the-sea-speaks · 11 hours
andrew always being at kevin's side because kevin needs it and andrew driving kevin to night practice and andrew patting kevin down to check for injuries and andrew promising kevin it'll be fine and andrew looking awake, interested because of kevin and andrew conserving his energy for kevin's quiet meltdown and andrew smiling for the first time without the drugs because of kevin and andrew always picking up when kevin calls
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the-sea-speaks · 11 hours
Apparently people who don't have executive dysfunction think that actually working on something is the hardest part of doing something. And that's why they get mad that you call the rest of the project "easy" after you've finally worked through doing the plan and know what to do when you're working.
So when you're through with the epiphany of how to make it physically possible to make the thing you're making, and you're sharing the plan with excitement, because the hard part is over, and now you only have to get your hands moving and do it, they get mad at you like
"it's not that easy! It's a lot of hard work! >:C"
they mean it, because
to them, working is the hardest part.
They don't have to fight their brains to get started. They don't have to fight their way through making the choices, making the plan, making yourself make the thing. People who don't suffer from executive dysfunction think that the hardest part is actually doing the thing.
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the-sea-speaks · 11 hours
Are we forgetting Jean and Jeremy's cold war. Jeremy placing Barkbark in the room everyday and jean removing it out of the bedroom every single day. And none of them speak a word about it???
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the-sea-speaks · 11 hours
So I hate facetime but have two small nephews who live very far away and wanted them to know who I was. So when second nephew was born, I started sending first nephew (4 years old) a postcard every week.
The content wasn't anything special. I made cookies, I saw this flower, my cats did this. He likes trucks and machinery so I scoured redbubble for anything related to machinery and got a giant batch of machine postcards. Whenever I traveled, I'd hunt down a postcard for him.
My second nephew turned four this year, and I started sending him postcards as well. Both of them like Pokemon now, so mostly it's been double Pokemon postcards every week. I don't hear much from them, or my sister, so I just generally hope they're enjoyed and try to remember to mail them before Sunday.
However. This week my mom informed me second nephew likes the postcards SO MUCH he brings them into daycare to show around. And when I shared that with my sister, she told me not only does he bring them into daycare, he sleeps with them at naptime.
The only higher honor would be for her to tell me he's eating them.
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the-sea-speaks · 12 hours
the best part of painting a room is getting to milk the paint roller afterwards
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the-sea-speaks · 12 hours
sometimes instead of “why can’t they just be friends” i think it should be “why can’t they also be friends” because sometimes shipping feels much too much like forcing two pretty characters to kiss and be intimate without actually being interested in the dynamic the two people have. what about hanging out together. what about why they like being in each others company. what do they argue about. how do they patch things up. what do they laugh about.
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the-sea-speaks · 12 hours
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he’s telling Neil to get his gross runners feet off the walls
challengers screencap redraw 🤌🤌
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the-sea-speaks · 12 hours
Back in my day a "rewards program" used to be a bit of cardboard you carried in your wallet and you'd get it marked with a fun stamp or hole punch and at the end you got a personal pizza or something! Now you have to give your email and phone number to some database for the privilege of receiving 17 marketing emails a day! Look what they took from us!
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the-sea-speaks · 12 hours
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apparently someone in Edinburgh has been updating the street signs for pride
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the-sea-speaks · 1 day
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the-sea-speaks · 1 day
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the-sea-speaks · 1 day
something a bit experimental
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the-sea-speaks · 1 day
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They deserve a good nap 😴
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the-sea-speaks · 2 days
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the-sea-speaks · 2 days
I want a story about a king whose son is prophesied to kill him so the king is like “whatever what am I supposed to do, kill my own kid wtf is wrong with you” so he just raises him as normal, doesn’t even tell him about the prophecy, and instead of some convoluted twist of events that leads to the king’s murder the son grows up and when the king is very old and dying and in excruciating pain the kid is just like alright I'mma put him out of his misery.
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the-sea-speaks · 2 days
If you're autistic, your special interest is there to bring you joy and meaning, not to somehow become your "special autism talent" which makes up for you being disabled. Don't let ableists imply otherwise.
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the-sea-speaks · 2 days
"being queer is about love" hmm actually being queer is about defying societal norms about gender and sexuality and does not depend on feeling love at all
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