the-vore-shack · 3 years
Je//kyll x re//ader vore
Warnings: safe soft nonsexual vore 
Note: This was meant to be a shitpost and then it became a full oneshot. Send help. -NCC
Doctor Jekyll had put his days of medicating into a monster behind him, but the days of science, well those were far from in the past. You watched from perhaps a bit too close to be observing experimental chemistry. You only got closer as your interest grew, the doctor unaware as he was absorbed in his own world of discovery. Stretching his neck a bit, Jekyll found his nose touching your face, freezing up and dropping chemicals to the floor. A strange yellow tincture splashed over the both of you, stinging your ankles where it made contact. Jekyll was stirred into a frenzy of trying to soak up the chemical with nearby rags, and get them off of the two of you, but it was too late. A pain washed over your entire body, and you fell to the floor. Jekyll meanwhile was clutching his face and mouth. You weren’t able to watch for long until you blacked out.
Waking up on a soft and warm surface, you tried to focus your blurry eyes. The ground below you shifted, and you felt a sense of vertigo which didn’t help your ability to focus at all. Getting your bearings together, you inspected the ground below you. It seemed to be a shade that would normally be associated with a skin tone, and when you gave it a prod, it had a lot of give to it. It pushed in easily, almost like a stiff mattress and bounced back when you pulled away your curious hand. You then looked up. Your eyes locked with the largest pupils you had ever seen. They reflected the room back at you. They reflected an image of a very small figure resting in the palm of someone’s hand. The doctor’s hand.
You both screamed in unison, but his lower pitched terror drowned out any trace of your now small and slightly squeaking voice. He held his hand away from his face which it had previously come nearer to with the owner’s disbelief. You scrambled back, and found your miniaturized figure hitting a very large thumb. With the massive hand now further away from the equally dwarfing face, you could see it in full. It was indeed the large, and now especially large and well made man that you had grown to know. After you two were done panicking, the doctor gasped in awe.
“(Y/N)?..” His eyes swirled with some sort of unreadable emotion, and you noticed the thin line of drool escaping his lips as he gazed upon you in a way uncharacteristic of the good natured man. The one that wanted to save the world one vial at a time. Now he looked confused, and dare you say it, hungry. Jekyll was slowly and cautiously bringing his hand closer to his face. “Don’t… Don’t worry (Y/N), I just need to… I need to get a closer look at you. For science.” The pupils of his eyes seemed larger compared to even the normal ratios of his irises, but maybe that was distorted due to your miniscule size. That had to be it. 
“Doctor Jekyll, is everything alright?” The question was lame in the face of what had seemingly happened, but he didn’t seem to mind. He didn’t even seem to respond. You were being brought closer and closer to his imposing figure of a face, and you tried to scoot back further only to find the thumb that you had pressed against now folded down and trapped you against the palm of his hand. “Doctor?..” Your voice held more fear than concern now, and he smiled, flashing the sharpest canines you had ever seen. Teeth he certainly hadn’t had before. The pearly white shine was something you were used to, the doctor being such a gentle and proper fellow. The glare of the light reflecting from candles off of the dagger-like implements that grew closer still was not.
“Everything will be alright soon…” Jekyll’s voice held a sort of calming effect to it, but the ominous words did little to put your mind at ease. It all happened so fast. Before you had the time to question, call for help, or even take one last look at the room around you, you were mercilessly shoved into his mouth. Thankfully you avoided the undoubtedly sharp teeth, but that wasn’t the end of your troubles. It wouldn’t even be the beginning. A pliable muscle under you twitched and rose, pressing you against a palate. That of Doctor Jekyll’s maw. Fingers invaded the space and hastily pushed you further in before retracting so that the teeth could click shut around you. You weren’t tossed around greedily like you would expect from someone who had inserted you into their mouth, but instead calculatingly licked at and prodded. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, there was a near deafening sound and something tugging at your feet in the darkness. You were dragged back, and down. Down, down, down, and pressed about at all sides. The throat was the only logical assumption, but what role did logic have to do with any of this to begin with? This wasn’t science, this was madness.
