"There are many things that I want and you're incapable of granting any of them."
Heya sexyyyyy
"Hello, what a nice way to greet me. Is there anything you need?"
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"I want nothing from you. You're the one who came to visit me. What do you want, dear?"
Heya sexyyyyy
"Hello, what a nice way to greet me. Is there anything you need?"
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"I have my sources. Since you don't like it, I'll make sure to not kiss you."
Heya sexyyyyy
"Hello, what a nice way to greet me. Is there anything you need?"
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"I've heard that you don't really enjoy kisses, or am I wrong?"
Heya sexyyyyy
"Hello, what a nice way to greet me. Is there anything you need?"
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Heya sexyyyyy
"Hello, what a nice way to greet me. Is there anything you need?"
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"I'm curious about something... do different blood types have different tastes or flavors to you? What about blood from non-human species?"
"From what I've noticed so far, it isn't about blood types. Just like every person is different, they also taste different. A few specific people taste especially sweet."
"About non-human species, I don't have so much experience. I survived from the blood of animals for some time after I became this way, and all I can say is that it wasn't pleasant. Not because of the taste itself, but it felt like even I wasn't more than an animal."
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"Thank you. Nothing is your fault either. We have made some decisions that got us where we are now, and it seems like it's good for both of us in some ways."
*He ruffles Simon's hair.*
"But we can still stay in contact. I like the new you. You're right, he is a Masked Fool. You for sure should meet him. He's perfect."
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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"We have both made our mistakes in the past. I hope you won't blame me too much, just like I don't blame you. It's all gone."
*Veritas turns his head slightly to kiss Simon's fingers, smiling with amusement.*
"It would be sweet if you met my love. I'm sure he would be pleased to meet you too. He likes it when he gets to meet pretty men, after all, especially someone as interesting as you."
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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*Veritas' eyes sparkle with excitement as he hears the compliments. He knows perfectly how great he is, but hearing it from Simon feels strangely good. The man possibly always looked up to him, but he never complimented his capabilities so openly.*
"I'm pleased to hear that you regard me so highly. If it only was myself from before who longed for such words of praise, that could change many things, yet here we are."
*He cuddles to Simon's fingers, his smile widening.*
"I would love you back, if I haven't met someone else, someone who showed me what love truly means, including the thrill and danger that comes with it."
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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"Fine. Do what you want to. I don't care enough to stop you, since it doesn't harm anyone, perhaps except my ears."
*He sighs, deciding to listen to the music instead of arguing.*
can you bite me
*Veritas looks at Snekkey with an amused smile on his lips. He walks closer, gently pushing Snekkey against a wall.*
"Is there any reason behind this? I usually don't bite people only because they asked me to."
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"That sounds lovely, my dear genie. I'm pleased to know that you like the current me so much. I truly have become much more capable. Don't you think?"
*Veritas bites his lip, flashing his sharp teeth. He tilts his head to the side slightly as he looks into Simon's eye.*
"This whole situation is so amusing. The interest is mutual, and you are captivating."
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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"Are you done? It's getting quite boring."
can you bite me
*Veritas looks at Snekkey with an amused smile on his lips. He walks closer, gently pushing Snekkey against a wall.*
"Is there any reason behind this? I usually don't bite people only because they asked me to."
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"I am aware that nothing will be the same. I'm not the same, after all. I only meant that you're far too interesting for me to make you my enemy. I also don't see a reason to do so, yet? That depends on you."
*He pats Simon's head, leaving his hand in the genie's hair for a bit too long. He's clearly examining every change.*
"I believe we would be better on the same side, but I'm open to anything, if you want to have some fun fighting me. How could I resist the temptation, my dear?"
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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"This truly does remind me of us. There's no need to elaborate. I'm pleased that you think of me."
Tumblr media
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*He listens, smiling.*
"That's much better. You're quite good at it."
can you bite me
*Veritas looks at Snekkey with an amused smile on his lips. He walks closer, gently pushing Snekkey against a wall.*
"Is there any reason behind this? I usually don't bite people only because they asked me to."
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*Veritas feels only amusement after examining Simon like that. The changes are interesting. For a moment, he realizes that it might be his fault, that he didn't stop Simon, but in the end, it wasn't his decision. Maybe this was for the better.*
"The results are certainly worth it, don't you think? Perhaps we could work together in the future, if we ever need each other's help. Since you're back, I don't exactly want to cut you out of my life."
*He caresses Simon's hair.*
"Friends can always be useful, especially for people like us. But I'm not forcing you, of course. If you'd rather disappear and never come back, I wouldn't mind either."
Wow-wow-wow, what a surprise! I haven't expected fate to go this way... My greetings.
*Veritas smiles at Simon, dangerous look in his eyes.*
"Hello, dear. The old me would think just the same as you. What an unexpected turn of events, isn't it?"
*He leans against his desk, watching Simon.*
"Do you have any particular reason to come here, except curiosity?"
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"That's a tempting offer, but I don't kiss someone so easily."
*He takes the phone and throws it out of the window too.*
can you bite me
*Veritas looks at Snekkey with an amused smile on his lips. He walks closer, gently pushing Snekkey against a wall.*
"Is there any reason behind this? I usually don't bite people only because they asked me to."
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