his head from his work to his unexpected guest as he stepped out from the shadows. ❝ You didn’t exactly make it hard for me to see you anyway, ANDREW. ❞ Keith glanced to the knife in Drew’s hand, held out in plain sight for him to see, as if he was making a point.      And that point was clear to Keith.
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   ❝ Ah, I see. It makes sense now. ❞  Ignoring the threat that hung HEAVY in the air in his laboratory, he nodded as if he had just been told something as simple as the weather. He knew Drew wouldn’t hesitate to act on his threat, though.    ❝ So, you break into my lab while I’m suppose to be having brunch with your father, but your plan is ruined when I inconvenienced you by coming back early. Now, you’re back here a SECOND time... All for my good friend, HAYDEN? I didn’t know you knew him, forgive me for taking up all of his time.  ❞  He raised an eyebrow, purposefully drawing out his response. This B R A T had the nerve to break into his lab AGAIN after messing it up during the first escape. It infuriated Keith. Now here he was, faced with the same brat holding a knife and threatening him for information. 
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  ❝ Now, Hayden is a very important asset of mine... Would you believe me if I told you he was safe? Would that make you F E E L better, ANDREW? ❞  His voice was almost taunting, despite the situation he was in. The other man could easily lash out... He glanced to his desk, briefly eyeing the empty syringes he had ready on his left. He’d have to lean for them, so he opted to not reach one for one... YET.
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the-scientxst · 8 years
Drew ignores the horrible joke despite his urge to roast the old man on it, and he also manages not to flinch at the insult thrown at him, thankfully. “Well you were suppose to be out doing you’re Saturday brunch with my father but I suppose something came up.” 
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It’s truly amazing how the closer Keith got Drew could literally feel his skin trying to crawl away from the german. He stands his ground though, surprisingly enough. “First thing’s first.” He holds up his index finger. “You don’t have anything important to be doing with your time so please just shut the fuck up.”
“Second.” His thumb pops out to the side so he’s now got to finger in the air. “I’m gonna save the both of us a lot of time, bud, so basically instead of telling you a lie…hang on with me here.” He raises his eyebrows as if they could ask the other to stay with him. “I’m not gonna tell you shit. And then I’m gonna make a mess while trying to run the absolute hell out of here. And you’re gonna call my pops, tell him what happened, and he’ll pay for the damage.”
“It’s truly amazing that people’s schedules can change, isn’t it?” Keith rolled his eyes. “We’ve rescheduled. We both had something come up, unfortunately.” He narrowed his eyes as Drew spoke. He pursed his lips, waiting for the boy to finish talking. He had some courtesy, after all.
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“I don’t think you’re in the position to tell me whether or not I have something important to do with my time. So, I think you can take your own advice, and shut that loud mouth of yours.” His one good eye was trained on Drew, his patience threatening to run thing. “Drew, must we always stick to the same routine? It gets a little boring after a while…” He was already reaching for his phone, but making sure he moved slowly. He knew Drew was going to take off. “I just got this place fixed after your last visit. I don’t have time for cleaning after you, I have some business to take care of and I’m late for a meeting because of you.”
“Oh, Drew-” he said after a pause- “since we’re sticking with the routine, I think you should start running. Tobias will be on his way from checking on something for me before my meeting. There’s no sense in you staying if you aren’t going to tell me anything.”
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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“No no no.” Drew’s agitated, looking at his phone for the time before looking back up at the little man. “You’re not supposed to be here right now.” He cleared up his statement, still managing to not answer the old man while his mind started to stretch for an excuse already. ‘I think you kidnapped my best friend again so I’ve come to find him.’ Didn’t seem like it would go over very well. 
“Oh, my mistake, I’m sorry I inconvenienced you.” He deadpanned.
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“Where was I suppose to be then? Such a pity that everything doesn’t revolve around you.” Keith frowned, slowly starting to walk toward the young man with his hands behind his back. “I’m a busy man, Drew. That being said, you’re taking up a lot of my time by avoiding my question. Here, I’ll even repeat it for you.” He tilted his head. “Why. Are. You. Here?” He stopped a couple feet away from Drew.
