theaceofcrow · 5 years
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Sigil of Emotional Control
To help you identify, understand, and prevent your emotions from overwhelming you and compelling you to take impulsive actions. 
Made using my personal cypher.
*commissions are open!* Custom sigils are currently 25 a piece. Please message me if interested :)
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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Sigil of Confidence 
Happy Beltane! 
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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A sigil to provide guidance in difficult times
Commissioned by with-amore-infinito
Sigil commissions are currently open for 25 dollars each, please message me if you’d like one :)
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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Sigil of Grounding
For grounding oneself in physical/tangible reality after having experiences outside of normal states of consciousness or periods of disassociation, as well as traditional grounding and centering. 
This is the counterpart/companion sigil to The Sigil of the Open Way
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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True Self, True Growth
A sigil to help one transform and improve oneself, while remaining true to oneself in the ways that matter most. 
Commission for nebulousghost
Currently accepting sigil commissions for $25 dollars each. Please message me if you’d like to request one :) 
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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I Know The Way 
A sigil to help one come to know and follow their truth path in life, especially in areas in which one is unsure or feeling lost.
Commission for proficientcynic
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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A sigil to help you recognize and realize your true potential.
Designed for The Crowned Crow
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
Acacia: Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity Allspice : Money, Luck, Healing Almond : Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Aloe : Protection, Luck Aloes, Wood : Love, Spirituality Althea : Protection, Psychic Powers Alyssum : Protection, Moderating Anger Amaranth : Healing Heartbreak, Protection, Invisibility, Anemone : Health, Protection, Healing Angelica : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions Anise : Protection, Purification, Youth Apple : Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Apricot : Love Arabic Gum : Spirituality, Purify Negativity and Evil Arbutus : Exorcism, Protection Asafoetida : Exorcism, Purification, Protection Ash : Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health Aspen : Eloquence, Anti-Theft Aster : Love Avens : Exorcism, Purification, Love Avocado : Love, Lust, Beauty Bachelor’s Buttons : Love Balm, Lemon : Love, Success, Healing Balm of Gilead : Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing Bamboo : Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes Banana : Fertility, Potency, Prosperity Banyan : Luck. Happiness Barley : Love, Healing, Protection Basil : Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection Bay : Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength Bean : Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliation, Potency, Love Bedstraw, Fragrant : Love Beech : Wishes Beet : love Belladonna : Astral Projection, Visions **TOXIC** Benzoin : Purification, Prosperity Bergamot, Orange : Money, Success Be-Still : Luck Betony, Wood : Protection, Purification, Love Birch : Protection, Exorcism, Purification and Cleansing Bistort : Psychic Powers, Fertility Bittersweet : Protection, Healing Blackberry : Healing, Money, Protection Bladderwrack : Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers Bleeding Heart : Love Bloodroot : Love, Protection, Purification Bluebell : Luck, Truth Blueberry : Protection Blue Flag : Money Bodhi : Fertility, Protection, Wisdom, Meditation Boneset : Protection, Exorcism Borage : Courage, Psychic Powers BrackenBrazil NutBriony : Image Magic, Money, Protection Bromeliad : Protection, Money Broom : Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination Buchu : Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams Buckthorn : Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters Cabbage : Luck Cactus : Protection, Chastity Calamus : Luck, Healing, Money, Protection Camellia -Riches Camphor : Chastity, Health, Divination Caper : Potency, Lust, Luck Carawy : Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-Theft, Mental Powers Cardamon : Lust, Love Carnation : Protection, Strength, Healing Carob : Protection, Health Carrot : Fertility, Lust Cascara Sagrada : Legal Matters, Money, Protection, Cashew : Money Castor : Protection Catnip : Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness Cat Tail : Lust Cedar : Healing, Purification, Money, Protection Celandine : Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters Celery : Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers Centaury : Snake Removing Chamomile : Money, Sleep, Love, Purification Cherry : Love, Divination Chestnut : Love Chickweed : Fertility, Love Chicory : Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, favors, Frigidity Chili pepper : Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love China Berry : Luck, Change Chrysanthemum : Protection Cinchona : Luck, Protection Cinnamon : Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust, Protection, Love Cinquefoil : Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep Cloth of Gold : Understand Animal Languages Clove : Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money Daffodil : Love, Fertility, Luck Daisy : Lust, Luck Damiana : Lust, Love, Visions Dandelion : Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits Datura : Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection Deerstongue : Lust, Psychic Powers Devils Bit : Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust Devils Shoestring : Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment Dill : Protection, Money, Lust, Luck Dittany of Crete : Manifestations, Astral Projection Dock : Healing, Fertility, Money Dodder : Love, Divination, Knot Magic Dogbane : Love Dogwood : Wishes, Protection Dragons Blood : Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency Dulse : Lust, Harmony Dutchmans Breeches : Love Ebony : Protection, Power Echinacea : Strengthening Spells Edelweiss : Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing Elder : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep Elecampane : Love, Protection, Psychic Powers Elm : Love Endive : Lust, Love Eryngo : Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love Eucalyptus : Healing, Protection Euphorbia : Purification, Protection Eyebright : Mental Powers, Psychic Power Fennel : Protection, Healing, Purification Fenugreek : Money Fern : Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism Feverfew : Protection Fig : Divination, Fertility, Love Figwort : Health, Protection Flax : Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing Fleabane : Exorcism, Protection, Chastity Foxglove : Protection Frankincense : Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality Fumitory : Money, Exorcism Fuzzy Weed : Love, Hunting Galangal : Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Psychic Powers, Hex-Breaking Gardenia : Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality Garlic : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft Gentian : Love, Power Geranium : Fertility, Health, Love, Protection Ginger : Love, Money, Success, Power Ginseng : Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust Goats Rue : Healing, Health Goldenrod : Money, Divination Golden Seal : Healing, Money Gorse : Protection, Money Gotu Kola : Meditation Gourd : Protection Grain : Protection Grains of Paradise : Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes Grape : Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money Grass : Psychic Powers, Protection Ground Ivy : Divination Groundsel : Health, Healing Hawthorn : Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness Hazel : Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes Heather : Protection, Rain Making, Luck Heliotrope : Exorcism, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisibility Hellebore, Black : Protection ****TOXIC*** Hemlock : Destroy Sexual Drive ***TOXIC*** Hemp : Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation Henbane : Love Attraction ***TOXIC*** Henna : Healing Hibiscus : Lust, Love, Divination Hickory : Legal Matters High John the Conqueror : Money, Love, Success, Happiness Holly : Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic, Balance Honesty : Money, Repelling Monsters Honeysuckle : Money, Psychic Powers, Protection Hops : Healing, Sleep Horehound : Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Horse Chestnut : Money, Healing Horseradish : Purification, Exorcism Horsetail : Snake Charming, Fertility Houndstongue : Tying Dog’s Tongues Houseleek : Luck, Protection, Love Huckleberry : Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking Hyacinth : Love, Protection, Happiness Hydrangea : Hex Breaking Hyssop : Purification, Protection Indian Paint Brush : Love Iris : Purification, Wisdom Irish Moss : Money, Luck, Protection Ivy : Protection, Healing Jasmine : Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams Jobs Tears : Healing, Wishes, Luck Joe-Pye Weed : Love, Respect Juniper : Protection, Anti-Theft, Love, Exorcism, Health Kava-Kave : Visions, Protection, Luck Knotweed : Binding, Health Lady’s mantle : Love Lady’s slipper : Protection Larch : Protection, Anti-Theft Larkspur : Health, Protection Lavender : Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace Leek : Love, Protection, Exorcism Lemon : Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship Lemongrass : Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic Powers Lemon Verbena : Purification, Love Lettuce : Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep Licorice : Love, Lust, Fidelity Life Everlasting : Longevity, Health, Healing Lilac : Exorcism, Protection, Beauty Lily : Protection, Breaking Love spells Lily of the Valley : Mental Powers, Happiness Lime : Healing, Love, Protection Linden : Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep Liquidamber : Protection Liverwort : Protection Liverwort : Love Looestrife : Peace, Protection Lotus : Protection, Lock-Opening Lovage : Love Love Seed : Love, Friendship Lucky Hand : Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel Mace : Psychic Powers, Mental Powers Maguey : Lust Magnolia : Fidelity Mahogany, Mountain : Anti-Lightning Maidenhair : Beauty, Love Male Fern : Luck, Love Mallow : Love, Protection, Exorcism Mandrake : Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health Maple : Love, Longevity, Money Marigold : Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Business and Legal Matters, Psychic Powers Marjoram : Protection, Love, Happiness, Health, Money, Healing Master Wort : Strength, Courage, Protection Mastic : Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust May Apple : Money Meadow Rue : Divination Meadowsweet : Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness Mesquite : Healing Mimosa : Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification Mint : Money, Love, Luck, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection Mistletoe : Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism Molukka : Protection Moonwort : Money, Love Moss : Luck, Money Mugwort : Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection Mulberry : Protection, Strength Mullein : Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism Mustard : Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers Myrrh : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality Myrtle : Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money Nettle : Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust Norfolk Island Pine : Protection, anti hunger Nuts : Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck Oak : Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck Oats : Money Olive : Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust Onion : Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust Orange : Love, Divination, Luck, Money Orchid : Love Oregon Grape : Money, Prosperity Orris Root : Love, Protection, Divination Palm, Date : Fertility, Potency Pansy : Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination Papaya : Love, Protection Papyrus : Protection Parosela : Hunting Parsley : Love, Protection, Purification Passion Flower : Peace, Sleep, Friendship Patchouly : Money, Fertility, Lust Pea : Money, Love Peach : Love, Exorcism, Longevity, Fertility, Wishes Pear : Lust, Love Pecan : Money, Employment Pennyroyal : Strength, Protection, Peace Peony : Protection, Exorcism Pepper : Protection, Exorcism Peppermint : Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers Pepper Tree : Purification, Healing, Protection Periwinkle : Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection Persimmon : Changing Sex, Healing, Luck Plot Weed : Protection Pimento : Love Pimpernel : Protection, Health Pine : Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money Pineapple : Luck, Money, Chastity Pipsissewa : Money, Spirit Calling Quassia : Love Quince : Protection, Love, Happiness Radish : Protection, Lust Ragweed : Courage Ragwort : Protection Raspberry : Protection, Love Rattlesnake Root : Protection, Money Rhubarb : Protection, Fidelity Rice : Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money Roots : Protection, Power, Divination Rose : Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection Rosemary : Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth Rowan : Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Power, Success Rue : Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love Rye : Love, Fidelity Saffron : Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers. Sage : Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes Sagebrush : Purification, Exorcism St.Johns