the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
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Art done by the generous; https://iinfinityturtle.tumblr.com/
“Everything and nothing,”
“Loss and gain.”
“Existence on another plane,”
”That is nil and all it’ll be, for all to grasp but none to see,”
“From fibonacci to the phi, blueprint of our reality.”
On the many nameless floating islands that span the amethyst waters of the Deon Sea, lives an order older than the great planet city of Nucade. Older than the Three Kingdoms that once ruled the lands of Cade, older still than even the insurmountable barrier that isolates the solar system.
These air-born lands are home to the “Order of the Sundered Veil” a monastic group dedicated to and guided by the mysterious psionic entity “Caedin Mils”. 
Nish -a member of this order since birth- sets out to the city above at the behest of her deific matron. On a pilgrimage that soon becomes personal.
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
an ask meme for fic writers ♥
1: what inspires you?
2: one of your favorite comments/reviews on this chapter/verse?
3: what motivates you?
4: what time of the day/night do you like to write?
5: do you write scenes in a linear fashion or do you write future scenes/dialogues sometimes?
6: hardest/easiest character to write for?
7: hardest/easiest verse to write for?
8: (if you have either or both) how do you manage time with writing, work, school etc.?
9: what tv shows, books, or movies inspire for this verse, if any?
10: any writing advice?
11: (if you use) what do you like about archiveofourown?
12: anything you would do to make archiveofourown different/change it?
13: why did ___(character) do ____ in this fic/verse/chapter/scene?
14: what is the arc for this character (redemption, etc.)? 
15: ask me any spoilers you’re curious about for a verse, and i’ll post the answer in the tags
16: do you ever hand write? why or why not?
17: do you listen to music while you write?
18: any fanmixes you’ve made for this fic/verse?
19: any edits or art you’ve made for this fic/verse/any edits readers have made? if not, what visuals would you use for one?
20: what songs were you listening to during this scene/chapter?
21: this character’s best/worst memory?
22: favorite line/quote/inner monologue from this character?
23: feelings on epistolary fic?
24: do you outline?
25: if you outline, do you edit it frequently?
26: anything you’re planning to write in your fic that you’re worried readers might like?
27: when you read fic, how often do you comment?
28: any scene/line you wrote that you didn’t expect to write/that surprised you once it was written?
29: do you eat or drink anything while you write?
30: any backstory questions about characters
31: any other questions you want to ask
32: what are your stats for this story/verse?
33: favorite one-shot you’ve written?
34: a scene/paragraph you wrote that you’re proud of
35: any foreshadowing/symbolism you wrote that you hope readers didn’t miss?
36: any scenes you wrote that parallel the canon verse?
37: do you use quotes in the beginning notes/intro to your chapters? if so, what are some of your favorites/what are their significance?
38: do you title your chapters? what’s your favorite chapter title? what’s its significance/why did you choose it?
39: any alternate fic titles you were considering for this verse?
40: chapter you’re most proud of in this verse?
41: chapter that was the most fun to write in this verse?
42: five songs that this character has on their iPod/iPhone?
43: emoji this character uses the most whilst texting?
44: have you shared your outline with anyone? if so, what did they think of it?
45: anyone you share excerpts with?
46: story with the most kudos (AO3)?
47: story with the most comments?
48: a happy future moment you’ve written/have planned for this ship? (will post under read more for spoilers)
49: this character’s starbucks order?
50: this character’s guilty pleasure?
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Interlude; Freedom, Lost, & Perseverance
13; 0088 U.V.A.
In a small living space tucked away within a remote corner of the city, a man of science pays dearly for the fruits of his labors.
"Father, please I can hel-"
"No Nish." He said firmly, silencing her as he shook his head.  
She knows that tone all to well any further argument would be a waste of time, his mind was set. How long ago it had been set she couldn't be sure but it was obvious that he wouldn't budge on this decision.
"I need you to hide and suppress your psionic power like your Mother taught you," He grabbed a hardlight page minimized down to the size of a small card off a work desk covered with miscellaneous notes and technological devices, tools and half built machines littered the area, each with an open book or a hard light page with a neat frantic handwriting etched onto them.
"This has all the information Professor Toldar will need. No matter what you hear, don't come out and please wait at least an hour before you head out to take it to him just to be sure."
The Gyiyg child nodded, sliding the card into a pocket in her Poncho as she levitated up to a panel in the roof that slid open as she got near.