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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“... I’m not suppose to be here?” Keith raised an eyebrow, staring at Drew who stands in his laboratory. “No, no, I’m afraid you’ve got it all wrong. You’re in my building. My laboratory. You are not suppose to be here.” He paused for a moment, clenching his jaw for a brief moment as he thought. “So, tell me Drew, why are you here?” 
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     “You’re not supposed to be here.”
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the-scientxst · 8 years
the mun's interpretation
♚ Do you agree with fandom interpretation of your character?
♤ Has your muse developed to be different from their canon selves through roleplay?
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
♧ Any part of their canon portrayal you dislike?
☯ Is your muse liked or disliked by fandom? Does this affect your portrayal?
♢ What's your opinion on different interpretations of your muse?
✦ Has your own interpretation changed from when you first began playing the character?
✍ Has new canon material ever forced you to adjust your headcanons?
✎ What do you wish the author would reveal/had revealed about your muse?
✿ Why did you decide that they [insert headcanon here]?
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared.
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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Electric (kostennn)
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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“... What is so important that requires you to yell? I’m right here.”
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the-scientxst · 8 years
I miss u Keith
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“You know, I would say that I wish I could say the same for you, but...”
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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Hello! This is a starter call! Liking or reblogging at any time will get you a new starter!    This is also granting permission to anyone and everyone to pop in my       inbox to plot, bother Keith, and so on!     If you are a new follower, welcome! Please read rules and about page           before interacting! Thank you!
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the-scientxst · 8 years
Keith turned his attention back to the pleading boy in the other room, watching as the serum slowly start to take over. It took longer than he would have liked, but it wasn’t something that would particularly bother him. Besides, it had no negative effects in the end result. When Vince finally fell into silence, he studied him for any abnormalities. The serum seemed to have worked quite well with his body and mind. 
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He glanced over at Drew, the silence from the boy suggesting that he had, indeed, gotten to him. He wanted the boy to regret even thinking about going against him. Someone had to teach the boy a lesson, anyway.
The old man immediately looked over into the other room when George spoke, nodding as if to deem the transformation a success. The new Vince didn’t even know his name. He knew he would soon have to greet number 0420 and give his new being a little shove into the right direction under his rule. The small noise from the injured boy pulled him out of his thoughts. However, he didn’t look at him yet. Not until he spoke. 
The venom in his voice, the pure hatred directed towards him was powerful. It fascinated Keith. How he had been able to elicit such strong emotion from the boy. He definitely wasn’t going to doubt Drew. He knew the boy would make an effort to get back at him. He knew he wouldn’t have to worry about Drew not keeping his promise. The old man smiled, slight smugness splayed across his face.
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“Well, I definitely look forward to your attempts, Andrew. I’ll hold you to your promise.” 
Keith had the audacity to recommend that Drew watch the murder of his brother. He had the absolute lack of anything close to human morals to tell a mere boy to watch as the boy’s father killed his brother. Not only that but he had the nerve to snatch away any hope of Drew getting back what was being stolen right in front of him.
The young man swallowed down what felt like his stomach coming through his throat, forced his eyes to the floor, and tried his damned hardest to focus on the pain on the left side of his body rather than anything going on in the other room. Keith was right though, he had seen enough. Enough to condemn not only Keith to a life time of pain at Drew’s hands, but also George. He had seen enough to make sure he could never forgive himself for what happened to Vince. He had seen enough to regret his alliance to the little resistance. He had seen enough to want to take back every trip he made down to the domes as a child. He had seen enough to actually want to switch places with his brother.
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It takes a time, longer than Drew-or George-would have liked for Vince to stop begging in desperate cries for his father to help him, but he eventually does. The pleads simply fell apart at Vince’s lips until he didn’t know why he was pleading anymore. He had gone completely silent, and for once Drew decided to let that silence sit. He decided let it absolutely engulf him because for once he didn’t care what his mind or anyone else told him in the quiet. It was all true, and anything Keith or George could say could never hurt him anymore than those pleads had moments before. 
“Vince?” George is the one to break it, and although he doesn’t realize it, his voice is the first thing to be tied together with the sound of the new and improved Vince Stewart. Or soon to be know as number 0420. 
