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It’s been a year of intense growth.
dauvoire (via kushandwizdom)
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For a list of additional famous dyslexics, visit my website: DyslexicKids.net
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A thoughtful opinion from one of our members who refuses to be defined by the expectations of others.
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"but wait.. how can you read if you are dyslexic??"
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Famous people who had/have forms of dyslexia
 Leonardo da Vinci. (source)
Steve McQueen (source)
Ansel Adams (source)
Octavia E. Butler (source)
Erin Brockovich (source)
Anthony Hopkins (source)
Roberto Bolaño (source)
Steven Spielberg (source)
Marcus Brigstocke (source)
Robert Benton (source)
Albert Einstein (source)
Lara Flynn Boyle (source)
Pete Conrad (source)
Lewis Carroll (source)
Alexander Graham Bell (source)
Cher (source)
Hans Christian Andersen (source)
Agatha Christie (source)
Jules Verne (source)
Michael Faraday (source)
Jamie Oliver (source)
Pablo Picasso (source)
Richard Ford (source)
Michelangelo (speculated by many - example)
Samuel R. Delany (source)
Bernard Taylor (source)
Anderson Cooper (source)
Florence Welch (source)
Edgar Allen Poe (source)
Walt Disney (source)
Marilyn Monroe (source)
F. Scott Fitzgerald (speculated by many - example)
W. B. Yeats (source)
Orlando Bloom (source)
Benjamin Zephaniah (source)
Henry Winkler (source)
Nicolas Winding Refn (source)
Jennifer Aniston (source)
Richard Rogers (source)
Ernest Miller Hemingway (source)
Jim Carrey (Source)
Ludwig van Beethoven (source)
Vincent van Gogh (speculated by many - example)
Keanu Reeves (source)
Steve Jobs (source)
Kiera Knightley (source)
Billy Bob Thornton. (source)
Noel Gallagher (source)
Galileo Galilei (source)
Salma Hayek (source)
Jack Horner (source)
 I made this list of some of the people in history I’ve read were dyslexic when I was caught up in berating myself for having difficulties.
And to try and remind myself and others who struggle with their dyslexia/other learning disabilities you are not stupid and you are not alone. 
Feel free to add people or what ever.
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Tips for having dyslexic friends
1. Please don’t laugh at their spelling mistakes unless them, themselves are laughing. It’s not a fun feeling being laughed at. I’m sure you all can agree.
2. Sometimes we’ll forget to spell the simplest things so if we ask how to spell something we are trusting you to help us and not laugh and think of it as a joke.
3. If they read something wrong or are having a hard time with reading, please be patient with them or help them out.
4. Sometimes words are big and the letter jumble together and they can’t read the word all together. If they ask you to re-word or explain said word please do.
5.  If they barrow a book from you, know it’ll take them longer for them to read. Maybe a year. Maybe a few months. Just let them take their time and don’t hassle them. If you’re going to hassle them and you know you will just don’t let them barrow the heckin book.
6. There are different verities and levels of dyslexia. Sometimes they can’t read at all. Sometimes it’s just numbers. Sometimes big words or similar words that are close together. So please don’t tell them they are not dyslexic and are just lazy in reading or math or whatever. Please don’t. Ever. 
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Please read this if you wish to understand me at all
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Just a PSA about Dyslexia, since someone desided to correct my spelling on facebook. 
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This Dyslexic-Friendly Font Could Help The 1 In 5 People Living With Condition
A few subtle tweaks to a letter’s shape can make a world of difference to some readers.
By creating a new typeface with slight but impactful changes, Dutch designer Christian Boer is making reading an easier task for those, like himself, who live with dyslexia. Letters of the Dyslexie font have heavy base lines, alternating stick and tail lengths and semicursive slants – all modifications that differentiate letters that can look confusingly similar to those with the condition.
To better understand how Dyslexie font works read our  interview with the designer of Dyslexie font here. 
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I really wish people would stop putting Dyslexia in this category, 1: it's not what people think it is, it doesn't mean you can't read or write or deal with words at all I have had bad dyslexia my whole life, I got an A* in GCSE English, my friend has mild got all As and A*s
2. The worst thing you can do to an eight year old child is tell them they have a mental disorder when it isn't. dyslexia just means you learn differently. And putting that label on an eight year old is crushing, It's constantly being asked: wait your Dyslexic? Does that mean your stupid? It's constantly thinking that your a lesser pero an than everyone else, and it's shit. It's sitting in an english class getting a C and thinking "oh well, I'm dyslexic" and never trusting that you can do more or better. Because your dyslexic and you will never be more than that.
DYSLEXIA IS NOT A MENTAL DISORDER, It is a learning disability, and even than 'disability' is a stupid word Guess who was Dyslexic? FUCKING EINSTIEN! Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, not to mention countless actors, artists and musicians.
Yeah we struggle a bit with spelling, yeah it takes us a little longer to read, but we can life full lives with our dyslexia letting us see things in different ways.
I would give up anxiety, i would give up ADHD, I gave up depression, but I would never ever give up dyslexia
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For all the people who joke about mental disorders and think they shouldn’t be taken seriously. I researched all of the disorders so if one is off please do not hesitate to tell me so i can fix it! I might make another log of some more disorders !
DO NOT REPOST ANYWHERE, if you do so, give credit and ask me first.
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It wasn’t my day. My week. My month. My year. My life. God damn it.
(via suicide-is-my-father)
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Women: Why do men spit in public?
Men: Where ELSE should we spit? On you??? Do you want us to spit on YOU!?! Alright, FINE.
Women: A teenage girls bra strap shouldn't be a reason to send her home.
Men: Okay. Okay, alright. Alright, okay, okay. Well why don't I just PULL MY DICK OUT IN CLASS THEN!?!?
Women: A person should have the right to an abortion.
Men: Ohhhhh women want abortions! Well men should be able to rape them, that seems like the logical equivalent of this situation.
Women: Women need to defend themselves from violent men.
Men: Oh, what, you can hit me but I can't hit you!? why CAN'T I hit you? WHEN can I hit you??? Tell me when I can hit you, please. I want to know. I need to know.
Women: Men overreact a lot.
Men: WHOA. Why would you go there? Why do you generalize all men like that? I feel so attacked. This is so hurtful.
Men: This is why no one likes feminists.
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I found these gifs I made a while back for a site that’s not running anymore, so I thought I’d post them here. It’s a description of psychiatric symptoms and states of mind using a pink box and some other stuff. 
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Shout out to all of the black/latinx girls who DONT have thick eyebrows, shout out to the ones that DONT have long thick hair , shout out to the ones that DONT have fat asses or big busts, to the ones that get called skinny / chicken legs bc they’re not “thick ” shout out to fat latinx/black girls who are ridiculed or fetished for their weight shout out to latinx/black girls with small lips SHOUT OUT TO EVERY LATINX/ BLACK WOMEN WHO CANT REACH THE STANDARD OF BEAUTY IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITY , LET ALONE THE WHITE STANDARDS OF BEAUTY, YOU ARE BEAAAAUTIFUL AND AS VALID AS THE REST OF US AND YOU MATTER
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