You quickly felt an opening, an ending to the hellish tunnel of squeezing and downward travel but quite possibly the entrance to a hell of even worse design. The stomach. Your eyes were tightly shut against the horrors despite the darkness shielding it from view already, but when you felt yourself slipping into the larger chamber, you opened them. It was truly a sight to behold. Not only was the darkness cut by patches of a yellowish sort of glow coming from splotchy areas on the deep pink flesh surrounding you which was likely not normal, but you also had to behold the awe instilling fact that you were indeed inside a gut. You felt compelled to call out. You knew that the only one that would likely hear you if even he could over the low grumbles and other various internal orchestrations would be the one that had swallowed you whole to begin with, but you suddenly felt oh so terribly alone. It was as if the world did not exist, and that you did not exist to the outside world either.
“Doctor Jekyll?” Your weak cry was heard, as soon came a response. One that was just as shocked and terrified as your own.
“(Y/N)?” His meek and fearful voice could be heard clear as day throughout the organ, his usual confident and charming demeanor gone. It was most certainly Jekyll’s voice, only frightened. In response, your heart ached. It seemed that he had had as much choice in the matter as you did. You didn’t know what to say, so you didn’t speak. You both felt and saw the room shrink slightly by the light of the glowing patches, looking to be pressed in from what could have been any direction but you assumed to be the front of the man. You felt compelled to press back, and put your hand against the flesh to reassure him that you were there, and so you did. “Are you okay in there?” You had absolutely no idea how to respond to a question with such an obvious answer. Of course you weren’t okay, you had been consumed! And yet… Yet you appeared to be, at least in the physical sense, completely unharmed.
“I.. Yes. Yes Doctor, I’m not in any pain.”
“Oh thank the heavens.
The scenario still posed questions. How were you going to get out? Go back to normal size? Was Jekyll going to be okay with his newfound sharpened teeth and glowing internals? For once, you were content not to question the laws of nature and push them through science. You were simply glad to be unharmed.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
a little self promotion if you will-NCC
A little Patrik Nieves r.eader i.nsert about nomming away the nightmares
Warnings: Soft safe vore, nightmares
Note: Yo, so apparently the name P//rince C//aspian was already taken by the Chronicles of fucking Narnia. This is why I do a quick search of names before I make OCs, but I forgot to with dear old prince man. His name is now Casseron because I thought it sounded cool. I’m well aware it means casserole in French, and I do not give even a singular fuck. -NCC
Doctor Patrik Nieves was no specialist in dreams, or anything other than emergency medicine for that subject. He usually wasn’t a giant who towered over people either. It didn’t particularly matter to him though. He was a doctor and a healer, and he would do anything to help a patient and a friend. The bright green heart charm that hung from his wrist on a leather bracelet was proof of that. Patrik took a moment to rub the heart between his finger and thumb as if it were a lucky charm and not just a magical one. The heart charms had their many uses and powers, but the doctor hadn’t known that when he first was coerced into putting it on in a jewelry shop by a strange woman wearing a similar dark blue heart around her neck. He was fond of the memories, but had no time to seriously ponder them as you looked up at him from the ground. Patrik knew how it felt to have nightmares, and thanks to the prince, a mutual friend, knew exactly how to deal with them. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea Pat?” You asked the question nervously, but tried to keep a brave face as he smiled warmly and carefully got down on his knees. You were used to being around giants, but not used to seeing your long time friend tower above you and certainly not used to the idea of being consumed. It also didn’t help that you had been experiencing terrible nightmares about a flaming hospital. The hospital you had almost died in at the hands of a raging fire. 
“I’m certain.” He spoke with practiced confidence, and you knew he was putting on his doctor face, but it was better than him voicing his mutual fears and doubts. Patrik glanced over at Prince Casseron who sat cross legged across the room watching to make sure everything went well. The prince had earlier offered to swallow you down himself with a protection potion in hopes the environment would ease your horrific dreams like it did for Patrik when the doctor himself was in need, but you didn’t know Casseron like you did Patrik. You didn’t have the same trust and companionship built up with him, and something about putting your life in his hands while also relying on him for emotional support seemed like too much to ask of royalty you barely knew. Here you were now, asking the same thing of Patrik. Earlier when the prince had suggested being swallowed, you had cringed. Now it seemed like your last option if you wanted even a few hours of restful sleep.