Before she could enter, her father reached up to take hold of one of the tassels on her Poncho stopping her momentarily.
"I love you, sweetheart," He told her pulling his daughter into a tight hug.
Not knowing if it'd be the last time they would see each other.
"I love you too Father..just...please try to be safe." The little girl replied.
A jarring knock abruptly ends a father and daughters last moments together as Nish hurried into the safe chamber installed within the tiny apartments ceiling.
"Valisi highgard! Open, or we will enter of our own volition!"
Ithos looked up at his child's hiding place once more before going to answer the door. It slid open quickly with a swish, tucking itself away into a slot in the wall.
"Yes how can I help you?" Ithos said giving his friendliest smile to hide the rapidly growing sense of dread settling in the pit of his stomach.
Outside his cluttered and disorderly apartment stood two Valisi soldiers, outfitted in the standard Pangolin generated armor worn by the foot soldiers of the Gyiyg military.
Not bothering to open her helmet the taller of the two spoke first. "Are you Professor Ithos? Former employee of Enkei Technological Developments Incorporated?" She asked.
"Yes?" Ithos replied in a curious tone as he stepped outside. “Better for them to just take me right away and not risk discovering Nish.”
"Has there been some trouble?"
"Playing innocent won't save you Professor, you should be smart enough to know that."
The taller soldier pulled out a green and black collar and secured it around Ithos’ neck, it beeped once to confirm that it had activated and was working properly.
The second Valisi tapped their Pangolin then touched both of the Professor's hands covering them in a dark silver metal that shifted and formed into solid cylinders going all the way up to his forearms, cuffing him.
"You are wanted under the suspicion of the development of advanced self-aware A.I."
“How long had they known?” He could only stare at the floor mutely as the two Valisi soldiers escorted him down the hall to be tried for his crime.
Even as his future and freedom was ripped away his thought were only of his daughter. “Nish, stay safe.”
"You are wanted under the suspicion of the development of advanced self-aware A.I."
Nish's heart skipped a beat at hearing that, incredulity and pride for her father’s achievement slamming together in a terrible wreck leaving her awed.
“He had finally done it, he was always going on and on about theories and tests but he actually did it,”
She could hear the footsteps becoming more distant as the Valisi took her Father away. She went into her pocket and took out the amber colored transparent rectangle, thinking of how her Father had traded his freedom, his life for this collection of information.
Nish could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she began to rub them while yawning.
“I can't cry, I have to take care of this for him.”
“I'll make sure it wasn't all for nothing. I have to.” Grief and resolve intermingled within her, an amalgam of isolation and determination.
Nish closed her mind to the well of fresh emotions and focused on her breathing. Getting her mind into a place of tranquillity, meditating just as she had been taught.
She could almost imagine her mother’s soothing voice in her mind, “Centering oneself within a state of nothingness will help your mind to focus on what is truly important.”
She closed her eyes and laid her head down on her arms. Sequestered in a warm dark place she tried to focus, tried to spend the hour meditating as she waited.
Instead she began to doze off dreaming of better days long past.
A red-skinned Mook wearing a white scarf walks off the busy streets into an apartment complex. 
Quickly making his way past the front desk, to the elevators before taking one up to the fourth floor. Hoping that he isn't too late, hoping there's still time to make a difference.
His tentacles tapped on the metallic floor as he bustled hurriedly down the hallway toward the last door on the left. As he reached toward the door, Toldar heard a gust rushing down the hall from some unknown source. He felt the wind push him slightly, tossing his scarf to and fro.
Before he could react the wind swirled beneath him then leapt up encasing him in a rotating sphere of air, he tried to run but was lifted off the ground by the localized current. He called in vain but the air was siphoned from his lungs, wrenching his breath away the second he opened his maw.
Somewhere far away he could hear a muffled voice...no two voices speaking. But between the rushing wind, and the lack of air sending him tumbling toward the fringes of unconsciousness he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Immobilized and utterly helpless, he panicked and flailed at empty air as the edges of his vision began to blur. The wind steadily abated as he slowly fell to his knees gasping for air and he heard a figure approach as he coughed and attempted to catch his breath.
"Oy, see here. We're needing some information, and you being the first person to show up after Ithos got pinched tells me your savvy to the whole operation. So I'll keep this real simple; tell us what we need to know or we can see what a color a red Mook turns when he runs out of air."
