Long time no see. Two year update: I only get a few pimples here and there, mostly hormonal. I have tiny tiny pimples on my forehead but they don't bother me as much. My skin is more on the dry side though so I have to keep up with moisturizing. That's about it!
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Hi guys! It's been almost 4 months since I stopped taking accutane. 2 months after the tiniest tiniest little pimples started forming all over my forehead and my blackheads were coming back. Started seeing more just regular small pimples from time to time so I started taking minocycline a week ago to see if it helps at all. Now just recently (two days ago) did I get a tender spot on my cheek that freaked me out because so far it's only been tiny pimples that aren't bothersome. This one was tender and under the skin, which I find odd since I started taking minocycline a week ago. Hopefully this is normal and it doesn't get worse from this point on, hoping the minocycline kicks in and if I keep seeing my skin worsen, I wouldn't mind going back on accutane.
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Ok I'm officially off accutane. I only took it for about 2 months with great results! My doctor said I don't need it anymore (you could have told me that last month but whatever). So he prescribed me minocycline as a precaution, even though I told him I've taken it twice before but he said to try it so ok.
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My skin is doing really well despite being off of accutane for the past 1 or 2 months! Have been going out to school and other places without makeup and it's a bit scary but refreshing. The only thing that bothers me is that my hair is back to it's oily ways. I have an appointment in two weeks so yay.
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Just a quick update. Can't get back on accutane until April. So basically I'll be off accutane for 2 months in total. That's if I decide to get back on it, I'm tired of all the insurance and health problems. My skin is still doing great but my hair has become an oily mess just after a month off. No bumps at all but I really hope I don't relapse!! I was only on accutane for two months.
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If I've been acne/bump free for the past month, is it worth going back to the derm (I'm still going but still) Any of you guys still on accutane even if you cleared up quickly, and for how long?
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I never noticed how my skin looks so much worse when I don't get enough sleep. My hyperpigmentation stands out more when I don't . Sleep well guys!!
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I'm technically supposed to be on month three but due to insurance/health problems I had to take a break off accutane for a few weeks. I still have accutane in my system since I'm taking what's left of my pills every other few days. Call this update what you may but my skin is looking SO much better :)
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I don't think there's a celebrity out there that I truly relate to as much as Lea Michele. I too have been judged for my high aspirations, my nose, and for my acne. All three which I have struggled with all my life and that Lea has proved others wrong by being the successful, talented, and beautiful person that she is.
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Went to school without makeup today. Never thought it would happen so soon!
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Good news! Everything is fixed and I'll be off my break on accutane this coming Tuesday. While off accutane, my hyperpigmentation has been fading a bit quicker but my skin is still dry and no breakouts at all!
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Last update for now! Month 2 week 4. Only a pimple on my eyebrow and my lip. Hyperpigmentation is gradually fading.
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Ugh bad news. I might have to stop taking accutane due to medical and insurance issues. I’m only 2 months in on my 4 month treatment. My skin has cleared up a lot but I’m afraid to relapse. I might take it again in a few months but until then… :(
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So apparently I have tonsillitis. But my doctor said it should be ok to take accutane with my medications.
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Kinda stopped taking my accutane for a few days because I'm sick and not sure what I have. Only stopping because I felt worse while on it. Doctor tomorrow!
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What happens anytime something slightly touches you while on accutane.
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Week 7. Month 2. Excuse my awkward shading. My hyperpigmentation can be seen clearly in the picture. A few tiny pimples popping up but this huge painful one on the side of my nose (now slowly healing) was quite a nuisance.
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