The prince gave a thumbs up and an awkward toothy smile from across the room, and you appreciated his support. Whether or not you had decided to fully trust the skyscraping figure of high status, this wouldn’t have been possible without him. Patrik let go of the charm, very carefully scooping you into his hands and bringing you up closer to his face. Warm breath with the faint fragrance of cinnamon candies washed over you, but despite that, you shivered slightly as you looked at the large lips that parted to speak before you.
“It might help if you close your eyes until it’s over. It can be a little overwhelming the first time” The large doctor waited for you to do as told, subconsciously turning away from the prince while he gently pushed you into his mouth. Against doctor’s orders, you snuck a peek. He made sure to use his tongue to check you were out of the way of his teeth before sealing you inside. You let out a gasp, and tried to calm your nerves. This had all seemed like a relatively good idea when you were still thirty to forty yards or so away from his mouth, but he really wasn’t kidding about it being overwhelming. He let out a calm and low hum. A single note that seemed to be either caused by you or aimed at you. You really couldn’t tell from in here. It vibrated the space all around you, and you employed the relaxation technique of slowly tensing and untensing your muscles one at a time until you were finally ready to proceed.
“Alright, I’m good now.” You gave his tongue a small tap and pulled your hand away to find it was coated in saliva. What did you seriously expect? The large tasting organ moved around you, shifting you about and taking some of your self induced calm with it. This was new and a bit frightening. You trusted him with your life, but that didn’t make it any easier to calm down when his tongue pushed you closer to the back of the throat. You finally decided to take his advice on closing your eyes again even though the darkness of the mouth concealed everything from view anyway. It was probably better you didn’t get spit in your eyes. A loud gulp sounded around you and your body tensed, your feet being tugged downwards. Your rigid little body wasn’t exactly doing wonders for Patrik’s ability to get you down, but he didn’t try to say anything with you occupying his means of speaking either. He instead tilted his head back a bit, gravity shifting and guiding you further into the pharynx and soon enough down into his esophagus.
The tight ringlets of flesh pressed at you from all sides and squeezed your body down, down, and further down, until finally your feet entered a more cavernous area. It was mere seconds until you were deposited not so gracefully into a plush slimy pouch. It would be comparable to a hammock if not for the thick liquid that coated the walls and pooled in a thin layer somewhere near what you assumed to be the bottom. You checked to make sure the protection was working, sighing in relief when you felt no burning or pain of any sort. The chamber was audible with gurgling of the stomach, and whooshing of the lungs, and beating of the heart all combining to overpower any worries that might have been taking a front seat. It was surreal and somehow comforting to know that your entire being was wrapped up in his. That the doctor was protecting and taking care of you with everything he was. A voice came from above and filled the room, and you recognized it as belonging to Patrik himself. You felt the organ shifting more than the typical rippling and pulsing. You felt yourself going up as if in an elevator and then it started rocking slightly, making you wonder if he was walking somewhere.
“‘I’m going to get comfortable. You should do the same and try to get some sleep.” He seemed to be doing as he said, the gravity shifting so that one of the walls was now the floor. He must have moved to Casseron’s bed. You couldn’t hear the question that was surely asked, but you could guess what it was as Patrik responded to presumably the prince. “Yes, they’re alright… So am I, yes.” If nothing else, Patrik sounded tired. You knew that gulping someone down would tire Patrik out, Prince Casseron had told you as much, but you didn’t think it would be to this extent. You called out to the sleepy sounding doctor, and took a chance by pushing your hand against the soft matter that surrounded you to see if it would get his attention. His breath hitched and the space around you was suddenly decreased, the gravity slightly altering as he moved. What you assumed to be the front portion of the gut pressed in slightly, and you heard a muffled laughter from somewhere outside. The prince probably found this amusing. You decided to speak up now.
“Hey uh, Pat? Thanks for this.. I mean uh. For helping me. I’m gonna try to sleep now, so goodnight!” You inwardly cringed at how awkward you sounded, but what other way was there to act from inside someone’s internals? You relaxed into the hammock-resembling pouch of his insides and found your internal mental chatter quieting down. He murmured something too softly to make out over the soothing heartbeat, or maybe just made some sort of hum of acknowledgement and laid back in his comfortable position as evident by the slight shift of gravity once more, but you paid it little mind and got cuddled in once more pretty quickly. It wasn’t long before you were both fast asleep.