Toldar rolled on to his back as he sucked in great gasps of air. Standing over him was an insectoid alien known as a Nevidian, a tall bipedal race, covered in a light coat of yellowish brown fine hairs. He wore a dusty black and red cloak, had four arms one set larger than the other and four eyes the color of bright sapphires.
Floating to the Nevidians left, inside a hovering vehicle was a Mr.Saturn. 
"Start making with the info KayO?" He said in his strange Saturn dialect. "Good tip we gots, we knowing you're knowing Ithos, Boing!"
Toldar didn't speak didn't even try to get up, he just nodded.
The moment he had heard his colleague had been taken into custody by the Valisi he thought there was chance he could make good on his word, thought there was a way he could at least make sure his friends efforts were not in vain.
But just as quickly as the air had left his lungs so to did hope, and all that was left in its place was failure. Failure and hot shame. Shame at not being good enough, shame at being a coward. Shame that Ithos' trust had been misplace in one such as he.
Two Gyiyg sat at a table in a dark parlour overlooking the streets below. The shorter of the two had ash grey fur and golden eyes. He was wearing a white and black hooded poncho though with his small frame it could easily be mistaken for a cloak. He sat with a natural ease, though his eyes were alert; scanning the room for any signs of a disturbance. Across from him sat a much taller Gyiyg, his fur was a deep navy blue and his eyes a distinct shade of stark green, he wore gloves and a long cloak. Both a muted shade of brown.
"Kesta, do you ever think these things through?"
The shorter of the two asked, as the sweet smelling haze of some herb imported from the oasis' of the Neveous wafted about, lending to the dreamlike relaxing atmosphere. Pink nimbus' exhaled by several customers at the tables surrounded them on all sides. The plant was a favorite among the many patrons, especially Nevidian's looking for a small taste of home who frequented the Blackstone Tableau.
"Of course Oisin, of course." Kesta cut another bite of his Gabilan steak as he attempted to reassure his brother.
"Listen, we've done numerous jobs this past year for the gangs of the southeastern quadrant. The Streza Quarter has been quite lucrative. Assassinating top members, sabotaging operations, strike and counter strike."
The taller brother paused to take a bite of his meal savoring each morsel before he continued.
"And as they fight and lose strength we gain both prestige and wealth, I plan to capitalize on this carefully cultivated weakness tonight."
Oisin had been wondering for the longest time now the reason for Kesta's obsession with these gangs and crews. Their original freelance work since beginning this endeavor had been largely restricted to bounty hunting and some light thievery, when he had first inquired into the nature of his plan, Kesta had said something about 'A grand design' but wouldn't elaborate further.
Things had been going smoothly so far. There had no real reason push the issue, as long as the credits were steady Oisin had elected to trust his younger brother with the task of finding them stable work.
“How so?” Oisin inquired.
"I've set up a meeting for the four leaders of the respective gangs we've been working for. They each think one of the others has called a parlay for negotiation to settle their disputes, they've all lost tremendous resources and manpower to this conflict. So many are eager to bring the fighting to an end. When the time is right they'll be assassinated by a few bounty hunters that own me a favor and  some credits. Those who would take up leadership have already bent the knee to my cause so after tonight I'll be the master of all four."
"Wait...wait wait."
Oisin leaned forward putting, both hands on the table, eye wide. 
"The Madclaws, Warlords, Shadowlanders, and Old Hunters have all been subjugated?"
"Exactly." Kesta flashed a predatory satisfied smile before taking a long drink.
"But not only will we take these groups under our wing; we will forge them into Nucades deadliest elite crime guild. Training the most skilled collection of Assassins, Thieves and Bounty Hunters in the city."
"But how would that even work? Won't they just fight among themselves once they all learn they've been gang-pressed into joining forces."
The shorter Gyiyg laughed to himself at his own unintentional pun.
A well dressed Mook in a suit holding three trays on three different tentacles walked pass. Kesta raised his empty glass and the man nodded,  indicating he'd return soon as he strolled over to the next table to serve more customers.
"Listen. Once the main assassination is done I've ordered those within the gang who will take leadership to have everyone meet during the cease-fire under the assumption that the negotiations have been completed successfully. I'll show up, explain the new management situation and we'll move forward from there."
"You're going to 'explain the new management situation'?" The grey Gyiyg asked as he took a small sip from his own glass. Though his words belied not disbelief, but a genuine curiosity as he smirked wondering what mad scheme Kesta had formed this time.
"Brother do not worry. While loyalty is a common feature among these people another one is greed. It'll be mutually beneficial for all involved to join. They'll have things they never had as mere gang members." The last words were said with no small bit of disdain.