Fuck. The question rocks the thug to his core, it felt like his heart had been torn apart and his stomach had been removed. The young man couldn’t stop the pitiful cry that managed to slip from his lips. That pathetic sound was enough to cause a chain reaction in him, Drew quickly falling into a very quiet fit of tears. He tried to hide the fact of the matter with being quiet, to seem strong, to seem resistant and defiant still. Not that he felt any of that, instead just feeling like a weak little boy who had rushed into all of this without thinking of the endgame.
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“You have no idea…” He wants to sound tough, he wants to sound strong for his own sake but he’s failing miserably. “What you’ve done.” There’s a pause as though he’s struggling to find the right words for his next choice, trying to find just the right simplicity to fit the pure rage growing in him. “I’m going to tear you apart.” On any normal occasion that may sound like an empty threat from the boy, but this was by no means normal. Every bit of malice and violence he held within himself came out in the last statement, even if he was refusing to look at anything but the ground at the moment, even if he was crying like a child, even if he was weak at the moment, the sincerity in the promise was enough to send chills down a normal person’s spine. “I’m gonna tear you down.”
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the-scientxst · 8 years
“I’m sorry to hear that, Andrew, but I’m not the one who made the decision of going against me.” The older man shrugged. “So, it is you who wasted those twenty years of your life.” 
Drew’s lewd comment, however, wiped the smug look of his face the moment those words left the injured boy’s mouth. He grimaced, shaking his head in disgust. He quickly gained his composure again, watching him close his eyes. However, he didn’t act. He let him close his eyes. He hypothesized that curiosity would soon overtake him. The sounds his brother made in the other room would be difficult to ignore. If he doesn’t look, however, he would force him.
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When the boy finally opened his eyes, Keith loosened his grip on his dark hair and let his hand fall back to his side. His eyes studied him, taking in his reaction to the horrific scene unfolding. The emotion splayed across Drew’s face was enough to return the smugness in the old man. He directed his attention to find George injecting the yellow serum into his son’s veins, looking forward to see how his body reacts to the fluid. Upon hearing Drew speak, he quirked an eyebrow, glancing over at the injured boy out of the corner of his eye.
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“I guess that is up to you, now. But if I were you, I’d at least try to hold onto the last few moments of your brother before the serum takes over.” Keith looked back at Vince. Drew has seen what he needed to see, but he hoped he would keep watching. Watching the transformation was just a little bonus. “After that serum takes over, he’s gone. He won’t be the old Vince you knew, to put it simply. But hey, you now know the secret I hid from you in my lab when you were little. And you’ve always wondered why I wouldn’t tell you. I do hope you understand now.” The way he spoke seemed condescending. His arrogance radiated from his words, and how he held himself.  
Being able to get close enough to Keith just to spit in his face was perhaps enough to make even the explosion worth it. The way he ground his teeth together, just getting under his skin in general was beautiful. This train of thought didn’t last long though, the old man touching him again, grabbing a fistful of his hair and forcing him to look forward. 
“You’ve wasted the past twenty years of my life, Keith.” His name comes out with enough venom to get his point across.
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“Oh now I wouldn’t get too many restraints, would hate to unlock a new kink of mine, old man.” He let out a small snort of laughter, still maintaining his smart ass attitude. Just so he didn’t have to look at the situation in front of him he closed his eyes, Keith would have to pry them open before he actually watched this. 
He could close his eyes all he wanted but Drew couldn’t drown out the sounds from the other room. He couldn’t block out George’s voice having the smallest hitch in the world as he asked Vince to just give him a reason so he could have some closure. He couldn’t cancel the sound of Vince sobbing out that there was no reason because he really hadn’t done anything. He couldn’t smother sound of Vince’s sobbing because of his own mistakes. However as it, the sobbing and begging, began to reach its peak, he couldn’t stop himself from peaking, of just opening one eye to see what the commotion was. However the view in front of him demanded that he snap open both eyes to truly take in its horror. 