Casseron chuckled fondly and stood over Patrik as the upsized doctor slept in the prince’s bed. He wondered about how it must feel to be the one on the inner end of a good safe ingestion, and almost envied Patrik for now having experienced both perspectives. Almost. After all, he wouldn’t want to go changing his size to anything less than massive and authoritative at times like these, but it was an interesting thought. It was nice to see his dear friend sleeping soundly with his eyes, and wondered if having someone inside was just as therapeutic for the doctor as being the one held. It was also nice that even though he couldn’t see you, that you seemed to be resting peacefully for once as well. There was nothing else for him to do but lay down on the floor and try to get some shuteye himself. Nobody would dare mess with both a giant prince and a giant heart bearer at the same time, so it was easy enough for him to get his own forty winks in that night alongside you two.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Okay but hear me out. Giant third wheel. Just imagine a giant carrying the two lovebirds out into the middle of the forest for a date.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Not me making yet another tumblr so I have a place dedicated to my OCs and vore (except it totally is) -NCC
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Some sort of r.eader i.nsert thing with an ambiguous character nomming you
Warnings: Soft safe vore
Note: I’m working on something bigger and if my brain gets in order you might actually see it some day, but for now I just needed to write a straight up fluffy vore scene. No action and adventure, no angst, no conflict, just good fluffy vore. -NCC
Sharp teeth clicked shut behind you, but you didn’t mind them. You knew that if they so much as grazed you that the owner of the teeth would immediately stop and fix you up. They were more of a comfort than a fear if anything. Those sharp teeth that could rip and tear were part of the being that wanted to protect you with everything they had. Right now though, you were both ready to sleep. You patted the soft tongue that lay under you twice while it twitched and tried its best to stay still, giving them permission to continue. There was no light, but you weren’t concerned about that. You’d handle it once you got to what would be your bed for the night. The stomach. For now, the massive muscle slowly rose and rubbed against you, slicking you up for the ride down. It touched your shoes and paused, the teeth parting and the lips opening back up to let light in. They didn’t say anything, simply prodding at your shoes with their tongue again and trusting you would get the idea. You had both in your haste to get to sleep had completely forgotten that sneakers weren’t a great choice of sleepwear nor something that felt great going down one’s throat, and so you tugged them off and tossed them out of the mouth into their waiting hand before scooting back into the mouth and shivering as a cool draft of them breathing in chilled the saliva that coated you. The teeth slowly encapsulated you once more, and their tongue went back to its previous mission of getting you soaked down. Once you decided you were thoroughly salivated on, and also getting slightly annoyed at their insistence on savoring you, you pushed yourself a small bit closer to the throat by pushing off of the teeth. They got the message, and tilted their head back. Your sense of gravity was slightly upended as your surroundings tilted back, and a gulp sounded throughout the mouth. You were tugged into the beginning of the esophagus, and relaxed your muscles to ensure they wouldn’t choke. They quickly swallowed again, and your small form slipped further into the tight confines of the throat. The first few times it had been uncomfortable, suffocating even, but you grew to love the feeling of deep pressure that covered all sides. It was like a good back massage, but for your whole body. It was only seconds before you felt yourself slipping into a more open space. It growled and flexed around you, accepting your arrival with a happy gurgle. It was more or less empty, only a small amount of gastric juices puddling in the bottom, and you were grateful that it wasn’t occupied by some sort of food at the moment. You weren’t always so lucky. Tonight though, it was just you and them. They hummed softly, unconsciously matching the tempo to their heartbeat as the area around you shifted gravity. They must be settling in on the couch. You pulled a thick emergency style glowstick out of your pocket and wrapped the string around your wrist a few times to make sure it wouldn’t get lost in the organ and so you would have a means of seeing if you woke up in the middle of the night. You then cuddled into the plush lining, smiling as you heard a deep contented sigh from them that paused their humming only briefly. The soothing double beating of their heart as well as the soft melody and low grumbles from around you easily lulled you into a deep sleep.
606 words, and also who needs paragraph separation lol
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
So a magic size shifting slide whistle. Going up in pitch on the slide whistle makes you and the whistle grow. Going down in pitch makes you shrink. That is all, thank you. -NCC
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
This account is now shared between a few people rather than just lil ole NoConstructiveCriticism.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
This right here? Good stuff. Great stuff.
It's been forever, but I finally decided to write something. I choose to have it as a pov, since I wanted to write something generally calming.
