theachvdwick · 4 years
hi friends ! i’m farah nd i’m coming at u live frm the pst timezone to bring u one of my favorite characters, ms. thea chadwick. i realized i accidentally deleted her intro a while back, so i had to quickly rewrite it from memory so i hope it makes sense ! like this post or send me an im, if you want to plot. rlly excited to be here !!
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💀  * [ kristine froseth + cis female + she/her ] —— have you met thea chadwick? they are a twenty year old sophomore currently studying art history. they live on decker house, and word around campus is that this gemini is lively + daring, as well as secretive + naive. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. lipstick stained cigarettes. meeting eyes with your crush across the room. vivid dreams that make you question reality.
thea grew up on a ranch in montecito, ca. both of her parents were from old money on the east coast. they knew each other when they were kids, dated in high school, and decided to elope and move to the west coast to escape their families. since they both collected trust funds, neither of them have ever worked. they really just had “hobbies” per say. they also weren’t the most mentally stable people and shouldn’t have had children, but of course went ahead and had four of them.
out of the four kids, thea is the only girl. she has two other brothers and one younger. it’s safe to say the chadwick kids had a far from normal upbringing. because their father was a bit of a recluse, they essentially grew up very isolated with little to no contact with the outside world. they were homeschooled with an extremely rigorous curriculum, and as their father’s mental illness got worse and worse he continued to basically control every aspect of their lives. as a result, thea there’s a lot that thea doesn’t know about the world. for example, she wouldn’t have a lot of the same common experiences of other kids growing up, because she grew up so isolated from everyone else. her father also drilled a sort-of superiority complex into his children. always telling them that they were these gifted child prodigies who were better than regular kids. while thea didn’t pay much attention this, it was still there.
the thing about thea, though, was that she’s always had a very defiant spirit. she was always a troublemaker in her father’s eyes. she didn’t exactly know any different from the life she grew up in, but she knew there had be something else out there from the stories she’s read in books. this led to quite a few running away attempts on her behalf. the most famous being when he coerced her young brother teddy to run away with her to go live in the metropolitan museum of art in new york like in the book from the mixed up files of mrs. basil e. frankweiler. while they did make it on the bus, it was only a matter of time before one of their housekeepers caught up with them and dragged them back to the ranch.
over time, she realized she had to conform to the rules her father set forth, and this rebellious streak went dormant for a while. his punishments became too much for her, and she hated being sent off to this psychologist to be evaluated or put on this medication that made her feel numb and disoriented. so she did what she had to do to survive, and decided it was better to go along with things and keep up a happy face than to try her hand at making waves. it became easier to daydream the day away or live vicariously through the stories she wrote in a leather-bound journal she kept hidden under her mattress. ever since, she’s always been a bit out of touch with reality. or so it seems. she has a sharper eye than what she lets on and always knows what’s really going on, but she’s extremely good at pretending like she doesn’t know what’s going on and that everything is wonderful. it’s like she lives in her own imaginary world, but this has always been easier for her and essentially her main defense mechanism. which can be harder for some to grasp, because at a certain point it seems like she’s never being real.
however, there have been a few times where’s she’s dropped the act. the first was when she was sixteen and she caught her father cheating with another woman. it was by pure accident that she walked into her father’s study that afternoon but as soon as she locked eyes with her father, she knew she’d made a grave mistake. part of her knew she should’ve just acted like she’d forgotten it’d never happened, but the other part of her was so angry about it. it led to a major fight with her father and she was very vocal about how she was going to tell her mother, which led to her father getting a doctor to try and drug her to make her forget. she didn’t forget, but she acted like she did.
the second was when she was eighteen and her brother teddy died. teddy was thea’s younger and favorite brother. they were extremely close and he was her best friend. what happened was that teddy and thea’s father got into a terrible argument, teddy left to go sailing on the family’s boat to let off some steam despite bad weather conditions, and he died in a sailing accident due to the storm. this was just the most devastating thing for her to ever experience, because she couldn’t imagine a life without her brother. and deep down, she knew her father was behind it because without the argument, she knows he wouldn’t have tried to sail that day. at this point, she went a bit off the rails. she was acting out, not eating, chain smoking, and her father just couldn’t control her anymore. when an aunt of her that she’d never met died and left her money because she’d never had kids of her own, thea told her father she was running away to new york to become a model, and that there was nothing he could do about it. of course, he wasn’t going to let that happen. but when she threatened to bring up the cheating incident to her mother, they settled on college. it was not easy to get him to agree to it, but she was becoming to much of a problem for even him to handle. thankfully, for her family’s name and for her father kept extremely detailed reports of his children’s homeschooling, and she was accepted holloway. it’s the most free she’s ever felt, and it’s like she’s fallen in love with life and the world for the first time.
personality wise?? she’s extremely social and outgoing. can get along with anyone but as a mentioned earlier, she kind of lives in her own little world and always appears to happy so this might get on some people’s nerves. she’s extremely romantic and has probably had a ton of flings. isn’t the best at being committed and is always falling in love with someone new, so may have cheated on people or have broken up with them because she can’t exactly be in a real relationship when it’s hard for her to be real. there’s definitely a lot going on in her head and she rocks a ton of secrets, some may be in-tune to this while others won’t be. doesn’t talk too much about her family, but may let some things slip. she rarely visits home and may be seen hiding tears when she’s forced to talk to her father on the phone if she needs money and has to check in with him.
WANTED PLOTS: exes, flings, someone who’s in love with her, unrequited crushes, friends, enemies, someone who sees beyond her whole facade, someone who knew her family growing up in some capacity...i will add to this, but i’m honestly open to almost anything!
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— Anaïs Nin, from a diary entry featured in Linotte: The Early Diary Of   Anaïs Nin (1914-1920)
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Kristine Froseth for L’Officiel.
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