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The boy was hit with an image that he just knew from the bottom of his heart would be stuck with him for a long long time. Stewart had gone down on a knee in order to make sure he injected that poison just right into his son. His eyes were stuck on the shot as the plunger was pressed down by the hand that had always patted him on the back when his father hugged him, Vince screaming for mercy, or help, or something. It was the way his older brother strained against the straps that held him in place, the pure desperation and absolute need to escape this fat that was enough to force tears to the younger man’s eyes. A small consistent shake of his head began, as he tried to deny the fact that this was happening, that George had transformed into this monster because of Keith.
“I don’t want to watch this anymore.” As if he actually had a choice, as if Keith would actually be that kind to him. 
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the-scientxst · 8 years
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Hello! This is a starter call! Liking or reblogging at any time will get you a new starter!    This is also granting permission to anyone and everyone to pop in my inbox        to plot, bother Keith, and so on!      If you are a new follower, welcome! Please read rules and about page      before interacting! Thank you!
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the-scientxst · 8 years
                                        ɪ ᴅɪᴇᴅ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ                                        ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴀɢᴏ
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the-scientxst · 8 years
Keith had a smug look on his face as he watched Drew, amused by the realization that seemed to suddenly hit Drew. He was actually surprised how much he had got to him. He deserved a pat on the back, in his opinion. Then, he spat on him. The old man flinched slightly, pursing his lips together as he leaned away from Drew, wiping his face off. Disgusting. He glared at Drew, standing up as the boy spoke. He gritted his teeth at his actual name leaving the boy’s lips, with the same tone he had used for Drew’s full name. 
He grabbed Drew’s head, gripping his hair as he forced him to look forward. He narrowed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
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“What a shame, you’d miss the best part. And I’m afraid I can’t allow that, that would defeat the purpose of you being here. Wouldn’t want to waste your time, now would I?” He tightened his grip on his hair. “Now, don’t make me have to get more restraints. Just make it easy on yourself, and watch this ‘theatre production’ of mine starring your father and brother.” 
It’s amazing how it isn’t even the noise of the slap that silences the boy. Not even the fact that it had originated from an anger that seemed to have come out of no where. It was the fact that he was so close to touching him that made Drew not want to speak. Maybe his silence could keep the monster beside him at bay. He listened deciding that Keith’s voice was better to listen to than the drama on the other side of the glass. He lets him go on his little rant, but then he pushes it, he calls him Andrew. Even the Great Leader of Hell should know not to call him that, and even better was the way he said it. Like he was just so certain that it could make Drew’s skin crawl.
When Keith did look back at him after studying the boy’s family, the frown he was able to get out of the man just made up for the torture of listening to Vince sound like that. How great it was to see him unhappy, he would have given anything to see the old man’s reaction to his blowing up of that supply center. It was probably beautiful. His train of thought was interrupted however as he felt a hand on the side of his head, his eyes widening at the realization that is was his hand. Who the hell did he think he was? Touching him, forcing him to look at the horror show in front of him. His touch was just as nauseating as he expected it to be, having to focus on the two in front of him to keep his mind off of it.
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“Dad, please…” Vince is begging, he’s a five year old again asking not to get hit by his father. “Drew was doing it himself,” His voices breaks off, George staring at him. The only hint of emotion, of regret in his eyes, but other than that he is stone cold. He is doing his job, he can’t let his emotions take over, he had to prove his strength and loyalty. “Drew was alone! I followed him, I was just following him. I was just following him, please.” Drew wanted to break free of his straps, to run to the other room and beg for Vince’s sake. He wanted to take whatever was behind George’s back for his brother, because it wasn’t his fault. It was his own.
He managed to divert his eyes from the two again, not wanting to watch George as he speaks because that isn’t the man he called his father in the other room. So he looked down to see the scientist, fortunate enough to be able to focus on his words rather than Stewarts. Lucky? How could Vince be the lucky one…? Then it was like a light switch went off in his head so quickly it busted and sent sparks all over the place. And those sparks caused a fire to rise up in him again, his hands balling into fists, his whole body pressing against the restraints, even despite his wounds. 
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Suddenly his words are rendered useless, his lips not cooperating with his brain at the moment.. He wanted to scream, to curse and yell and abuse Keith with his words. Put he didn’t have the strength for all of that. So he decided to do the next best thing. Drew spat in Keith’s face, with what little spit he did have. Then as if that was the magic trick he manages to relieve enough anger to use his language skills again. “I hate to break it to you Keith,” He puts just as much accentuation on the name as the other had put on his. “But I’m not watching your little theatre production.” 