Warnings: Vore (obviously)
"Ah, is this w-why you are up so late..?" Sporting a concerned look on his face, the giant gazed down at your delicate frame.
You hadn't even told him what the problem at hand had been- and it was like he had already known..You gazed up at him, about to mutter a tired response, when, the man ever so gently scooped you up from behind, your much smaller form being softly caressed by his fingers. You began to adjust your position, arms tiredly clinging on to your friend's limb as he lifted you up to his face.
From this perspective, everything seemed so much clearer to you- the hue of his skin that faded to a nice blush around the man's nose., The otherwise unnoticeable stain plastered onto his glasses...
It reassured you to be with such a familiar, yet such an unseen face...
"Hey...you can't sleep, c-can you..?" Merlin cooed softly, gently running a finger down your back...
You suddenly snapped out of your previous trance. Now that he had mentioned it...that had been exactly the reason. As much as you tossed and turned, as much as you counted sheep..it just hadn't been working tonight. And if anyone could help, it was him for sure.
Merlin sighed- and as he did, you could practically feel the hot breath travel over your skin.. everything was starting to feel more calming..
Until, following his sigh, the man spoke up.
"W-would inside b-be better..?" Just by studying the shaky nature of his voice, you could tell he was just as uneasy about the idea as you suddenly had grown to be...
Inside? Was he joking?
Sure, you had known for a very long time that this was indeed a possibility. But, you were still very uneasy about the idea- very reluctant, to put it simply. Despite that fact, it was Merlin...the one person you were able to go to when things weren't quite right.
Nudging your minor worries to the side, you tiredly mumbled that, if he truly believed that it would help you get to sleep, that you were willing to try...
Without words, you were slowly brought up against his lips, the much larger hand almost perfectly steady.It was astonishing that someone so large could be so careful..that someone so large could care so much about someone so small...
Your thoughts were swept away as you felt the lips against you begin to part. Your small body was carefully nudged past his jaws, almost immediately plopped against his tongue..
The world around you vibrated as the muscle underneath you began to shift, pushing you around as delicately as humanly possible. Absentmindedly, you started to hum, your body sinking onto the soft, slimy surface. You felt the tension that you hadn't realised you had even had disappear.
You were completely at ease already..
For a few minutes, the room around you was nearly practically still- until you had felt the man begin to ever so slowly dip his head backwards...
For a small moment, you panicked- not being used to the sudden shift. But you soon relaxed into it, allowing yourself to be gently tugged downwards into his throat. The muscles slowly dragging you down felt as if it was a tight, gentle massage.
It seemed as you weren't the only one enjoying it, however- as you began to feel something press against your body- followed by quiet purrs as the pressure followed a decent amount of your decent. A light thumping that ever so slowly began to grow in volume echoed all around you, causing your eyelids to grow heavy. To be quiet honest, you had never expected something such as this to be so calming..
Your attention shifted to your surroundings as you felt one last tight squeeze, before being dropped in a decently sized pouch. The room groaned happily, squeezing in on you- as if it had given you a hug.
You smiled, pressing yourself into the warm flesh..
And quickly drifted off.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Unwilling prey is all fun and games until pred realizes they have a really shrill scream and won't let the pred sleep or even think straight until they're let out.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
My brain is one third vore, one third terrible ideas, and the last third is all the stuff that falls under both categories.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Thank you so much! I really admire your stories and this advice means a lot. I'll make sure to check out those links too, but I have some ideas to write down before i forget them first ^^
So I was thinking about starting my own vore series, but I've never been great at anything more than a short story. Have you got any tips on writing more lengthy stories?
Hoooooh boy.  Lemmie try and channel my old writing professors and then half of writing tumblr/twitter, which kinda negates half of what I learned with the professors.  This is gonna be a meandering mess.
Please note that this is coming from a hobbyist writer who has done a total of 6 books over 11 years.  I'm not the fastest or most organized of writers, but I hope what experience I have as a writer in the vore community will help.
- If you already have experience with a short story, then you have a good start! You know how to do a beginning, a middle, and an end.  Not every book in the series needs to be novel-length.  A series can consist of short stories linked together.  You decide how many words are needed to get the story across.  
