the-tin-dog · 2 hours
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Sometimes a Son’s Greatest Fear is Becoming His Father
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the-tin-dog · 2 hours
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense, Pt. 1"
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the-tin-dog · 12 hours
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the-tin-dog · 12 hours
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the-tin-dog · 12 hours
did you know theres a automatic clutch in helicopters that connects the blades driveshaft to the engines driveshaft made of tiny little bones that sit diagonally at rest but when the engine starts spinning it the centrifugal force makes them point toward the blades driveshaft and engage with it allowing the engines rotation to transfer to the blades and when the engine fails or starts spinning slower than the blades are spinning the clutch automatically disengages purely thru the physics of the bones inside of it not having the force needed to bite down meaning the blades will continue spinning without getting slowed down by a malfunctioning engine and theres a way u can land a helicopter whos engines failed by nosediving on purpose so that all the air rushing past makes the blades naturally start spinning and then pulling up at the last moment to get the now sped up blades pointed at the ground again to make a cushion of air to land safely with and did u know each blade on the helicopter rotates freely on its own on a ball joint like they dont all just move around as a single unit theyre literally all doing their own unique pivots and shit to get the helicopter to move in any possible direction
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the-tin-dog · 12 hours
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i got these knockoff boots online and instead of the brand name on the tag they have the name of an apparently nonexistent martin scorsese movie??? what the fuck
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the-tin-dog · 13 hours
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one of my favourite new upcoming GL manga rn, love bullet, about girls who get reincarnated as cupids except they've modernized and now they use guns instead of bows.... silly sounding premise but the visual direction is extremely striking and its been super emotionally impactful to me so far at just 7 chapters out. check out the fan translation on mangadex/dynastyscans and if you like it please buy a copy of it for 5 dollars (guide on how to buy it below) cause the sales are struggling and if it gets cancelled ill die badly,,, thank you
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the-tin-dog · 13 hours
Some advice for when you’re writing and find yourself stuck in the middle of a scene:
kill someone
ask this question: “What could go wrong?” and write exactly how it goes wrong
switch the POV from your current character to another - a minor character, the antagonist, anyone
stop writing whatever scene you’re struggling with and skip to the next one you want to write
write the ending
write a sex scene
use a scene prompt
use sentence starters
read someone else’s writing
Never delete. Never read what you’ve already written. Pass Go, collect your $200, and keep going.
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the-tin-dog · 13 hours
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Happy Bi Visibility Day/Celebrate Bisexuality Day! Fellow bi buds, I see you, I honor you, I love you. 
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the-tin-dog · 13 hours
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
was it casual when you saw me at my very worst and yet you set aside your morals and swore to follow me into hell
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
theres too many pokemon games where you play as a kid whos full of life and full of potential. there needs to be a pokemon game where you play as a college dropout who lives in a shitty apartment
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
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Vent art
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
Walking around my neighborhood wearing my sick as fuck custom T-shirt that says "I STEAL EVERY FRIENDLY CAT I MEET WITH NO REMORSE I DO IT ALL THE TIME DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK I BEEN HERE FOR YEARS KEEP THAT BEAST ENCLOSED LEST YE FACE MY LIGHTNING CAT GRASP" and smiling politely while my neighbors' indoor-outdoor cats gently trot down the sidewalk towards me as the neighbors themselves read my shirt with a growing sense of panic.
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the-tin-dog · 2 days
please be patient with me im from the 1900s
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