theacemagician · 3 years
You are the CEO?!
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That was a little bit of information that Klavier has not been aware of yet. He has never taken the time to look closer into the ‘Wright Anything Agency’ after all. He has simply assumed that the head of the agency is also the head of the family - Phoenix Wright.
How could he have assumed that a young girl like Trucy is the real boss behind everything?
When the big puppy-eyes suddenly stare up at him, Klavier’s attention is brought back to the young lady right in front of him. Of course, without Apollo Justice around, Trucy was lacking a helping hand in her shows.
Well, I think I can help out, meine Liebe. I am probably not as good as Herr Forehead aber if you are patient with me I promise to try my best.
“Duh! I’ve been the CEO since I was eight,” Trucy rolls her eyes, giggling. Really she’d just named herself the CEO after getting adopted, and Phoenix had accepted it. Probably because arguing with a determined eight year old would never go well. But she had been the one to come up with the Wright Talent Agency idea and make all the posters for it, so she thinks she deserves the title.
“Did you really think daddy could run the whole thing by himself? Or that he knows how to set up a talent agency?”
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“Really!? You’ll be my assistant?” Wow, that was easier than she’d thought it would be. It had taken a lot of begging and pleading to get Apollo to help her, but maybe that was because he’d already been familiar with what her magic shows entailed. She doesn’t think Klavier’s ever seen one of her full shows, just that trick she’d pulled in court, and that was nothing compared to the real act.
This will be great.
“Oh, don’t worry! You won’t have to do much. Just try not to move during the blindfolded knife throwing part.”
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theacemagician · 3 years
Of course Trucy would try to laugh it off and sound brave about it. That is just the way she is. Always strong, always smiling. Klavier appreciates her for it, but at the same time he knows that the smile is only for show. He knows it because he does the same thing, way too many times.
I am sure Herr Wright will be fine.
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He knows that you are not a kid anymore but a grown-up woman. And you will find your way back to him too, for sure.
He does not know how and he does not want to make any promises but he does not want Trucy to be sad or worried. He’s glad, for the first time in many weeks, that he is stuck here too. How bad would it have been for Trucy if not even one familiar face would be around?
No one, unfortunately. Fräulein Cykes left too, a few weeks ago and aside from her I haven’t seen anyone I know around here. Aber I met some new people and they all seem rather nice. So I guess we just have to make new friends as long as we are stuck here.
“Hehe, yeah, but I’m the CEO. I’m not even sure daddy knows how to do the taxes without me.” Of course he does - he’d been running the agency for a few years before Trucy self-declared herself the CEO - but she had taken on a lot of the responsibilities of the agency. “They better not ruin the agency’s finances while I’m gone.” She pouts, crossing her arms across her chest. 
But Klavier’s reassurance does make her feel better, grinning at him. “You too! You’ll get to go home too!”
Aww, so she’d just missed Athena. She’s glad Athena’s not stuck here too, but she would’ve liked to see another familiar face. “Usually Polly helps me with my magic show, as my wonderful assistant, but he’s not here... How am I supposed to do my show now?” She looks up at Klavier, giving him the world’s best puppy dog eyes and silently begging him to be her assistant. Having Klavier Gavin as her magician’s assistant would be the best thing ever.
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theacemagician · 3 years
send me a ★ for an ic fact or send me a ☆ for an ooc fact // accepting
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ic ;;
1) Trucy canonically made the beanie that Phoenix wears in AA4. My headcanon is that she noticed how much Phoenix hated being recognized by people after his disbarrment and thought that with the beanie less people would know who he is.
2) Trucy's not really sure what to make of the Gramarye legacy at this point or what to do with the Troupe Gramarye rights. She used to be determined to bring back the troupe, but after everything that's happened (both in AA4 and AA6), she's wondering if that's really what she wants.
ooc ;;
1) I'm a Classics/Psychology double major except really it's a triple major because Classics is Ancient Greek and Latin. Aka I constantly have to hear questions about 'what are you going to do with a classics degree'
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theacemagician · 3 years
send me a ★ for an ic fact or send me a ☆ for an ooc fact // accepting
;; i have a deoxys pokemon gijinka. their name is pyx and they're a lil space alien baby, too good for this world too pure. i've had the idea of them for years but only started making a story/other characters recently.
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theacemagician · 3 years
Uncommon Question Headcanon Asks for RPs
[ be sure to specify which muse on multis ]
What kind of music does your muse listen to to relax?
Does your muse have any plants? If so, what kind?
Does your muse like to relax indoors or outdoors?
Does your character like a bath or shower after a long day?
Does your muse light candles, incense, etc.?
How often does your character take time for themself?
Does you muse have a special place they like to sit while they relax (next to a window, in a chair, etc.) ? 
Are there any special self care rituals your muse has?