"Steady income, the highest grade of weaponry and technology, training in both mind and body. They'll even be allowed to keep their separate group titles. You, I, Vera & Quan will represent Solaras Wings and we'll become Vim'mir Penta."
Oisins rubbed his chin as he said. "Five under one."
Kesta cuts off another bite of steak as his second bottle was brought over to the table and uncorked by the waiter.
"It'll be run like a business, outside of the four of us there are other freelancers I've hired to train our members in these skills. Once I determine who is of worth and who can be cut we'll begin working all throughout the city taking contracts from clients."
Oisin leaned back in his chair, curiosity tempered with prudence still lining his features as he asked.
"And the Valisi...the E.I.D. and the other factions are going to just let this happen will they?"
"Oisin come on, I've told you; I've thought this through. The Monarchs hounds will be none the wiser. Greed too will make a way for us. Credits can open many doors and make a man deaf, blind, and dumb. As for the other gangs in the city? Let them have the streets and their paltry territories. In three or four months time we'll be ready to take it all."
A Gyiyg approached the pair, grabbing a chair from one of the nearby tables and taking a seat.
She was of a medium height for a Gyiyg, around six foot nine, had seafoam green eyes and purple fur with intricate patterns and symbols. Black twisting markings that danced up her fingers and arms meeting at her neck, wrapping around it and leading toward her back. She wore a long coat, beneath it were several harness' and bandoliers, holstered with knives and firearms. Fastened around her waist and over her shoulders.
"How are my favorite siblings and upstanding citizens doing this fine afternoon?" Vera said as she sat down.
"Vera! Good to see you, I was just giving my dear brother the finer details of our business plans." Kesta replied.
He popped the cork out of the new bottle, refilled his glass, and handed the rest over to Vera to drink at her leisure.
"Really? What do you think of it 'Golden Eyes'?" She lifted the bottle to her lips and took several, healthy gulps.
Oisin scratched at his chin as he considered Kesta's new 'business'. "I believe the operation has potential," He said slowly still sounding hesitant.
"And here comes the ‘but’" Kesta added eating the last portion of his steak.
"There are several factors to consider; Where are we supposed to be training these 'agents' ? What will be the extent of our contracts? What do we do? And inversely what are we not willing to do? Who will be our clientele? And the list goes on and on and on."
Vera refilled Oisins glass. "This is why we need you in on this 'GE' your mind is built for this kind of work."
"Of course leave all the hard work up to me, you're good for nothing besides cracking skulls."
The Violet colored Gyiyg shrugged. "Alas good sir, you know me all too well. I do what I'm good at, and I'm good at what I do."
The waiter walked by and retrieved the empty plates and left a tightly rolled cigar in the middle of the table, Kesta gestured toward Vera, who eagerly snatched it up and stored it away in on of the many pockets of her coat. "Woldbrack straight from Neveous? You spoil me." She said as she chuckled, taking another sip from the bottle in her hand.
"Vera is right Ois, you've always been good at spotting the things I miss. Do me a favor and compile a list of these 'factors'. I want to make sure I do this right."
"How much time do I have to make this list?" Oisin asked.
"There's no rush. Once I make my proposition to the four gangs. I'll give them time to mull it over, and we'll take that time to finalize the details of the organization."
"A guild of dangerous elite agents performing contracts all over the city, this plan could be very...lucrative."
Vera raised her bottle high in the air for a toast. "To new beginnings!"
Kesta and Oisin both clanged their glasses to Vera's bottle as they downed their respective drinks.
With their meeting adjourned the group exited the establishment, leaving behind a considerable tip earned by ill gotten means. They went their separate ways as Vera elected to head to the rendezvous to make sure everything went smoothly in preparation of tonight's meeting.
The evening sun shone down on the multilayered metropolis as the brothers strolled through the streets of the Ceaseless City. It was a clear day, so much so that one of Enkeis moons could be seen hanging in the sky. A golden lunar disk silently observing the countless nooks and alleys the world hid on its surface.
The planet sized city was so incredibly massive that one could walk for years and still not see all of it, not to mention the three sublevels. People from all over the Virindis came to Nucade, and the constant influx of visitors coupled with the large number of citizens ensured that the ecumetropolis' name sake held true.