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the-scientxst · 8 years
The old man’s eyes followed George as he walked towards his son, listening to Drew as he spoke. He really should have known better to underestimate the boy. He slowly nodded, looking at Drew when he chuckled. 
“Well... That’s a part of the reason I’m keeping you alive, yes.” Keith glanced to George, blinking. He didn’t return his gaze to Drew, however, lightly pursing his lips together as the boy continued to speak. When his father was mentioned, he only slightly narrowed his eyes as he stared at the other room. He couldn’t believe this boy dared to bring up his father. After Drew’s last sentence, he suddenly brought his hand down and slammed it against the back of Drew’s chair and keeping it there, though maintaining his steady composure.
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“My father had an idea, a great idea, but didn’t have the means to carry it out.” He spoke very calmly despite slamming his hand against the chair a few moments ago. “I, however, tweaked that idea and got rid of the many, many flaws it possessed. That man never would’ve gotten as far as I am now. I’m not simply a pawn, Andrew, and I think you’re mistaken if you assumed I was.”
He returned his attention to George and Vince, removing his hand from the back of Drew’s chair. He kept his eyes on George, frowning as he whispered to his son. Whatever he had said, it certainly upset his son. He could definitely guess what he was told, just by the reaction. Keith looked over to Drew, immediately frowning when he saw him looking away. He shifted behind Drew, having the decency to place his hand on the uninjured side of his face as he forced him to look forward.
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“I want you to see this.” Keith nodded towards the two in the other room, kneeling slightly beside the chair and looking up at Drew. “I want you to see how lucky you could have been. Your punishment will be much worse. But, don’t worry. It’s nothing personal, Andrew. I promise.” 
If the straps on him weren’t so tight he would have jumped, instead he just tugged at his wounds causing a yelp to escape him. Keith’s voice was just so annoying, he’d rather have to go through the explosion again rather than listen to him speak. The young man tries to put on a facade, only glancing at the scientist with indifference. He wasn’t sure how long the great leader of the utopia had been standing there, watching him, but he knew it was long enough to see how weak he was probably.
“It’s always good to see you too, sir.” After growing up addressing Keith like this, with visits to the old man with George, it’s a force of habit to still call him sir. The young man looked back forward at Vince, trying to act like it wasn’t effecting him, the way his brother strained to get up, to get past the pain of the burns that covered his back. However something catches his eye, movement at the front of of the room, it’s George, walking in quietly to the room, something hidden behind his back. 
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“Now, you’re a smart man, I’ll give you that. So I know that you know that if you killed me, all you would be doing is, heh…” He chuckles for a moment but it’s cut off as pain radiates from the side of his head. “Is adding fuel to the fire. I’d become a martyr for the rebellion you know.” At least he hopes that argument could hold up, it was valid reasoning after all. He looks away from George not wanting to have to look at what he had done to his family. “Besides…it’s nothing personal, sir, it’s just that your world is really fucked up. I mean it was your father’s fault really, that stupid man fed your head with the idea of this all being perfect since you were born. So don’t worry I never did this thinking of you. You’re just a pawn after all.” 
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He looked back to George and Vince, the old man had moved to be beside his son, he was whispering something to him. He was smart he knew that Keith would listen in, so whatever he was saying it was personal, and probably frowned upon. Vince was crying at whatever his father was telling him, starting shake his head and struggle against his restraints, the big bad Vince Stewart was breaking down right in front of them
“I didn’t fuckin’ do it! I was following him to see what he was doing!” Vince yells, jerking towards his father but being held back by his restraints. “Please dad, please believe me!” He’s a coward and he doesn’t want to know what George had behind his back.
Drew forces himself to look away from the painful situation, ready to endure the pain of actually turning his head from it. “Why…why am I seeing this?” The cockiness that had been heard earlier in his voice had vanished to be replaced by certain calmness. You could call it the calm before the storm, and oh was there a storm brewing inside the young man.