Wort : Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, Happiness Sandalwood : Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality Sarsaparilla : Love, Money Sassafras : Health, Money Savory, Summer : Mental Powers Scullcap : Love, Fidelity, Peace Senna : Love Sesame : Money. Lust Shallot : Purification Skunk Cabbage : Legal Matters Slippery Elm : Halts Gossip Sloe : Exorcism, Protection Snakeroot : Luck Money Snakeroot/black : Love, Lust, Money Snapdragon : Protection Solomons Seal : Protection, Exorcism Sorrel Wood : Healing, Health Southern Wood : Love, Lust, Protection Spanish Moss : Protection Spearmint : Healing, Love, Mental Powers SpiderWort : Love Spikenard : Love Squill : Money, Protection, Hex Breaking Star, Anise : Psychic Powers, Luck Stillengia : Psychic Powers Straw : Luck, Image Magic Strawberry : Love, Luck Sugar Cane : Love, Lust Sumbul : Love, Luck, Health, Psychic Powers Sunflower : Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom Sweetgrass : Calling Spirits Tamarind : Love Tamarisk : Exorcism, Protection Tansy : Health, Longevity Tea : Riches, Courage, Strength Thistle : Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing Thistle, Holy : Purification, Hex Breaking Thistle, Milk : Snake Enraging Thyme : Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage Toadflax : Protection, Hex Breaking Toadstool : Rain Making Tobacco : Healing, Purification Turmeric : Purification Turnip : Protection, Ending Relationships Urva Ursa : Psychic Workings Valerian : Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection Vanilla : Love, Lust, Mental Powers Venus Flytrap : Protection, Love Vervain : Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing Vetch, Giant : Fidelity Vetivert : Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft Violet : Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing Wahoo : Hex-breaking, Courage, Success Walnut : Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes Wax Plant : Protection Wheat : Fertility, Money Willow : Love, Divination, Protection, Healing Wintergreen : Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking Winters Bark : Success Witch Grass : Happiness, Lust, love, Exorcism Witch Hazel : Protection, Chastity Wolfs Bane : Protection, Invisibility Wood Rose : Luck Woodruff : Victory, Protection, Money Wormwood : Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits Yarrow : Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism Yellow Evening Primrose : Hunting Yerba Mate : Fidelity, Love, Lust Yerba Santa : Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection Yew : Raising the Dead Yohimbe : Love, Lust Yucca : Transmutation, Protection, Purification
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
PENTACLES - material, physical, sensual, ordinary, money, domestic
PAGE | new opportunity, desire, material venture, enthusiasm ®* | enthusiasm tapered off, daydreaming instead of action KNIGHT | hard worker, extreme efficiency, not giving up ® | work without reward, not seeing the big picture QUEEN | domestically talented woman, provides material comfort ® | imbalance of work and home life KING | abundance, security, financial success ® | greed, temptation, infinite desire for more things ACE | new opportunity for material gain, prosperity ® | lost opportunity, blocked path II | balance, adapting to quick change, priorities ® | loss of balance, overwhelmed, disorganized III | teamwork, collaborative building, swift progress ® | lack of teamwork, group conflict, self-interest IV | frugality, conservation of accumulated wealth ® | stingy, possessive, miserly, hoarding V | need, poverty, desperation, but help is available ® | recovering from poverty, seeing chances you can use VI | charity, generosity, sharing, earning good karma ® | unwillingness to help those in need, selfish, stingy VII | perseverance, almost ready to harvest rewards, a little more work left ® | work without adequate rewards, frustration, distraction VIII | time to buckle down and study, achieve new skills ® | lack of focus, ambition, or motivation IX | fruits of labor, rewards, luxury, satisfaction and peace ® | mistakes that have set you back X | legacy, culmination of life’s journeys and work ® | failure, lack of stability and riches, not much to show
*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
SWORDS - intellect, mind, thoughts, academia, communication