They walked for several minutes in silence, taking in the many sights and sounds of the city. The multi colored traffic of ships zooming over head, the hodgepodge of alien life intermingling making up the shifting crowd that moved around them, like a living sea. A stray bolt of destructive PSI arching off in some direction that could have easily been the brewing beginning to an argument or a signifier of its end. A Gyiyg flew above the crowd in full Pangolin armor zipping past, a jet fueled metallic blue blur turning a corner and fleeing between two buildings.
A few moments later a trio of fully armored Shamblers flew by, taking the same path. The moment they turned the corner in pursuit of the Gyiyg an explosion could be heard and one of the three was blown back by its concussive force, sent careening into building. Crashing through a window and eliciting screams from those inside who'd just received an unwelcome visitor.
"You've been quiet Ois, what's on your mind?" Kesta asked, tuning to Oisin before letting his eyes roam over the ever changing current of people.
Like his brother Oisin was keeping a vigil of the crowd around them. Nucade was the type of place to drop unfortunate occurrences on those not sufficiently aware of their surroundings.
"I'm thinking of how we can get this idea of yours off the ground."
"First we'll need somewhere spacious and covert to train our specialists, somewhere we can build and steady convert into a headquarters. And second, we need patrons."
"What for? I told you I've put away sufficient funds to finance this operation."
"Yes but what we're building is connections. We dig up dirt on those in positions of power; Philanthropists, Goveners, CEO's and the like. Rich fools with more credits than sense. We request a donation and let it be known that if they have a problem that can only be solved by unsavory means, we're the ones to call. Word will spread and that will give us a small bit of stability and a channel by which to acquire clients. Of course these are just the first two steps."
"Of course." The younger brother said smiling.
"What we really need i-"
Out of the corner of his eye Oisin noticed a rush of movement, and as the brothers passed an alley he could see a Mr. Saturn riding a hovering metal saucer and a Nevidian approaching a small child; trapping them on both sides.
They attempted to flee. Trying in vain to fly away as a section of the Mr. Saturns metal craft transformed revealing a pair of remotely controlled arms, allowing him to grab the yellow furred Gyiyg child by the tail.
Oisin sped down the alley without a second thought, eating up the distance is several quick strides. He flipped over the Mr. Saturn while simultaneously shooting a white hot bolt of PK Fire from his finger tip through the metal arm clutching Nishs tail, freeing her.
Using the momentum from the flip, he kicked the Nevidian in the chest sending him flying six feet backwards into a pile a debris. The Mr. Saturn conjured four more arms and swung wildly at Oisin who dodged and sidestepped one blow after another effortlessly. Forming a dagger using his Pangolin as he avoided the ineffectual flurry of attacks.
Nish tried to fly away again, but only managed to levitate away for a few seconds before a powerful gust surrounded her in a spinning ball of air. Oisin avoided another swing simultaneously jumping off the wall of the alley, turning in midair and throwing the dagger at the Nevidian behind him in one continuous movement.
The blade sank into his shoulder with ease, breaking his concentration as he clutched the knife wound. Before the child's small body could plummet to the ground Kesta caught her, landing behind his brother.
He set the child down as he as he said. "Ois, get the kid out of here, I can handle the rest of this."
"Oy! Who do you think you are!? When I-" Was as far as the Nevidian got before Kesta smoothly unholstered one of the Burners on his hip.
Without a word he turned and fired two plasmatic rounds, reducing the Nevidians kneecaps to smoking husks barely attached to his legs. The man's rage turned to whimpers all too quick then.
Oisin hopped back and turned to kneel down next to Nishs unconscious form as Kesta took his brothers place in the fight, pulling his brown gloves on tight before walking forward.
"Hey." Oisin shook Nishs shoulder, trying to rouse her awake. "Hey kid time to go while we still can."
The young girl sat up with a yell, looking around frantically. Oisin held up his hands in a placating manner showing he meant no harm. "You okay?" He asked.
She nodded in response.
"Can you fly?"
Another nod.
He stood up, helping the child to her feet as they both began to levitate away.
"Is there somewhere you can hide?"
She was quiet for a moment before answering. "I was supposed to deliver something to Mr. Toldar." Sounding tired but resolute.
"Lead the way, I'll make sure you get there in one piece."
They took off toward the skies flying over and under the unending, twisting paths that made up the city.
Kesta blocked a swing aimed at his face, catching it at the last second. He focused and reached toward that familiar pool of psychic energy, still holding the metal arm in place while his eyes glowed softly. A pale green light began to shine from beneath the surface of the piece of steel in his grip.
