the-umino-hours · 2 years
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First winter bingo drawing yayyy
The prompt was deer💕🦌
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the-umino-hours · 2 years
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I’m participating in the Iruka Winter Bingo this year hosted by @the-umino-hours discord and this is my first piece for the prompt “Family”! Not very winter-y but I just wanted some extremely soft feels.
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the-umino-hours · 2 years
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cosy winter date in an Animal Crossing AU my first drawing for the @the-umino-hours​ Iruka Winter Bingo! prompts I used for this one were Deer, Winter Wolves and Hot Drinks
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the-umino-hours · 2 years
Purring Care
Written for my @the-umino-hours​ Winter Bingo board: Sniffles! Also a happy birthday story for @vulcan-highblood​~
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T; 1.9k Iruka & Naruto, Kakashi
Iruka wakes up in the hospital after a field exercise with his class comes to a nasty end … but not alone, and not so badly off as he would have expected.
My board in progress below the cut:
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the-umino-hours · 2 years
For winter bingo space K3: Holiday with a Stranger
Title: You're not who you say you are
Author: mandapandabug (meee)
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka kinda Sukea/Iruka
Rating: G
CW: almost, not really, kind of cheating. Kakashi lying (what's new)
Word count: 4038
Summary: Kakashi is worried. He has been dating Iruka so only a few weeks, and the man has come too close to seeing his face. He blames his anxiety on the fact that, if Iruka sees his face, his alter-ego/A-rank disguise Sukea will be compromised. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is infatuated and getting close to people makes Kakashi sweat and want to run. No. It's definitely about Sukea.
So, Kakashi makes a decision to "invite" his "cousin" Sukea to all his and Iruka's holiday plans. That way, Iruka believes Sukea is a realy, separate person, and if he sees his face, Sukea won't be compromised!
He should have expected Iruka to use that big beautiful brain to figure him out.
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the-umino-hours · 2 years
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First piece of my Winter Bingo! "Winter Uniforms" (for the @the-umino-hours event!)
And yes, I had to make it KakaIru, I love them ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ
Okay but, what if there's actually winter uniforms. The idea was around my mind since I saw the prompt. I do believe there's something like that. We see several times in the anime (mostly) changes in the uniform, not only the color (like the bandanas or the shirts). In Summer we see that they use shorts or shorter shirts (I love that by the way)
So I kinda based this piece in my school uniform (hehe). The flat jacket is longer, of course, with a green more vivid. Because is winter! Holidays! (Actually, I messed up the colors, but let's pretend is for the first reason, okay?)
Ninjas like Iruka, that mostly stay in the village, and do work in the Hokage tower or are teachers from the Academy can wear mittens. On the other side, ninjas like Kakashi that constantly go on missions, wear normal gloves that allow them to make hand signs for ninjutsu and gentusu.
The pants are termic and they DON'T use fucking sandals. They wear normal shoes or something that cover them completely.
Along with earmuffs, a ninja is ready for the snow and the weather!
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(aye, now I realized I did two prompts but I forget to marked it. Anyways)
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
Easing ANBU
Written for a prompt on my @the-umino-hours​ Winter Bingo board - Lantern!
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E; 10/30 chapters, 11.7k thus far Kakashi/Tenzou/Iruka (endgame) (Kakashi/Iruka, Tenzou/Iruka, Iruka/ANBU OCs)
Iruka offers of himself to provide care and comfort for the very broken alphas of ANBU, if they only reach out to him for it … and finds himself slowly growing very attached to some of ‘his’ alphas.
Thanks and also shrieking directed to @vulcan-highblood​ for both sparking this idea (with no idea how long it would get when I ran away with it) and helping with details and cheering as I wrote it~
This story is not quite finished, but I will be wrapping up the final scenes and hope to post the rest over the next couple of days. Currently ten chapters are posted, and twenty-eight of the planned thirty are complete.
Each chapter has individual content notes!
My Iruka Winter Bingo board in progress:
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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For my Winter Bingo Board prompt: Ice Skating, hosted by @the-umino-hours
My progress below the cut:
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
Hey hey calling all KakaIru lovers!
The amazing mods at the KakaIru Forum need 14 more people so they can run their awesome event!
It's super fun, very low stakes and low effort, so even if you don't have too much time, you can still take part!
Also, you can win a prize! Oooh shiny shiny!
Last Week To Sign Up!
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Hey guys, this is the last week to nominate tropes for the KakaIru Advent Calendar Challenge 2021!
We just need 14 more people to join us, so we can run the event!
If you’re still confused about what the Advent Calendar Battle is, it’s basically a contest to find out which holiday trope is the best!
The trope that you nominate will be added to a list of tropes that other people have nominated; and each week from 1st Dec - 31st Jan, we will post that list, and you guys choose your favourites.
At the end of the week, the bottom three tropes will be erased from the list, and the people who nominated those tropes will no longer be in the battle. This goes on until there’s only a few tropes left; and the person who submitted the winning trope will be the winner of the event, and they will get a prize!
If you would like to nominate a trope for this non-creation event, you can do so here. If you can’t think of a trope, mod @kakairu-shrine​ wrote a list you can choose from!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
We really hope to hear from you soon! ❤️
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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Iruka + smiles
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
One of our server mods is running Kakashi Week again this year! Please do check them out 🤘
Kakashi Week 2021 Begins!
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Hello everyone! Kakashi Week is finally here - at least for mod, we know it has been the 12th for some of you already ;) - and we’re so excited! Can’t wait to see what everyone has been up to for the event!
~Kakashi Week Mod
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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For all my fellow phone calls are HARD people out there. I wish all the easing of the pressure for you. Don’t forget aftercare once you managed that horrible call, ok?
Hop over to ao3 for kudo and comment if you’d like <3
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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A gift for @l1ldraws ✨
I was heavily inspired by that official art of Iruka baking muffins, hehe.
Created for @the-umino-hours 90 mins to gift exchange!
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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Piece done for @the-umino-hours 90 mins to gift exchange for @kageillusionz !
In which Iruka has a summer job as a life guard and drags Naruto with him to work super early every morning.
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
Kalira’s Kakashi Bingo 2021
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I finished my blackout for @kakashibingo​ as I’d wanted and planned! Though it was a bit close on a few there at the end… >.>
I finished with a total of:
1 story-told-in-poetry - 15 tanka (322 words) 11 podfics - 2h:57m:32s 13 stories - 31,876 words
Featuring 10 gen fics (depending how you count; Kakashi’s parents for example, or pre-relationship set-ups for Kakashi…) and 5 different Kakashi ships~
There’s a table with links and characters/ships on my Dreamwidth, all my works are in my Own Kakashi Bingo AO3 collection, aaaand there’s a masterlist below! Under a cut because yo, there’s 25 works there, it be long.
Each one links to the work in the title, and includes info on rating, length, ships/characters, summary, and, of course, a bit of my commentary for each work~
Mind the labelling! There’s a wide variety of ships, ratings, and content here! Including wholesome fluff, some bloody violence, some smut, etc. Reminder that ships with & are platonic, of course, and ships with / are romantic/sexual!
Keep reading
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
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I was the starter for @the-umino-hours DTIYS challenge! 💙
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the-umino-hours · 3 years
Hiya! Been a long time fan of the Umino Hours and their amazing members, and I was wondering what the new member invite schedule is? (If it exists of course).
Hi there! New member invites open in December, so keep your eyes peeled <3
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