Cancer sucks big time.
A certain newspaper has its faults but I've got to say it is highlighting cancer to the masses.
The only thing wrong they are being overly positive.
Now people reading this may think oh it's sour grapes .
I'm all for positivity and I understand that the cancer charity don't want to frighten the life out of the general public and neither does the newspaper.
But every time I see the columnist for either the breast cancer campaign or for bowel cancer one.
They are doing lunges on the beach either in this country or furtherafield.
And when your stage 4 male friend comments on how lovely it would be if we all got sent on a cancer fitness camp and came back cancer frèe. He felt that was what the newspaper was advertising.
Yes I've seen the chemo sessions with the cold cap but even those seemed glamourised.
There were accusations that hurt the columnist as they said she was making cancer seem sexy.
Let's be honest the media don't pick plain Jane's as that doesn't sell the product.
But I do understand where that comment came from as a cancer patient I felt jealous, angry and upset all rolled into one.
When a post was published sticking 2 fingers up at cancer, a couple of people I'd friended on Twitter passed away. This article felt like a game of Russian Roulette.
I remembered a warning I'd been given by an American guy when I 'd organised a I've beaten cancer fuck you party.
He said don't be too cocky as the bugger has a way of coming back. I thought shut up you prick.
These Twitter friends had been my inspiration to continue to fight as I'd watched them remain strong still do race for life in wheelchairs.
The nightly DM's deteriorating as the cancer took grip. But I'd seen them very positive about it all.
I didn't truly understand until I was told I have hopefully a year left in me. I'm trying to have the stiff upper lip and failing miserably
Yes I want to do the 2 remaining things in my bucket list.
I'll tell you what they are the next time I write but neither of them are lunges on the beach. Like a dodgy Tampax advert.
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