Bit by bit and piece by piece the metal began to deconstruct, first the smallest components. The screws and wires and bolts, then the bigger panels and parts. They floated off the arm and began to rebuild into a gauntlet around Kestas hand. He tapped a finger on the other three arms before the Mr. Saturn could react to the reformation of the first.
The segments of metal and technology whirled around Kesta reconstructing into three small saucer drones. They flew in dizzying patterns around the Mr. Saturns craft, firing searing lasers and spraying clouds of noxious smoke into the small aliens face.
Kesta lifted his hand and sent out a pulse of psychic power.
“Brainshock” he thought as he directed the mental assault at the Mr. Saturn. Leaving him reeling, confused, and pursued relentlessly by three small but deadly drones.
He walked over to the Nevidian who was still laying in a pile of refuse, and sat down next to him as he reached into his cloak pulling out an amber colored transparent card.
"I'm guessing this is why you two were after the brat, You mind telling me what's on it?" He held it front of the the mans face but just out of reach, his tone glib as if he were talking to an old friend.
The insectoid alien looked up at him, fear plain on his features as he cradled his ruined knees. "I…I-I can't say anything, they'll-"
"Kill you?" Kesta said guessing the mans next words. "Well you say that based on one assumption."
Kesta pulled out the fine hand-rolled cigar of Woldbrack, lit it and inhaled deepingly. Tasting the subtle flavor of the sweet smoke before exhaling twin streams of hazy pinkish clouds from each nostril, he puffed it twice more then handed it to the injured man he was interrogating.
The man hesitated for a moment before accepting the cigar, he motioned toward Kesta and the Gyiyg relit the dimming ember using a small flame at the end of one his fingers.  
The Nevidian puffed the cigar twice himself before asking, "And that would be?"
"That I’ll let you leave this alley alive."
0 notes
the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 11; As Above, So Below
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 10; Greener Pastures
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Frigid Sonata
0104 U.V.A. - Angora
“When I give the signal; plug the Mook with the red suit immediately.” Kwynn heard the man through his com-link, while observing the scene below through the scope of his long-range railgun.
“No worries, Piezos’ got about thirteen rounds. Should be enough to keep you covered.” He sat on a small chair near the window, his hotel room giving him a birds eye view of the entire plaza two streets over. Ornate light poles with white gem-stones embedded atop them lined the streets, set at regular intervals between long squat buildings constructed of ice and snow. It was still early and  the locals had yet to leave their homes.
There stood a fountain carved from Angorian quartz in the center of the plaza, the ivory structure caught the early morning light. Pulling it in and focusing it beneath the fridged water giving it an ethereal glow.
The mercenary pulled up a hardlight screen that displayed all the information he’d been sent the previous day, while his employer strolled over to the fountain and sat on one of the nearby benches. “So we’ve got some time,”— Kwynn rested his weapon at his side.
“Alpha one, what’s someone from E.I.D. doing on Angora asking for help from a ‘barbaric’ shambler?”
‘Alpha one’ was the nickname he’d given the Gyiyg who’d shown up with a job. Agents in the Enkeinian Intelligence Division were instructed not to disclose their designation-a combination of, one of the symbols used to classify PSI; ‘Alpha’ ‘Sigma’ Omega’ etc. followed by a number-while conducting espionage missions all over the Virindis system.
To any outside observer, the man on the bench appeared to be a tall, almost lanky Nevidian with brownish-red bristle like fur and a long silver-white fur cloak draped over his insectoid features, shivering slightly as the Shambler homeworld was the polar opposite of his own arid planet. Alphas holographic camouflage let him create numerous personas, allowing him to anonymously move through the criminal element of any world he visited. Of course, there was any number of ways to dispel the illusion; an E.M.P., PK Thunder, Even a good solid strike could cause it to fail. But barring those circumstances, it could be a useful, if not expensive tool.
Alpha reached out with his mind, establishing a telepathic link. “I’m after an interplanetary ring of ship thieves, they operate mostly out of Tii’mown but my intel and contacts have led me here.”
Kwynn deactivated his own communication system as he replied to the Gyiygs brisk voice in his mind, exercising his own telepathic abilities. “You’re going after Ziwen’s gang? For what? Does the Monarch need a new dreadnaught or something?”
“If successful in this mission not only will I secure, skilled engineers and useful technology. We’ll be able to use this opportunity to secure a lifeline directly into the heart of one of Lymeras’ most prominent criminal enterprises.”
