the-shape-of-an-l · 1 year
You’re in your 30′s and are bullying teenagers over harmless fandoms when you  literally draw Encanto incest porn as your main hobby. You really have no say over other people.
also on that note weird teenagers empassioned about niche interests are the backbone of this website. stop being mean to them
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the-shape-of-an-l · 1 year
@brand-new-uterus​ look at this bullshit lmaoooo
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Daily reminder that gay/lesbian people have always existed, will always exist, and will never be attracted to the opposite sex no matter how much medical intervention is involved 🧡
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the-shape-of-an-l · 1 year
girl you called other radfems “homophobic” because they called you out on drawing incest porn of minors:
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Daily reminder that gay/lesbian people have always existed, will always exist, and will never be attracted to the opposite sex no matter how much medical intervention is involved 🧡
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
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Looking back at the posts, it seems like there was absolutely no evidence that menalez had been distributing CP, especially since you had ADMITTED you weren’t sure it ever existed and how you only stalked her blog because she called you out on something else first. Not only are you heavily ignoring the fact that she had been manipulate as a minor during her early blog days, but the fact that many other radfems agree that no such media had ever existed on her old blog really highlights how you’re just doing this shit out of spite.
It’s even more ironic that the mutual who claimed menalez possessed CP (fakeboi) LITERALLY DEFENDED the idea of someone publishing CP for shock value and wants it to be released to the public eye, as well as frequently talks about having a severe obsession with watching actual gore.
It’s fascinating how every time someone brings up whenever YOU or your mutuals do anything problematic, you always have to deflect with what someone ELSE is doing and never acknowledge the fucking point in the first place.
some of the racists orbiting radblr (you’ll also find they’re orbiting each other):
dangan-fruit-can -> k3fruitcan / k3arttime / oldk3 
zh0re -> homemasc (also yooterus)
missouriangothic -> whiskeyjuly
apostle-of-sapphos ->  apostleresurrected
acid-mommy -> crackerette -> sawlem
cisnip -> softnip
cosmiccatknight -> weainttryingaroundhere -> featurelessmask -> stillnotgoodformymentalhealth
chromosoid -> futafetisher69 -> c0ckd3str0y3r69
persecutings -> traumatizer -> gorer -> carnagechan
slavichoodrat ->  orthodoxtaliban -> shariaorthodoxy (no longer orbiting radblr)
shid -> israelchan
greymatter1982 / greymatter-1982
girlsfrommars -> womenfrommars
barbiesplasticsurgeon -> barbieplasticsurgeon
shrekshrekshrekshrekshrek -> lesbianpeterpettigrew
miss-libertarian -> libertarian-princess
nekrom -> nekromu -> nekromi (no longer orbiting radblr)
blondeffa -> blondeffa3
cherryflavoredvodkas -> decaffeinatedbouquetcoffee
loserrad -> deadautisticscum
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
“The issue is shes a fucking adult and STILL had images like that readily accessible on her public blog” She’s literally deleted said blog, considering the url doesn’t work, but sure no comment on either of the two of your mutuals who are still obsessed with fetish porn. 🤔🤔
some of the racists orbiting radblr (you’ll also find they’re orbiting each other):
dangan-fruit-can -> k3fruitcan / k3arttime / oldk3 
zh0re -> homemasc (also yooterus)
missouriangothic -> whiskeyjuly
apostle-of-sapphos ->  apostleresurrected
acid-mommy -> crackerette -> sawlem
cisnip -> softnip
cosmiccatknight -> weainttryingaroundhere -> featurelessmask -> stillnotgoodformymentalhealth
chromosoid -> futafetisher69 -> c0ckd3str0y3r69
persecutings -> traumatizer -> gorer -> carnagechan
slavichoodrat ->  orthodoxtaliban -> shariaorthodoxy (no longer orbiting radblr)
shid -> israelchan
greymatter1982 / greymatter-1982
girlsfrommars -> womenfrommars
barbiesplasticsurgeon -> barbieplasticsurgeon
shrekshrekshrekshrekshrek -> lesbianpeterpettigrew
miss-libertarian -> libertarian-princess
nekrom -> nekromu -> nekromi (no longer orbiting radblr)
blondeffa -> blondeffa3
cherryflavoredvodkas -> decaffeinatedbouquetcoffee
loserrad -> deadautisticscum
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
Interesting how you didn’t even acknowledge the part where you literally were digging up images of her exes just to spite her, but okay.
Menalez was literally an abuse victim as a minor when she made a lot of those posts and was heavily manipulated. It’s interesting you never seem to acknowledge that a single bit when you were stalking her blog, but you would accuse me of somehow stalking dangan-fruit-can because I pointed out she draws incest porn of minors and distributes them on various lolicon porn platforms TO THIS DAY.
