hiyuki kagari from kagurabachi is non-binary and bisexual (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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hakuri sazanami from kagurabachi is transmasculine and gay (headcanon)
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submitted by anonymous
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Who had “English government enacts Haito Edict” on their 2024 bingo?
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horse peeking around the corner to eye a half eaten burrito or wrap i dont know which as i dont eat those the edible object is wrapped in foil paper and held towards its pink nose by an outstretched human hand the horse seems curious if not a bit wary since it has kept the rest of its body behind a wall and therefore safe from any bad intentions packed in this constructed comestible though the horses head seems to lean towards the provision as if it is tempted to sneak a bite against its better judgement such is the way gluttony and greed cause us to ignore the cautious nature of our own senses
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The GOP has big plans for your future. Are you going to let them do this to you?
Vote for Kamala Harris. Vote True Blue Democrat down ballot.
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Rewatching Inuyasha and Kagome- Sesshomaru have this hilarious and low-key adorable relationship throughout the series like
“ew, a human”
“yeah, and?? wanna go??”
They’re both perceptive. He notices InuKag’s mutual infatuation and uses it against Inuyasha. “All that for a mortal girl? If I had known that’s what it took to make you fight, I’d have killed her sooner.”
She notices that he’s an ego maniac, and uses it for Inuyasha. “Get the dumb sword Inuyasha! Sesshomaru couldn’t pull it out right? If you can’t hit him in the body, hit him in the ego. Hurt his pride!”
Senpai gets noticed.
Sesshomaru internally,: “That thing pulled out father’s sword, reversed Tetsaiga’s transformation and shot my armor. It can’t be human, what manner of being is she?”
Meanwhile Kagome realizes he’s just a shameless bully and calls him out on it, “Ugh, what a jerk!”
Fight me on this, but if Rin kickstarted Sesshomaru’s growth into caring for humans, Kagome kickstarted his growth into respecting humans.
Inuyasha the peacemaker.
Sesshomaru: “INUYASHA, you ask that girl to stay out of this!”
Kagome: “INUYASHA, you let me at him!!”
In their efforts to murder/save Inuyasha, they constantly engage in combat. And since Sesshomaru won’t address her directly, all communication happens through Inuyasha. It’s bloody hilarious because Inuyasha, whose first instinct is to leap blindly into things has to use WORDS to talk sense into them. Fucking Inuyasha!
“Sesshomaru, you leave her alone. She has nothing to do with this! And Kagome FFS just stay back! No, don’t fight him- NO- BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!!”
For Inuyasha’s sake.
Their first effective communication takes place for Inuyasha’s sake. When a mindless, murderous, full-demon Inuyasha is brought down by Sesshomaru, Kagome runs in and asks him to stay back, afraid he’ll kill Inuyasha. Instead of scoffing or talking down to her like he usually does with others, he listens and calmly instructs her to use Tetsaiga to reverse Inuyasha’s transformation. Kagome takes note of his stoic but genuine concern, and wonders if the homicidal furry ain’t bad after all…
Then Rin comes along, and she confirms this. That scene where she’s like “oh thanks for not murdering Kohaku” lmao Kagome
After this she isn’t even afraid to run unarmed into Sesshomaru and intrudes his petty dog fights with Inuyasha like
“gosh stop your stupid squabbling. you wanna know where naraku is? head that way and leave Inuyasha alone”
“fine, just this once. thank you”
“did you just save me from assault and murder?”
“pffffttt who, me? I, sesshomaru have no such time to waste. I was coincidentally passing by and my claws accidentally caught him in the spine and then he just ran into my sword okay. I didn’t save you. I’d never-”
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Point to note: he didn’t just swat away mukotsu like the low-level annoyance he claims to see him as. Sesshomaru followed him out and finished the damn job when it wasn’t any of his business
Battle bros
Like it or not, they’re allies at this point. Remember the time they whooped Naraku’s ass together? Peak InuKag+ Sesshomaru moment. Kagome is an important part of the inubrothers working together
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Kagome and Inuyasha both notice his rage over Kagura’s death. They are even concerned about him. What they have now is a complicated comradery/ friendship, you could say
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Begrudging tired big brother
By the Final Act’s end, Sesshomaru is already the big brother like
*stands for god knows how long swatting flying demons from attacking an unconscious kagome*
*engages her queries*
*slows pace so she can keep up*
*gives her a magic fluff carpet ride*
“are those wounds inuyasha’s doing?” “don’t fall for naraku’s obvious tricks you idiot,” “ffs we all know you love inuyasha but can you not act recklessly stupid for 5 mins because of him, fool!?” as if he didn’t act the exact same way after kagura died
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Then there’s this
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Inuyasha is possessed, transformed and not himself. It’s dope that Sess- Kagome cooperate here to save his ass. Also, it parallels the intial episodes when it used to be Kagome standing by Inuyasha’s side AGAINST Sesshomaru. Look at the parallel now.
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Look at Kagome 😂 she’s so happy to see big brother and it’s evident she was waiting for a chance to call him that.
Look at his face! There’s no malice, just an exasperated sort of affection. They’re family. period.
They legit went from enemies to barely tolerable acquaintances to unwillingly allies to complicated friends to weirdly wonderful siblings. Some quality brotp content right here..
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*casts fireball*
*casts fireball*
*casts fireball*
*casts thunderwave*
*casts fireball*
*casts magic missile, 3rd level*
*casts ice storm, 4th level*
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did you know you can maybe grow tits if you hit yourself hard enough and often enough
Over 70 percent of the German battalion's soldiers have been diagnosed with significant gynecomastia. Military officials have promised to keep an eye on the men's breasts.
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t-...to-...toasty s'more mushrooms.....
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this fuck ass kitten somehow got behind the kitchen cabinet built into the wall and INTO THE WALL . i got him out with funny toy on stick and shredded chicken but i got so scared i almost threw up and now the entire house must be babyproofed
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i would've fucked so hard as a court jester in ye olde i would've jangled my balls and done a little dance and sang my silly tunes i'd be so good at my job. alas i have to be on tumblr instead which is like a poor imitation of it
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friday 13 you know what that means
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$1,000,000 deposited into your bank account every day for the rest of your life or sex with Jafar?
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