While simultaneously turning the Vlynari crime family and the ‘The Scholar’ against each other, though Alpha elected to keep that bit of knowledge to himself. “I’m definitely gonna need a Cruiser when this job is over with, I’m talking top of the line tech; a full A.P.R. defense system, Photon cannons, 4th-D Ontological engine. All the bells and whistles.” The sniper said.
“I will see it done.” Alpha agreed.
The Shambler was already being paid quite handsomely but Alpha knew a free ship would go far in securing the mercenaries continued assistance at no extra cost to himself. Another fifteen minutes passed before a Mr. Saturn flew into the area, clad in Pangolin armor. As they landed the shifting hexagonal pattern of their suit metal morphed. Changing from heavy plating to merely coating them in a black and blue skin tight form, revealing the aliens’ eyes behind a pair of goggles a shade of midnight blue matching their armor.
He walked over and hopped beside the Gyiyg on the bench before saying. “Lenet send prices?” Getting straight to business. “Making sure you knowing what need, Zoom!”
Alpha nodded. “She’s informed me of the necessary arrangements, though I have a special offer that I wish to bring to your attention.”
“Request? " 
The rotund creature sitting next to him offered the Agent a wary look. “Kay-O. Am Listening.”
Ignoring the Mr. Saturns obvious apprehension he continued undaunted. “I’m willing to pay triple what I would’ve payed for my ship, for the opportunity to learn from Ziwen’s engineers. The reconfigurations they do to the ships you ‘acquire’ are known to be some of the best in the Virindis. Not even the shipyards on Nucade can compare to such levels of craftsmanship.” Alpha smiled internally. “Though they will very soon.”
“Can no do.” They replied bluntly, shaking their head. “Big risk in bringing. Lenet vouch but Ziwen slow to trust, Boing!”
“What if I were to eliminate the contracts placed on both yours and Ziwen’s heads?” Alpha offered.
“Lenet tell who put out hit?” The little alien said hopefully.
“No, she hasn’t found out who it was yet.”
“When I contacted her requesting your groups’ services she told me you two had been targeted recently, that the assassins had been relentless,” Alpha answered, letting a bit of sympathy line his words.
“Relentless, Zoom.” Was the only reply they gave, sounding worn out by the ordeal.
The sombre silence hung for a few moments, punctuated by the sounds of the bubbling water in the fountain behind them.
“Let us help each other,” The deceptive agent continued, attempting to make his case. “I won’t be able to get my ship if the both of you end up dead so here is my deal; Triple my ships price and I will find the source of these hitmen and terminate them. In exchange, you bring me to your boss and I’ll negotiate further terms with him.”
The Mr. Saturn seemed hesitant still, but after a few minutes said. “Will call Ziwen, see wha-”
His answer was drowned out by the loud roar of engines as a black and gold Cruiser came down from the skies above, banking hard and veering directly toward them. In a split second, the Mr. Saturn armored up and had a cannon floating beside their body, ready to retaliate.
Alpha merely rested a hand on the barrel of the weapon, indicating for the Saturn to lower it. As the Cruiser descended the glass of the cockpit slid back to reveal a Mook wearing a red suit standing in the back seat, holding several plasmatic pistols in numerous tentacles; all aimed at the armored alien. 
The agent activated the device on his wrist with the press of a button and spoke into it. “Alpha protocol.”
Without warning a streak of crimson light tore across the plaza, colliding with the Mook hitman; engulfing him in flame so fast he couldn’t even cry out.
“Again.” Was Alpha’s final command before two more well aimed shots slammed into the ship’s engine throwing jagged scrap metal in all directions.
Sparks danced across the surface of the spacecraft as it plummeted to the ground with a loud crash, bellowing thick trails of smoke. It smashed into one of the buildings that surrounded the plaza causing several denizens to exit their homes to inspect the damage and commotion. 
“We can’t stay here,” Alpha said turning to the Mr. Saturn who only nodded in response.
Alpha drew on his psionic abilities while he placed a hand atop the aliens armored head and with a thought they both teleported. Warping instantly from the plaza outside to a hotel room located two streets over. When they appeared Kwynn was already preparing to leave, he had his psionic railgun hanging from a strap over his shoulder and was coming inside from the balcony that had been his snipers nest.
He wore a black leather jacket and had a holster secured around his waist, lined with various pieces of technology. His bicloptic eyes were green and his left tentacle had been replaced with a cybernetic prosthetic.
