theabstruseanon · 1 day
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"Where's the beer, cook?"
Zoro doesn't understand personal space, and Sanji is a very confused bisexual.
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theabstruseanon · 1 day
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why not let Zoro be the sopping wet cat of a man, clinging desperately to his rival
you know
as a treat
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theabstruseanon · 6 days
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no dude longingly staring at your friend while he naps is sooo platonic dw about it
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theabstruseanon · 6 days
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The other day I was dying laughing at the thought of Zoro (first time feeling attraction) talking to Luffy (never felt attraction in his life) about his feelings for Sanji and them coming up with a wildly incorrect assumption about what's happening
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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Jay Hall Connaway (1893-1970), Maine, 1955
Oil on masonite, 18 x 24 in. (45.7 x 61 cm.)
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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My new book Touch has been published in France by Les Grandes Personnes. It is a book about observing things through touch. I would like to thank my editor Sylvain Lamy for her advice and help throughout the process!
You can learn more or purchase through this link:https://tinyurl.com/5n8ju7h5
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
‏Today's vetted fundraisers
My name is Mohammed Eid Matar, I live in Gaza, reaching out in a time of desperate need. My family, torn apart by the recent bombings, is now without shelter, food, or medicine. The war has left my little sister and brother injured, and we are struggling to provide them with the care they desperately need.
@el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @irhabiya @sar-soor @moayesh
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
An underappreciated wildlife native to Palestine that you can show?
I'm going to concentrate on the amphibians Palestine, because that's my specialty. There are 6 species. Here are 3 of them...
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European Green Toad (Bufotes viridis), family Bufonidae
The only species of amphibian that is common in Palestine.
photograph by Скампецкий 
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Syrian Spadefoot Toad (Pelobates syriacus), family Pelobatidae
This species is endangered in Palestine.
Photograph by Rami Kashab
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Southern Banded Newt (Ommatotriton vittatus), family Salamandridae, Lebanon
Endangered in Palestine.
Photographs by Rami Kashab
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
One of life's greatest joys, I think, is passing an AU back and forth with your friends and making it progressively hornier and more fucked up
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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Source: https://twitter.com/Franrekk/status/1718888525783818370
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
if every ancient philosopher (renaissance and earlier) was plopped into a modern day bar and tasked with getting laid who would accomplish it the fastest
Pico Della Mirandola, no question. While on the way to the Vatican to defend his esoteric thesis, he fucked the wife of a Medici, got thrown in prison, and then got bailed out by a different Medici. Man had that dog in him.
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
Nezha the Demon Child: oh god not the discourse
…I promise, this isn't about Nezha's age. No, really, it isn't.
It's about this idea of pre-resurrection Nezha as a "Demon Child", and good lord that's just as discourse-worthy isn't it.
My short answer is "It's Nezha 2019 specific and doesn't quite work outside of that context, if you are using FSYY's version of Nezha's backstory."
My long answer is this entire post.
First, I must define what I mean by "Nezha as Demon Child". It's the popular fanon inspired by 2019! Nezha, who is the Demon Pearl incarnate as opposed to 2019! Ao Bing's Spirit Pearl, after 2019! Shen Gongbao switched the two around, and thus destined to be destroyed by divine thunderbolts in three years.
In the movie, Nezha's demonic birth and out-of-control powers makes him into an outcast, despised by the villagers, and he retaliated with some pretty mean pranks.
But whereas 2019! Nezha's parents still love him and try their best to give him a good childhood in those three years, in the "Demon Child" fanon of JTTW adjacent works, Li Jing is the one who despises Nezha and sees him as a demon from the moment of his birth, and sometimes Jinzha and Muzha too.
Now, I have made it pretty clear before that I'm not a big fan of Li Jing. However, if we are just looking at FSYY novel, how much support can we really find for the "Demon Child" idea?
Well, for starters: there is only the Spirit Pearl/Lingzhu Zi in FSYY proper, who reincarnated as Nezha, destined to become the Vanguard of the Zhou Army in the upcoming War of the Investiture.
When Lady Yin gives birth to a ball of flesh after 3 years of pregnancy, two servants report to Li Jing that she has given birth to a demon. Li Jing rushes into the room with a sword and cuts the ball open, and a little kid jumps out and starts running around, and this is Li Jing's reaction:
Rough translation: "Shocked, Li Jing stepped forth and lifted him up into his arms; such a fine child. He could not bring himself to harm the child as a demon. Then he passed him over to his wife, and the couple showered him with affection, despite their individual joys and worries."
The next day, Taiyi showed up to congratulate him, asked about the timing of his son's birth, and basically went "Ah, crap." See, because the child is born at the hour of Chou, he is destined to break 1700 prohibitions against killing. Right after dropping that bombshell, Taiyi named the child Nezha, took him as his disciple, and just…left.
Soon, Li Jing got a report that 400 vassals had rebelled all over the realms, because prior to this, King Zhou had summoned his four major dukes to the capital, killed two of them, imprisoned one, and only left Chong Houhu the asshole bootlicker untouched, at which point the two dead dukes' sons promptly rebelled.