PAGE | mental energy, curiosity, new mental adventure ®* | overenthusiasm leading to rushed/poor planning KNIGHT | ambition, action, the power of an idea ® | no direction, unpredictability, scattered energy QUEEN | sharp-witted woman, complex, independent ® | cruel, single-minded focus, cold-hearted, clever KING | power, wielding truth as authority, calm intellect ® | manipulative, using intelligence for selfish aims ACE | potential for immense power and success ® | using incredible power for evil, brutality, chaos II | stalemate, crossroads, no clear choice ® | lesser of two evils, both choices end in suffering III | suffering and heartbreak from loneliness and betrayal ® | recovery, forgiveness, moving on IV | rest, contemplation, pause to look within ® | pushing too hard without taking a pause to reflect; burning out V | victory at all cost, stepping on toes ® | exhaustion, ready for a conflict to end VI | journey far from home, initiated by past sorrows; leaving a painful place ® | difficulty leaving behind emotional baggage and pain VII | pressure to be dishonest/deceptive to succeed in your ambition ® | desire to reform, become honest, turn a new leaf VIII | feeling helpless, self-victimizing thoughts ® | recognizing your self-victimizing beliefs are holding you back IX | anxiety, negative thoughts, nightmares ® | overreacting, spiraling into negativity, illogical X | betrayal, defeat; unavoidable, swift disaster ® | revival, understanding that this suffering helps you grow
*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
CUPS - feelings, emotion, subconscious, love, compassion
PAGE | happy surprise, inner child, intuition ®* | immaturity, escapism, leaving reality for fantasy KNIGHT | romance, adventurism, an invitation ® | moodiness, someone who is too charming, heated emotion/temper QUEEN | nurturing, compassionate, comforting, kind ® | cold, compassion run dry, over-reliance on her kindness KING |  control over emotions, diplomatic, compassionate ® | manipulative, a master of emotions with selfish intentions ACE | new love, overflowing feelings, beginning of emotional fulfillment ® | wasted emotions, blocked creative potential II | unity, partnership, sex, intermingling ® | imbalance, tension, broken communication III | friendship, merriment, community, social pleasure ® | herd mentality, conformity, lack of independence IV | dissatisfaction with life, apathy, ignoring potential joys ® | taking something for granted, aloofness, boredom V | loss, but something remains to be salvaged ® | acceptance, moving on from dark times, healing VI |  nostalgia, happy memories, sentimental ® | clinging to the past, resisting change & growth VII | many choices, some offer riches, others offer disaster ® | temptation can draw you to ruin VIII |  abandoning something, disillusionment, leaving behind ® | fear of the unknown, inability to leave a bad situation IX | comfort, luxury, self-satisfaction, smugness ® | greed, dissatisfaction, wanting more X | happiness, fulfillment, contentment ® | shattered dreams, false success, bad relationships
*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
WANDS - creation, action, desire, strength, primal
PAGE | new project, excitement, inspiration ®* | enthusiasm with lack of planning & direction KNIGHT | man of action, passionate pursuit of a vision ® | anger, impulsiveness, recklessness QUEEN | confident, determined, fiery, joyful, leader ® | jealous, selfish, demanding, angry KING | leader, visionary, driven, passionate, mature ® | unachievable expectations, overbearing, domineering ACE | burning fire of intention, desire & passion, creation ® | lack of energy & passion, boredom II | planning, moving forward, direction ® | disorganization, bad planning III | rapid growth, expansion, establishing strength ® | obstacles, delays, frustration IV | community, homecoming, celebration of hard work ® | tension, discord, & instability in home/family V | competition, battle between rivals, playfighting ® | avoiding a potentially beneficial conflict VI | success, victory, accolades & honors ® | self-doubt, lack of recognition, punishment VII | defensive, maintaining control over victory ® | feeling overwhelmed, yielding, giving up VIII | rapid action, motion, things manifesting quickly ® | delays, waiting, slowing down IX | resilience, pushing forward, home stretch ® | exhaustion, burnout, close to goal but fatigued X | responsibility, burden, accomplishment ® | inability to delegate, lack of priorities
*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