“Time to get while the gettin’s good,” Kwynn said, crossing the room in a couple of long strides. 
Coming to stand beside the two before being whisked away again by another use of PSI. Their next location was on the roof of the hotel, where a Dreadnaught class ship waited. Small for its classification, the larger vessels of its type were usually manned by crews that ranged from between five to fifteen people, this one looked as if it could only hold ten if that.
As they approached their own ship, two more came down from the sky; diving at them with swift fury. Alpha and the Mr. Saturn ran straight for the getaway ship while Kwynn turned toward their aggressors, pointing his prosthetic at the newest opponent. 
The black and blue metal limb transformed; becoming straight and ridged before splitting into the trisection barrel of a cannon. A missile slid forward with a motorized whir, before clicking into place and with a thought the mercenary let loose the projectile.
An intense jet of neon blue energy carried the rocket toward the enemy vehicle leaving a glowing trail in its wake. 
Before it could make contact a beam from one of the opposing ship blasted it from the air, detonating a massive explosion causing the ships to wobble in the air from the backlash of the force.
The Shambler fired off several more missiles before jumping onto the ship while Alpha practically threw himself into the pilots seat, flipping switches and pressing buttons with haste and efficiency. The engines roared to life as power fed into them and in seconds they were air born, flying away from the small town out into the frozen wastes of Angoras tundras; an infinite expanse of baren ice as far as the eye could see.
Alpha weaved and dodged around their pursers’ relentless assault of missiles and concentrated bursts of thunder as Mr. Saturn returned fire. Telekinetically manipulating the controls to operate the gunners’ chair though the enemy’s shield systems were too advanced, easily shrugging off their retaliation.
“No good, needing plan, Boing!” He yelled fighting to be heard over the explosions and beeping sensors alerting the crew to the imminent danger.
Alpha called over his shoulder. “This ship doesn’t have enough firepower to break through that level of shielding.”
“I’ve got something in the back for that, but I’ll need to get real close. Let me off and I’ll take care of ’em.”
The Shambler got up unbuckling himself as he sent his employer a quick telekinetic message.
“Don’t you go forggetin’ my Cruiser, Alpha.”
The agent nodded as he speeds up the ship. “All the bells and whistles.”
Satisfied Kwynn turned, followed by the Mr. Saturn through the sliding door that separated the cockpit from the back part of the ship as it swayed, dodging incoming fire.
It was spacious; there were several seats for passengers and a few crates stacked near the back wall. As he walked through the area Kwynn set down the railgun he had used earlier, exchanging it for a massive double-sided axe he grabbed off the wall, the mercenary walked toward the door and pulled a small lever to its left, revealing the icy plains
As they speed over the frigid environment it looked like a broken video feed; repeating the same loop endlessly.
“You not wear Pangolin armor?” Mr. Saturn asked.
The Shambler shook his head. “They’d be able to detect an armor reading,”
There was a smile in the man’s voice as he continued. “I need the element-”
He probed within the axe with his mind, telekinetically flipping an internal switch in the weapon to active it. The dull grey of the axe was replaced with a shimming silver white as small dots of ebony blinked into existence along the blade.
“Of surprise.” Kwynn disappeared right before the Mr. Saturns eyes, becoming invisible before jumping out of the ship into the fray.
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 9; Striking the Anvil
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 8; Supply and Demand
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
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New perspectives lead to new experiences….
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 7; Past and Present
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 6; Husks
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 5; Rushing Tide
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 4; Sunder the Veil
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 3; Fractals
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
“What a majestic universe we live in, that the primordial elements within the stars dance their way into such intricate pattern of sacred geometry, setting themselves to the tune and rhythm of the heart and mind.”
This is a line I had someone record for the Gilded Cage teaser that didn’t end up making it into the final version. Still, I like how it sounded and now whenever I write for Caedin this is the voice I think of.
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
Chapter 2; Black Omens
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the-thirteenth-note · 5 years
[Veryn] What do you know about the 'Angels' your people use to worship?
“…yes,” Veryn nodded, a little slowly as he looked away from the screen, looking at the anon with some scrutiny. “I only know that there were many of them…apparently. And that we gained our power from them. I know this to not be true as science proves otherwise, but…the legends which describe them…incomprehensibly powerful beings made out of solidified light…so powerful we could only see them in dreams and mindscapes…such powerful entities, if they existed, would certainly prove interesting to study.”
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