Does your muse prefer to unwind by themself or with others?
Does your muse have any activities or hobbies they use to relax?
If your muse listened to lo-fi, what would the playlist be called?
If your muse had a video game console, what console would it be and what games would be on it?
What did your muse minor in when they went to college?
What kind of posters or pictures are in your muses’ bedroom?
Does your muse have any stickers on their water bottle or laptop?
What kind of books does your muse like to read?
If your muse could be in any franchise (that isn’t their own), what would they pick?
Does your muse put things in their water? If so, what do they put in there (fruits, ice, etc.)?
Does your muse have any roommates they’ve hated?
What kind of pins/keychains do they have on their backpack, lanyard, jacket, etc.?
If it’s hot, does your muse open a window or turn on the AC?
What was your muse’s second job?
What is your muse’s go to order from a coffee shop that isn’t coffee?
What kinds of videos on youtube or twitch would your muse watch?
What is your muse’s go to deli order?
Does your muse have any collections? What are they of?
Does your muse own any hats? What kind of hats?
If you had to make a Dungeons and Dragons version of your muse, what would their stats and class be?
How does your muse like their eggs?
What were your muse’s childhood friends like?
Does your muse have a favorite book from their childhood?
Does your muse journal, have a diary, bullet journal, etc.?
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theacemagician · 3 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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theacemagician · 3 years
Send me a ★ for an IC fact or send me a ☆ for an OOC fact.
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theacemagician · 3 years
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;; i commissioned some trucy icons from @/sayorsuki on twitter (who also edited my trucy sprites) !! look at my dottir 
[ don’t reblog ]
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theacemagician · 3 years
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;; i’m flying back to college tomorrow night, and then classes start up on monday, so my activity might be sporadic while i get used to classes again. i’ll still be around, but likely will queue replies.
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theacemagician · 3 years
Klavier doesn’t mind at all the bad pun she made. It even makes him laugh softly. Ah, how long has it been since he had a chance to talk to Trucy like this? He has always enjoyed her company and as tragic at it is that she is stuck in this place too, at the same time he also feels relieved that it is her of all people.
It has been half a year for me, Fräulein Trucy. I would never lie to you, you should know that.
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Aber, you know… I learned a thing or two about this place. Because when I arrived, I met Fräulein Cykes. She had been here for quite a while too. She told me that I was not the first Klavier Gavin to arrive.
So it seems that, despite you being Fräulein Trucy… it could be that we are not from the same place. That back home, your Prosecutor Gavin is still around.
It’s a sad thought, really, but the smile does not leave Klavier’s lips.
Fräulein Cykes has left too by now. I guess she went back home again. So not all hope is lost, ja? It could easily happen that you will find your way back home too.
Ah. Trucy does know that. Prosecutor Gavin is nice, and way more helpful than most prosecutors, so he wouldn’t lie to her, but right now she really wishes this was just a bad joke. 
“Huh? Thena was here?!” She listens to his explanation, frown deepening. There’s... different versions of them? Like some sci-fi movie? She wonders how chaotic it would be if there were multiple hers in one place and decides the chaos would break the space-time continuum or whatever fancy sci-fi terms the movies use. That would be funny. 
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“I hope daddy’s not too worried... I usually tell him before I disappear mysteriously,” she laughs, trying to cover up her worry with jokes. If Klavier doesn’t seem that worried, then she shouldn’t be either, right?
“Is anyone else from back home here?” Trucy already knows the answer, given the lack of familiar names in her contacts list, but she’s asking anyway. She’s glad Klavier is here, but, admittedly, she would feel better if her dad or Apollo were here too. And then she could also tease Klavier and Apollo. 
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theacemagician · 3 years
Most people are probably upstairs at the dance floor, but Trucy has found herself sticking to the cellar. She did dance earlier, and it was fun, but the cellar reminds her a bit of the Borscht Bowl Club where her dad had used to work (and where she used to help him win poker games). Given how often she’d been there, this is currently the place that most feels like home in the entire city.
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Standing near the dart board, she looks around for someone who doesn’t seem busy. “Hey, mister! Wanna play?” 
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theacemagician · 3 years
“Huh?” Trucy turns as the man reaches out to her, blinking in confusion for a moment before what he said registers with her.
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Oh, that’s not good. She’s perhaps not the best equipped person to handle this (really, she knows magic and law and that’s it), but she’s certainly not going to turn her back on him.
“Oh, um, it’ll be okay, mister! What happened? Uh, is it allergies?? Did you eat something you shouldn’t have?” She’s running through the possibilities here.
As soon as he’d slipped the blank mask on his face he felt ill. It was as though a fog had swept some part of himself from him, and all he could do was stumble about. 
Slamming his back against a wall he took deep breathes, trying to focus…focus….