Writing a series is juggling a short term story goal or character arcs in a single story, but then the overarching theme/goal is what goes throughout the series. A bunch of small beginnings-middles-ends within a bigger beginning-middle-end.  Usually the small B-M-Es contribute to furthering the big B-M-E.  Or some really tiny bmes for smaller character arcs.  
Look to any favorite series you already follow for examples of story arcs; tv series, movie series, manga series.  See how they do it and use it as a guide until you find your own way.  
-A lot of writing a series is planning.  Or at least having a vague list of things that need to happen to get to the end of the series as you imagine it.  You'll prolly have a long list of things you need for the end.  It will grow as you write, some things get cut.  Not every book is going to cover a lot of things on that list, they might end up like a fluffy filler episode.  That's fine as long as you have fun with it; make it an opportunity to do some world-building or character building/backstory.
-There is such thing as over-planning; when you get so bogged down in details that writing the actual story seems impossible.  Best thing I've found is to start small.  A small event, or action, or discovery that propels the story in what seems the right direction, and then go with it.  Write all of the chaos you discover as you go with it.  Even if it's not necessary.  
When you go back and reread what you've done, make another list, write what important things happened in that scene, and the next scene, and the next scene.  You now have a list of events to focus on when you go back and edit and it'll help you figure out the bme.  If you need to keep track of individual character arcs, color-code your list for each character.  
I had to do this a lot with getting back into writing Spilling Guts; I had written myself into a corner and need a map out of the minefield.  I ended up separating the POVs by coloring the font in my world document.  Will - Blue. Louis - Red.  Megan and Teegan - Green.  Etc.
Big note, not all editing is "cutting". Just because something doesn't add to the story as a whole doesn't mean it needs to get chopped.  Is it fun?  Does it add flavor to the story or character?  Keep it but refine it so it'll fit better.  It might be useful later in the series.  ^_^
-There are some series where each book can stand independent of the rest of the books in the series.  That's cool. Then there are books that are so interconnected with the books previous that to understand it on its own requires a dive into a fandom wiki. That's cool too.  
-Fun fact: I posted the first book of the Getting In Deep series with no beta reader an only a vague list of things I wanted to happen in the series.  It was a "first draft".  Ten years later I'm still trying to rewrite it so it will flow better with what the series has become.  I still have no beta reader, but I welcome commenters to point out any misspellings, corrections, or possible plot holes.  
Your first draft will prolly suck.  You will have to accept that.  
People will read your first draft and not like it.  You will have to accept that.  
People will read your first draft and absolutely love it despite you seeing all the flaws.  You will also have to accept that.  Don't negate their positivity!  You done a good!  Accept that fuzzy feeling you get when someone praises what you did.  
We grow and evolve as writers.  What we think of as clever or impactful when we first write it will seem awkward and clunky later when we get more experience.  That's fine.  Also, there is never "enough experience".  
-The best way to overcome any haters (people flaming for no reason other than they want attention/validation) is to delete their comment and keep writing and enjoying what you do.  Give them nothing.  Fight with spite and glitter in your stories. Do not apologize for enjoying what you write.  
Imma leave you with links to professionals in writing:
Caity Schmidt - she has a youtube series called "Keysmash Edu" about plots and story arcs. Lotta informative graphs. Also she's in the middle of writing her own series; The Wanderer's War.  ^_^
Kate Cavanaugh - a writer having fun with different styles of writing, motivation, and occasional live writing sprints.  ^_^
Malorie Cooper - Author of a long space opera series, and does live writing sprints on the daily!  Sometimes in cosplay! ^o^
ShaywiththeHobbies - Writing, mindfulness, and crafting. Always important to do things other than writing to enrich your mental space.  ^_^
tldr - Have fun.  Start small.  Don't stop. ^_^
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Pred is trying to be all slick and romantic and dips the prey in chocolate only to get an earful for how difficult it is for the prey to get dried chocolate out of their hair.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Cargo pants but every pocket has a tiny in it
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Fuck good cop bad cop. How about pred cop prey cop?
Giant cop hovering in the background waiting to see if human sized polite interrogation works, and if it doesn't? Prey cop gets gulped down (safely, but the suspect doesn't know that because prey cop is a good actor) and suspect is threatened with the same fate.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
The best part about being a part of the vore community is the fact that every day I get to make my fbi agent suffer.
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the-vore-shack · 3 years
Somebody come tuck me safely away from the world in their tum before I start a goddamn revolution.
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