I’m also heavily convinced Menalez didn’t actually own child porn on her old account. This is an old account offers that various radfems tried to bring up just to “cancel” menalez and even back then no one ever claimed any of the content was child porn, I promise if it was a lot of radfemblr would have disconnected from her years ago. Meanwhile, you’re close mutuals with someone who literally defends ownership of CP and creating fetish porn.
some of the racists orbiting radblr (you’ll also find they’re orbiting each other):
dangan-fruit-can -> k3fruitcan / k3arttime / oldk3 
zh0re -> homemasc (also yooterus)
missouriangothic -> whiskeyjuly
apostle-of-sapphos ->  apostleresurrected
acid-mommy -> crackerette -> sawlem
cisnip -> softnip
cosmiccatknight -> weainttryingaroundhere -> featurelessmask -> stillnotgoodformymentalhealth
chromosoid -> futafetisher69 -> c0ckd3str0y3r69
persecutings -> traumatizer -> gorer -> carnagechan
slavichoodrat ->  orthodoxtaliban -> shariaorthodoxy (no longer orbiting radblr)
shid -> israelchan
greymatter1982 / greymatter-1982
girlsfrommars -> womenfrommars
barbiesplasticsurgeon -> barbieplasticsurgeon
shrekshrekshrekshrekshrek -> lesbianpeterpettigrew
miss-libertarian -> libertarian-princess
nekrom -> nekromu -> nekromi (no longer orbiting radblr)
blondeffa -> blondeffa3
cherryflavoredvodkas -> decaffeinatedbouquetcoffee
loserrad -> deadautisticscum
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
Friendly reminder you and your mutual literally menalez to the point of finding her old Tumblr account to look for images of her exes from five years ago. You really don’t have the higher moral ground here.
some of the racists orbiting radblr (you’ll also find they’re orbiting each other):
dangan-fruit-can -> k3fruitcan / k3arttime / oldk3 
zh0re -> homemasc (also yooterus)
missouriangothic -> whiskeyjuly
apostle-of-sapphos ->  apostleresurrected
acid-mommy -> crackerette -> sawlem
cisnip -> softnip
cosmiccatknight -> weainttryingaroundhere -> featurelessmask -> stillnotgoodformymentalhealth
chromosoid -> futafetisher69 -> c0ckd3str0y3r69
persecutings -> traumatizer -> gorer -> carnagechan
slavichoodrat ->  orthodoxtaliban -> shariaorthodoxy (no longer orbiting radblr)
shid -> israelchan
greymatter1982 / greymatter-1982
girlsfrommars -> womenfrommars
barbiesplasticsurgeon -> barbieplasticsurgeon
shrekshrekshrekshrekshrek -> lesbianpeterpettigrew
miss-libertarian -> libertarian-princess
nekrom -> nekromu -> nekromi (no longer orbiting radblr)
blondeffa -> blondeffa3
cherryflavoredvodkas -> decaffeinatedbouquetcoffee
loserrad -> deadautisticscum
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
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She literally follows it up with a post about it being “censorship”, as if calling child porn illegal has something to do with fuckin freedom of speech.
I'm not sure if you've kept up on fakeboitherottengirl drama, but she's currently making the shittiest take defending CP right now.
no i havent, we have each other blocked. but if u can send receipts of that that’d be great 🤢😷 can’t believe she’s still at this
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the-shape-of-an-l · 2 years
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Source: https://twitter.com/k3arttime/status/1518661227311890432
She literally up front on her side account that she’s aware the stuff she’s drawing makes people uncomfortable but won’t do anything about it.
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Remember how k3/dangan drew incest and underage porn and apostle-of-sapphos acted like it was a coping mechanism? Well, today I found out that k3 has a side account called "nerfbunni" dedicated to drawing Encanto incest. She also has an account on baraag, a site specifically known for loli porn.
can u provide receipts and why u think these accounts are her? but sadly, im not shocked. it’s pretty obvious the pedo porn she drew was not at all some sort of coping mechanism & it’s obvious she’s just pornsick 🤢
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
“[being afraid of being] called a racist sounds pretty systemic to me.”
This is on the same level of absurdity as MRAs claiming their oppressed because they live in fear of rape allegations.
Literally no one’s telling you that white women don’t face misogyny, they just don’t face racism the same way black women do.
"White women don't face systemic racism on top of misogyny" idk man, not calling the cops on black men who beat white women on public transport because you don't wanna be called a racist sounds pretty systemic to me.
