What am I doing with my life?
I know I created this Tumblr in hopes of it being about my journey to become a midwife, but plans change....
I have just graduated college (super proud of myself), and now I am getting a good dose of reality.  Before it was about living the day to day, following my heart more than what is possible with what I already have.  I have just recently obtained a job where I am now making enough to stay afloat, but it is not a career.
I am in need of benefits because I have Crohn’s disease and take a rather expensive medication. Once I get off my parents health insurance...I am f$%^ed.  I am finally an adult, finally independent.  Emotionally, I am extremely thrilled!  I have needed this for a while now.  I had suffered horrible depression through feeling controlled most of my life.  Those who did the controlling don’t realize it and meant well, but they don’t realize the impact that it had on my emotional state.  Now that I am “free” and an “adult.”  It is my turn to travel my own path; to do what I am meant to do.  
Through some thought, I came up with a responsible/practical option.  I think I would like to become an Occupational Therapist (OT).  This is my mother’s career, and a career I always avoided due to my mother and I not having a very good relationship.  With some research, I realized that this could be potentially something that I could do well in.
-I have always wanted a career where I help people
-It’s a creative career
-There are many options as to who I can work with/where I can work
-It’s a growing field/needed field
-I have my bachelor of science, and would only need two years to obtain my masters in OT.
All in all, seems pretty good, eh?
The cons:
Yeah....That’s really it.....BUT, I can take out a loan, and pay it off. My income after I graduate would definitely be way better than where I am now.  I honestly think it may be worth the investment.  I’m honestly not sure though.  
This is probably the most stressful time in my life, but also the most exciting.  I am not sure what I want to do quite yet, but I want to be smart about it.  As far as my life is concerned, I have the best friends that a girl could ask for.This is a first for me.  On top of that, I have an incredible boyfriend.  Life couldn’t be better, yet more stressful all at the same time.  I’ll keep you updated.
-D <3
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Why I want to do it for a living <3
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My First Post
Hello all, my name is Dana, and I am a 23-year-old who is graduating collage shortly with a BS in Adolescent Education and a concentration Social Studies (exciting, yet scary!).  During my sophomore year of college I realized I didn’t want to be a teacher.  I respect teachers and really admire the hard work that they put into their profession, but I realized it wasn’t for me.  Like anyone experiencing inner conflict with their career choice, I realized that it was time to get back to the drawing board (after some self defeating monologue, eating my feelings, crying, and laughing out of insanity).  I realized soon after that no matter what, I always want to enter a profession where I am helping people.
When I was younger, there was so much that I wanted to do, but they all related to health professions. I would often say that I wanted to be a psychiatrist, but once I entered the 10th grade, I really wanted to be an obstetrician.  This idea came to mind while I was taking a child development course that my high school had as an elective.  I was fascinated by all the changes in a woman’s body during those 9 months, and could only think of how amazing it would be to contribute to such a special time in someone’s life.  I wanted to make it a special experience of these women, and not so cold and impersonal (as the videos I have watched illustrate).  As cliche as it sounds, birth truly is a miracle, and something that should be celebrated as such.  I would watch videos of births and still do, for fun.  Every time I find myself crying.  Not because I see it as something so gross or so painful, but something so natural and beautiful!  That is a little human!  That little baby is going to become something, has unlimited potential (yes I am crying this while writing this being i’m a weenie).  
 I never really told anyone until my sophomore year of college that I wanted to do this because I thought I wasn’t smart enough.  Now I realize that I am a very motivated individual, who succeeds best when they do what their heart desires.  Yeah there is a lot of math and science involved, but I know I could do it since I am so passionate about it.  I shouldn’t have been so down on myself before, but I had other priorities, and had yet to have matured mentally and emotionally.
Today, I created this blog because I want to always keep my dreams in one place.  They may be big, but I want to document my journey.  I am going to use this blog to write about my goals, concerns, wins, defeats, and all that’s in between.  I hope that this blog could help inspire someone to pursue their dreams as well.  Well, back to the dreaming board! (see what I did there?)
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
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