Hi dear friends! I won't be so active on this blog in the coming months. Our baby girl will be arriving soon and I don't wish to give my time to multiple sites. I will continue posting on the facebook page. I will be stopping by here sometimes. Blessed feast and much love!!
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Instagram: chris_venturini_photo
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(via #thewhitefarmhouseblog @instagram)
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Blessed feast of the Archangels and all the Bodiless Powers! (November 8th, New Calendar)
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When does a child become a child in utero or at birth?
You half answered your own question anon, a child doesn’t just become a child- as you phrased yourself they were always a child.
A child is created at the moment of conception.
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allthebeautifulthings (@allthebeautifulthingsblog)
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You all sit and talk with your thoughts, see everything in the black light and torment yourself in vain, that’s why you suffer from body and soul. After another such attack, your stomach starts to hurt, so how can you find strength for the spiritual? You can drink medicine and relieve pain, but if you do not get rid of sadness, then the stomach will begin to hurt again. Do not accept the thoughts that cause disappointment in you, so as not to make useless the gifts God has given you. The more correctly you look at things, the more peace and tranquility you will have, the healthier you will be and you will stop drinking medicine. Sadness disarms a person. Sucks all the juices of mental and bodily forces and does not allow to do anything. Poisons the soul and makes the body a mess. It hits the most sensitive places of the body, causes fear and exhausts a person. The poison of gloom can not only fall a man with a weak body, but also very strong. - St. Paisios the Athonite
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Do not fight to expel darkness from the chamber of your soul. Open a tiny aperture for the light to enter, and the darkness will disappear. Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalivia
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Orthodox woodcarving artwork
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Please pray for my husband's conversion
Of course dear sister ❤
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Gloria| thelongawaitedhome/
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“The most fundamental thing in marriage is love, and love is about uniting two into one. 
The priest takes the rings off the left finger, puts them on the right, and then again on the left, and finally he puts them back on the right hand. He begins and ends with the right hand, because this is the hand with which we chiefly act. It also means that the other now has my hand. I don’t do anything that my spouse doesn’t want. I am bound up with the other. I live for the other, and for that reason I tolerate his faults. A person who can’t put up with another can’t marry.
What does my partner want? What interests him? What gives him pleasure? That should also interest and please me as well. I also look for opportunities to give him little delights. How will I please my husband today? How will I please my wife today? This is the question which a married person must ask every day. She is concerned about his worries, his interests, his job, his friends, so that they can have everything in common. He gladly gives way to her. Because he loves her, he goes to bedlastand gets up first in the morning.���
Archimandrite Aimilianos
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“For a marriage to be happy, it must be not be built on the principle of trying-it-out. Crowns are placed upon the heads of those being married in the Church, and these crowns symbolize martyrdom. Martyrdom, because someone decides to live for the other, transcending his egotism, and abandoning a life lived only for himself. And not just for a day, or for two years, but for your whole life. This is a real martyrdom and podvig, when a person rises to the full measure of his human dignity.”
Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov
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