As Nezha grew to the age of seven, Li Jing was still conducting drills in case of an attack by the new Duke of the East's rebel army.
So what does it all mean?
Well…it sure doesn't support the idea that Li Jing despised Nezha because he still thought the child was a demon after cutting open the meatball.
He could plausibly be unsettled by the whole "break 1700 prohibitions against killing" prophecy, but instead of being abusive, I think it's more likely that he just neglected Nezha due to his duties as a general, leaving it entirely to Lady Yin to raise the kid.
Which is still not the best parenting, but with different implications for Nezha's character. Like, FSYY's Nezha gives me the vibe of someone who just doesn't quite understand social norms, or human behavior in general, or what a healthy degree of fear even feels like, and being outright despised or abused as this "Demon Child" would have taught him to fear things very quickly.
If he was indeed feared by Li Jing, it's less "suffer not the yaoguai!" and more "let's keep our third kid happy and ignorant and never let him out of the house again."
To use a fucked-up analogy…Nezha is less this dangerous hound that must be chained to a wall and whipped into submission, but a fine, powerful weapon Taiyi had left to them for safekeeping purposes, much like the Qiankun Bow & Sky-shaking Arrows sitting in their backyard building.
Perhaps he still isn't seen as his own person or treated like a regular, flesh-and-blood kid, yet it won't make sense for Li Jing or his older brothers to do the equivalent of spitting on this precious weapon or kicking it off the stands.
(Since Nezha doesn't even recognize Muzha when they run into each other during the Attempted Patricide Arc, my HC is Jinzha and Muzha both left home to study under their masters at a pretty young age, and rarely came back for visits.)
Like, I can still see Li Jing being this stuck-up and emotionally distant guy who only interacts with his kids to "check on their homework", so to speak.
Or Lady Yin coddling Nezha, partially because she wants to make up for Li Jing's absence, and partially due to the vain hope that, by sheltering her youngest child from the world, she might be able to shelter him from his very destiny too.
Here's where I go off a tangent: on a meta level, Nezha isn't a demon or an aberration of the natural order (which yaoguais are often seen as) either. This is very much informed by a Chinese essay called 由哪吒看《封神演义》的天命世界 that analyzed the character in relation to FSYY's view of Fate.
It is very well written and has given me quite the emotional damage (/hj).
Specifically:Nezha is destined to violate 1700 prohibitions against killing, not because he is "evil" or demonic, but because he's born to be an executioner carrying out the Will of Heaven.
He is the very embodiment of the "Peril" that is the War of Investiture, and thus must suffer through his own perils, to be ritualistically remade in death into a demigod-like warrior.
Much like how the Chan 12's participation in the War of Investiture is, in and of itself, a Peril, something they must endure and survive as the consequences to their causes——failing to sever the Three Corpses and breaking prohibitions, Nezha's suicide served as his Peril, a death that shall cleanse him of his guilt and satisfy the karmic laws while also fulfilling his destiny.
Everyone he killed in battle follows the same logic: they have violated taboos (more true for the Jie Sect immortals), gone against the impersonal, ironclad Will of Heaven yet paradoxically playing straight into Fate's hands, as their deification through death has proven——a Peril as well as a consolation prize.
To folks that don't buy into FSYY's view of Fate and think it's bullshit, or don't understand the logics of deification: an alternate and more "modern" interpretation of Nezha's suicide may be an attempt at finding freedom.
After all, what's a weapon's biggest act of resistance, but breaking itself?
After this, I'll never owe anyone anything again. My debts are repaid. I'll never see my mother cry. I'll be no one's son, no one's disciple, a blade that will never be sheathed and left to gather dust in the attic, obstructed, then blamed for doing what it's made for.
It also isn't as simple as he thought. Death, as well as freedom.
Looking back centuries later, he'll probably cringe at his younger self too.
This? This is what you think your destiny, or freedom from it, looks like? Dishing out death indiscriminately without understanding what it means and lashing out in a fit of rage——it doesn't make you a good warrior, or even a good weapon, just a mad dog!
Like, I think Nezha can be rightfully pissed at Li Jing's Asshole Arc after his death, while also gradually coming to a more mature and nuanced understanding of violence and his purpose during WOI.
Namely, as ironclad and undeniable as Fate is in FSYY, attributing everything to it is just an easy way to avoid the difficult questions and personal responsibilities.
And I feel like there are a lot of interesting potential in exploring Nezha's post-war arc, of someone who is born to be a weapon, who finds comfort and certainty in that purpose, suddenly having to become something else.
Not necessarily in the "learning to be human again" sense, moreso the divine equivalent of a veteran adjusting to civilian life, exploring the boundary between executioner and protector, while dealing with both the funny and messed-up implications of working alongside everyone he sent into the Investiture.
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
Kitties at a temple in Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China
English added by me :)
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theabstruseanon · 15 days
the sexual penis is different from the spiritual penis
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