But it was so crowded and the room seemed suffocating. He reached out for the nearest person. 
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“Please, young lady, I…..hard to….breathe…” 
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theacemagician · 3 years
“Yes—and yes!”
Grimm strikes a pose, so fabulous. Normally he’d hold out his nightmare torch all cool, but since he doesn’t have it he’s got to make do with his violin. The pixie crosses his arms while the moth starts his line of bragging.
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“I am the great Troupe Master Grimm, beloved of Spirale! Dancer, singer, musician, magician, fighter, acrobat! Bringer of wonder to lands of despair and king of the circus without compare! To win you a bauble is naught but a trifle to me, for my song shall surely fill all with glee!”
“How long have you been waiting to use that one? Oh, fine, since you’re so personable. Amuse me, and I’ll give the girl this toy. She can pick the song, I guess.”
“So it shall be! What sort of song would you like to hear?” Grimm asks Trucy.
Trucy has never been as excited as she is while listening to Grimm’s bragging. Well, okay, that’s a lie because she was really excited for her big magic show, and very little can top that, but she’s still amazed. It’s not like she’s gotten to meet many troupe leaders. Really, the only one she’s ever met was her grandfather. 
“You’re a magician?!”
She’s only met a few other magicians over the years too, and never a magician capable of doing all of that.
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She’s not as fabulous as Grimm, but that doesn’t stop her from striking her own pose, one hand on her hip and the other grabbing the brim of her hat. “I’m Trucy Wright, magician and CEO! It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. Troupe Master Grimm!”
“Oh, I get to pick? Yippee!” But what song to choose. She taps her lips as she thinks it over for a few seconds, before answering, “Do you know Friday by Rebecca Black?” I am so sorry for Trucy, Grimm.
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theacemagician · 3 years
Ah yes… I can assure you - the days won’t become any less weird just because you stay here for a little longer.
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I’ve been here for a few months now. Half a year maybe? It’s nice to see a familiar face, and I am even more happy that it is you, meine Liebe!
He had thought about it, in the past. About how people showed up and disappeared from here so easily. He knows that not only good people are brought here. Sometimes even the bad ones find their ways here.
He’s also aware that he should not be so glad to see Trucy. Because Trucy being here means that her father and Apollo are probably worried sick. But at least Klavier can make sure to protect her, to take care of her.
“Hehe, well, weird’s my middle name, so that’s al-wright,” she says, giggling at her own pun. Sorry, Klavier, but this is what you have to deal with by being her friend.
Her eyes widen minutely. Half a year? But then she frowns, hands on her hips as she looks up at Klavier. 
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“That’s not a funny joke. If you were missing for half a year, we would’ve noticed. How long have you really been here?” Sure, it’s constantly a mess at the agency with all the stuff they get drawn into (like everything with the kingdom of Khura’in) but they would’ve noticed if he was gone for that long. 
And maybe she doesn’t want to think about being stuck here for six months. Her dad must be freaking out after only a few days of her being gone, for her to be missing for months? Yeah, she’s refusing to think about how the agency would react to that.
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theacemagician · 3 years
the forged ace ;;
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in 4-1, trucy gives apollo a forged ace. phoenix later says he forged the ace and trucy simply delivered it. but my headcanon is that trucy forged the ace. why?
phoenix says the ace was a ‘naughty magician’s trick’ which sure is some weird wording if it was the ex-lawyer who forged the card.
we know that trucy would do anything to help her family, since in the next case she fakes her own kidnapping to delay the judge’s verdict.
there’s a theme throughout aa4 about family manipulating/using other family members, as shown with zak, misham, and kristoph. it would make more sense for phoenix to be the subversion of that theme than part of it. instead of having trucy deliver the ace, he’s simply taking the fall for it because he doesn’t want apollo to be upset with trucy, especially since he already knows they’re related.
also, seriously, having trucy deliver forged evidence is exactly what kristoph did and i refuse to believe phoenix would do the same.
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theacemagician · 3 years
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It really is you, Fräulein Wright!
This came as a surprise. A rather unexpected one.
How long have you been here? I didn’t have much time to follow the new arrivals, otherwise I would have reached out to you sooner of course! 
“Only a couple days!” A very weird couple of days. “What about you?”
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“Hehe, it’s okay, Prosecutor Gavin. I could’ve reached out to you, too, but when I saw your name, I thought it was some bad trick.” Especially since, as far as she can tell, no one else from back home is here. 
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theacemagician · 3 years
Trucy had seen the prosecutor’s name in her phone’s contact list, but she hadn’t really believed that till now.
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“Huh? Prosecutor Gavin?!”
I have been gone for a couple of days but it seems that a bunch of new people arrived…
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…I am not sure but… did I see Fräulein Trucy…? No… that must be a dream. That can’t be right.
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