"White women don't face systemic racism on top of misogyny" is just the woke version of "other women have it worse than you, so shut up/you should be grateful."
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
@apostle-of-sapphos Cannot get over the fact that you’re out here thinking that throwing a pie at someone is somehow an abhorrent and inexcusable act of violence but not literal fucking police brutality?
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
AOS was literally the one telling people that black men are misogynistic and therefore deserved to be racially profiled and attacked by police. She genuinely tried deflecting any criticism of this.
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can't believe apostle thinks people don't have a mind of their own and that mena is some dictator threatening everyone to block her for no reason omfg
Yeah, like do they really think we can’t see it when she says anti-Semitic things like all of these?
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Especially when she straight up denies anti-Semitism and dismisses the 6 million who were killed in the Holocaust because disabled people were also killed.
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Or how she completely ignores her white privilege because she’s oppressed on another axis and that’s objectively worse and can’t be made worse by being black? Then straight up denying her racism?
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And getting pissed about a post which said that reverse racism doesn’t exist because of one sex trafficking ring run by Asian (I believe men) who primarily used/abused white girls?
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And then the lovely homophobia, ignoring how gay people have been victimised through history because her uncle was out and didn’t get abused therefore it’s easy for all people in Western countries.
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These were all found in @menalez’s tag for apostle-of-sapphos. I had so much more I wanted to share but I ran out of photo space. All things which she has said publicly on her blog… and she thinks we can’t see how horrifically racist, antisemitic, and homophobic all of this stuff is? That we all just follow in menalez’s footsteps and do whatever she tells us because she must be right?
She’s got a massive victim complex and can’t recognise her toxic, shitty, and discriminatory behaviour because her autism overrules everything apparently.
I don’t like or trust rumours. I like receipts. I like seeing what other people have said and making my own judgements on it. And everything said above and the hundreds of other receipts on menalez’s blog shows that she’s a racist, homophobic, and antisemetic asshole.
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
Lmao Dangan updated the tags on her post:
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“why do they always try to hide it with racism????”
Reminder, Dangan is literally the same person that made fun of BLM protesters being attacked by cops and defended a guy wielding a chainsaw and using the N-word.
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Don’t get me started on why she’s calling other radfems pedos when she literally draws loli porn.
I saw your post about getting away from toxic rudefem circles and was wondering if you could drop some blog recommendations to follow?
@monstrous-tra-receipts (receipts blog obviously, but still good to follow a couple of these blogs)
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
I can 100% confirm the Twitter user is the same as shid/israelchan:
1) Shid/Israelchan promoted their cash app on Tumblr, id is dahliarotica. This matches exactly with a now suspended Twitter user that draws porn of Minecraft youtubers. Even their curiouscat admits that shid is, in fact, dahliarotica’s tumblr account.
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2) Twitter user babycorpses, who also calls herself Dahlia, posts very disturbing rape porn of real life people. The art style of Dahlia matches that of shid/israelchan’s fanart.
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Hope this helps.
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anon that submitted this to me and said “it is the same person” who are u referring to? who is this? what do these mean?
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
I’ve literally had her tell me that Shadman wasn’t a problematic artist when he literally drew someone’s IRL child giving blowjobs to adults.
This entire fucking argument started because she kept ignoring evidence that her friend was even drawing loli porn in the first place and kept calling me a liar about it, asking me to show her the problematic posts and then accusing me of being a stalker when I actually do show her the problematic posts.
It isn’t controversial to tell someone those things! It is , however, extremely amoral to go after a minor who has explained many times that they are a minor, using their ptsd against them, and taking sarcasm as truth in an argument. Hope this cleared some things up for you!
“using their ptsd against them” what the fuck are you talking about lmao. Also minors aren’t absolved from the shitty things they say because just they are minors and most normal people don’t joke about molesting kids and watching child porn, so when someone does, I’m obviously going to be concerned.
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
So when are you actually getting another gf so you can post photos together over the internet and say people are harassing you for finding them?
the fact that u think digging another blog to repost images of a person with their ex from 4+ years back is normal behaviour.........girl just say ur also deranged and go
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the-shape-of-an-l · 3 years
“No one said she was “allowed” to draw loli porn” As if Apostle’s isn’t literally trying to defend that right now:
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It isn’t controversial to tell someone those things! It is , however, extremely amoral to go after a minor who has explained many times that they are a minor, using their ptsd against them, and taking sarcasm as truth in an argument. Hope this cleared some things up for you!
“using their ptsd against them” what the fuck are you talking about lmao. Also minors aren’t absolved from the shitty things they say because just they are minors and most normal people don’t joke about molesting kids and watching child porn, so when someone does, I’m obviously going to be concerned.
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