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the-scientxst · 8 years
The old man stood at the door leading to the dim room, his hand resting on the doorknob as he waited a few moments. He had just given George Stewart, his Dome Supervisor, a syringe filled with the bright yellow serum he had created all those years ago. The brightly colored liquid has created a stable foundation for the Utopia by forming an army of guards willing to carry out any order given. He frequently prided himself for his achievements. Someone had to, anyway. He quietly slid into the dim room that held one of George’s two sons, his eyes fixated on the injured boy strapped into the chair in the room. He glanced over to the one-way glass wall, seeing that George’s other son was gaining consciousness in the next room. He could hear Drew stir, moving his gaze to watch as the injured boy struggled. He didn’t make a sound because he was curious how Drew would react to the situation he had been put into.  Keith raised an eyebrow as Drew noticed his brother in the next room, blinking and tilting his head in curiosity. He would have studied him longer if Drew’s yelling hadn’t been getting on his nerves. Not to mention Vince in the next room, he wasn’t doing any good for his nerves either. He cleared his throat, announcing his presence. 
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“You know he can’t actually hear you, so there’s really no point in trying to get his attention.” Keith had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his lab coat as he stared at Drew. “So do us both a favor, and calm yourself down.” He pulled his hands from his pockets, smoothing down his lab coat as he walked towards Drew. He looked to Vince who was strapped down just like Drew was.
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“That was some stunt you pulled back there with the storage. I would be impressed, actually...” The old man turned his head, pursing his lips together for a brief moment. “... If that stunt wasn’t an act of treason against me. I don’t get it, am I really such a bad guy?” He raised an eyebrow. “I really don’t think so, I’ve been told I’m just a delight to be around. Besides, I was nice enough to let you live. I think that should count towards something, considering what you did.” 
There is nothing gentle or peaceful about how Drew wakes up. There’s a feeling of time passing first, when he comes to, from being found in that sewer to waking up in this god awful dim room he can feel that days have passed. Maybe weeks. He considers himself lucky, or he will later on, that the medication they had him on numbed the pain long enough for this fact to settle in with him. However the eclipsing of time doesn’t change the absolute pain that takes over his brain when he goes to move. It was the simple act of trying to life his head that caused him all the pain, the still fresh wounds that were only beginning to close over reopening and the feeling of air on them being enough to make him want to scream. However his throat is far too dry for him to manage that, instead just a few pathetic whimpers finding their way out of his lips.
After several minutes of mind numbing pain, he manages to focus on something else, to bring his thoughts back into order, just so long as he doesn’t move. Something far easier said than done. This thinking of course leads him to the obvious. “Fuck…fuck.” He sounds like a child as it all dawns on him just how absolutely, well, fucked he is. George had told him enough to let him know that being strapped down to a chair in a dark room was bad news. Very bad news for anyone associated with the rebellion. Also known as himself. He pulls on the straps with his right side but even that movement is enough to make him want to vomit. He had been captured, he had been transferred to a holding area, they were going to interrogate him, for days or weeks or something because what he had done was bloody extreme. Which meant while his mission was complete he had failed it by being caught. 
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If they had caught him that meant George knew, that meant that his father had been alerted and god he hoped he hadn’t shown any concern for his well being because that would just put the old man in deep shit too. “Fuck.” It’s the only word that’ll seem to come out of him, his stomach sinking so low he thought maybe he’d already been experimented on, maybe they’d removed  it or something. 
It’s amazing the way drugs work, how they can almost always present the same results, as seen when a groan arises from across the room. Well not across the room as Drew realized, but instead on the other side of a glass wall, in a completely separate room. That of course was when he also noticed that was where the light was coming from, what little of it there was.
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“Vince?” He calls out the other’s name for the first time as a brother. He sounds desperate, just wanting someone to comfort him. However as he saw Vince looking around and coming to from a drug induced sleep as well it became apparent he couldn’t hear him. “Vince!?” He tries anyways his voice cracking in the middle of the name. Vince of course couldn’t hear him, but Drew could hear everything he did, and when he let out that god awful scream he almost broke down. He had failed everything. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt, he just wanted to get rid of the supplies, he just wanted to make things right.
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