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Day 6 is a rest day but still got 13k steps in!
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Day 5 is training day! HIIT
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The Importance of a Cheat Day
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Today I’ve been to celebrate my birthday with my parents. I’m only 3 days into this thing and I’m already eating cake... 
I know this looks bad but to me it’s really important. One day a week I won’t track what I’m eating. I can enjoy things I miss, have a drink etc.
There are lots of people writing about the benefits of cheat days:
Most citing things like restoring thyroid hormones and leptin levels to the body. But for me its mainly about not going crazy... I tend to be an all or nothing kind of person. To me a small slip is like a failure. By agreeing that one day a week I can eat what I like will stop me from falling off the wagon.
It’s important that I setup the environment and systems that will allow me to stick to 
This isn’t a sprint... It’s several marathons.
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Progress Update
Total Weight Lost: 4lbs
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Day 2 is training day
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Walking on my rest day
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#day1 #breakfastlunchanddinner
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It all starts now...
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I have a problem… Today is my 29th birthday…
Ok so that’s not really a problem per say… My real problem is that next year will be my 30th. 30 is the age I always referred to when I made any life goals. “By the time I’m 30 I want to be earning such and such” or “By the time I’m 30 I want to have travelled to some place”.
But… as important as those things may be, it’s something else that is on my mind now that date is getting closer. I find myself sitting her writing this, in no better shape than I was last year (probably worse to be honest) and nothing really to show for any of the hard work I’ve put in. And thats the annoying bit. I love to exercise. I train 4 days a week, I’ve recently started playing rugby again which is another 2 days a week (although its off season now). I’m more active now than I have been in the last 15 years.
It’s something else that is causing me to fail. Here goes…
Hi my name is Ed and I’m an addict.
I’m addicted to food. Probably more accurately, sugar. Its the only thing I really crave. I drink only small quantities, I don’t smoke, but man can I smash a packet of Haribo Star Mix in one sitting. I tell myself its ok as I will burn it off through exercise but in reality its stopping me from achieving anything.
So my new aim will be “by the time I’m 30 I won’t be fat”.  Simple! No specific weight, no specific size. This blog will serve mainly as some added accountability for me. Internet, I’am accountable to you!
So… it all starts now.
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