0. THE FOOL | blank slate, beginning, innocence ®* | reckless, negligence, unaware of consequences 1. THE MAGICIAN | willpower, manifestation of desires ® | trickery, illusions, lies, out of touch w/ truth 2. THE HIGH PRIESTESS | intuition, inner voice ® | repressed/unheard inner voice 3. THE EMPRESS | mother figure, nurture, earth/nature ® | smothering, dependence, needing to let go 4. THE EMPEROR | authority, structure, control, father figure ® | tyranny, too much control 5. THE HIEROPHANT | tradition, conformity, morality ® | rebellion, subversiveness, divergence 6. THE LOVERS | union, duality, choice, harmony ® | disharmony, loss of balance 7. THE CHARIOT | self-control & willpower leading to victory ® | loss of control, lack of direction 8. STRENGTH | bravery, inner understanding that radiates power ® | self-doubt, insecurity, weakness 9. THE HERMIT | solitude, contemplation, seeking inner truth ® | loneliness, isolation, disconnect w/ fellow humans 10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE | change, cycles, inevitability ® | bad luck, helplessness, series of bad events 11. JUSTICE | cause & effect, karmic retribution ® | unpunished misbehavior, unfair, turning a blind eye 12. THE HANGED MAN | willing sacrifice, release of control ® | stalling, needless sacrifice, waiting to no avail 13. DEATH | end, cyclical closure, metamorphosis ® | fear of change, stagnation, limbo, holding on 14. TEMPERANCE | moderation, balance, middle path ® | extremes, excess, lack of balance 15. THE DEVIL | materialism, destructive patterns, excess ® | freedom, release, restoring control 16. THE TOWER | sudden disaster, upheaval, collapse ® | delaying inevitable disaster, avoiding suffering that could lead to growth 17. THE STAR | hope, faith, guidance ® | faithlessness, lack of guidance, negative thoughts 18. THE MOON | unconscious, intuition, illusions, dreams ® | confusion, misinterpretation 19. THE SUN | success, clarity, positivity, conscious ® | negativity, depression, sadness, pessimism 20. JUDGEMENT | reckoning, honest evaluation of oneself ® | lack of self-awareness, self-loathing 21. THE WORLD | completion, wholeness, fulfillment ® | incompletion, no closure, nearing end of journey but something is missing
*® = reverse card meaning*® = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
32K notes · View notes
theaceofcrow · 5 years
Anti-Anxiety Pouch
• Amethyst • Rose Quartz • Aquamarine • Dried Lavendar • Petunia Seeds
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theaceofcrow · 5 years
Tarot cheat sheet
Major Arcana
The Fool-Beginnings, Risks The Magician- Actions, manifestations The High Priestess- Hidden knowledge, Secrets The Empress- Resources, Abundance The Emperor- Boundaries, Order The Heirophant- Education, Lessons, Unity The Lovers- Love, decisions The Chariot- Progress, determination Strength- Managing situations, endurance The Hermit- Searching, analysis The Wheel of Fortune- Fate, Luck Justice- Decisions, Balance The Hanged Man- Waiting, sacrifice Death- Transformation, Rebirth Temperance- Negotiation, common ground The Devil-Restrictions, Indulgence The Tower-Unexpected failure, breakdowns The Star- Hope and guidance The Moon- Anxiety and deep emotions The Sun- Growth, Recovery Judgement- The past, second chances The World- Success, completion
Minor Arcana
Cups- Water Element, “I feel”- How emotions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Love, Beginnings Two- Partnerships Three- Celebration Four- Boredom, longing Five- Loss, sadness Six- Peace, reconciliation Seven- confusion, possibilities Eight- Departure, leaving behind Nine- A wish coming true, contentment Ten- Happiness, family Page- Opportunities, Chances Knights- Emotional and dreamy influence Queen- Intelligent and intuitive influence King- Charismatic and Wise influence
Pentacles- Earth Element, “I have”- How possessions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Money, success, beginnings Two- Decisions, balancing finances Three- Showing talents, chances Four- Stability, hiding Five- Financial loss, chasing Six- Generosity, supporting Seven- Potential with work Eight- Money coming, building success Nine- Comfort, success Ten- Inheritance, something lost Page- An offer Knight- A dependable influence Queen- A genorous influence King- A prosperous influence
Swords- Air Element, “I think”- How thoughts rule over and work within the  meanings of the cards.
Ace-  Success Two- Stalemate Three- Heartbreak Four- Rest, overwhelmed Five- Conflict Six- Leaving conflict behind Seven- Theft of positivity Eight- Restriction Nine- Anxiety Ten- Endings Page- Intelligence, alertness Knight- A opposing influence Queen- An independent influence King- A strong willed influence
Wands- Fire Element, “I desire”- How desires rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- News, beginnings, fertility Two- Making plans Three- Travel Four- Freedom, rest Five- Stong opinions, fights Six- Victory Seven- Work, effort Eight- News, attack Nine- Stress, suspicion, strength Ten- Burdened, work Page- A message, understanding Knight- A motivational influence Queen- A creative influence King- An expressive influence
50K notes · View notes
theaceofcrow · 5 years
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Anxiety, You’re Getting The Ax Tarot Spread.
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